Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2705 Jiangnan was taken care of?

"The armor of the universe! Expand to the maximum!"

"Time, slow down..."

Based on the master of the starry sky, distorting space to control gravity, Jiangnan released the maximum time dilation he could create!


Before he finished speaking, time slowed down under the cover of the Armor of the Universe!

You can clearly see the slowly blooming flames and the flow of energy, and the world seems to be slowed down a hundred times at this moment!

But Jiangnan turned his warp drive to the maximum, and shuttled through the time dilation zone at extreme speed!

A layer of scarlet flames lingered on the two-dimensional knife, and no one could see Jiangnan's figure clearly, like a bloody shooting star, meandering through the enemy's formation!

With a knife in hand, chop up the Bose warriors one by one, spread them out, and send them to the second dimension!

They didn't even have time to react, before killing the hostages!

Jiang Nan ended his life!

Under the influence of the armor of the universe, Jiangnan frantically rescued the hostages, pulled them out from the hands of the Bose soldiers, then tore open the space, and threw them into the cracks in the dimension!

The hostages didn't even see clearly, they had already been rescued!

Fujimu blooms, turns on the super metamorphosis mode, releases scarlet spores, and spreads wildly in the armor of the universe!

As long as it is contaminated by scarlet spores, it will leave a space imprint on its body!

In the next moment, Jiangnan will directly replace the hostages and kill the Bose soldiers who are holding the hostages!

Under the cover of black hole sea urchins, Jiangnan Leng boldly rescued thousands of people in such an extremely dangerous environment!

Because it was so intense, white smoke even came out of his body!

Tianli:! ! !

"God Slash!"

A huge four-dimensional slash was released, and it went straight to the south of the Yangtze River!

With the stance of cutting the entire Bose camp open!

Without further ado, Jiangnan, the two-dimensional planar shield, hold up the shield and carry it hard!


The two-dimensional flower bloomed, which also gave Tianli and the others a chance!

They knew in their hearts that Jiang Nan must not be given the slightest chance, otherwise he would be rescued later!

Isn't even the inside of Bose Camp safe?

(¬志¬?) "Tsk~ with hostages! All withdraw to the core Lingxu, guard the entrance, and don't let Jiangnan enter!"

How can those Bose fighters care so much!

I'm afraid that I will be the next one to die under Jiangnan's knife!

At the entrance of the core Lingxu, the four-dimensional cube used to block the door was opened, and all the Bose fighters holding hostages were evacuated inside!

Tianli waved his hand!

"Break the Void Curse Formation!"

A thick barrier descended like a gate, isolating the inner and outer space!

Jiangnan shattered the two-dimensional flower on the spot, turning into a thousand blades with hundreds of curves and spinning around his body!

Scarlet eyes immediately fixed on the entrance of the space gate of the core Lingxu!

The Mobius ring was formed, and it looked like it was going to forcibly rush to the core Lingxu!

The law of heaven is in a hurry, horse rider, do you want to be so fierce?

Don't really let this guy rush in!

The reason why he has been reluctant to attack the hostages before is because Jiangnan is still pinching Naraku and the others!

Once he kills others as an example, the lives of those Bose captives may not be guaranteed!

That's why I kept holding back and wanted to negotiate terms with Jiangnan!

But Jiang Nan obviously didn't give them this chance, and directly killed them with a tough attitude!

The reason is that the Carbon Alliance also holds hostages as bargaining chips!

But judging from the current situation, Jiangnan really doesn't know how distressed he is if he doesn't kill chickens to make an example of monkeys?

Naraku! Although I feel a little sorry for you, but for the sake of race, I can only sacrifice you!

Tianli said angrily:

?(艹书?) "Jiangnan! Didn't you hear me telling you to stop? Do you really think I care about those hostages?"

With a wave of his hand while speaking, the infinite extreme cold spread!

Hundreds of hostages were directly frozen into ice sculptures by absolute zero, and there was even a look of panic in their widened eyes!

This includes Leng Yan and Hua Ling!

Jiang Nan's footsteps stopped, his expression froze suddenly!

I saw Tianli shook slightly, and those ice sculptures shattered into ice slag and fell to the ground!

Jiang Nan's steel teeth were almost gnawed into pieces, and the killing momentum on his body was released again and again. Just by looking at it, he would be so frightened that his liver and gallbladder would burst!

Like a demon crawling out of hell!

"You dare! How dare you? The lives of these 114 people! I want you Bose tribe to pay back a thousand times, ten thousand times!"

"Gangchacha! Get all the Bose hostages out! Hack them all to death!"

The carbon alliance position is also extremely cooperative!

They directly pulled out all the Bose captives who had been beaten so badly!

He must be hacked to death on the spot!

Naraku panicked:

(#?)3●#) "What are you doing? Why are you going to kill me? The three-day moratorium has not yet passed, you can't do this? Hey, hey?"

"Keep people under the sword!"

But Rum grinned grimly: "Do you want to be more ruthless than anyone else?"

While speaking, the holy knife in his hand directly pierced "Zhong Yingxue"'s chest, dripping with blood!

Terrifying extreme cold spread from the holy knife and spread along the wound!

"Zhong Yingxue" frowned, her pretty face was pale, and she couldn't help coughing up blood with icicles!

The blood-stained appearance looked extremely poignant!

Rum chuckled:

(??°??°?) "We don't care! What about you? Don't worry! I do things very cleanly. If I really want to kill, I won't even give you anything left!"

"If you dare to kill another member of my Bose family, she will die immediately, are you willing?"

The frost spread and had already reached the neck, and the vitality of "Zhong Yingxue" had become very weak!

Naraku is in a hurry, don't you care about anything? The knife is on my neck, but it seems that you are not the ones whose lives are threatened!

Are there any teammates like you?

I saw that Jiangnan was silent, his aura dissipated like an ebb tide, he lowered his head in silence, and the two-dimensional knife in his hand dissipated invisible!

Jiangnan at this moment is like a boxer who lost in the ring!

The winner raises his arms and shouts, while the loser returns lonely!

And at this moment, he has clearly become the loser of this dispute!

I saw "Zhong Yingxue" holding on to her will, with a gentle smile on her face!

"Xiao Nan... raise your head, you have never bowed your head to others, have you? I am useless, I was caught by them and dragged you down!"

"I don't want to be a stumbling block in your way, pick up your knife! You have never lost! I hope it will be the same this time!"

"Even if I turn into a star in the sky, I will always watch you until the moment you reach the top of the starry sky!"

Jiang Nan smiled wryly, and slowly closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his eyes were full of tenderness!

"Without you by my side...what's the point of standing at the top..."

"How can I be willing!"

"Zhong Yingxue" shook her head: "Don't shed tears for me, pick up your knife! You... puff~"

Before he finished speaking, Langmu twisted the long knife in his hand, and "Zhong Yingxue" spit out a mouthful of blood again!

"Is it because Lao Tzu's knife is not fast enough? Can't this stop your mouth?"

"Xia Yao" clenched her teeth, crying anxiously beside her!

Tiffany sneered:

(???????) "You better be honest, or you'll be next!"

At this moment, "Mo Tian" and the others also shook their heads!

(#??????????????) "Nan Shen! Don't give in! Once you give in, you will lose your chance! We are not afraid of death!"

"Yu Qingqing" kept nodding her head:

(???????~???????) "The moment we set foot on the battlefield, we are ready to die!"

"Nan Shen! Let's fight! As the Lord of the Era, you can't stand still because of us!"

Having said that, the bodies of the hostages couldn't help shaking!

The people in the Carbon Alliance army are excited, and the human camp is even more roaring, as if they will rush up at any time!

Rum smiled, he knew that Jiangnan's pain point had been caught by him!

However, no one noticed, when the hostages all said that they were not afraid of death and asked Jiang Nan to do it!

There are also many hostages quietly observing the interior of the core Lingxu, secretly observing...

(′???`)~I stare~

I saw Jiangnan took a deep look at Rum!

What kind of look is that? Cold and ruthless, full of endless resentment!

Rum shuddered, his back felt cold, and his hands became even harder. "Zhong Yingxue" could barely open his eyes, and his body seemed to be broken at any moment!

"What's the answer? She won't last long!"

After all, Jiangnan took a deep breath:

"what do you want?"

Tianli and the others are all excited, that's it! Jiangnan gave in!


Finally took the initiative in the serial war!

Tianli said: (?°?д°?)? "I don't care what method you use, immediately stop the silicon base from attacking, and let me withdraw from the Bose position! I will only give you 30 seconds!"

"In one second, I will kill a hostage!"

Jiang Nan's expression remained unchanged, and he turned to look at Gang Xiu with a cold expression!

(¬_¬) "Now, get your people out of Bose's position immediately!"

"If my people are slightly damaged because of the silicon base, the Carbon Alliance will attack the silicon base with all its strength! Regardless of the consequences! The black hole defense will fully fire at the silicon base position!"

"Until the silicon base is smashed!"

Gangxiu narrowed his eyes, and after weighing the pros and cons, he didn't struggle, and finally led people back out!

Obviously, the Bose family has taken the initiative!

Siji insists on attacking, fearing that Bose and Carbon League will fight together!

This is not a good situation!

Jiang Nan's eyes turned: "Now... are you satisfied?"

A playful smile appeared on Rum's face:

(???????) "Satisfied? How could you be so satisfied?"

"I want you to kneel in front of me, right now! Kneel! know the consequences!"

Jiang Nan squinted, "Zhong Yingxue" kept shaking her head, and "Xia Yao" was also in a hurry!

"Xiao Nan! Don't kneel! Don't kneel him!"

However, Tiffany slapped her again: "Be honest!"

The blue veins on Jiangnan's forehead popped up!

And at this moment, Naraku's long-suppressed roar came!

(#?)优●#) "Kneeling Nima? Rum? Stop playing around! What kind of old-fashioned speech is this? Ask Jiangnan to kneel down for a der? Can you do something practical?"

"Get us out first? We're still locked inside!"

"Is it important to make Jiangnan kneel down, or our lives? I'm ~%?...;#*'☆!"

Naluo is completely impatient, we are still suffering here, the first time you figured out Jiangnan was not to save us, but to make Jiangnan kneel down?

Are there any teammates like you?

The corner of Rum's mouth twitched:

(⌒﹏⌒?) "No... I'm sorry, I'm a bit over the top, I'll save you! I'll save you!"

"Ahem~Jiangnan! Send all the Bose hostages back to Lao Tzu immediately, not one less!"

"If I had a better attitude, I might release a batch of hostages to return you! If you dare to be negligent, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless!"

Jiang Nan looked cold: "You'd better keep your word, wait! I'll get someone!"

After speaking, he directly tore apart the space and stepped into the gap between dimensions...

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