Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2854 The sky is clear!

With the bitter south wind, Jiangnan can reach a terrifying army by himself!

All kinds of big moves frantically poured on Xun Zu's body, smashing down violently!

The Ancestor Machine and Vientiane were secretly startled. If this special meow didn't have a small world to cover it, it would be two things to say whether it could beat Jiangnan, right?

But Xunzu is not easy to deal with!

Even if it is blown and bombed by the cold south wind from the south of the Yangtze River, the protection formed by the light and shadow of the world is still solid!

After all, Jiangnan's blazing attack could not cause any harm to the world realm!

After all, no matter how strong Jiangnan is, it has not risen to the level of rules!

But it was enough to put pressure on Xun Zu!

Vientiane and Ancestor Machine are the main attackers, and it is enough for Jiangnan to play as a support!

But the momentum of this support is not ordinary!

Xun Zu was so annoyed that whenever he had the opportunity, he would hold the sword of the world and fight wildly in the cold south wind!

The blazing sword light even cut out the area shrouded by the south wind!

Break out huge gaps in the endless south wind!

But the gap quickly recovered!

The wind is invisible, how can it be so easily wiped out? It's like drawing a knife to cut off the water and make it flow!

The eternal gale has been blowing for 2.2 billion years, and the south wind in the south of the Yangtze River is no different!

In the endless space storm, there are not only countless two-dimensional mirrors floating, but even black holes produced in the star-swallowing assembly line!

Feng Zhiying from Jiangnan grabbed one and threw it towards Xunzu's location like throwing a baseball!

His arms turned into phantoms!

Well done Star Behemoth: Black Hole!

It's the sight of being used as a throwing weapon by Jiangnan!

Xun Zu was bored!

(?6?5°?5?4依°?5?5) "When I finish the funeral, you will be the first one to kill!"

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (¬┏?6?8┓¬〃) "Cut~ You can talk about it after you get it done!"

"Maybe before that, I will get you done!"

"Don't worry! It's more than that!"

If you keep fighting like this, you won't be able to do any damage. Jiang Nan doesn't have the patience to keep grinding like this!

And the changes in the Eternal Heart are far more than that!

I saw Jiangnan spread his arms and pulled back violently with his big hand!

The bitter south wind covering the entire battlefield began to retract and spin, forming a super-giant glazed tornado!

And within the tornado, countless shadows of wind emerged!

The center of the storm is Xun Zu!

The eternal heartbeat is louder than ever!

Jiangnan's big hand aimed at Xunzu's direction, and pressed down mercilessly!

"A clear sky!"

For a moment, all the shadows of the wind lingering in the tornado disappeared, turning into the power of the wind, and the brilliance of colored glaze was extremely bright!

And the tornado also exploded instantly at this moment, forming a wind beam and flying in all directions!

In the place swept by the wind beam, all the matter, energy, and life carried in the space are all turned into nothingness!

The space returned to the initial stage, as if it had been initialized!

The starry sky that had just been shrouded by the bitter south wind, after the storm disappeared, was completely clean, not a single drop remained!

After the storm, the sky is naturally clear!

This move was also inherited from Lin Qing!

And Xun Zu in the center naturally withstood the fiercest blow from the clear sky!


There was even a great annihilating power in the wind beam, and the Xunzu Eternal God's body that was impacted flickered!

Xun Zu stared, his face turned red from holding back, and he didn't slow down immediately!

Wanxiang stared: "It's now!"

"Vientiane Prison!"

The bright light of the world bloomed from its fist, and it smashed down towards Xun Zu!

Xun Zu raised his hand to carry it hard!

But the arm of the eternal god body was directly smashed, the power of the rules collapsed, and half of the body was shattered!

Mouth huh huh~

And how could the ancestor machine miss such an excellent opportunity!

"Chaos thermonuclear? 6? 1 the beginning of the world!"

The ultimate light of the world mixed with the power of rules rushes out of that heat core, simulating a singularity and a big bang!

It hit the eternal remnant body fiercely!

The remaining half of the body was also smashed to pieces!

Xun Zu was suddenly caught in the middle by the light and shadow of the world on both sides, with men on the left and right, and he was about to be crushed!

(?6?5?0?3?0?7yi?0?7?0?3?6?5) "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

At this moment, Xun Zu's aura suddenly soared, and the power of rules exploded like the sea!

He raised his hand and slapped it directly on the ancestor machine!

Under the scouring of the power of the rules, the light and shadow of the world was shot, half of the body of the ancestor machine disappeared, and the body retreated wildly. The heat core on the chest dimmed for a while, and almost went out!

But Xun Zu strengthened his will, and the power of the rules turned into a sword, and he slashed towards Vientiane with one sword!

Vientiane's body made of starlight was directly cut into pieces, and this sword even slashed on the small world of thousands of stars and Vientiane!

The boundary wall was torn apart on the spot, and thousands of stars in the City of Thousand Stars were wiped out!

Xunzu stared, turned his head to chase after Wanxiang, and made another sword!

But the black mist on his body rose violently, his body collapsed crazily, and the eternal world also rumbled!

There are more and more cracked pitch-black abysses, and the burials of gods are rampant, and the chaos among them seems to collapse at any time!

Xun Zuqi roared up to the sky, and returned to the eternal world with a flicker, trying his best to maintain the eternal world!

The burial of the gods calmed down a little, but the situation is still not optimistic!

Vientiane quickly took the opportunity to condense the starlight body, wrap the world of thousands of stars and Vientiane, repair the boundary wall, and re-condense the planets in the world!

His complexion is a bit ugly!

And the half of the ancestor machine's body gradually recovered under the crimson light!

Xun Zu directly hid in the eternal world and could not come out!

The scene fell into a stalemate for a while!

Jiangnan's eternal glazed body re-condensed, and he smacked his lips watching this scene!

The bottom line of Xun Zu's strength has been tested!

The power that this guy can use now should only be equivalent to a fake universe, and the rest of the power should be reserved for suppressing the burial of the gods!

But if he is in a hurry, he can also use his strength regardless of the consequences. This strength is so strong that he can suppress the pseudo-Huanyu with one hand!

If Xunzu could have used a few more tricks just now, Wanxiang might lose his life!

But Xunzu can't, unless he doesn't want the eternal world anymore!

So the current situation has fallen into a deadlock!

Although Xunzu was tortured by the shackles of the burial of the gods, and his strength was lost, he was still able to fight!

The strength is equivalent to that of the false universe, and it is still the top of the starry sky!

Relying on these people, if you want to win Xun Zu, I'm afraid it will be useless!

It belongs to the situation where no one can do anything to anyone and can't take advantage of it!

As soon as Xun Zu raised his hand, he directly pulled the six swallowing stars into the eternal world to protect them!

There wasn't much left in the first place, and if it died a bit, it would be gone!

Xun Zu looked at everyone present with ferocious eyes!

(?6?5°?5?4依°?5?5) "If you want to fight! I can always fight with you like this, but you will never get what you want, let alone think that you can get rid of me like this!"

"Even if the eternal world is poisoned by the burial of the gods, it is still not something you fakes can shake!"

"As for the issue of the divine burial, as long as you give me time, I will completely refine it sooner or later, and completely restore the eternal world!"

"At that time, the completeness of my eternal world will reach an unprecedented level, and even surpass Qingqi, and turn into a complete universe!"

Now, Jiangnan and the others have an ugly expression!

You know, the burial of the gods is indeed powerful and full of hatred, but it also contains unimaginable world power!

It is a cancer, but also a nutrient!

The eternal world has invaded the old land of the burial of the gods and merged with the great ruins of the creation world. If the burial of the gods is completely refined!

Surpassing Qingqi is almost a sure thing!

Jiang Nan's eyes turned to Wang Youzhi, and he whispered quietly:

(?1?7)¬┏3┓¬) "The burial has invaded the origin of the world, can it still be refined?"

Wang Youzhi grinned: "Yes! No matter how powerful the old god burial is, this eternal world is also Xunzu's world, and he created it all by himself!"

"On the whole, the power of his rules is stronger than that of the divine burial. After a little bit of obliteration and refinement, one day the divine burial will be refined and eliminated!"

"It may be very difficult at the beginning, but as the number of divine burials gets fewer and fewer, Xunzu will be able to use more and more powers of rules, and the speed of refining will become faster and faster. Xunzu's The strength will also increase!"

"The shackles... cannot lock a ferocious beast after all!"

Sooner or later, Xun Zu will break free from this shackle and rule the world again!

At that time, who else can stop the complete world realm?

Jiang Fan shrugged, not surprised by this result!

"At the end of the day... it's just a temporary survival strategy. It's good to be able to play such a role, at least to gain time to breathe!"

The result has not been changed, there is still a knife hanging above everyone's head!

It's just that the knife is entangled in the chain, and it can't be chopped off for the time being!

Once the chain is cut off by the blade, the blade will no longer be restrained. Under the blade, it is a man-made knife and I am a fish...

Jiang Nan couldn't help but have bad luck on his face!

This Xun Zu is really not ordinary difficult to deal with!

His eyes couldn't help falling on Jiang Fan!

But it's not that there is no chance, as long as Xunzu breaks free from the chains, he can fish out Jiang Fan's main body!

In this way, Xunzu's knife hanging over everyone's heads is likely to be broken by Jiang Fan's wave!

The avatar of will is already so strong, Jiang Nan can't imagine what level Jiang Fan's subject is!

How mighty he will be when he reveals all his stars!

Absolutely not weaker than Huanyu!

I saw Xun Zu looking at everyone with cold eyes!

"Wash the deity's neck and wait. The day when I break free from the shackles will not be too far away!"

Both Vientiane and the Ancestor Machine were silent, any harsh words at this time would be powerless!

They can't do anything about Xun Zu. If this guy stays in the eternal world and can't come out, everyone can't even break the boundary wall, let alone destroy the eternal world!

The strength is still not enough?

Jiang Fan said coldly:

(°┏~┓°〃) "Hmph~ Before that, people will beat you to death~ Fanfan, I~ I will do what I say!"

"It's nothing more than Xun Zu~ he's Xun Ya~"

The beautiful sweetheart clip sound echoes in the starry sky...

At this moment, everyone present, including Xun Zu, collectively petrified...

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