He just said one sentence, do we have to die?

What kind of perverted strength is this riding a horse? Ling Ling? Words follow the law?

It seems that Jiangnan and the son of luck's speech spirit are not so perverted, right?

Looking at the sky-moving golem that brought death and despair, the hearts of the angel legion were cold!

It's okay to take a trick from the Lord of Heaven, how can you win?

Could it be that the holy kingdom of heaven is really going to be destroyed in his hands?

I saw that day the moving golem flew straight over the army formation, with an extremely strong red light emitting from its body!

All the angel warriors couldn't help looking at Jiang Fan, the anger in their hearts seemed to be uncontrollable, bursting out vigorously!

I can't wait to swallow Jiang Fan alive, cramping and skinning!

Jiang Fan sneered: "This is really full of malice ~ I feel it!"

"But what you think in your heart is after all just an unattainable fantasy, an extravagant hope at the end of life!"

"Hate me as much as you want, at least for this moment, you have the right to hate me! But that's all!"

"Malicious Burning? Absolute Silence!"

At this moment, for the existence that harbored malice towards Jiang Fan, starlight rushed out of his body, like a snake dancing wildly, like a maggot with a bone attached to it!

Twisting and tearing the bodies of those angels, and finally turning them into ashes and flying in the starry sky!

There are not many angels who can bear it, and the angel army was thinned out by Jiang Fan for a while!

Lucifer could clearly feel the passing of the power of faith in his body!

"Jiang! How dare you!"

He chased up and attacked Jiang Fan furiously, unleashing his powerful attack power with all his might!

But Jiang Fan is driving the sky-moving golem, and his body keeps shining in the holy heaven!

As if she had seen through all of Lucifer's actions, she couldn't catch Jiang Fan at all, and every time she was one step at night, or was dodged in advance!

Jiang Fan roamed wantonly in the holy heaven, with thousands of stars shining above his head, and a few of them lit up from time to time!

No one knows what kind of attack he will use in the next second!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's body burst out with strong gravitational force, and the distortion of space even made the moving golem become illusory!

Wherever he passed by, countless stars were pulled by strong gravity and revolved endlessly around his body!

These stars were crazily compressed, fused, and then exploded, blooming the most dazzling light since their birth!

Unscrupulously tearing up the galaxy, pulling it over and detonating it!

Large galaxies are all messed up in a mess!

Wherever he passed by was also a place where the flames of war raged!

Lucifer was completely blown up, and what Jiang Fan destroyed was the foundation of the holy kingdom of heaven!

Countless angels die every minute and every second, and if he is allowed to tear it down like this, the angel family will not have to do it anymore!

Even those small clans are inferior!

"Jiang! Stop it! Stop it for me!"

But no matter how Lucifer tried his best, he couldn't stop Jiang Fan's actions at all!

Jiang Fan said lightly: "I've said it all! Struggles are useless and can't change the result!"

"I will kill until I am satisfied, you can stop me, this is your right, but you can't!"

Lucifer:! ! !

A deep sense of powerlessness lingers in my heart!

As strong as swallowing stars, it will also give birth to a feeling of powerlessness!

She had felt such a sense of powerlessness before in Jiangnan, but it was far less intense!

Jiang Fan is stronger than before, even if he was more than three thousand years ago, he was not so tyrannical!

Now it is ridiculously strong!

But I can't just watch the holy heaven built by my own hands be destroyed!

She clearly understands that this moment is the time of life and death for the Angel Race!

"Then you can't kill me! Today I will fight with you, and I will bet everything on me!"

The ultimate battle begins in the holy heaven!

Lucifer never expected that such a disaster would be caused to the angel clan because of his stupid criticism of Atiya!

But even if Lucifer tried his best, the result didn't change at all!

As Jiang Fan said, she can't stop it!

Kasyapa looked at this scene in a daze from outside the heaven, and watched with his own eyes that the foundation of the holy kingdom of heaven collapsed in Jiang Fan's hands little by little!

I don't know what it feels like, sad, angry, lost? none of it...

"Finally...have you reached this point? Heh~"

Kasyapa's laughter was full of bitterness...

At this moment, the starry sky was completely blown up!

What's the matter? Lucifer is such a good girl, isn't she?

If the fight continues like this, the Holy Kingdom will fall!

Maybe they could witness the demise of one of the top ten sequence races today!

Who is fighting Lucifer?

So perverted!

The flames of war are spreading, and the holy kingdom of heaven is collapsing!

This place that used to be like heaven, after all, fell into the mortal world, and fell to pieces!

In the center of the holy heaven, the ultimate star brilliance exploded, crushing everything!

In the void, it seems that something has disappeared!

All the angels, the halos on the heads of all the angels shattered at the same time!

Only Lucifer is left on top of his head!

Lucifer's body froze suddenly, she could hardly feel the power of faith anymore!

It is conceivable that the death and injury of the Angel Clan has reached such an extent that the Clan was almost wiped out!

The angel's halo is shattered, and the protection of the holy kingdom of heaven disappears!

Lucifer knows that the holy kingdom of heaven is dead, and the fate of the country has been cut off...

In name only!

And Jiang Fan alone did all of this!

I saw Jiang Fan holding the sword of starlight high in his hand, about to strike a living planet!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan's action was a pause!

"Oh~ forget it~ I'm tired..."

During the speech, the sky-moving golem dissipated like the wind!

Looking around at this moment, the holy heaven is in a mess, smoke is flying, broken stars can be seen everywhere, and the corpses of the angel clan floating in the starry sky...

Jiang Fan walked among them like a leisurely stroll, passed by Lucifer, tilted his head and said indifferently: "It's flat..."

"Give you a piece of advice, don't play dead!"

"It's not that I can't kill you... I just don't want to waste that effort..."

After speaking, he raised his hand and patted Lucifer on the shoulder, and walked behind him!

Lucifer looked at the ruined holy heaven with a sense of loss!

I can't come back to my senses for a long time...

It's over... It's all over...

Jiang Fan just walked like this, frowning slightly, looking up at the eye of the starry sky!

The next moment, people had already appeared in front of the two peepers!

"Why are you everywhere? What do you remember? Bring it here and show me!"

"The records here must be clearer than those in Kassapa's memory, right?"

While speaking, he already reached out to grab the history book of the starry sky!

The peeper hurriedly closed the history book of the starry sky, his body faded away and turned into nothingness!

Jiang Fan caught the air, and couldn't help frowning slightly, looking up at the huge starry sky eye, narrowing his eyes slightly...

The next moment, even the eye of the starry sky closed and disappeared!

Jiang Fan: ...

"Forget it...it doesn't matter, I will always know!"

"Next... where should I go?"

Jiang Fan leaned on his chin, as if he was in deep thought, but at this moment, he seemed to remember something, and snorted coldly!

"Heh~ It's time to settle the ledger!"

"Remember it came from this direction?"

He chose a direction while speaking, took a step and disappeared completely!

And that direction is exactly the direction of the star field of the Bose family!


Kasyapa's heart seemed to have died along with the holy kingdom of heaven, and the bloody halo above his head had been shattered!

Perhaps from now on, the word angel will no longer exist, right?

Kasyapa took one last look at the Holy Heaven and then at Lucifer, his eyes were full of disappointment!

Then he turned his head and left without nostalgia, clutching his stomach and limping, his back looked a little lonely!

where to?

never mind…

No matter where you go...it will be a new beginning...

Lucifer stared blankly at the ruined holy heaven, Jiang Fan's words were still echoing in his ears!

The anger in my chest is burning vigorously!

"Damn it! Damn it! Jiang! Is it even? How can it be considered even!"

"You took everything from me! I want to make you lose everything too!"

At this moment, Lucifer's chest was burning with extreme resentment, and he turned his head and turned into a golden meteor!

Go straight to the human galaxy!

Star-swallowing powerhouses who have lost everything are terrifying existences, they don't care about anything anymore!

Occasionally in the starry sky, there are star-swallowing powerhouses who will go crazy and attack indiscriminately before they die, destroying everything they can see!

In the starry sky, this is called Shenluo!

Now Lucifer's mentality is no different from Shenluo's swallowing stars!

At this moment, the starry sky completely exploded!

Fighting in the Creation Star Field, is it okay if the Angel Clan is gone?

Fuck wow!

What's the matter? Even if the angel gets down two rings and loses his fortune, he is still a behemoth in the top ten sequence!

Just...just like that?

And what happened when Lucifer went to the Milky Way?

On Aijiang's side, an emergency notification was sent to Yang Jian!

????? "An unexplained battle broke out among the angel clan. Lucifer fought against an unknown existence and destroyed the holy kingdom of heaven. The angel clan has survived in name only!"

"And Lucifer left the holy kingdom of heaven and went in the direction of the Milky Way..."

Yang Jian, who was watching the excitement, almost stared out of his eyes!

∑(°口°?) Huh?

The angel family is gone?

There is no mistake!

Is it so sudden?

Could it be that the angel was struggling with some taboo thing, and lost himself by mistake?

And if it's gone, it's gone. Lucifer went to the Milky Way Starfield to do something?

Is she sick?

(¬益¬?) "Tsk~ Don't let her come over! Call You Ming, Chong Feiyu, take a few Tun Xing casually, go to Lucifer, and stop her! Make it right, if it doesn't work, just try hard and kill her directly!"

"It's just a swallowing star, and it can't make any waves!"

Ai Jiang is speechless, Shen Te Miao casually brings a few swallowing stars, it is indeed casual enough!

But that's true, a Lucifer is nothing more than a fart, and it can't shake the carbon alliance at all!

"Received, as soon as I figure out the reason, I will inform this side immediately..."

But at this moment, all ethnic groups are raising their voices, wondering what the hell is going on in this situation!

In the black street, the prison bird rushed out of Noah's Manor with a backflip!

There was a lot of dancing in the garden, wild celebrations, and laughter!


Passers-by looked at Prison Bird with foolish expressions on their faces!


Why is this crazy?

At the same time, outside the star field of the Bose family!

Jiang Fan's figure suddenly appeared, his eyes as deep as the starry sky looked at this star field, and it was peaceful and peaceful!

"It's a bit late...but I'm still here!"

While speaking, the sword of starlight in his hand condensed!

The peace will eventually be broken!

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