Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2670 Is it okay to play on behalf of the bang bang?

More than 3,000 spheres were put back, and humans have made a lot of money in this wave!

But the corundum star was left behind, leaving him to hide in the core placement area sadly, not daring to move!

Otherwise, I am afraid that he will not be used to play in the semi-finals!

Now, even though Sea of ​​Star Embers is less than a third of the schedule, the situation is clear!

The base planets in the hands of the small clans were almost harvested, and there were not many left!

But they all still have the qualifications to participate in the competition, and they are all frantically replenishing troops and fighting each other!

Trying to snatch someone else's main star, even if it is successful, it won't be much, but this is the only way to do it!

Now a large number of base planets are all in the hands of Carbon Alliance, Bose, and Silicon!

Even if they join forces, none of them can beat them!

That's a desperate gap!

There are still many migrant workers in the field, collecting base planets everywhere and sending them to the Carbon Alliance, trying to redeem their own race beacons!

It is foreseeable that the next situation will inevitably be a collision of giants!

Due to the moat of the Carbon Alliance, no matter it is silicon-based or Bose, they are unwilling to touch it!

So an extremely weird situation appeared in the field!

The Bose tribe no longer avoids the war, but makes a grandiose attack on the silicon base!

Trying to grab their base planet race points!

From the point of view of the total amount of points, the points of Silicon Base are much more than that of Carbon League!

For the Bose family, the silicon-based position is always less difficult to attack than the Styx moat!

Such a choice is really normal!

Naturally, Siji would not stand at attention and be beaten. While uniting with the Quality Alliance to defend the position, they launched a counterattack against the Bose tribe!

The quality alliance is also useless, who let all their wealth be placed in the silicon-based position!

As a result, the carbon alliance, which has hundreds of millions of soldiers, was completely left aside, in an embarrassing state of having nothing to do!

It seems that it has nothing to do with the sequence of offensive and defensive battles!

The soldiers of the Carbon Alliance who played a game of Planetary Hercules Cup are still a little bit unsatisfied!

But the ball has been redeemed, and there is no ball to play, so I don't know what to do for a while!

Ye Iris scratched her head:

?(???~??) "Nanshin... what is our next course of action?"

Jiang Nan spread his hands: ?(????`)? "There is no special course of action. I am so tired from the fight just now. Take a good rest at home to relieve your tired body and mind!"

"You can play cards, play chess, drink tea, go fishing, collect debts, practice cultivation, dance in the square, or have a pool party on the Styx River, hold a swimming competition, etc."

"If the Zerg have nothing to do, they can make small bugs and shake the seeds. Isn't it good?"

The corner of Walter's mouth twitched:

??¬¬¬???? "My... I'm taking the liberty to ask, are we really here to participate in the serial offensive and defensive battle?"

"What kind of enviable retirement life is this?"

still rest? Except for just starting a game, and haven't put much effort into it, it's either playing or resting!

This sequence of offensive and defensive battles is too easy, right?

But the problem is, even if you catch fish all the way, you won't find many base planets at all!

It made them have nowhere to scatter their blood! Damn!

Jiang Nan shrugged: ?(??~?`)? "Otherwise? Take people to fight the Bose and Silicon? More than half of them were killed and injured, and the dog der couldn't grab it? Is this bloody?"

Du Lingyu shrank her neck:

(????′?﹏?`) "I... I still feel that retirement is better!"

In fact, this is the embarrassing situation facing the Carbon Alliance!

Both Bose and Silicon can't stand it up, and there's nothing to draw on the quality alliance!

The moat protects the body, no one wants to fight the carbon alliance, why not stay?

Chong Lao Liu burst into sweat on his forehead:

(??﹏?) "Could it be... really lie down and win?"

This time, even if the Carbon Alliance doesn't do anything, it will be able to keep its capital with the existing point pool and Buddhism to the end!

Jiang Nan grinned:

(????????) "I, Jiang Dahuala, is that kind of person? Lao Tzu's business map in the Sea of ​​Star Embers has not yet begun! Where is this?"

"I've said it all, if you want a base planet, you don't have to rob it!"

While speaking, he looked at the sand table map of the battle situation on the side of the Star Ember Tower!

At this moment, the Bose army is attacking the silicon-based position!

And Siji is also sending troops to bombard the Bose position, and the killing on both sides is extremely hot!

The smile on Jiang Nan's face became more and more devilish!

(〃???) "Is there anyone who wants to watch the excitement with me? It's not always possible to see such a drama!"

Immediately, a lot of people raised their hands!

(???)? "Me! I'll go! Take me! Eat melons or something, I'm the most professional!"

Wang Youzhi was the first to raise his hand. How could such a thing happen without him?

Some familiar faces immediately formed a battlefield eating melon group, ready to watch the excitement with Jiangnan!

And in the carbon alliance position, there are still a large number of troops idle!

Jiang Nan grinned: "If you feel that you are too busy, you can also go outside to grab the racial beacon, take it back and keep it, and continue to promote the storage business!"

"Of course, you can also help other races clean up some enemies!"

Speaking of this, Jiangnan immediately took out the war horn and shouted at the sea of ​​embers in the whole star:

Σ(((\u003e(°?°〃)"Cough cough~ I'll cut in a word!"

"The Carbon League mercenary group has launched a brand-new Kuang Kuang proxy service, and all races can take orders! It can help demolish enemy positions, repair defensive positions, clean up the line of troops, help transfer positions, and escort escorts!"

"If you don't like someone, just make a phone call, as long as the money is in place! Even if your enemy is a god, we can kneel down for him!"

"The price is fair and affordable! Cheap and not expensive! Small services are definitely in place, and the first ten orders are 20% off! There may also be a lottery of leaders of various clans to help you fight~"

"What are you waiting for? Action is worse than action, come and buy it? For specific orders, please go to the negotiation area to discuss with the person in charge of Carbon Alliance~"

The small advertisement suddenly reverberated in the sea of ​​stars and embers, and Jiangnan even put it on more than once!

Instead, the recording mode was turned on, and the loop began to play on the spot!

Hang the war horn directly at the gate of the carbon alliance position!

Chong Lao Six Benny Lu and the others were completely dumbfounded, their own family had nothing to fight, so they started working as mercenaries directly, would it be okay to help other people's families fight?

We are such a big organization, so we don't want the slightest bit of face?

But in this way, is it better than farting at home?

You can also make some money by the way. In such a critical sequence of offensive and defensive battles, if you can invite foreign aid like the Carbon Alliance to help fight, then you can take off on the spot, okay?

Of course, the price is not generally expensive!

At this moment, all that reverberated in the sea of ​​stars and embers was Jiangnan's Kuang Kuang advertisement!

Even if the people in the starry sky don't want to listen, they have to listen!

Everyone's face is green, Shen Temiao's Kuang Kuang substitute fight, the business scope of your Carbon Alliance is too broad, right?

What about the style of a giant? What about shelves?

However, even though I complained in my heart, there were also many intentions. You must know that the two armies are at war, and when the gap between the two sides is not large, once they fall into a war of attrition, the resources burned will not be ordinary!

And there will also be a lot of casualties!

Then why not directly hire the Carbon League to fight instead, and directly win the opponent with a thunderous posture?

Isn't this better than working hard by yourself?

Anyway, it's all about burning resources, so whoever is smashing it is not smashing it?

Once the business was launched, the business was extremely hot!

The peace talks area has started to line up!

Some saw their opponents queuing up to buy Kuangkuang Kuangkuang service, and they were frightened and hurriedly queued up. If you hire me, I will hire you!

Don't think you can take us down so easily!

Jiang Nan couldn't help tilting his head to look at Yang Jian, with a smirk on his face:

(¬?¬〃) "Do you know what to do next?"

Yang Jian is also laughing, isn't this a business?

(?°???°)? "Understood! I understand everything!"

"But if AB is the opponent, what if both A and B come to hire? We can't fight our own people?"

Jiang Nan slapped his thigh: "This is not easy to handle? Let A and B bid at the same time to see who bids more, subtract the less from the more, and the rest is the troops we want to send~"

"How can we fight our own people?"

Yang Jian covered his face, you are really good at it, is it okay to directly add and subtract internally?

Do you want to earn money on both sides?

Jiang Nan put a fork on his waist: "Everyone, do a good job, let's go and see the excitement~"

"I don't know if those two big brothers need the business of Kuang Kuang! As long as the starting price is paid, you can invite the strongest natural disaster-level players under Swallowing Star to help you fight~"

(??????)? "Where can I find such a good thug? Elbow, elbow, elbow~ Go sell yourself and see if you can find a job there!"

As he said that, he directly wrapped the melon ball on the battlefield with warp bubbles, and rushed towards the Boji battlefield without stopping!

Yang Jian looked at Jiangnan's disappearing back with a look of astonishment!

This... This southerner is even seriously considering how to sell himself, hey!

Is it okay if I sell myself?

Jiangnan, who has no fight to fight, can only make such a bad move, pinning his hopes on the two giants!

As for whether the enemy is not the enemy, making money is not shabby!

For Jiangnan, isn't it a matter of minutes to rush to a place to eat melons?

The warp bubble came to the silicon-based position at an extremely astonishing speed!

Not too deep, but wandering outside the battlefield!

As soon as they came here, Jiangnan and the others were shocked by the scale of the war between the two families!

Countless Bose tribes are leading troops to attack the silicon-based positions!

And the silicon-based position has been wrapped by a thick fermion shield, looking around, it is blue!

There are also a huge number of mechanical soldiers fighting against the Bose clan!

Not only that, the quality alliance army also participated in it, and the scene was extremely hot!

But with Jiangnan's arrival, the originally fierce battlefield suddenly stopped, and countless eyes looked towards Jiangnan!

All are vigilant!

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