Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2655 language teacher

Wang Youzhi's expression immediately became evil!

(?????) Brother!

It has to be you?

The horn of war plus Lingling gum?

This can't take off?

He still remembered how miserable Jiangnan was tortured by the Reverse Word Spirit!

So without hesitation, I stuffed Yanling gum in my mouth and chewed it!

Pick up the war horn, select the enemy on the opposite side, and immediately roar!

Σ(((\u003e(?v口v??) "Quality alliance! Give me all to die!"

The rolling sound waves spread out, but the enemy army is fine, and they are still rushing on the battlefield endlessly!

Wang Youzhi's expression froze, and he immediately raised his head and asked:

(??v~v?) "Brother! Is this stuff out of date? Why doesn't it work?"

Jiang Nan was fighting fiercely with five people, his face darkened suddenly, and he looked down at his own people!

The next moment, the healing halo lights up, and a crazy meal heals!

Shente Meow has expired, it is not working!

(???Y??|||) "Dazhi, you did it on purpose, right? Pay attention to the person and the words you use!"

"Why isn't it easy to use? I just couldn't use it just now! You can't say that, if you can say one sentence to death, isn't it invincible?"

"Yan Ling chewing gum is also limited? How about something that can be achieved?"

Wang Youzhi gritted his teeth, so he has so many restrictions?

So he immediately shouted:

Σ(((>(°?д°??) "Quality alliance! You are a bunch of 78 bastards! The goods that were struck by lightning!"

As soon as these words came out, Yanling took effect immediately!

Because the selection mode of the war horn has a very strong targeting effect, coupled with the role of speech spirit!

The Allied forces are in complete disarray!

I saw that the soldiers had red eyes one by one, and they immediately grabbed the handles of the comrades around them out of control!

A burst of madness!

Even if it is the existence of the broken star, if someone catches him, he will roll his eyes in pain at this moment!

Awow non-stop!

(?????|||) "Yo ho ho ho ho ~ let go! Let go, you? Stop talking!"

"You were the one who teased me first! I don't want to talk about it either? But I can't control myself?"

The army of the quality alliance suddenly became a mess, while the bald army of the carbon alliance took advantage of this opportunity to attack wildly!

Not only were they taken advantage of by others, but Wang Dalei was using his crazy trick of throwing coins over there!

The infinite fate of heaven smashed down with an irresistible attitude!

It directly hit the top of the quality alliance army!

Even Qing Ke throwing coins with both hands at the moment turned into hot wheels!

There is no need to worry about being struck by lightning at all, just throwing coins is over!

The quality alliance was shocked and angry by this wave, and the battle line became a mess!

When Wang Youzhi saw that it was easy to use, he immediately became excited!

"One of the quality alliances counts as one, and they are all spicy chicken!"

They rolled their eyes at first, but now they tasted the taste of spicy noodles!

A halo of anger rose above his head!

Even if they can stick to their hearts and not be influenced by words, they will just ignore Wang Youzhi's words!

But I can't stand him realizing it? How can you not be angry?

It doesn't matter if you are angry, under the influence of the aura of anger, your attack power will drop exponentially!

The more angry you are, the more you fall!

In the case that the strengths of the two parties are not much different, the Carbon Alliance directly charged forward with a crushing attitude!

The Nether Legion fully activated the Styx force field in the enemy's formation, charging wantonly, the Tianyuan Demon Dragon of the Dark Cosmic Body, and the Red Gamma Zerg Soldiers of the Zerg, charged into the enemy's formation one by one with a full counterattack!

The parasite's insect soldiers and blood gods are killing all directions!

The quality alliance has suffered tons of damage!

The acting commander took a look, how could this work?

(▼皮▼#) "Gah! Give it all to me! Don't want it! You have no handle! Draw your sword and be a god of nature!"

"How can I be defeated by a mere sliver of my alliance?"

The fighters of the Quality Alliance vomited blood, what a god special meow!

Is that you?

Have you exposed any problems?

But now is not the time to be indecisive, obviously life is more important than Latiao?

So one by one resolutely gave up the handle!

Shan Chacha was shocked when he saw this scene!

Then he laughed loudly and said:

(????)σ "You also have today!"

Wang Youzhi stared: "Okay! You are ruthless! The Carbon Alliance army! Let's take this opportunity to completely deal with them!"

However, the moment these words were just released, the atmosphere on the battlefield suddenly became anxious!

In the Carbon Alliance army, the eyes of the bald and strong men lit up red, and their faces were full of grinning smiles!

A pair of scarlet eyes stared straight at the rear mound of the mass alliance army!

Then he rushed towards this direction like crazy!

Today I must get rid of them!

This time, the quality alliance was completely panicked, and I felt a chill on my back!

Turn around and run:

?(?Yi?;)? "You... don't come here on horseback!"

"When you fight, you fight. I have no complaints when you beat me to death. Don't wield a gun. I... I'm afraid!"

As a result, the aura of fear directly lit up on each of their heads, and their status plummeted!

However, how can the goose carbon alliance army care about this kind of thing? Under the spirit of words, can't you control it at all?

Their expressions also became terrified!

Bing Cha Cha Ga Ga Zhi Le, he never expected to encounter such a good thing?

On the contrary, the halo of excitement is bright above the head!

At this moment, Bader and little brother Pierce are all running after the pledge fighters, not to mention the horror in their eyes!

(?Yi?|||) "Damn! Dazhi! Take it back, take back what you just said!"

At this time, there was a sudden scene where the army of the quality alliance fled across the board, and the army of the carbon alliance was chasing after them, trying to get rid of the enemy army no matter what!

Wang Youzhi also panicked, didn't he cause trouble?

But words that are spoken are like water that is poured out.

Yang Jian was also paralyzed. Although the effect was surprisingly good, and the army of the Quality Alliance fled across the board, the price seemed a bit too high!

It's really done directly! Hey!

Yang Jian couldn't help saying anxiously:

(¬﹏¬?) "Quickly think of a way, just say something to remedy it, can't you just deal with them?"

Wang Youzhi also scratched his head anxiously, what should I say?

Suddenly he seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up!

(?°???°)? "Quality League! You fart!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a thunderous noise from the stomachs of the fighters of the Quality Alliance, and then they turned into rocket propellers!

"Boom boom boom!"

The terrifying sound of the sonic boom echoed on the battlefield, and exhaust gas exploded from behind the soldiers of the Quality Alliance, causing holes in the battle armor!

Since most of them are material life, God knows what is the composition of each of their exhaust gases?

This wave of poison gas attack directly shrouded the entire battlefield under black clouds!

Everyone in the Carbon Alliance was choked and coughed!

Wang Youzhi laughed out loud, how about it? It's all so buried, it can't be done now, can it?

However, with the light of a flame, the black cloud that filled the entire battlefield was instantly ignited, and an extremely violent explosion occurred!


The fiery tongue licks the void, and the dazzling light lights up the sea of ​​ashes!

All the faces of Carbon Alliance were blackened, as if they crawled out of a stove!

Before Ran Goose could catch his breath, he looked at the armor of the soldiers of the Quality Alliance that had holes in them!

One by one rushed up with red eyes again!

Hey Hey hey! Nothing changed at all? It's definitely more convenient, right?

Wang Youzhi panicked, what a mess!

I can't say that the Carbon Alliance can't handle it. In that case, I can't figure out where it can't handle it!

Is it because it's not enough?

Thus, Wang Youzhi made an astonishing decision!

(?°~?°) "The army of the quality alliance is beaten by the army of the carbon alliance!"

Yan Ling chewing gum can still get used to their problem, and it will work immediately!

God knows what kind of waste is produced by material life forms. After all, what he eats on weekdays are hard dishes such as ore screw caps!

But the only thing is that it is no worse than carbon base at all!

I saw that the quality alliance army was smoked and completely black, and they were flying freely while releasing exhaust gas crazily!

Now the carbon alliance army really doesn't want to deal with it, a group of people with terrified expressions!

Turn your head and run, after all, no one wants to be whole body?

Is this worse than death?

At this moment, the soldiers of the Quality Alliance were filled with grief and anger, all kinds of complicated emotions surged in their hearts, and tears even appeared in the corners of their eyes!


What kind of language teacher is this riding horse?

They never expected that participating in a series of offensive and defensive battles could turn them into jet fighters!

This is an all-star live broadcast, hey!

Even if the quality alliance wins beautifully in the end, it will be infamous forever, right?

What glory and brilliance are there?

Being beaten up by the Carbon Alliance will become a stain on them and accompany them all their lives?

Some people are alive, but they are dead!

However, the acting commander is in a hurry!

(?v优v?#)=3=3=3 "Don't run! This is the end, we have nothing left! Victory is the only thing we can pursue!"

"Pull it! Fight with them!"

Under the instigation of the commander, the mass alliance army turned into spray fighters no longer ran away, but charged towards the carbon alliance instead!

However, the carbon alliance army, which has always been fearless, is facing the free-flying quality alliance!

But I'm afraid!

Who wants to fight them on this horse? Don't have to be whole body?

Unexpectedly, Wang Youzhi's move actually added a layer of golden body buff to Zhimeng!

Wang Youzhi narrowed his eyes:

(?-Yi-`;) "The matter has come to this point, it seems that the only way to fight poison with poison! Use the other's spear! Attack the other's shield!"

"Carbon Alliance must not retreat here!"

"Listen to the carbon alliance army! You also L..."

Before he finished speaking, hundreds of people rushed up and were stumped by Wang Youzhi. Yang Jian tightly covered Wang Youzhi's mouth, not letting him speak!

This guy definitely wanted the Carbon Alliance to also pull his trouser pockets just now, and then fight a big battle like a golden experience, right?

"You can hold back your words! Language teacher!"

"Where is the Apocalypse Clan? Go!"

Wang Youzhi struggled crazily, screaming, let go of me, I still want to talk! I can do it!

At this moment, Du Lingyu and the others' faces are all black. After repairing Ji, do they still want to be Cleaning Ji?

We're here to fight, not to be cleaners!

But things have come to this, so what?

You can't let the quality alliance army take the golden body buff across the battlefield, invincible, right?

"Material transformation? The fragrance of flowers is everywhere!"

The Apocalypse clan was busy switching, but Qing Ke came up and said weakly:

?(′?﹏?`) "Can you let me try? I will order..."

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