The corners of Acrylic's mouth twitched, Wu Kuang was right, this thing is really abstract!

What is this all about?

Just want to be able to do it? And longing is not delusional?

Acrylic thinks he is pretty smart, and his willpower is not weaker than others, otherwise he wouldn't be able to survive for so long in the Styx prison!

(??v~v??:) "Then why didn't I feel any power of will? I've never had such an experience?"

Wu Kuang's expression froze: "Spiritualism is simple and easy to say, but difficult to say. Only a pure enough will can manifest and affect reality!"

"Some people can't understand this kind of power in their whole life, but for those who are pure enough, getting started is very simple..."

Jiangnan had a smirk on his face:

(?????) "Wu Kuang, you don't have to be so euphemistic~ Just call him stupid~"

The veins on Acrylic's forehead couldn't help popping up, and he glared fiercely at Wu Kuang!

Wu Kuang was shocked, laughed twice, and shook his head quickly:

(⌒?⌒;) "No no no no... I didn't mean that, just like a person who is good at calculating and always has various thoughts in his mind, it is difficult to use idealism!"

"On the contrary, pure people do what they want to do. Simple and direct people are easy to understand! You still have a chance!"

Acrylic's face is darker:

(???Y????)? "Isn't that simple-minded? Doesn't that mean I'm stupid?"

Jiang Nan nodded:

(?°??°) "Is that so? So straightforward boys like Wu Liang, Wang Gang, and Koronov are easier to get started with idealism?"

And at this moment, both Musashi and Acrylic's eyes turned to Jiangnan!

If you want to be good at calculating, have a lot of tricks, and a stomach full of bad water, it must be Jiangnan, right?

(¬必¬?) "You eight hundred minds, how did you master the power of will?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes, and I thought you were praising me!

"Perhaps... at that moment, I... was pure enough..."

"By the way, the power of will is also divided into strengths, right? Your strength of will is not at the same level as Wushen Ning, right?"

And even Wu Kuang's eyes were full of shock when he recalled that punch that shook the world!

"Indeed! The power of will is also divided into strengths and weaknesses! The stronger the will, the stronger the power of will manifested when the desire is in its heart, and it can affect reality more deeply!"

"And one's own will can also be cultivated, and can be strengthened through practice!"

Musashi widened his eyes:

(*???) "How to cultivate the power of will?"

Wu Kuang looked solemn: "The cultivation of the power of will does not care about external objects, levels, talents, everything, but more about thoughts!"

"It's not like a level, it's cultivated by stacking and accumulating!"

"Everyone's method of cultivating God is different. It needs to be determined according to one's own personal experience and actual situation! Use visualization and imagination to exercise your will!"

"Get rid of the mess, ask your heart and practice your mind!"

Jiang Nan frowned tightly, which is a bit incomprehensible!

"Visualize? How to visualize?"

Wu Kuang said without reservation: "Just like me! When I visualize, I will regard every moment and every second I spend as the last second of my life!"

"So at this moment, what do you desire most in your heart?"

"No matter what it is, go for it, let go of your hands and feet and do it, you can definitely do it!"

"Repeated simulations, repetitions, to strengthen one's willpower, and asking the mind to practice the mind, can be done at any time, just like this!"

While speaking, Wu Kuang's expression changed, his whole person's aura rose, his eyes were blood red, and his eyes became extremely serious and stubborn!

Bright golden halos rose from his body, and these halos gathered on his fists!

At this moment, his fist became as bright as the scorching sun!

Then it slammed down towards the strong-phase alloy wall on the side!


With a loud noise, the extremely thick strong-phase alloy wall shattered and turned into fine metal dust, which was crushed and wiped out!

Suddenly, a hole with a diameter of a thousand meters was smashed!

Jiangnan Acrylic and the others suddenly widened their eyes!

∑(°口°?) "Damn!"

The strength of the strong-phase alloy is already terrifying. In terms of the physical strength of Jiangnan and the others, they can even knead the strong-phase alloy like plasticine!

But in the Styx, it is absolutely impossible to crush such a huge amount of strong-phase alloy into slag with one punch!

Wu Kuang obviously didn't use much force!

Wu Kuang said: "Just now I was imagining that this second is the last second of my life, and at this second, what I desire most in my heart is to smash this wall!"

"So the willpower manifests, I do it, and I do it!"

"If I keep this state, I can change the content of my heart's desire and let the power of will work as I wish, and do whatever I want at this moment!"

Jiangnan was shocked:

(??w???) "Have you ever lived every second as if it were the last in your life? This... this is really a bit awesome..."

It is no wonder that the will is not strong to maintain such a high intensity of will tension!

Wu Kuang scratched his head and smiled foolishly: "This is just my way of practicing gods. You can customize the content based on your own personal experience, and that is the most suitable for you!"

Immediately, eighteen star warriors raised their hands!

(? Mouth?)? "I, me, me! Just like me, the content of the meditation of asking the heart and practicing the mind is that my daughter's life is threatened. I must do that at this moment to save her..."

"And me! I once experienced a death battle with my best friend, but I failed to save him, he fell into my arms and died in front of me. This is the regret of my life!"

"Whenever I practice God, my heart will return to that battlefield again. Only by doing what my heart desires most can I save him, so..."

Jiang Nan looked stunned, is that so?

Under desperation, the will will be suppressed to the extreme, and then the whole body will explode, repeated visualization, repeated tempering, the will will naturally be strong!

Wu Kuang said: "Get rid of the mess, ask your heart and practice your mind! At that moment, you need to get rid of all the distracting thoughts in your mind, and then ask your heart!"

"Knowing that at that moment, what you want most in your heart and what you are most eager to achieve is what it is, and then you can practice God!"

"Thousands of blows are still strong, let Er wind from east to west! This is the core point of idealism. The purer the power of will manifested, the stronger the influence on reality!"

"As for the control, infusion, and use of the power of will, it's a trivial matter. I'll tell you about the complete system of idealism!"

So Wu Kuang began to explain, compared to the core content of idealism, these are really simple!

Jiang Nan listened carefully, as for Musashi, he couldn't wait to practice beside him!

I saw him sitting on the spot cross-legged with the knife in his arms, with his eyes closed and resting his mind, but his mind was full of wind and clouds. No one knew what he was thinking about!

The golden radiance rising from his body is getting stronger and stronger!

The next moment, everyone was stunned, only to see the infinite power of will manifest, turning into a golden glow!

A long knife with a sheath was condensed in front of him, the blade was extremely solid, not only the sword intent, but no shape of the sword!

Rather, it has both spirit and form, and Jiang Nan recognized it at a glance. This is the mountain ghost that Musashi had broken off long ago!

At the moment when the blade of will was completely condensed, Musashi opened his eyes!

This person's aura soared, he raised his hand and drew his sword, and the loud and clear sound of the sword echoed in the starry sky!

Facing the corridor beside him, he slashed down!


An extremely dazzling golden knife light splashed out like a scorching sun!

Extending an extremely long distance!

There was a sound like cloth being torn from the void, and the entire prison was not injured by the light of the knife!

But Styx below the prison was torn out with an incomparably huge knife mark, which could not be healed for a long time!

That's all it takes to cut off the water with a knife!

What's even more frightening is that it wasn't just Styx who was cut open!

And that illusory Styx force field!

On the surface of the Styx river below the prison, even the ubiquitous Styx force field was torn apart, leaving a clean space!

In it even abilities, energy can be used!

And the force field that was torn apart did not gradually heal until the light of the knife dissipated!

On the river, Jiulan Bingchacha and the others were all dumbfounded!

As the Nether tribe, they have an extremely clear perception of the Styx force field!

That knife just cut open the invisible Styx force field?

how can that be!

Even You Ming, who was watching the excitement outside the Sea of ​​Star Embers, was dumbfounded and rubbed his eyes in disbelief!

There has never been such a situation in history!

Wu Kuang's eyes glared violently:

(#??口??#)!!! "You...I...huh?"

Just... will it be?

And it's such an advanced game right from the start? Cut off the Styx force field?

With a single slash, Musashi's face was stunned, and there was no tired look in his eyes!

"Is that so? Have fun!"

And Jiang Nan on the side closed his eyes, and at some point, a golden light like the scorching sun radiated from his body, as if he was transformed into a god's shadow!

That is the purest manifestation of the power of will, and those powers of will actually push away the ubiquitous Styx force field!

Jiangnan began to teleport frantically in place, his figure flickering back and forth!

Under the package of the power of will, the Styx force field could not cover Jiangnan at all, and was directly pushed away!

Naturally, there is no way to suppress the use of Jiangnan's own abilities!

Even if Jiangnan is soaked in the Styx River now, Jiangnan should still be usable!

And the power of will is similar to the Scarlet Fiery Flame, both are void, not a type of energy, and are not affected by the Styx force field at all!

(?°??°) "I now somewhat understand the purpose of the power of will!"

And this is just a use, a form of expression, of the power of will!

According to the different desires in the heart, the things that the power of will can do are also varied!

I saw Acrylic's constipated expression on his face, and a faint golden glow appeared on his blood crystal blade!

But it was soon shattered, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Jiangnan teleporting in place!

The face is even darker!

(?????????????)? "You call this just understanding? You've already started to play around with the flowers?"

And Wu Kuang and the others were also dumbfounded!

"Damn... you two are really just longing? Not making a wish?"

This is all right?

How strong is the desire, the power of will, to affect reality, to achieve this step?

Even if the eighteen-star martial arts are exhausted, they can't reach the level of Jiangnan Musashi, can they?

This is human?

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