Jiangnan geigei laughed straight:

(???????) "Since this method is feasible, the Thanos operation is so happily decided!"

"The next step is to formulate a specific action plan. It may take a little risk, but the risk is also within the controllable range!"

Wang Youzhi immediately gave a thumbs up, or do you know how to name it?

The god special meow destroys the tyrant, what do you mean by destroying the overlord of the starry sky?

Then everyone listened to Jiangnan's specific arrangements for this operation!

Everyone couldn't help covering their faces, how did you come up with such a crazy plan?

When it comes to conspiracies and calculations, playing tricks and deceiving people, Jiangnan is second, no one dares to be the first, right?

As Jiang Nan said, the plan is indeed risky, but it is completely controllable!

If you don't do this, there is no way to make the Bose tribe lower their vigilance and achieve their goals!

Afterwards, members of the Carbon Alliance divided labor and cooperated, and received specific task content!

After all, it's attacking the Bose body, so preparations are indispensable!

Once arranged, a perfect Thanos action plan was born!

Jiang Nan put a fork on his waist: "Let's do this first, when the time is right, start to act directly, and send a big gift to the Bose clan!"

The eyes of the leaders of all ethnic groups suppressed excitement, are they finally going to take the initiative to attack?

So they are all ready to go!

And when everyone was about to leave, Li Si raised his hand and reported:

(????)? "Nanshin! Regarding Thanos' action plan, I also have some suggestions from my side, I wonder if they will come in handy!"

"Once it works, you can directly expand the results of this operation, and maybe dominate the Sea of ​​Embers!"

"However, it may be necessary for the family to cooperate and prepare some things in advance..."

Li Si didn't dare to mention Zhang San, otherwise Jiang Nan would automatically ignore it!

Jiang Nan frowned:

(*???) "Oh shit? What suggestion, come and bite your ear~"

Li Si pulled Zhang San and went to the small black room with Jiang Nan. After a while, Jiang Nan's exclamation sound came from inside, as well as Jie Jie Jie~'s bad laughter!

(*???????) "One word, absolutely! Let go and do it, the arrangement at home must be clear, and there is no need to worry about the supply of equipment, it must be fully equipped with a wall-mounted backpack!"

"However, the most important thing is to control the timing. If you can't do something, everything is about your own safety!"

"Anyway, under the current situation, the victory of the Carbon Alliance has been secured, so there is no need to work hard!"

Li Si grinned and said, "Don't worry~ let's do it!"

In a blink of an eye, everything was arranged!

Jiang Nan stretched his waist in satisfaction, and rushed to the battle platform in a teleport!

Looking up at the sand table map of the battle situation in the Star Ember Tower, the situation is still the same!

Silicon-based Bose stayed put, so he just had nothing to do and played jungle. The quality league has been playing angels, and there are many small leagues mixed in!

The Angel position has been beaten to the brink of collapse several times. If it wasn't for the help of the servants, it would have been out of the game long ago!

Even so, there were heavy casualties, batch after batch of reinforcements, crazily burning their foundations, and corpses littered the battlefield!

Even if the angel resists in the end, he will be disabled even if he does not die, and his family will be impoverished!

Only the Carbon Alliance army, except for some who are doing mercenary business outside, are all idle in the position, and the idlers are almost growing hair!

Some lay on the Styx River basking in the stars, some gathered in small groups to brag and criticize, some went to the star mirror for a test, and even people of different races got together to discuss business!

Teams went to the black hole to check in and take pictures, and there was even a live broadcast!

The name of the live broadcast room is "Serial offensive and defensive battle in progress, my retirement life in the Carbon Alliance position, a real fight!" \u003e

Idle is not allowed!

When Jiang Nan saw it, he immediately became angry!

Immediately, he took out the war horn, turned the volume to the maximum, and roared:

Σ(((\u003e(°?口°??) "Hey! What are you doing? We are at war! Look at how you are all idle? Does it look like you are here to fight?"

"Where is the vigilance? What about the awe? The clan asked you to participate in the sequence of offensive and defensive battles, is it just for you to stay?"

"Is this a good time for you to waste? Give me all the energy!"

Jiangnan's angry roar echoed throughout the sea of ​​ashes, and it felt like he hated iron for not being steel!

The Carbon Alliance army, which was still free and unrestrained at the last moment, immediately formed a team and stood upright, but their faces were full of embarrassment!


I...we don't want to be idle either!

But there is really nothing to do? You don't have to defend your home, and you don't have to attack if you attack. Even if you are a mercenary, you don't have so many orders to take?

Jiang Nan looked sad:

(︶依︶〃) "Look at them! Those who have thrown their heads and blood to death outside, look at you again? I really don't know what to say about you!"

"Could it be that if we have more points in our hands, we can be free and undisciplined? Can we just blow water and fart if no one can break through our defense?"

(????)? "Could it be that we can relax our vigilance if we win? Goose Box~Of course!"

Speaking of this, the smile on Jiang Nan's face became extremely unbearable!

The Carbon Alliance army vomits blood collectively, you are too hasty to turn this corner, right?

And at this moment, the list of grievance points has been maxed out!

Tianli Gangxiu Mingsha and the others are already scolding, it's not as annoying as you!

Jiang Nan said loudly:

(¬?¬〃) "Although we are sure to win the sequential offensive and defensive battle, don't be too vigilant, because vigilance is useless, and they can't make any waves if they are exhausted!!

"But I can't bear your listless look! Time is not for wasting, you have to make every day you spend meaningful!"

"So I decided, in order to celebrate the Carbon Alliance's victory in the serial offensive and defensive battle in advance, and the impressive record achieved, immediately hold a celebration banquet in the position!"

"I will bring up all the food, drink and play! Brothers! Let's get up, shall we? Hey, it's going to be three days and three nights without stopping!"

??(???????)? "Yahoo~"

At this moment, the army of the Carbon Alliance fried the pot on the spot, cheering soaringly!

It's too sweet to hang out with the boss of Nanshen, isn't it?

Really take everyone to play, he?

Yang Jian sweated profusely on his forehead:

(⌒?⌒;) "Huh? Do you want to have a celebration banquet? The serial offensive and defensive battle is only halfway through, and the world is still undecided!"

"Isn't it too early for the celebration banquet? Are we a little bit drifting?"

Jiang Nan rested his chin in thought:

(?°??°) "It's true that it's a bit floating ~ but so what if it's floating? They came in with a bunch of little cards?"

"Originally, I wanted to hold a celebration banquet when the sequence of offensive and defensive battles first started, but it was indeed a bit too early at that time. I have endured it until now, so it's time to have a celebration. Have fun~"

Yang Jian opened his mouth wide. Shente Miao was going to hold a celebration banquet when the battle started!

What's the difference between you and congratulating yourself for being number one in the country as soon as you hand out the papers for the college entrance examination?

But after thinking about it, they really couldn't get in!

(︶?︶〃)? "Go! There is no hesitation! Go now!"

Jiangnan quack straight music:

(?°???°)? "That's right~ Sona~ Get me excited!"

I saw that Suo Na immediately brought his own Xianyin clan band, took out the war horn and started singing!

ヾ(?????w???ゞ?) "Deng thump thump thump thump thump thump wait for the lights to wait ~ hey hey!"?

"Today is a good day~ The victory in the offensive and defensive battle belongs to the Carbon Alliance~"

"Today is a good day~ I opened my belly~ We drank until we were confused~"

(??≥?≤)? "Hi hi~ hi hi hi!"

All of a sudden, there was loud gongs and drums, firecrackers blared, and the peripheral defense facilities of the Carbon Alliance rushed directly to the muzzle, blasting and blasting cannons, which was extremely lively!

Cheerful and festive music reverberates throughout the Sea of ​​Embers for everyone to hear!

If Yang Jian hadn't stopped him, Jiangnan would have sent a few black hole jets to add to the fun of the celebration banquet!

Because Suo Na sang too festively, all the ragged Meizu brothers and sisters couldn't handle it!

I don't know what kind of dancing posture can match such festive music!

So Yangko is qualified for this right?

The hostile alliance army that was madly attacking the angels vomited blood collectively, and their grievances were maxed out!

Good day God riding a horse!

This music doesn't match the battlefield atmosphere of sequential offensive and defensive battles at all!

We are here to fight life and death, so carbon energy can live a better life?

Is there a celebration banquet?

He is not as irritating as him, the grievance value has been wiped out as a phantom!

Tianli and their ruthless teeth are itching, is this too cheap?

But there is nothing to do with Jiangnan!

wait! Wait for me, you! Don't let us take a chance!

Let you float? The higher the float, the worse the fall, the serial offensive and defensive battle is not over yet!

Gang Xiu watched this scene with cold eyes!

Hmph~ I'll let you all be proud first, just wait and see!

Let's see who is the final winner!

On the serial throne, even Noah and Manti were embarrassed by Jiangnan and the others!

As for Qi Li, whose eyes were already spitting fire with anger, he didn't even look at it, so he simply closed his eyes and rested up!

How can the carbon alliance army be polite to you? That's really hi?

Batches of materials were transported into the positions to enjoy, and the specialties of various ethnic groups were simply dazzling!

Those who grill skewers and fight wine, those who dance with Meizu brothers and sisters, those who go to Xianyinzu KTV to sing their voices, and those who wrestle and wrestle their wrists!

There was even a swimming competition held on the Styx River, and the swimsuit awards were all so lively, it was a complete fun!

It's not like a solemn battlefield at all, it's a big party scene!

And you don't need to clean up after playing, there is no dirt to be the cleaners!

Satsuma kept greeting Jiangnan:

(〃???)? "Boss Nanshen? Come and play? Should I say it or not, the Starry Sky Hercules Cup inspired me! There are too many entertainment items in human civilization, right?"

"Come on! Take a shot? Lose and drink!"

Jiang Nan laughed loudly and said loudly:

(〃?????) "No, no, you guys are just playing. I thought this series of offensive and defensive battles was somewhat challenging, but you still think highly of them?"

"Ahahaha~ I went back to the star mirror between the dimensions to try out, practice the spirituality, and then see if I can break through a star swallowing by the way, and then get involved in the apex war!"

"Hey~ I can't help it, who let there be no one who can fight under the swallowing star? Life is as lonely as snow!"

"Don't ask me for small things, you can't handle big things, don't call me if you have nothing to do! Remember to call me to receive an award and go through the process when the offensive and defensive battle is over!"

After speaking, he directly tore open the space, and returned to the gap between the dimensions in a chic way!

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