Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2814 This is really the blessing of seven lifetimes~

The first round of the challenge has come to an end without any surprises!

In the promotion list, the Ziting, Xingjing, and Dongtian clans were challenged down!

Changed to Chaos, Xinggeng, and Metal Race, the rest of the promotion list remained unchanged, and those who were challenged all resisted the impact!

It can be said that the top 16 is extremely rich, as for those who are eliminated, they will miss the second round of challenges!

Tianli coughed twice:

(?°??°) "The first round of the promotion challenge knockout round is officially over, and the points calculation is complete!"

"Everyone who has advanced, please leave a mark on the Dahuang astrolabe again, and divide them into random groups for the second round of promotion!"

Jing Ming couldn't wait to say:

(¬得¬〃) "Hey~ let's start quickly, the effect of the medicine will wear off after a while, and you have to spend money to buy it again, quick fix!"

And at this moment, Du Lulu, who was enjoying the bonus of happiness, said quickly:

(??????) "Nan Shen? Are you still selling the joyful package? I want to have another dip?"

Because of this last time, I got a suitable opponent!

Even the Challenger League has been passed, if we try again this time, we might be able to get into the third round!

Jiang Nan, who was still grinding his teeth, was taken aback suddenly, and suddenly smiled like a flower!

It's alright if all the leeks are sucked into my arms?

Can't help hugging Qing Ke, grinning:

(?????w????)??˙?˙? "Sell it! Why don't you sell it! Everyone, the happiness package is back online, and everyone has seen the effect just now!"

"Now it's the second round, sixteen to eight. If you lose this round, the challenge is basically useless. If you run into a strong family, then there is no chance at all~"

"It's better to ask for luck, maybe you can get a good opponent, right?"

"There are only 8 Zhanxiqi quotas in total, and I will use up four of them. The remaining four will be auctioned off, and the highest bidder will get it. After all, there must be some unlucky ones to meet difficult opponents, right?"

Now, the faces of the Tunxing who have advanced are all black, I really saw you right?

It's really a pitfall step by step. If we guessed correctly, you will sell it again later, right?

Now if you want to shake hands with the child of luck, do you have to pay for an auction?

But thinking of the good luck of Jinghuayue and Dululu in the last round, they were excited again!

Who doesn't want to meet a good opponent?

If you meet a Bose-based silicon-based human or something, is this a fart?

Chu Yang immediately raised his hand:

(??vyiv?)? "Me! I, the Chaos Clan, want one of these joyful quotas!"

The last time I ran into a human because of bad luck, this time I have to fight against a good opponent!

The Chaos tribe has been tossing so far, except for the two million basic points, they have not earned a single point. Guang Temiao spent money!

Du Lulu hurriedly said:

(???~??)? "I want it, I want it, I want it too, I pre-ordered it all!"

Jiang Nan smiled from ear to ear:

o(??????)o "Heck, let's bid, take out the top four with the highest bids, it's impossible for our Qingke to make everyone happy, right?"

Qing Ke said with a guilty conscience:

(??﹏??) "Qi... the son of luck will bless you~"

Ahhh~ Although it is the second time to swindle money, why does it still feel so exciting?

So a new round of bidding began, and the price was ridiculously high!

If the human beings are defeated in this three-ring sequence war, they really beat themselves to the point of becoming rich!

In the end, the Chaos Clan, the Lumu Clan, the Metal Clan, and the Tianchen Clan won the spots!

The Tianchen tribe is afraid of encountering humans. After all, they were hated when they beat Qing Er before, so it's better to be safe!

The four of them stepped forward to shake hands with Qing Ke fiercely, and even inhaled wildly, just to get some more luck!

After all, it cost money!

But Qing Ke still didn't feel that her luck had become less. After completing a new round of bidding!

The top 16 came forward again, left breath on the Dahuang astrolabe, and randomly divided into groups!

After a flash of starlight, the results of the groupings were announced, and everyone looked at the list of groups for the second round, all stunned!

The second round of 16 into the 8 group list!

Bose vs Metal, Silicon vs Tianchen

Dark Universe vs Crystal Clan, Humans vs Chaos

Apocalypse vs Yinling, Gamma vs Xinggeng

Stardust vs Lumu, Shahuang vs Zerg

As soon as the list came out, a hysterical scream came from the void, and Chu Yang almost died on the spot!

Nima! There is no mistake!

Against humans again? We were eliminated in the first round, let's work hard, stepping on the pit step by step, spending money, and finally qualifying for the promotion!

What difference does the result make?

(|||?Yi?) "Jiangnan! I'm just ~%?...;#*'☆\u0026c! Is it a blessing for you to ride a horse? Is this a curse for you? Are you happy?"

The metal clan Liutie went berserk immediately:

(??Yi?)σ "Are there any mistakes! Is that how you bless you? Bless me to become the opponent of the overlord of the starry sky? My Liutie hits eight?"

The three balls of the Tianchen Clan are also crazy:

????? "Silicon? Is it random to Siji? It's better not to touch it!"

"Jiangnan! I ask you to return the money to us immediately, otherwise... otherwise, I will be impatient!"

The value of grievances has reached the peak, where is the blessing of luck? Is this pure black hand blocking? Losing luck is not so bad, right?

The corner of Dululu's mouth twitched, compared to the results of the other three, it seemed that it was not unacceptable for her to meet the Stardust Clan...

But it's still a shame!

Qing Ke was terrified, and ran behind Jiangnan to hide!

|? '﹏')

Jiang Nan was sweating profusely on his forehead, and couldn't help laughing dryly:

(⌒?⌒;) "Nonsense... nonsense, just now everyone spent money to shake hands with Qing Ke, and you have already received a blessing that you will not get in seven lifetimes!"

Mingquan said angrily: "You fart! If we are blessed, let us face the overlord of the starry sky?"

Jiang Nan spread his hands as a matter of course and said:

╮(??w??)╭ "Although you have been blessed with seven lifetimes, you may have suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck, right?"

"Has your Mercury retrograde recently? Be careful, besides, I didn't say to protect you? Who can say clearly about luck? Pfft~"

Jiang Nan laughed out loud as soon as he tilted his head. The Chaos Clan is really unlucky. Is it okay to score twice?

If you don't rub two catties of pot bottom ash on your face, it won't be so black!

This result is quite friendly to the Carbon Alliance. There is not much confrontation between the big clans, and they can retain their combat effectiveness!

Mingquan was going crazy with anger: "Knowing your father is the bloody bad luck of eight lifetimes! Get your money back! I didn't ask you to pay any money, and I already gave face! Sa Leng, refund my money~"

Jiang Nan raised his head:

(???????) "No retreat! You hit me? You can't beat me~"

[The resentment value from the right of life +1010! ]

[From Chuyang...]

Tianli said: "The grouping results cannot be changed, please enter the arena and start the challenge of the second round of promotion!"

The teeth of the swallowing stars are about to be crushed!

Jiangnan! Don't even think about taking another penny out of our pockets!

I saw Jiangnan said:

(??口?)? "Hey hey~ The second round is about to start, do you want to buy it? I'll..."

Liutie said angrily: "Buy a fart!"

Jiang Nan looked surprised:

(??v_v?) "Hey~ This is the first time I have seen this request. Which kind of fairy fart or macho fart do you want? Fairy fart is not cheap. If you want the stinky kind, you can let the fairy eat it in advance Some snail powder to digest!"

"Hey~ don't go? Do you want to ring or not?"

Liu Tie is already going crazy, so you buy it too? There are quite a lot of styles?

In order to make money, you are unscrupulous, you?

The second round of promotion began, so there was no suspense at all!

Liu Tie conceded defeat on the spot, and the Bose clan failed to make a single move, and advanced again. Otherwise, Liu Tie would hit eight, would he be crazy?

Xinglan Mingquan, a meridian of the Tianchen clan, looked at the twelve silicon-based giant god soldiers, and they were already cursing their mothers!

The silicon master said lightly: [┐¬_¬┌] "Do you want to struggle? Our family will release the final star weapon at the beginning of the game. For the apex war, my silicon base has a budget for several final star weapons!"

"In the old god's burial, the power will be even greater!"

Mingquan had a hard look on his face, and finally sighed: "The Tianchen Clan also admit defeat..."

Struggling is useless, the result will not change, and they are not sure to fight against Zhong Xingwu, losing even one person is a loss!

Jingming also conceded defeat. He beat seven dark universe bodies by himself. Isn't it courting death?

As for the Chaos race? of course? You don't need to fight to know the result, okay?

I was abused by Jiangnan and the others last time, and I paid a considerable price before admitting defeat!

You can't go up to be tortured again this time, right?

Apocalypse vs Yinling, Yinling admits defeat, they are all on their own, there is no need to fight to the death!

Jiama and Xinggeng, Qing Er didn't fight, and sent Jiama too!

The same goes for the Shahuang and the Zerg, the Shahuang admits defeat, and the Zerg advances...

In the blink of an eye, before the second promotion round started, the results of the seven rounds were already out!

Because this grouping is really a fantasy, it's not the kind of grouping with a huge gap and no chance of winning, or it's your own people fighting against your own people!

But in the next round, the situation might become more intense!

And the only one left that hasn't come to fruition yet is Stardust Clan Chenmu Liusu and Du Lulu!

The corner of Chen Mu's mouth twitched...

(¬﹏¬?) "This... Shall we still fight this? Or if you admit defeat, the second round will be over!"

There is almost no suspense in this duel, the Stardust Clan must win Dululu!

As one of the top ten rank clans, it's not enough that even a Lumu clan can't take it down!

However, Du Lulu has a stubborn face!

(???~??)? "No! I want to fight! I can't spend this money in vain, I think I'm the lucky one!"

"That is to say, the hot guy who has been blessed with seven lifetimes of luck and only suffered seven lifetimes of bad luck! What if I win?"

That's two million points, worth fighting for yourself!

Moreover, the characteristic of the Lumu tribe is that it can absorb physical shocks and energy attacks, and it also has a certain resistance to the Stardust tribe. It is not that there is no chance!

Liusu narrowed her eyes: "There will be no chance, I will make you give up completely!"

The only single seedling in the second round entered the battlefield!

And at this moment, Du Lulu was a little nervous!

She never thought that in this battle, she would be watched by fifty or sixty star swallowers!

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