Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2717 Did I sell it cheap?

Is the Carbon Alliance already rich enough to auction off their own base planet?

This is a serial offensive and defensive battle, why is there an auction? Hey!

However, upon hearing the news, all ethnic groups were excited!

Now there are almost no mobile base planets on the battlefield, all of them are in the hands of big players!

If each small clan wants to get a base planet, they often need to destroy their main star!

The price paid is not ordinary!

It would be great if you could buy it here in Jiangnan, wouldn't it?

How many points can a base planet be promoted to?

Immediately, many races were tempted!

Here's an opportunity!

But when everyone saw Jiangnan, who was full of money, with a devilish smile on his face at the Starlight booth!

Immediately, there was a severe shock, and a basin of cold water was poured from head to tail!

An auction held in Jiangnan? Maybe there is another big hole dug waiting for everyone to jump into it!

Who is going to criticize stupidly!

Although it is a good thing to be able to buy a base planet, Jiangnan is notorious, and the starry sky is stunned to suppress the throbbing in my heart!

Even Tianli's face turned black!

God riding horse auction! Thanks to your thinking, can you still cut leeks like this?

Seeing that he had yelled for a long time, and the people in the starry sky remained silent, Jiang Nan said confusedly:

(???~??)???? "What? Isn't this good news for everyone?"

"Why are none of them on the road? Didn't they send anyone to participate?"

Ming brake sneered:

(¬~¬〃) "Who dares to go? I'm afraid I bought your base planet! After paying the money, you will send someone to snatch it back, right?"

"The money is in vain, and you can still hear it! Give it to you? That's the meat buns..."

Jiangnan: (?°?д°?) Huh?

Mingsha gave a shock: (?-﹏-`;) "Hit... hit the god! There is no return?"

The corners of Xian Guo and Gu Qiong's mouths twitched, your gods eat meat buns?

Jiangnan instantly put on a smiling face:

(??????) "You don't have to worry about this, the one who bought the base planet from my carbon alliance is my customer!"

"I promise not to sell it again. If I buy it, it belongs to you. If I really do this, I'm afraid it will cause public anger. Can I still do this business?"

"The starry sky is not about fighting and killing, it's about people's sophistication. Now that you have the opportunity to get the base planet without going all out, why not do it to improve the ranking?"

"You don't have to worry about safety issues. Hands-on hands are prohibited in the peace talks area. Violators will be punished. That's why I set the auction location here!"

"Everyone who has money will hold a money market, and those who have no money will go home and withdraw money to hold a money market. Come and participate~"

After speaking, he opened his arms and looked at the sea of ​​stars with a smile on his face!


However, there was still silence in the starry sky, as if six black spots were floating in the sky...


Yang Jian couldn't hold back his joy. He didn't expect this situation, mainly because Jiangnan's reputation is really not good!

Thousands of people in the starry sky are scared!

So even if the auction is very attractive, I dare not join in, for fear of being cheated!

Two blue veins popped out on Jiang Nan's forehead!

?(?°?д°??)? "Zhuo! Are you coming? I'll give you three minutes! Leaders of all ethnic groups bring money and send people over to participate in the auction!"

"Three minutes later! If I see someone who is not coming, I will directly blast him with the black hole jet!"

"Apocalypse! Reload me! Reload now!"

Du Lingyu immediately sent the Apocalypse Legion to reload the black hole defense!

Wang Youzhi quacked and laughed, hurry up! He is in a hurry!

All the people in the starry sky trembled, looking at the black hole defenders circling in the Carbon Alliance position and trembling!

After this shot, there is nothing left, right?

Blow up your house if you disagree?

Jiangnan uses strength to explain what is strong buying and strong selling?

It's really polite, he obviously can grab it directly, but he insists on holding an auction!

How can the leader of the starry sky ten thousand races sit still?

To keep their homes from being bombed, each one of them seemed to be on fire, almost kicking the gas pedal into the power furnace, rushing towards the peace negotiation zone!

Being threatened is one aspect. If you can really spend money to change to the base planet to improve your ranking, it would be great!

Big and small alliances, quality alliances, angels, and even Tianli have brought people here!

Tianli's idea is very simple. If a large number of base planets can be obtained here in Jiangnan, it will also help to even out the point gap with Silicon Base!

Where can I still care about my face now? Seizing every opportunity to come back is the real thing!

All the representatives of various ethnic groups came to the peace talks area, and all rushed into the City of Starlight!

The city, which was originally a bit deserted, finally gained some popularity!

None of them dared to be absent. Of course, they didn't have to if Siji didn't come!

Jiang Nan immediately beamed with joy!

(???ヮ???) "Everyone knows in your heart that no one of you is rich now, and a few more base planets can widen the gap with other races by a considerable distance!"

"Leading troops to rob will kill people. It is also a waste of resources to build a base planet. Wouldn't it be possible to achieve the same goal by directly throwing it into my hands?"

"Why fight and kill? The Carbon Alliance has been working hard to promote the peaceful development of the starry sky!"

A lot of voices of "drinking~" came!

(¬3¬)? Spit~?·?*?

What the hell is peace? Nuclear leveling, right? Just now, he threatened to bombard the positions of various companies!

Jiang Nan didn't bother, seeing that everyone was almost there, he snapped his fingers immediately!

A huge holographic projection of the base planet burst out in situ!

(????) "I don't play with that button! One hundred 18-hand base planets are sold in a package! There is no starting price! Every bid is the same! If I can reach my psychological price, I will sell it directly! If you can't achieve it, then the auction will be passed!"

"Because this is a peace negotiation area, the base planet cannot be transported here. After the transaction is completed, ask our staff to issue an invoice, and then go to my Carbon Alliance position to pick up the planet with the invoice!"

"With a free escort home service, whoever dares to snatch it on the road, I will directly bombard him with the black hole jet of the Carbon Alliance, safety is absolutely guaranteed!"

"Start shooting!"

The leaders of all ethnic groups covered their faces one after another, Shen Te Miao issued an invoice, is it so formal?

I actually participated in the auction in the serial attack and defense battle? Who can believe this?

Looking at the projection of the one hundred base planets, many races were tempted!

one hundred? That's 100,000 points!

Once you get it, how much difference can you make with other races?

Under the current situation, even if they were exhausted, they would not be able to collect a hundred base planets, would they?

How much will it cost?

But God knows what Jiangnan's psychological price is? For a moment, no one dared to bid!

But at this moment, the leaders of the Wuzhong Alliance gathered together to discuss for a long time!

The more than 300 base planets they used to pay off their debts were all destroyed. I thought Jiangnan would renege on his debts!

Who knew that even if it was all destroyed, Jiang Nan didn't care about it!

Even because of the Thanos plan, there were casualties during the escort process of the Wuzhong Alliance!

Jiangnan directly hooked up their debts and paid them back all the main planets where the racial beacons are located!

Compensation for the loss!

Although they were robbed by Jiangnan in the first place, for some reason, they were a little grateful in their hearts!

The base planets he earned now are his own points!

Considering that Jiangnan still keeps his word, several people unanimously decided to give it a try!

Because I don't know the psychological price of Jiangnan, will the lion open his mouth!

The Uzbekistan Alliance calculates by multiplying the resources spent to grab a base planet by one hundred!

I saw the poem of the corpse clan saying:

(*???)? "Our Wuzhong Alliance produced 100 trillion star source energy blocks! One hundred thousand squares of holy light potion! One billion dead energy bombs! One hundred thousand squares of mind crystals! Three thousand sets of magic defense arrays ! 7425 mining area energy crystal core mining area..."

The quotations of poetry are crazy, and I haven't finished reading for three minutes. The long list of prices makes Jiangnan feel numb!

Don't think the price figures are exaggerated, each of them has racial support behind them!

Once it rises to the racial level, the numbers will reach a terrifying level, and the consumption of war is extremely huge!

Even if it is a small clan, its heritage accumulated over the years, war reserves, and resource reserves are extremely rich!

Just like a Tomahawk missile, the cost is two million dollars!

Where has Jiangnan seen this scene? Several times he thought that the poetry was about to be finished, and wanted to interrupt it!

Who knew that poetry was still being recited!

Oh my god! Can Base Planet sell such sky-high prices?

This... so valuable?

After reading the poem for a long time, I finally finished reading:

(??﹏??) "Do you see... is it enough? These are all members of our Wuzhong Alliance!"

"What's the price? Has it reached the price in your heart?"

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin and frowned!

(??v?v??:) "Hm~ Ai-chan? Calculate the total value and report it to me!"

But I can't hold back anymore!

(??????)? Ahhh! Sell! Sell ​​now!

Can a hundred base planets be sold for so much money? Fuck it! Fuck it!

When I was fighting the Bose tribe, I actually exploded so many?

I'm a prodigal!

He can't wait to slap himself two big mouths!

However, seeing Jiangnan frowning, Shiyu's complexion turned pale, is there still something missing?

This is just a simple addition of the resources consumed by the Wuzhong Alliance to grab a hundred base planets!

It's not very attractive!

After all, if you buy it directly from Jiangnan, it will save trouble and not kill anyone!

It should be more!

Poetry tentatively said:

(??~???)? "Actually, we can add some more, how about adding 5 times the price just now?"

Jiang Nan frowned even deeper!

Yang Jian tilted his head to hold back, Jiang Nan looked like he was about to be overwhelmed?

Jiang Nan said loudly:

(??v_v??:) "Everyone? Apart from the Wuzhong Alliance bid, is there no one else?"

Representatives of various races bowed their heads one after another. God knows what is wrong here?

One hundred base planets, one hundred thousand points, so cheap?

Does Uzbekistan really dare to buy it?

Jiang Nan waved his hand:

(︶财︶〃)? "The ones who didn't bid? All right, all right! I'm selling you! Send the resources over, and handle the handover procedures!"

"The note is over, take the note and go to the carbon alliance position to lead the base planet!"

All members of the Wuzhong Alliance stared wide-eyed and froze in place!

Shiyu was confused: (???д???)! "Just... just sell us?"

The price bottom line in our hearts, but tripled?

5 for us?

This, this, this... so cheap!

Jiang Nan hastily stepped back two steps, with a defensive face:

(??????)? "What's wrong? I've already paid the price, but you don't have to go back on your word. If you dare to go back on your word, you'll blow up your position when you turn around!"

Shiyu shook his head quickly:

Σ(?﹏??????≡?????﹏?) "No, no, no... no regrets! Did you really sell us? One hundred? You can get it when you go to the carbon alliance base? Don't hack us? "

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(??~??*) "What did I just say for nothing? Why do I need so many base planets? I don't want to be number one!"

"Sell it when it's time to sell!"

The eyes of poetry are shining:

(??ヮ?)? "I'll send someone to pick up the goods!"

Not only the eyes of the Wuzhong Alliance lit up, but all the representatives of all ethnic groups had bright eyes, and there was a sound of swallowing saliva...

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