Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2842 Emperor Huanghuang's prestige!

As soon as Jiangnan finished speaking, the bubbles in the dome burst!

The two ultra-high-temperature material jets are bell-shaped, and they spray out directly!

Along the way, it destroyed everything in sight, directly penetrated the entire eternal world, and slammed into the boundary wall fiercely!

The barriers of the world are constantly being bombarded, and it feels like they are about to be blasted through!

The fiery shocking rainbow released by Jiangnan in the form of a black hole master is so powerful that it seems to poke a hole in the sky!

It is not comparable to the kind of small fights in the past!

The concept of the black hole dominating the eternal world at this moment is like the existence of the absolutely final black hole in the starry sky world!

Imagine what it would be like if the absolute final black hole jetted out?

The starry sky world is afraid that it will be blasted through!

And Jiangnan at this moment is the end of this eternal world!

Xun Zu's eyes were blood red: "Stop! Stop it!"

However, Jiang Nan grinned grimly: "What's the rush? It's not over yet!"

I saw that Jiangnan immediately opened the two arms of the master of the black hole and spread them out to the sides!

The blazing shock that erupted from the palm directly swept across the newly formed bright starry sky in the eternal world!

The place where the blazing and frightening rainbow streaked across!

Thousands of stars collapsed, the cosmic web was torn into nothingness, and all of them exploded into blazing flames!

The scene where the stars exploded in front of me can't be described in words at all, it can be called an epic scene!

Jiangnan at this moment is controlling the master of the black hole!

Just like the king who destroyed the world, the terminator of the world!

Xun Zu went crazy, hard work, Lao Tzu's hard work!

You bastard!

But no matter how anxious he was, he couldn't get rid of Jiang Fan!

The black hole jet is far from over, and the master of the black hole propped up his arms and started spinning wildly on the spot, like a small spinning top!

Fierce Jinghong also spun!

"Shocking the world with a rainbow? Great destruction!"

This is more than just a catastrophe. At this moment, Jiangnan is just like a cement mixer, and it is still turned on the MAX gear, the kind with the highest speed!

It's completely messed up in the eternal world!

How could the world be able to withstand such huh huh?

Everything in sight was smashed to pieces by the fiery shocking rainbow!

The jet of matter, like a bright blue lightsaber, slashed circle after circle on the boundary wall!

The Ancestor Machine and Vientiane, which were attacked by the outside world, were all shocked!

What kind of power is this?

Originally, on the human side, Jiang Fan was already difficult enough to deal with, but now Jiangnan Tunxing's combat power has reached the point of insanity!

But the threat theory is something later, the most important thing at present is to settle Xun Zu!

It can't be compared to a swallowing star!

After all, the two of us are also fake worlds!

So the two of them immediately increased their output, if they had 100% power, they would use 120 points!

The eternal world has suffered too many critical blows, and the shaking is even worse!

Xun Zu was in a hurry!

It's like watching the cabbage field that I have worked so hard to open up and planted, and it feels like it is being arched by a pig!

The problem is that he not only digs the cabbage, he also digs the foundation, huh?

The Eternal World was created by myself with all my hard work, so much effort, it was almost finished by Jiangnan!

How could he not feel distressed?

Jiangnan must be killed, and he cannot be allowed to go on like this!

The three glazed horns on the top of its head are shining brightly!

One destroys the world, one creates the power of creation, and the horn in the middle releases the power of rules!

Three powers in one, turned into a bright long sword!

With a single swing of the sword, a storm of blades swept across the eternal world, slicing and obliterating the world-destroying embers that had been hindering him all the time!

"Jiangnan! I want you to die!"

"Eternal collapse!"

I saw the light and shadow of the starry sky of the eternal world pressing down from above as a whole, covering the entire world!

There is no way to hide!

The power of rules poured down like a waterfall along with the falling sky!

It directly hit the master of the black hole!

Jiang Nan's body was being obliterated by the force of the rules!

Xunzu roared angrily and chopped it off!

"Eternal divine punishment!"

Jiang Nan glared, and grabbed it with one hand, the master of the black hole twisted and deformed again, and a long black knife made entirely of black holes extended out of his hand!

The blade is covered with a thick layer of golden halo, which is the event horizon, and time and space stand still at this moment!


A knife up!

Swords collide!

There was no crisp sound of gold and iron colliding, only the muffled sound that caused the world to shake!

The newly grown body of the black hole is rapidly shrinking and obliterating under the double attack of eternal divine punishment and heavenly collapse!

Xunzu stared, and the sword of divine punishment fell down!

"This is my world!"

"I won't give you another chance!"

No matter what price he paid, Xunzu decided to be in place once and for all, to completely wipe out the master of the black hole!

The existence of black holes is like a cancer in the starry sky world!

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth and held on, if the master of the black hole was really wiped out to the minimum size, he would not be able to maintain it!

"Opportunity! Never given by others!"

"I have to fight for it myself!"

"The fusion of the first and third realms? Black Emperor form!"

At this moment, the master of the black hole suddenly burst into strange fluctuations, affecting the space in the eternal world!

Jiangnan directly uses the form of a black hole to swallow stars, urging the third realm to dominate the starry sky!

While controlling the space, it also integrates with the space!

The master of the black hole directly opened the form of the black hole emperor!

The endless space above his head surged, turning into a glazed crown, crowning him as king!

The golden halo on his body twisted and turned into a dragon shadow!

A burst of extreme imperial prestige burst out, overwhelming the starry sky!

There is no doubt that Jiangnan at this moment is the absolute ruler of space, a well-deserved emperor of heaven! dominate!

Xunzu looked at this scene in disbelief!

This is obviously his eternal world, but the space in the world seems to have betrayed him!

No longer obey his orders, but surrender to Jiangnan's subordinates!

This is my world! How could you betray me!


Heidong Tiandi raised his saber, and directly lifted the depressed God's Sword of Punishment!

The black hole long knife directly pierced the chest of the eternal god body, and slammed into it with the shoulder!

After all, the body of the Black Hole Emperor is formed from a black hole, and any part is an extremely deadly means of attack!


Under this collision, a large piece of the chest of the eternal god body was lost on the spot, and was swallowed by the black hole emperor on the spot!

The origin of the eternal world is less again, the boundary wall shrinks inward, and the world becomes smaller again!

Jiang Nan was not satisfied at all, so he just bumped his head!

Xun Zu:! ! !

This rascal thing!


With a bang, the eternal divine body exploded on the spot, and infinite power of rules gushed out from it, rushing towards the black hole emperor frantically!

In this wave of onslaught, the size of the Black Hole Emperor was already much smaller!

Another explosion!

Jiangnan was immediately blown away, obliterated crazily, and shrunk rapidly!

In the blink of an eye, it has already turned into the form of a small black hole!

If it is obliterated any longer, it will not be able to maintain its black hole form!

Xun Zu once again condensed the eternal body!

Chance! Big opportunity!

How can I miss it?

So with a sword in hand, he was going to mend Jiangnan's knife!

And at this moment, Mieshi Jinying directly killed him from the side!

"The burial of the disordered gods? Into the night!"

Xunzu: ~%?...;#*’☆\u0026c$!

Why can't you beat him to death, and come back?

Are you two switching shifts to beat me? on shift?

One person shoots a wave of output, goes down to take a breath, and the other comes up?

It's not over, is it?

Jiangnan, who has shrunk to the extreme, dare not make waves!

You can only seize all the time to devour everything in the eternal world and increase your size!

But it was too slow, Jiang Fan might not be able to hold on for that long!

What is the fastest way to increase the size of a black hole?

Of course it devours other black holes?

(●??Yi??●) "Silicon master! Give me a black hole! I want a big one! Hurry up!"

"As many as there are!"

Silicon main face is black:

[┐????????????┌] "I really want to swipe! No more, the neutron star collider is all used up!"

Not only is it used up, but what is it like? All the giant soldiers have run out of ammunition and food!

The spare final star weapon inventory I brought is used up, not to mention the neutron star collider!

Yuan Yi gritted his teeth and said:

(¬必¬?) "You lose the chain, you are done at the critical moment!"

"The neutron star collider is gone, so why not build it yourself? Everyone here is devouring stars, and they gave all their skills for nothing?"

Everyone was in a hurry, Nanshen wants? If not, make it!

Mandy immediately raised her hand:

(??Yi?)? "We, the Apocalypse, are responsible for generating matter!"

Chenmu Liusu said urgently: "We provide strong gravity to make matter aggregate!"

Milius gritted his teeth: "I will control the compression of matter to form a neutron star! No one in this world knows more about neutron stars than me!"

Because I was originally!

Airspeed Clan Sa Ying raised his hand: "I will provide the neutron star with the acceleration it needs!"

Silicon master saw it, so why hesitate?

"Giant soldiers will control the timing and angle of the collision, everyone stay away!"

"Speed ​​up!"

Now the crowds of Tunxing started to get busy, and Manti took the Tianqi clan Tunxing directly out of nothing, and the Tianqi birth world generated a lot of matter!

Chenmu Tassel uses gravitational force to collapse matter to aggregate matter, and Mai Liushi controls the dense matter to form a neutron star of the limit size!

Sa Ying injects airspeed force into the neutron star to accelerate, and the nine giant soldiers form a force field, causing the neutron star to collide in the force field!


A large black hole was directly knocked out!

Is it feasible to eat all the stars? What is there to hesitate about riding a horse?

Let's fix it!

I saw that the swallowing stars opened an assembly line to produce black holes on the spot. How about all the operators?

Some responded, some contributed, and Yang Jian and the others shouted cheers with war horns!

All the swallowing stars in the starry sky are gathered together, and they are all peak-like existences. Who doesn't have housekeeping skills?

What can't be researched?

Black holes were created one after another at an extremely fast speed, just like an old hen laying eggs!

One after another emerges!

And these black holes are all arranged in a string, just off the production line, and they are still hot!

He was controlled by Jiangnan and crashed directly into the body of the Black Hole Emperor!

Everyone's scalps were numb after watching this scene!

Fuck wow! Can Jiangnan even merge and swallow black holes now?

However, the imagined blaze did not happen. Because the black hole emperor continued to devour the man-made black hole, his body began to grow crazily!

The breath on his body became more and more suppressed, exuding an extremely dangerous smell!

While devouring the black hole, Jiangnan is also devouring the matter in the eternal world, both are correct!

The corner of Wang Youzhi's mouth twitched:

(??Yi??) "Big...big brother? What are you doing?"

Jiang Nan laughed grimly: "Hold it!"

"Don't forget! There's a trick I haven't tried yet!"

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