Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2653 Duel before the battle?

Even if the Zhimeng and the Angel Clan are unwilling, they can only bite the bullet!

Immortal Kingdom, Gang Yu, Ming Sha, and Gu Qiong didn't have any pretty faces!

Who made them recognize Si Ji as their eldest brother!

Especially Kasyapa of the Angel Clan has scolded the Bose Clan a thousand and eight hundred times in his heart!

Let the Angel Race slow down the Carbon Alliance army? Isn't this simply letting yourself be cannon fodder?

There are more than 2,000 racial alliances, and many of them are in the top ten sequence. How can I stop them?

But what if you are dissatisfied?

The lifeblood of the Angel Clan is now hanging on the Bose Clan. After this battle, whether they can keep their position in the top ten sequence depends entirely on the Bose Clan!

Even if it's going to be cannon fodder, the angel family has to jump high!

At this moment, on the starry sky battlefield filled with gunpowder, the Carbon Alliance army is like an unstoppable army of hundreds of battles!

Battle songs are flying above the army formation, singing and dancing to promote peace, and the slogans to boost morale are played on the war horn in a loop, echoing endlessly!

Continue to add status to the carbon alliance army!

At the same time, I saw the vast army of the Quality Alliance rolling in!

The starships are lined up in an array, and the thick shields formed by the huge tungsten armor fairy gold form a defensive barrier!

The entire mass alliance army is like a ruthless opener, crushing everything it passes by!

But Jiangnan and the others did not see the star-studded scene in the Quality Alliance army!

I thought that with the Tianchen Clan present, the sky should be full of stars and magnificent!

But it is completely different from the imagination. Today's Tianchen clan all gather energy and transform into human forms!

And their planet body was compressed in space by a special silicon-based planetary cup, turned into the size of a bowling ball, and placed in the chest!

The Tianchen clan can draw energy from the star cup without loss to fight!

In this way, the disadvantages of being too large and lacking in mobility will be eliminated, and the planet itself can be better protected!

It seems that it is not without benefits to recognize Si Ji as the big brother!

At least such equipment, the Tianchen Clan did not have it before!

Not only that, the Stardust Clan has also merged with the Tianchen Clan and turned into a Stardust Gauze, making the fighting power of a single player even higher!

Even the Chaos folks incorporate their own distractions into it!

Under the three-in-one, the overall combat power has not only increased by one level, but also made up for the shortcomings of one's own race to the greatest extent!

Chaos has lost the Zerg as an ally, but it has not lost its advantage!

If you are careful, you will find that there are many mechanical soldiers exuding the light of chaos in the army formation of the Quality Alliance!

These are chaotic mechanical soldiers specially developed by silicon base for the chaotic clan, which can parasitize distraction!

It can maximize the combat power of the Chaos Clan!

On the Quality League side, there are also a lot of silicon-based weapons equipped!

And such as the metal clan, the crystal clan, the carbon filament clan, and the Lumu clan, humans have fought before, and they are also extremely powerful existences!

As far as the overall strength is concerned, Quality League is no longer a soft persimmon that can be squeezed by others!

The two armies were arrayed far away, and no one took the lead. It seemed that the atmosphere in the starry sky had become much colder!

I saw Zhiyin said:

(???????????) "We can see that the armies of the Carbon Alliance and the Quality Alliance are now facing each other. The atmosphere before the army formation is like a powder keg, and it will explode at one point!"

"I didn't expect that not long after the serial offensive and defensive battle started, there would be a big collision between the giants. It is still unknown who will win this collision. Let us..."

Moon Fox:! ! !

? (?

"We are not commentators now, we are already members of Carbon Alliance!"

Zhiyin froze abruptly, her face full of embarrassment:

(⌒﹏⌒;)? "I'm sorry, I have an occupational disease..."

Yueli covered her face, the money that the Holy Law Society hired you as a commentator was really not in vain, do you want to be so dedicated to your work?

Ming Sha squinted his eyes and said: "From the Carbon Alliance! Don't go any further, this road is dead!"

"We didn't say anything about harvesting in our own area, but your claws seem to be stretched a bit too far, right? It's crossed the line!"

"It's not good for both of us if we meet now, so please go the other way!"

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (?°?д°?) "You're the one who talks a lot, right? Haven't you been beaten enough before?"

"I have to let Lao Tzu kill you to be satisfied, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Mingsha and the others turned black!

Before trying to snatch the base planet from Jiangnan with full confidence, Jiangnan beat him up three times, and they were all beaten up!

Coming to block the way now, I feel uncertain!

Jiang Nan sneered:

(¬?¬〃) "Push you out as a shield? If you don't have diamonds, don't do porcelain work!"

"Be careful of the bottom line. I can lead troops to fight wherever I like. Are you in control?"

"Have you crossed the line? Sareng, get the hell out! Sea of ​​Star Embers, is it yours? Did you write your name?"

Gangyu narrowed her eyes: "It's impossible to give in. It seems that you have to meet us? I'm not a mob!"

"Want to take us down in one go? Seventy to eighty percent of the Carbon League is not dead, can we take it down? Fight for manpower? I, the Quality League, are not afraid of you!"

"Don't even think about being able to get rid of us, even if you can transfer through the gap between dimensions, we can still keep up through the mechanical wormhole!"

"It's almost enough! If you eat too much, it's easy to be stuffed to death!"

Jiang Nan said with a smile:

(⌒?⌒;) "What if I insist on grabbing food?"

Gu Qiong sneered: "I'm afraid you won't succeed? The whole army is ready to meet the enemy!"

I saw that on the side of the Allied Forces, the troops of all races were ready to meet the enemy!

And the bald legion is not weak here, all members are ready to go, just like a full moon longbow, just waiting for an order, they will rush forward!

The atmosphere in the arena was extremely tense!

Yang Jian's eyes turned towards Jiangnan, and he asked via sound transmission:

(??_??) "Hit?"

Jiang Nan sneered in his heart and replied, "It doesn't matter, Bose Silicon obviously didn't want us to delay their harvest, so they sent a younger brother to slow down our pace!"

"Anyway, there's nothing left to cut on the field now, and such a large piece of fat from the Zhimeng has been sent to our mouths, so we have to take a bite of everything, and they have a lot of points in their pockets!"

"Let them taste what it means to pick up the sesame seeds and lose the big cake!"

Sooner or later, you have to confront the quality alliance, there is no need to delay!

Jiang Nan said loudly: "The whole army is preparing for war! Listen to my password!"

Just when Jiang Nan was about to give the order to charge, Xian Guo raised his hand violently!

(??v_v?)? "Wait!"

Jiang Nan was full of impatience:

(¬益¬?) "What's wrong? You're the only one who has too many moths? Hit as much as you want, so much nonsense?"

Xian Guo said indifferently: "The morale of the two armies is at war, how about a duel before the battle?"

"Both sides send their respective generals to fight in front of the battle! The morale of the winner will be greatly increased, and the morale of the loser will be frustrated! No matter who wins or loses, the winner will get huge benefits!"

"If you think it's boring, you can raise your bet. Two out of three rounds, one hundred base planets in one round, do you dare to play?"

As soon as these words came out, the army of the Quality Alliance suddenly became restless, and the sound of battle roars echoed in the starry sky!

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(??~??*) "Isn't your purpose of delaying time too obvious? Do you want to drag us here with the least loss?"

"The pre-battle? I'm bah! All right! The pre-duel wins two out of three rounds, right? I'm going to play myself, Qing Ke, Acrylic!"

"Are you still fighting?"

As soon as these words came out, Ming Sha's face turned black!

What the hell is this?

When Jiang Nan played, no matter who was facing him, he would have to beat him. The Son of Luck lost only once in his life, and that was to Jiang Nan!

With the blessing of luck, who can beat her?

This is already two wins, plus that monster-like acrylic...

I'm afraid Jiangnan has grown a hundred minds, right? You don't even fit in?

The corner of Xianguo's mouth twitched: (??w???) "Also... just forget it, I don't think this proposal is very good!"

After speaking, several people looked at each other, took a deep breath, and rushed to the front of the formation!

Xianguo, Gangyu, Mingsha, Guqiong, and even Kasyapa who was sent over joined the team!

The hesitation in Ming Sha's eyes turned into determination!

"Since you don't play duels before the battle, then you have to follow the fine traditions of the two armies fighting?"

"The two armies are at war! Soldiers against soldiers! Generals against generals! You Jiangnan claims to be the strongest under Star Swallowing, and the five of us beat you one, isn't it too much?"

Jiang Nan grinned:

(??????) "It's the first time I've seen someone say shameless things so confidently!"

"But... yes! Three are not enough for me to fight with one hand! I don't know if the five of you add up, is it enough..."

It's not that Jiangnan is hot-blooded!

It's just that this way of fighting is also beneficial to the Carbon Alliance!

Otherwise, Jiangnan will kill wildly in the enemy's formation!

The Ming brakes on the opposite side can also kill randomly in the Carbon Alliance army!

Although in Jiangnan's view, these little cards are not a threat to him!

But for others, it is quite strong, not so easy to deal with!

In the end, several people have to meet each other and try to hold each other down!

If you fight in an army formation, you don't know how many people will be crushed just by the aftermath of the battle!

So from the beginning, I chose to leave the army and fight!

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, both parties are at ease, and it is also a result that both parties want to see!

Pulling the high-end combat power of the quality alliance on it will also help the carbon alliance's operations!

I saw Jiangnan stretching his waist fiercely: "Brother Jian, I'll leave the rest to you~"

Yang Jian grinned, not worried that Jiangnan would be taken down!

"Play well, if you have the chance, kill a few!"

Jiang Nan grinned straightly: "If you don't fight to the death, you probably don't have a chance. Since these guys dare to find me, I'm afraid they have done a lot of life-saving measures behind their backs..."

"Those who can climb to this level are not so easy to kill!"

Even in Jiangnan, there are a whole lot of life-saving methods secretly!

"But this does not delay my attempt~"

While speaking, his body flickered, and he had already reached the sky above the army formation!

Looking down at the few people from a high position, he waved his little hand!

(???w???) "Come~ Is five enough? If not, I can hit ten!"

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