Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2714 I didn't even know that I was behind the scenes

Now they understood all the principles of heaven, and they all looked stunned!

Siji approached the Carbon Alliance to secretly reach a deal, and Jiangnan used the money to do things, so with the Thanos plan, Siji won the base planet and suppressed the Bose tribe!

As for the rewards given to Jiangnan, they are all the base planets of the Quality League, and they will become their own as soon as they change hands!

It's hard to win!

What's even more shocking is that such a silicon base is not satisfied, and even wants to take this opportunity to push the pot of the seed of the universe to human beings!

Use this to clear yourself of suspicion, and cheat human beings again!

To unload the grind and kill the donkey, as long as the plan is completed, both sides will let the silicon base play!

Silicon base will undoubtedly be the biggest winner!

Tianli felt cold in his heart:

Σ(°△°|||) "As expected of a silicon base! The computing power of the terminal is not free, so you really understand it?"

Jiang Nan had a cold face:

(????) "It really blinded me to choose to cooperate with Siji again. I knew you had to do this!"

"This money is disgusting!"

Oka Xiu:! ! !

[┐? Yi? ┌] "No! It's not like that! I don't have one! Data can't lie! It's all fake! Jiangnan is lying!"

However, the facts are there, and everything is connected!

If it wasn't given by the silicon base, how could those base planets appear in the hands of the carbon alliance?

Cut Li's eyes were already full of murderous intent, and the long sword in his hand pointed directly at the silicon master!

(? °? Yi °?) "You are a good chess player!"

Even Mailiu Shi Chenmu was impatient!

(??????) "You are on the horse! This big brother is really conscientious for making you a man? You don't even bat an eye when you're a little brother?"

"We've got a lot of dung in our heads, and we actually choose to recognize you as big brothers? Pooh!"

"Return the base planet to us! Otherwise, this matter will never end!"

At this moment, even Silicon Master's head is starting to smoke. Now even if he has a hundred mouths, he can't tell clearly?

[┐▼皮▼┌] "Calm down! Calm down! Don't listen to Jiangnan's one-sided remarks! Don't let him lead you by the nose! I swear by the terminal, I didn't plan this matter!"

"It has nothing to do with us! It's Jiangnan who is throwing the blame away, trying to shift the point of conflict and put aside the relationship between human beings and the disappearance of the Seed of the Universe!"

"He's on the upper floor! We're all played by him!"

Cutie narrowed his eyes: "Everything requires evidence, the facts are right in front of you, are you still arguing?"

The silicon owner is also in a hurry, what is the truth?

Why don't you believe what I said?

"Think about it! Think about it carefully! My silicon base is also working hard to become the overlord of the starry sky, and I need human support!"

"Quality alliance is undoubtedly the best resource. Considering the normal logic, how could we do such an immoral thing of selling teammates?"

"Isn't this pushing the Quality Alliance out with your own hands?"

Cut Li and Chen Mu both frowned, it's true!

However, Mai Liushi was in a hurry:

(? Yi??) "Fart! On your way, you sell us less? The quality alliance is just to squeeze all our value?"

Silicon dominates the gas pole, which is hard to say!

Jiangnan, how are you doing? The heart and eyes are for you to play and understand, right?

What a big brother? What a big pot!

"Jiangnan! Don't quibble! You humans took the seed of the universe, right?"

"Call that our silicon base is the mastermind behind the scenes, secretly deal! Where is the evidence? Show the evidence! Empty words are nothing!"

"I can't carry this pot with silicon!"

Jiangnan is speechless: (?????*) "Stubborn? Are you still stubborn with me? Everything is based on data, right? I have already been sold by Siji once!"

"Since I still dare to make a deal with you, I have made sufficient preparations to prevent you from cheating me!"

"The whole negotiation is carried out in the cracks of the dimension, and the data transmission is cut off throughout the whole process, and it is normal if there is no data in the terminal!"

"After the transaction was settled, I asked Gang Xiu to keep all the records about this transaction confidential and make them into an encrypted package. Only by entering the password I gave can the data be unsealed!"

Master Silicon turned his head to look at Xiu Gang!

[┐¬得¬┌] "Is there such a thing?"

Gang Xiu:? ? ?

[┐≥口≤┌] "Not at all! Jiangnan is talking nonsense! I simply didn't go to the gap between dimensions to discuss any deal with Jiangnan! I..."

Jiangnan's eyes are full of impatience:

(︶优︶〃)? "Come on! Stop acting? Aren't you tired?"

"The reason why I do this is that I don't want to be pitted by the Silicon Foundation during the operation. If the plan is leaked, or the Silicon Foundation informs, or I take the opportunity to do something that is not good for my carbon alliance, the risk is not ordinary. !"

"That's why we formulated the conditions for blocking transaction information, which is also one of the conditions for my agreement to cooperate!"

"Don't believe me? You can search in your own database to see if there is any encrypted hidden data packet! Enter the password Thanos Action 666 and try it out!"

Gang Xiu was completely dumbfounded, and now even he was told by Jiangnan that he was not confident!

Did you really do this?

After all, silicon-based memory is just data!

After searching for a while, he really found the hidden data package in the database. After entering the password, the data was displayed completely!

I saw Gang Xiu's mechanical eyes widening!

[┐☉口☉┌] "Wow... slot..."

I really did it?

In the sealed data packet, there is all the information about the transaction, the detailed content, every detail, all here!

Master Si frowned, and immediately read Gang Xiu's conscious memory!

The next moment, even he was dumbfounded!

impossible! This is impossible! Was it really Gang Xiu who did it? I do not know how?

If Gangxiu carried out this level of action, how could he not report to the terminal?

I don't know anything about it?

Did Gang Xiu deliberately conceal his actions? Where did he get the right to act independently? Or is there something wrong with Gang Xiu's consciousness? Starting to act independently?

In an instant, the silicon master thought of many possibilities, and wanted to completely destroy Gang Xiu's consciousness!

Jiang Nan sneered in his heart!

play? Play with me?

Let you taste the feeling of being cheated today!

The hidden data packet was written into by the Special Operations Team later, and it is exactly the content of the silicon crystal source memory!

Ai-chan made it and wrote it into the database of the garrison mechanical soldiers, and the silicon-based data are all linked to each other to exchange information!

Once Gang Xiu exchanges information, the hidden data packets will naturally enter Gang Xiu's database through the information chain!

Become a mountain of evidence!

Let Xiu Gang think that he did it, but all the information about the transaction was sealed!

When I was sold by Siji, the feeling of Jiangnan is still fresh in my memory!

Jiangnan is quite vengeful!

With this opportunity, how could it not be a silicon base?

Mai Liushi's eyes were red:

(??? Yi??) "Talk? Why don't you talk? What's in the data packet?"

Jiang Nan sneered: "What else are you talking about? There is nothing to say, right? You want to trick me? Can I step on the same trick twice?"

At this moment, the silicon master is still confused, whether it is Jiangnan's scheme, or Gang Xiuzhen did it!

"How on earth did you do it? No! I checked his consciousness, and there is no problem! It is impossible for him to go beyond my authority and negotiate a deal with you!"

Jiang Nan was speechless: "As expected of a silicon base, what's the matter with being so stubborn? Are you still sophistrying? Do you dare to open source and let everyone see that data packet?"

"Yes! You don't dare to measure it! But I have prepared for it! I also have a record!"

"This is a transaction record saved with Time Chalcedony. Anyone who knows how to do it knows that this thing cannot be tampered with. It can only record the content of a certain period of time in the past. The timeline is on it. Let the stone speak!"

"Ai Jiang broadcast it! See for yourself!"

The love sauce elf jumped out immediately and started playing the video of the transaction at that time!

A warm yellow halo burst out and projected in the starry sky, as if pulling people back to the original trading scene!

Everyone stared wide-eyed at the contents of the video...

I saw a secret stronghold in the gap between the dimensions!

Gang Xiu had already been waiting there, with scarlet letter A on his chest!

Jiang Nan appeared in a teleportation, cast a glance at Gang Xiu, and said with disdain:

(?°?д°?) "You really dare to come to me? I wonder if I'm busy? If there's nothing important, don't take this mechanical prosthesis of yours!"

And Gang Xiu said:

[┐v_v┌] "This time I came to see you, naturally I have important business to discuss, a mechanical prosthetic body is nothing more than a tool, I, Gang Xiu, can't afford it!"

"I don't know if you still count on the one thing you said before?"

Jiang Nan frowned: "Take the order? What? Do you want to fight the Bose clan? Do you think I need this? The points of the Carbon Alliance are enough, I don't want to do anything extra. Wouldn't it be nice to wait until the end of the game?"

"Besides, I don't want to play with the situation, so I don't want to accept it!"

After speaking, he pointed his hand at Gang Xiu, obviously wanting to release a dimension reduction blow!

However, Gang Xiu said indifferently: "There is no deal that cannot be negotiated in this world, just because the benefits are not enough! Isn't it?"

"How about listening to me?"

Jiangnan raised his eyebrows: (??д??) "Oh? Let's hear it! But let me tell you in advance that Siji has a criminal record on my side. If the bid is not enough to tempt me, don't ask me to contribute , I don't want to have anything to do with you!"

The screen is playing like this, and the next step is to formulate the specific content and plan of the transaction!

Gang Xiu froze in place!


I... what did I do? I really did that? I turned out to be the mastermind behind the scenes?

I didn't even know that I was so awesome!

Moreover, the content of the transaction matches all the data in the compressed package, not bad at all!

Now the silicon master is not calm anymore, there is nowhere to reason?

Is it true that Gang Xiu can't act without authorization? He evolved?

Jiangnan's heart quacked with joy!

Can it be true? Because this is what actually happened, it was just recorded!

The mechanical prosthetic body in the picture is indeed Gang Xiu's mechanical prosthetic body, which was detained when the two families besieged the moat!

Ai-chan pretends to be Oka Xiu's consciousness and is just negotiating a deal with Jiang Nan!

This is not a difficult task for love sauce!

Everything was ready before Thanos' action plan!

Pit silicon base! Jiang Nan is serious!

This big pot, they have to carry it if they don't!

And in the blink of an eye, the deal between the two sides in the screen is almost done!

Jiang Nan frowned: "I said... the base planets you promised me are all the base planets of the Quality Alliance, right? Only a small part belongs to you!"

"What's the matter? I'm sorry to be dark, but you want to play the trick?"

"But are you sure? If you do this, aren't you afraid that the alliance will turn against you?"

Oka Xiu said lightly:

[┐???┌] "If you don't like it, you don't have to, but what else can they do? Aren't all the racial beacons in my hands?"

"Priority is to ensure the victory of the silicon base. If there are still surplus points in hand at the end, it means to divide them some more!"

"As for how much you can gain this time, it's up to you!"

Jiang Nan grinned:

(????) "I don't care about your affairs, but I still have to say something! Boss Si is so arrogant! To be your younger brother, it really is the virtue of eight generations of ancestors?"

Ming brake: (? ° pan °)????? ah ah ah! ! !

Immortal Kingdom: (艹义草?) Silicon-based! I am stepping on the horse crab crab to your eight generations of ancestors!

Gu Qiong: ??????|||?~%?…;#*’☆c$! Beep beep!

Not only were they scolding, Mai Liushi and Chen Mu were almost fainted from anger!

Quality alliances were all sold out, and those who helped Siji fight to death, the dog der didn't get it, and he even lost all the base planets he had saved!

In the recording screen, Gang Xiu narrowed his eyes and said: "Before, you threatened Bose with the secret of the seed of the universe, the world power... something!"

"What is the secret of the seed of the universe? Silicon base paid so much, it can't be paid in vain!"

Jiang Nan was startled, then raised his brows, with a look of interest on his face:

(?????) "Oh? What? You want to know?"

"The seed of the universe is indeed in the hands of Siji, right?"

Oka Xiu said lightly:

[┐?-i_-`┌] "No! This is not something you need to consider! I'm just more interested in this secret!"

"After all, information that can pose a threat to the enemy is valuable information to me, Siji!"

Jiang Nan raised his head and shook his chair, smiled slightly, and said meaningfully:

(????????) "Oh? Are you not here... Hehe~"

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