Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2747 Gunpowder smoke is often silent!

Jiang Nan woke up in a daze, knocking on the pimples on his eyes!

(???~???) "Oh~ Ai-chan? Why are you here too? This is not possible! Although you are already very realistic, there is a difference between man and machine after all... Let me finish my work first..."

Ai-chan is in a hurry, is the master in a daze?

(???﹏??)? "Other people's machine is different soon, isn't it delicious when you go back to actual combat? Master is about to break through! If you stay on the blue star, you will suck up all the aura of the entire blue star , is not enough to break through!"

"The star core will collapse because of this, quickly move the position, the star sea source flow space array outside is ready!"

Jiang Nan suddenly woke up from his sleeping state!

∑(°口°?) What's the matter?

Break through?

I'm just sleeping. Is this dream so comfortable? Have made a breakthrough?

It took so much effort to build Blue Star like this, and it would be bad if I let myself be blown up!

At this moment, Jiangnan's body seemed to have turned into a bottomless pit, and the energy in his body was already on the verge of a qualitative change!

I can't hold it anymore just looking at it!

So a teleport rushed out of the blue star!

=????=?????(?????﹏??)? "Go!"

As soon as Jiangnan left, the clouds rolled up in the blue star sky gradually dissipated!

Ai sauce immediately broadcast:

????? "Everyone don't need to panic, this is the news that Nanshen is about to break through, please rest assured!"

The Blue Star people all looked horrified!

(??△???) Did you make a mistake!

Now that Nanshen breaks through casually, can the movement alone reach the level of terror of destroying the planet?

This is beyond the cognition of ordinary spirit warriors!

In fact, this is indeed the case, Jiang Nan is already extraordinary, and the energy in his body has accumulated to an extremely terrifying level!

We are firmly moving forward on the road to swallowing stars!

Before, in Xinghai Yuanliu Cosmic Formation, after three months outside, Jiangnan practiced hard for two and a half years, and still didn't make it through the first phase!

But it also reached the apex of the tenth phase of the extraordinary, coupled with the continuous offensive and defensive battles, and even exhausted the willpower, finally started the qualitative change of the eleventh phase!

In the sky above the Lost Kingdom, Jiang Nan suddenly appeared, with a sad expression on his face!

(???▽???) "Where's the energy? Not enough! I'm already dry!"

Ai Jiang quickly said: "Master, please stay where you are and don't move around, I will activate the external output mode of the Xinghai Yuanliu array!"

I saw the Xinghai Yuanliu cosmic array scattered everywhere activated, and a huge amount of Xingyuan energy blocks burned!

The terrifying torrent of energy compresses and gathers towards the center of the formation, but it is not injected into the universe of the planet in the center of the formation, but directly exported!

It turned into a huge torrent of energy and hit the direction of Jiangnan!

Not one, but three Xinghai Yuanliu cosmic formations output simultaneously!

Every minute and every second, a huge amount of star energy blocks are burned into nothingness!

At this moment, Jiangnan was directly overwhelmed by the Xingyuan energy group, but there was no waste at all!

The body is like a bottomless pit, absorbing all the energy as it is, and the energy in the body finally begins to change qualitatively!

?(??Dish???)? "Not enough! Still not enough! Come again!"

Ai Jiang covered her face, the master's eleventh period, the demand is so big?

Fortunately, she was not unprepared!

The order was issued, and three more Xinghai Yuanliu cosmic formations emerged, opening energy output to Jiangnan!

These three were built later by humans, and all of them are on the scale of 1080 source planets!

After all, when they fought serial offensive and defensive battles in Jiangnan, the great cause of human construction did not stop!

The combined energy supply of the six cosmic formations finally met Jiangnan's needs!

The turbulent aura on Jiangnan's body began to increase exponentially!

Because every level of transcendence is a leap forward!

Not to mention that this is the eleventh phase of Jiangnan, and it has also experienced a super qualitative change in the tenth phase, the improvement can be imagined!


At the same time, the venue of the National Carbon Alliance Summit was lost!

More than 2,000 ethnic speakers from the Carbon Alliance gathered here, and none of them was absent!

The atmosphere in the arena seemed a bit serious, because Hei Shen sat on one side and played with Xing Cheng, and the little carp squatted aside to watch the fun with dead fish eyes!

That little black hand of the Black God looks quite nimble!

Although they were already their own people, they were still a little chubby when they saw the black god's body!

And the violent energy fluctuation outside has attracted the attention of many people!

Noah's eyes brightened:

(*???) "Oh, what? What's the news? Someone in the human race has broken through Star Devouring? Who is it? Vulcan? Or Vivienne?"

Benny May said in astonishment:

????△???? "Such a pure energy supply? Where did you get it? This is almost enough to meet the energy purity requirements of swallowing stars?"

The Black God rolled his eyes:

(??~??*) "What breakthrough swallowing stars? My elder brother? Just him? Far away!"

"This movement, I guess it's because he's on the 11th issue of the Extraordinary?"

Chong Qianjin nearly spat out a mouthful of old blood, did Jiang Nan do it? No wonder you're not here now!

Extraordinary eleven? I guess it's about the same as the eleventh episode of Poxing, right?

Good guy, it's been repaired to the 11th issue, and it hasn't turned into a star-swallowing? Does he want to stay in the broken star until he dies?

No wonder it is so strong!

After a while, the energy fluctuations disappeared!

Jiang Nan suddenly appeared at the venue and sat down!

The aura on his body became more stable, his skin exuded a precious light, and even his body carried a faint fragrance of Nan

Human taste!

Every move seems to coincide with the rhythm of space, making it even more unshakable!

I saw Jiangnan yawned, half-lying on the conference table leaning on his chin, and sighed!

(???) "Hey~"

Noah's mouth twitched:

(¬﹏¬?) "Didn't you just break through the first phase? Why are you sighing? Isn't this something to be happy about?"

Jiangnan lost and said: (?-~-`;) "Just promoted to the first stage, what's the use? I thought this time the energy would become a star swallowing, but I didn't even touch the edge!"

"When will I be able to swallow the star? Now I'm in an embarrassing situation? No one in the broken star is my opponent, and it's boring to fight!"

"Leapfrog star swallowing, right? I'm still a bit short, I can't reach it, the skill range and power are not as good as the real star swallowing, it's hard to be caught in the middle, me?"

Even in the current Jiangnan, except for the taboo method of black hole swallowing stars, there is no way to forcefully swallow stars head-on, and all attributes are inferior!

The gap between Po Xing and Swallowing Xing is too big!

If it is a leapfrog challenge, I am afraid there is no more difficult level than this one!

Manti has black lines all over her head!

What the hell? Do you still want to use the strength of breaking the star to face the existence of swallowing the star?

Why don't you go against the sky? You?

There are only a handful of people who can cross this gap in history, and Jiangnan's combat power has become abnormal one by one. God knows who else will be his opponent if he breaks through to swallow stars!

But thinking of the biggest dark horse ever, Manti felt relieved!

How can you compare yourself with a pervert? Human beings have no one to get along with!

Said Jiang Nan sighed again:

(???) "Hey ~ the third ring, I think I'm good enough to get involved!"

After finishing speaking, the small eyes still looked at Heishen, winking and giving hints!


Black God is speechless, can your intention be more obvious?

Remember the baby you mentioned before?

As soon as this was mentioned, Noah's expression changed!

"Jiangnan! How long do you think this era of thousand stars can last? Can this third ring still be marked?"

"Can the Age of Thousand Stars survive until the end of the sequence war? Is it necessary to prepare for this apex war? I want to hear your opinion!"

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became serious, and some small clans might not think so much!

But Noah Manti and the others, as big family talkers, have a long-term strategic vision and are extremely sensitive to changes in the starry sky situation!

The silence and quietness of the starry sky made them flustered and smelled danger!

Everyone's eyes were focused on Jiang Nan, and the expression on his face became serious!

Jiang Nan said lightly: "Don't think about it, the end of the Thousand Stars Era has long been doomed! It will inevitably collapse irreparably!"

"Xun Zu of the Bose Clan yearns for the most peak world realm, but he has not shown up until now. No one knows where he has come!"

"Silicon's eyes are greedily staring at the Aijiang terminal. Once they get the main terminal and find the so-called countermeasure, they will not hesitate to attack the carbon alliance!"

"And once Xunzu becomes enlightened, he will also set off a war to eliminate all existences that can threaten the dominance of the Bose clan!"

"Regardless of the two parties, whoever completes this crucial step first will ignite a war in the starry sky and completely collapse the Thousand Stars Era. The right to choose has never been in our hands..."

This is very straightforward!

The collapse of the Thousand Stars Era is an inevitable result, just like a flower blooming will eventually fall one day, not manpower can stop it!

Jiangnan can even foresee the coming of war!

Noah smiled wryly:

(︶优︶|||) "Really? I'm on a horse, I didn't expect my generation to catch up with the end of the times, and I don't know if luck is good or not!"

Chong Qianjin said with a dark face, "Since the Thousand Stars Era is doomed to collapse, the sequence rankings will also become empty talk, and the rules will collapse!"

"Then what's the point of fighting this serial war? It's a waste of energy, isn't it?"

Jiang Nan smiled: "Is it really meaningless? If the serial war is not fought, the Carbon Alliance will not exist!"

"It is because of the serial war that we can sit together today and have the capital to fight against the changes in the starry sky!"

"As the saying goes, the times make heroes, and besides, we are not losing money in the sequence war! On the contrary, we are accumulating capital, prestige, and strength! And the role of these in the chaotic chaos that follows is not the slightest bit!"

"We are indeed fighting for a ranking that may become meaningless, but it's not just for the ranking! You can completely regard it as a warm-up before the main game and a process of accumulating advantages for your own side!"

"Don't you guys realize? The real war has already started long ago..."

"The smoke of gunpowder is often silent..."

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