Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2822 Is this really inappropriate?

With the opening of Shenying's eyes, the boundless killing intent swept in all directions like a rolling wave!

The divine power overwhelmed the audience, and at this moment, everyone even had the feeling of being in hell and facing the fear of death!

Jiuyou is empty, hell is in the world!

On the shadow of the gods, all the scarlet flames were covered, and the blade of will and the two-dimensional long knife in both hands pointed directly at the seven swallowing stars!

The bloody scarlet flames attached to the blade, dancing wildly like twisting strands of hair!

"Let's go together! Don't waste time!"

"I see how many are left in the end!"

Seeing Jiangnan in such a shape, Xia Yao was completely blown away, her pretty face was red!


Xiao Nan is too handsome, ah?

Why can it hit my point so accurately every time?

Zhong Yingxue's eyes were also shining with stars!

Little brother, they are all numb, Nanshen wants to challenge the seven with his star-breaking body?

Jiang Fan pulled the cut and beat it hard enough!

How about you, wrap up the rest?

But with such divine power, who knows where the limit of Jiangnan is? Maybe it's really a drama?

Long Qian squinted his eyes: "Heh~ the guy who has no one in his eyes, don't you know that there are people outside people, there is a sky beyond the sky?"

"You will pay for your arrogance!"

"Dragon out of the abyss!"

The void was torn apart on the spot, forming a huge and bizarre crack!

Huge star dragons rushed out of the cracks in four-dimensional form, heading straight for Jiangnan!

In an instant, the battlefield is full of roaming four-dimensional star dragons, majestic!

At the same time, Long Qian's body was entangled with a dragon shadow formed by a mantra, and his aura increased wildly!

"Secret method? The big dragon haunts!"

"Try not to use instant slash, it's very risky, Jiangnan can't survive in the four dimensions, and the world-destroying particle can cause fatal damage to him!"

"Go together!"

In an instant, countless four-dimensional dragons rushed straight towards the south of the Yangtze River, and opened their mouths to spit out dragon breaths of huge ten-color world-destroying particles!

The rest of the swallowing stars also launched a coordinated attack, or released the domain, or used the star source beads to reproduce the abilities of other tribes, and used them together!

Jiang Nan sneered: "It's exactly what I want!"


With a flash of his body, he rushed up directly, followed by the shadow behind him!

In the face of the bombarding world-killing particles, Jiang Nan didn't even start two-dimensional plane defense, but directly controlled the black hole to resist the attack!

If the nine black holes can't stop it, the shadow will slash it with a knife!

The slash of will splits the world-destroying dragon's breath into two on the spot, and when the two-dimensional blade cuts down, a huge flower of dimension blooms and shatters!

Turn into a blade storm, sweeping the audience!

The group of dragons bite towards Jiangnan like crazy, and come entangled!

However, Shenying's super-dimensional cuts came out in succession!

Behead and cut off those four-dimensional heavenly dragons, no one can get close to Jiangnan's body!

Fighting alone in the starry sky, the shadows of dragons all over the sky are invincible!

The flow blade condensed countless four-dimensional blades and slashed towards Jiangnan, and Tianlu derived a four-dimensional spear, which was thrown like a god's spear!

The power of each blow is terrifying to the limit!

Jingkun and Yu Gen are also not weak!

And Qing Cang even condenses a super giant four-dimensional god shadow, the ghost shadow of the gods in the south of the Yangtze River!

But Jiang Nan just stood there, not even pulling his hands out of his pockets!

It's all the phantom of the gods behind him, Jiang Nan only needs to move his mind!

A pair of blood eyes flickered quickly, inspecting all movements on the battlefield!

To deal with all the attacks from Swallowing Stars!

Perhaps in the previous battle, Jiangnan still needed to be tricky and dodge!

And when Jiangnan has the strength to swallow the stars head-on, there is no need to resort to tricks!

The Jiangnan of the extraordinary eighteenth issue has this strength and confidence!

However, two fists are hard to beat and four hands are not just talking. Facing one or two swallowing stars, Jiangnan has the confidence to suppress!

But with the seven masters together, Jiangnan only has the capital to deal with it. If he wants to fight back and suppress, it is still relatively difficult to have room to fight back!

Not to mention the threat to their lives!

Now in a state where no one can do anything to anyone, it was only when they really fought that Long Qian and the others realized that Jiangnan is powerful in all directions and has no dead ends!

A combat form without any loopholes!

It seems that no matter what method is used, it is difficult to cause any substantial damage to Jiangnan!

However, Long Qian and the others did not dare to show any flaws, because if there was a mistake, Jiangnan's blade would follow closely behind!

Facing Jiangnan, they have no chance of making mistakes!

Even so, such a scene is enough to shock everyone's heart!

One hit seven, don't lose the wind!

Jiangnan hasn't devoured the stars yet. If life changes again, looking at the entire starry sky, how many people are qualified to compete with Jiangnan?

I saw that Jiangnan's eyes were full of calmness!

(???????) "Hey, hey, can you be more serious?"

"I can't even pull my hands out of my pockets, so how can I suppress Xingkong?"

Long Qian gritted his teeth, are we serious about riding a horse?

(? °? Yi °?) "So what? You can't threaten us either!"

Jiang Nan sneered, if I really got into Star Swallowing, what else do you have to do?

Listening to his eternal heartbeat, the corners of Jiangnan's mouth curled up!

it's ok...soon...

At this moment, the human camp is completely paralyzed!

Everyone knows that Jiang Fan is so powerful that he can fight against the wall!

But today's Jiangnan is also not so bad?

Can the extraordinary eighteenth issue actually achieve this step?

Wang Youzhi smacked his lips:

(??vyiv?) "It's a pity, the new fighting form has not yet fully formed, and the human body has become the biggest drag on Jiangnan. After all, life is still carbon-based..."

"You can't change the shape at will, otherwise... tsk tsk tsk~ If you complete the qualitative change of life and open the eternal heart, Jie Jie Jie~"

The most perverted monster was born!

But the crotch is that Jiangnan is still stuck in the 18th stage of Chaofan. Although the qualitative change is a matter of time, it is just a short shot!

Yang Jian covered his face when he heard this, the human body has become the biggest burden!

It's already very inhumane, is this the rhythm of being completely inhumane?

On the battlefield, Acrylic and the others became anxious watching this scene!

The innate Styx force field of the little carp did play a certain role in suppressing it!

But after all, there is no eight million light-year Styx as the base here, and the strength is not heavy! If Bose swallows the stars and activates the four-dimensional body, there is still the possibility of activities!

After all, the Styx force field is only shrouded in three dimensions!

But the manifestation of high-dimensional attacks will also be greatly weakened by the Styx force field!

For example, when Chili slashes a high-dimensional slash towards the Styx star field, the sword light will go very far, but it will also be weakened by layers of obliteration, and finally disappear invisible!

Long Qian and the others are now in a state of being weakened and suppressed!

If it weren't for this, Jiangnan would not have had such an easy time coping with it!

The little carp is equivalent to a crystal tower that can release force fields!

Now he is crouching obediently in the center of the battlefield, protected by Jiangnan with a Mobius ring!

Acrylic and others can all use the power of will, so they are not affected!

There is Jiang Fan to deal with, so don't worry about it, they can't just watch Jiangnan hit seven?

Opportunities must be created for it!

Acrylic gritted his teeth: (? °? Pan °?) "One person pulls one! Do you have confidence?"

Vivian narrowed her eyes:

(?Yi??) "If you don't have it, you have to have it!"

I saw Acrylic took a deep breath, and his body began to change shape!

It directly turned into the form of the universe crystal source, burning with the flame of will in a dreamy color!

With the unbreakable crystal shield added to the body, the blade of will takes shape with a flick of the hand!

This time, Acrylic did not choose to bloom fifty domains to form a world tree smashing!

Instead, compress the domain and gather it into the sword of will!

It was Cut Li and Jiang Fan who learned it!

Gourds may not be very good at drawing, can I still not draw gourds?

"Power of will, with Huanyu Jingyuan is our only chance to hurt them! Let's go together!"

Acrylic roared, turned into a meteor, and rushed straight to Qingcang!

"Don't look, your opponent is me!"

"Slay all enemies in front of you!"

Vivian stomped her feet: "Fight!"

In Vivienne's phalanx, every Vivienne's body was ignited with a fire of will!

Then expand the domain, let the fire of will burn in the domain!

Collective charge, go straight to the blade!

"Vivian Tunxing Self-destruct Infantry Regiment!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The endless self-explosion began, and every Vivienne exploded, accompanied by an extremely fiery energy bloom!

You know, that is a self-detonation at the level of devouring stars, and the fire of will will also explode along with the self-destruction, causing damage!

And the Vivians still have two-dimensional armor on their bodies. After the violent explosion, the two-dimensional flower will bloom!

Although it won't pose a fatal threat to Liu Ren, it can still hold him back and cause some trouble!

Chong Feiyu clenched her teeth, stomping her feet anxiously!

(???Dish??)? "Hey, if you die, you die!"

His pupils instantly turned golden, and he looked at the acrylic, scanning frantically!

"Fairy Evolution!"

At this moment, on the back of Chongfeiyu, the wings of the fairy spread out, and the shape of his body changed wildly. According to the current battlefield environment, he was evolving in a specific direction!

She actually evolved a layer of universe crystal source carapace!

With the flame of will burning all over his body, he waved his little hand!

"Let's go ~ Pimi Crystal Source Swarm!"

In an instant, a thick mist of crystal was released, and because the individual was too small, it was impossible to see clearly!

These Pimi crystal source insects are also covered with a layer of crystal source carapace!

Devouring energy, splitting and growing wildly!

In the blink of an eye, the battlefield is already covered with crystal fog!

These pimi swarms swept towards Qingcang without fear of death!

But Qingcang's four-dimensional shadow is not a vegetarian, so he simply ignored these pimi crystal source insects!

"Heh ~ have you evolved your brain stupidly? Things like the universe crystal source are still useful for ordinary bosons! But I am a star swallower!"

"The four-dimensional body is not afraid of the universe crystal source!"

As long as you touch the four-dimensional, the universe crystal source will be decomposed into energy, and the crystal source is only to restrain the Bose particles!

"Go to hell!"

Holding the four-dimensional sword in hand, Qing Cang Shenying charged towards where Chong Feiyu was, slashing wildly!

Chongfeiyu was in a hurry!

??(??????﹏????????????) "Fairy binding net! Don't come here!"

Countless slender silks are formed and interwoven in the void, and a layer of universe crystal source is attached to the surface!

Trying to stop Qingcang Shenying!

However, it had no effect at all, and it disintegrated as soon as it was hit by the four-dimensional shadow!

Qing Cang couldn't help laughing when he saw Chong Feiyu panicking!

(??v?v?) "It's useless! It's useless! Do you know how much you weigh? How dare you go to the battlefield to face the Bose tribe swallowing stars? Court death!"

Chong Feiyu squatted on the ground with her head in her arms in fright, and closed her eyes on the spot!


But at the next moment, Qing Cang's divine figure that was charging forward was torn apart into thousands of pieces, all of which were cut into pieces!

The whole person was stunned for a moment!

Chong Feiyu, who was squatting on the ground with his head in his arms, raised a smirk, stood up with his hands on his hips and said:

(?°??°)? "Oh, I've lied to you~ Who said that there are only Huanyu Jingyuan on the silk?"

In the void, countless silks intertwined into a net emerged, and each silk was attached with the power of will compressed to the extreme!

It was these invisible silks that shredded Qingcang Shenying!

Qing Cang's eyes were scarlet: "You..."

Chong Feiyu made a grimace:

(???????????) "What am I? Spinning silk is the housekeeping skill of this worm king. Do you really think I'm a little vase?"

"Go to hell! Don't disturb our Nanshen Knife!"

"Thousands of clues!"

With a wave of Chong Feiyu's little hand, countless silks with the power of will directly cut and wound towards Qingcang!

On the other side, the accretion disks of the nine black holes in Jiangnan are all full!

Bloom all the dazzling brilliance!

"Blazing and startling? Nine-shot Gatling version!"

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