The group of people didn't talk nonsense, Wuyang Wuyang came to the final star field through the gap between dimensions!

Jiangnan has never been here before, the last time I saw him was in the Shanmao profile!

However, when Jiangnan tore open the space and looked directly at the huge absolute final black hole, he was still shocked beyond measure!

Under normal circumstances, a supermassive black hole can already serve as the center of a galaxy, pulling the entire galaxy to rotate with its own super gravity!

But the body of the absolute final black hole is even a thousand times the size of the Milky Way!

A supermassive black hole is as small as a speck of dust in front of it!

Such a huge volume is extremely unreasonable!

Nothing can withstand the tearing of the absolute final black hole!

Its accretion disk was in chaos, and the area around the Final Yan star field was even cleaner, because everything was pulled over and swallowed by the Final Black Hole!

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the absolutely final black hole, Jiang Nan's face turned pale!

I do have the ability to control black holes, but at such a scale, even if I try my best, I still can't slip away?

Seeing Jiangnan's eyes full of shock, he said:

∑(°口°?) "This... This guy is the black hole ancestor of the black hole's wives, grandparents, right? Is it so big?"

"This is unscientific! How can there be such a big black hole!"

The figure of the black god appeared behind everyone, looking at the absolute final black hole!

(?v~v?) "Existence... is reasonable. The reason why it is called an absolute final black hole is not an exaggeration, because this starry world will eventually reach the end of time, or it will be swallowed by the final black hole!"

"This is the end of the universe. Even now, it is still eating away at the starry sky world, including the gap between dimensions..."

"Although what it swallows is very small compared to the sum of my power, but if things go on like this, maybe it will end me one day!"

Everyone looked sideways at the Black God. Doesn't even the dimensional will of the Black God exist forever?

Jiang Nan stared:

(?°?~°?) "Zhuo! Dare to swallow my big pot? I won't do it?"

The Black God rolled his eyes:

(??~???) "Pull it down, why don't you give away the head? By the time the absolute final black hole swallows up the entire starry sky world, it will be a long time ago, and the last star in the universe will be extinguished for a long time! "

"Worried about the dry wool? But you'd better hope that there will be no changes in this giant beast, otherwise the old god's burial, which ranks first in the star disaster, may be squeezed out..."

Hearing what Hei Shen said, everyone was shocked!

Will it be more terrifying than the old god's burial?


Jiang Nan sneered:

(⌒?⌒;) "I'm just bragging, don't take it seriously. Speaking of Brother Fan, why did you pick such a big black hole and rush into it?"

"Why don't you do something smaller?"

Jiang Fan raised his head: (???????) "If we want to do it... of course we have to do the biggest one, and it will be in place at one time, so as to save trouble!"

Jiangnan: =????(???????)

"There... makes sense..."

Noah and the others couldn't help sweating profusely on their foreheads. The black hole is so scary just looking at it. I don't know how courageous Jiang Fan is, daring to go in!

But Jiangnan looked at the black hole at the end, and his expression became serious. It seemed that there was no need for this thing to continue to exist...

If there is a chance in the future, it is better to get rid of it!

(??~??) "How do I get it?"

Jiang Fan said lightly: "The reason why I was trapped is because the absolute finality black hole is too large and extremely stable, it is difficult to generate a relatively large disturbance!"

"As long as the original balance is destroyed and Absolute finally breaks the stable state, my main body can seize the opportunity, and there is a high probability that I can escape from it!"

Jiang Nan said in surprise: Σ(°△°|||) "Big disturbance? Make the absolute final black hole flare, or jet? This..."

The Black God shook his head, and immediately denied: "Impossible, if you want to make the absolute final black hole jet, or blaze, it is not enough to pull half of the matter in the entire starry sky!"

"And once it jets out and flares up, it will be a world-destroying disaster!"

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched:

(?-﹏-`;) "I am familiar with this. There are only two ways to break a black hole into a stable state: blaze and jet flow. The total amount of matter required for the final black hole's volume is unimaginable..."

And if this thing is a jet, the starry sky world will probably be poked a hole in the eye, right?

Jiang Fan nodded and said: "So... this is just a stupid way, and there is another tricky way!"

"It is you who activate the black hole to devour the stars, and use yourself to merge with the final black hole to see if you can swallow it, unite, or gain control, even for a moment!"

"Using you as a breakthrough point, as a bridge, there is a high probability that my main body can break free!"

Jiang Nan's expression froze, his mouth opened wide:

?(°口°?) "Me? Merging with the absolute final black hole?"

The rest of the swallowing stars also looked horrified, turning Jiangnan into a black hole, and then merging into the absolute final black hole?

Can this be combined with a wool?

Who fuses with whom ah hello!

It's like a drop of red ink dripping into the sea. It's impossible for the sea water to be dyed red, right?

Jiang Nan frowned:

(??v﹏v?) "This method...isn't it a bit difficult? No one knows what the consequences will be, is it reliable?"

Jiang Fan: "I haven't thought of any new method yet!"

However, the Black God quit and pulled Jiangnan behind him!

"Reliable wool? With Jiangnan's current strength, even if the black hole swallows stars is activated, the black hole will be fused with death. The risk is too great!"

"Even if you can come out, what about Jiangnan? What if Jiangnan is like you, trapped in the final black hole and unable to get out? Wait for tens of thousands of years? Who will catch him then?"

"Besides, now only the problem of wear and tear has been solved, the problem of returning to reality, and the problem of life consumption has not been solved. What if Jiangnan's energy is too strong and his life is exhausted?"

"Who can say for sure? You were the one who entered the black hole at the end, so you can't leave all the risk to Jiangnan, can you? Let him do this now, and let him die!"

How could the Black God be willing? Even Jiangnan wants to do this himself!

Hei God has to press here for him today too!

It doesn't work!

Why do you let my brother take such a big risk?

At this moment, Noah also spoke!

(?????) " think about it carefully, this is not a joke! Carbon Alliance can do it without anyone, but you can't sit in town without you! You are the hub that keeps all the companies together!"

"During such a critical period, if you are also trapped in the black hole, the Carbon Alliance will collapse!"

Chong Qianjin said: "Fusion will definitely end in a black hole. Even I think this is impossible. It's better than Brother Jiang is trapped. You don't have much to do?"

"Think about it again, don't let your ancestors fish it out, and put yourself in it!"

Speakers of other races also spoke up one after another, it's not that they really don't want to save Jiang Fan!

It's just that if the Carbon Alliance does not have Jiangnan, the nature will be different!

Indeed, everyone will continue to operate without the starry sky, but Jiangnan is too important!

Yang Jian frowned: (??v_v?) "Jiangnan! Don't be brave, tell me, are you sure?"

Jiang Nan gave a wry smile:

(?﹏??) "I'm not sure... Xuexue Langmie knows, I'm afraid he's going to grab my ears and fight me desperately, but Brother Fan..."

Heishan looked serious: "I know, you are determined to get Jiang Fan out, but you also have to think about what is on your shoulders! What if something happens?"

"The whole family is gone?"

"Even if you want to save it, wait until you swallow the star before trying. At that time, you can fully drive the eternal heart, and you don't have to worry about life and physical problems!"

"Combined with the method of locking gods and knowing fate, this is the safest way. At that time, if you want to try it, I will not stop you, but not now!"

"How to choose, you decide!"

Jiang Nan frowned, but finally shook his head: "I'm sorry Brother Fan~ I can't gamble anymore, and I can't afford to gamble..."

"At this stage, I am not strong enough. If I rashly touch the black hole of absolute finality, I am afraid that there will be no good results. I need to be responsible to myself and everyone!"

"This matter can only be put aside for a while, and I will try again when I devour the stars. Don't worry, it won't take long!"

"It's only about the 18th issue. I'm 17 now, so soon!"

Everyone vomits blood, what the hell?

Seventeen sessions are not enough, and you still plan to practice until the eighteenth session before breaking through?

Please, hurry up to swallow the star! Give us a way out!

God knows how strong Jiangnan will be after swallowing the stars!

Jiang Fan nodded: "Don't worry, risk assessment is what you should do, I understand your choice!"

"Then try again after you devour the stars. The main body can still hold on, so there's no need to hurry!"

Jiang Nan patted his chest and said:

(︶?︶*)? "Don't worry, Brother Fan! Even if I wipe out the absolute final black hole, I will also appoint you to be fished out of it!"

Hearing what Jiangnan said, everyone also heaved a sigh of relief!

At least Jiangnan didn't go up rashly, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable!

Noah smacked his lips and said:

(??°一?°) "Tsk~ I thought I could see some big scenes, but who would have thought it would be a waste of time..."

Jiang Nan grinned:

(????) "Travel all the way, it will never be in vain!"

"I can't handle the big ones, so we can make smaller ones! Brother Fan? Since devouring black holes can cause disturbances in the final black holes!"

"Does it mean that in this way, this part of your body of will can be subtly connected with the main body inside?"

Jiang Fan nodded and said: "Indeed, it's just that this method can't separate my subject from it, the nature is different..."

"The disturbance is not big enough!"

Jiang Nan laughed straight: (???????‵) "At least, it can make your strength a little bit stronger!"

Jiang Fan was taken aback: (???~??) "You mean..."

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