Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2749 Crowdfunding Final Xingwu!

At this moment, Yang Jian was in high spirits, and kept winking at Jiangnan!

Given this opportunity, why hesitate? Go directly?

But Jiang Nan still looked embarrassed!

(︶~︶;) "But resources alone are useless, right? We also need the most top-level technology manufacturing industry. Isn't Xingwu built out of thin air with resources?"

"You all know the silicon-based technological manufacturing. How long did it take to build it?"

"Although it is not necessary to reach their height, at least it must be similar?"

"There are too many problems, this..."

Manti couldn't sit still:

(???Yi??)? "There is no technology to manufacture basic industries? Then build it? Don't say that there is no such technology in the Aijiang terminal, it's all castles in the air!"

"Most of the problems in this world can be solved with money! If money can't solve it, then there must be not enough money!"

Benny May said urgently:

????vдv???? "It's just building an industrial foundation, how can it be more than making Xingwuhua?"

"Are you looking down on the background of our big family?"

Noah patted the table and said:

(〝▼皮▼)シ┳━┳"Made! Must be made! If you are timid when encountering some difficulties, how can you stand firm and strive for the top in the starry sky world? "

"Isn't it just resources? Let's go out...huh?"

Before Noah finished speaking, he was taken aback!

=????(???????) There seems to be something wrong with this riding horse?

How did we start to pay in the end?

Or did it come from a catch-up?

There was a sinister smile on Jiang Nan's face:

(〃? ヮ?) "Guys? Do you really agree with the crowdfunding to save the final Xingwu? The resources to be burned are not ordinary!"

Noah's face turned black, Jiang Xinyan! Aren't all your hair hollow?

However, no matter whether it is a big clan or a small clan, they all nodded in agreement, even if they knew it was a trap, they had to jump in with their eyes closed!

But no one who is talking about race knows the importance of having ceiling-level deterrence!

Although they are all nodding, their hearts are bleeding!

Jiang Nan grinned and said:

(σ? ヮ?)σ "This is what you agreed to. I didn't force you. Since everyone is so united, the production of Xingwu can also be put on the agenda!"

Immediately, Jiangnan changed the subject:

"But don't worry, everyone, what kind of person I am in Jiangnan, you have seen this series of offensive and defensive battles more or less clearly!"

"I can't be too ruthless when dealing with enemies, but I'm never ambiguous when dealing with my own people!"

"In the final analysis, human beings hold the hot potato of Aijiang terminal, which attracts the covetousness of the silicon base. All members of the carbon alliance are dragged into the water by human beings and take risks together. I am also very sorry from the bottom of my heart!"

"I can't just enjoy the terminal bonus by myself, but let everyone bear the risk together. This is not righteous!"

Hearing this, Noah and the others were all a little confused. What is Jiangnan doing?

I saw Jiang Nan's expression changed:

(??°??°) "So... I decided that the Final Xingwu manufactured through crowdfunding resources belongs to the common property of all members of the Carbon Alliance!"

"Any member clan has the right to apply for the mobilization of Zhong Xingwu for reasonable deterrence, as long as the application is approved by all clans of the Carbon Alliance!"

"Another point is that this ultimate star weapon is never allowed to be used by members of the alliance!"

As soon as these words came out, all the speakers of all races in the venue were stunned for a moment, and then their faces flushed red from the surging energy and blood!

One by one raised their arms and shouted, bursts of cheers!

?(???ヮ???)? "Hahahaha! Nanshen Niubi! This is too awesome!"

?(*?︶`*)? "Leader Jiang is righteous! This is too righteous? Crowdfunding! Crowdfunding now!"

Noah clenched his fists even more:

(??°???°)? "I love you so much!"

It can be said that Jiangnan's decision made all members of Carbon Alliance more confident!

Some races don't have swallowing stars in their families. Once the final star martial arts are created, it is equivalent to having a ceiling-level power deterrence at home?

Although the number cannot be too many, anyone who needs it can adjust it. Giant God Soldier and Scourge Scepter can be adjusted!

They never expected that Jiangnan would make such a decision!

In this way, all Carbon Alliance members can enjoy the protection of Zhong Xingwu!

Are they willing to spend money and bleed?

It's not that Jiangnan is on top, it's just that he has plans in his heart!

If it is true that crowdfunding creates the Final Star Martial Arts, but human beings hold it tightly in their hands, other races will feel a little uncomfortable and even more uneasy!

Who knows whether the human being who possesses the final star martial is an umbrella, or another evil dragon?

The battle is ahead, the more united the Carbon Alliance is, the greater its power will be!

That's why it is used as a public asset, and it is not afraid of being misused. Any racial transfer needs to apply for consent!

Besides, it's not that human beings don't make money in this way, at least the foundation of the technology industry will be directly pushed up by this wave, and they have the ability to manufacture star-swallowing weapons, which are all crowdfunded for nothing!

It can also combine everyone's strength to create the final star martial arts at the fastest speed, increasing the deterrence of the race!

Not to be afraid that they will learn the technique of making Final Star Martial Arts!

For a person like Jiangnan who has 800 minds, how could he do business at a loss?

Jiang Nan grinned:

(???ヮ???) "Where is this going? In that case, Ai-chan, let's list the resources needed to build the technology manufacturing industry and manufacture the final star weapon!"

"Let everyone see it too, you know what you have in mind!"

The next moment, a series of resource lists were released, and the list was longer than the diameter of a star!

And it's not just one page...

The venue fell silent in an instant, everyone gasped, and even sucked the venue into a vacuum!

Noah slumped down on the stool and murmured:

Σ(°△°|||) "Damn... suddenly I don't love you that much..."

"This... Is riding a horse deadly?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(??~??〃) "What do you think? Zhong Xingwu! That is the power that can swallow stars in seconds, ceiling-level power!"

"Even if it is silicon-based, it is impossible to build Xingwu casually, and it is impossible to have a lot of inventory. The resources consumed by each piece are astronomical!"

Chong Qianjin gritted his teeth: "That must be built too! The final Xingwu is a must!"

Although everyone's heart hurts so much that they can't breathe, but think about the backs that can be hardened after owning Zhong Xingwu!

Gritting your teeth, you will get through it!

After that, Ai-chan will calculate the specialty products of various races, and the background of the race, assign tasks according to strength, crowdfund resources, and then it will be put into production!

I saw Jiangnan said:

(?°???°)? "Don't think that this is the end, this is just one of them, as I said, the terminal is in the hands of human beings, and the brothers must also be honored, the risk will not be borne by you in vain!"

"The construction of the technological and industrial base of various ethnic groups in the Carbon Alliance will also be put on the agenda, including manufacturing, network communication, transportation, etc., using the technology in the terminal to realize all aspects of technology!"

"Of course, you still have to pay for this money yourself. The independence of technology is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is to get rid of silicon-based penetration, control, and surveillance..."

"Most of the races use silicon-based technology products. When the Watt virus broke out before, you all saw the power. This is because silicon-based didn't want to take the initiative to control it!"

"What if silicon-based products really use these silicon-based products to attack when it is a last resort? Communications are blocked, starships are scrapped, transportation is restricted, energy sources fail, and the entire race may be shut down. What a fart it is." war?"

At this moment, the speakers of all races were shocked, just as Jiang Nan said!

All aspects of their racial life are made of silicon, even if they know it is wrong!

It is definitely not a good thing to rely too much on the silicon base, if people want to mess with you, they can fuck you!

But so what? There is no race in the starry sky that can compare to silicon-based technology!

You don't want to use it? Then you made your own?

If you can't make it, don't you have to use it?

Although the silicon base will not use this method unless it is a last resort, but who can guarantee the starry sky melee?

The speaker of the Hidden Spirit Race said:

(??v_v??:) "This is indeed a good thing, but even if it is replaced by human Xinghai technology, isn't it the same reason?"

"If I have something to say, I'll just say it. Nanshen, don't blame me. Humans can't guarantee that they won't do these things... right?"

Jiang Nan smiled: (?????w????) "We are all our own people, so don't be so rigid! Say what you have to say!"

"Indeed! Of course human beings can't guarantee it. Even if I guarantee it, it's still up to you whether you believe it or not!"

"It's really just a trust issue at the end of the day, but put it bluntly!"

"If you don't change, you will be controlled by silicon-based monitoring! If you will be controlled by human monitoring? Now the Carbon Alliance and Silicon-based are enemies, and they are enemies right in front of you!"

"Who do you think is better to be handled by?"

Now, people can't help covering their faces when talking about race!

No matter what he does, he will be manipulated, is that okay?

They have no choice? Who made them not have that level of technology?

In terms of standpoint, we all belong to the carbon alliance, and it is better to be manipulated by human beings than silicon-based!

Besides, if human beings are really fooling around, wouldn't they tear down their own platform?

Noah grinned straightly:

(︶优︶?) "We still have to change it! Otherwise, it's like a time bomb, and it's definitely a hidden danger in the upcoming Star Wars. God knows what silicon-based things can do?"

Manti nodded: "Two evils are the lesser, this is the most obvious truth!"

"The technological iteration of each race will have to trouble your side!"

Jiang Nan covered his pocket with a vigilant face:

(づ`~?ど) "Okay, you pay for it yourself, we don't have any money, it would be nice if we can give you some money, don't try to take advantage of me!"

Noah rolled his eyes:

(??~???) "Come on! Who can take the money out of you? If so! I'll call him daddy on the spot!"

Yao Hong: =????(???????)

Wouldn't this... this seniority be messed up?

Freya: (???????)

And this good thing?

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