Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2649 This is impossible to fight?

This is a large alliance composed of hundreds of races, the Star Alliance!

It is also a well-known existence among the few giants!

It is mainly composed of Super Body Race, Golem Race, Corpse Race, Giant Race, Holy Spirit Race and other races!

The scale is definitely not small!

At this moment, legions of hundreds of races gathered together for a joint defense operation!

The Star Alliance even ate up all the small fish and shrimps around them!

Even the other Big Three didn't attack them first, because it was too time-consuming!

I originally wanted to let the Starlight Alliance accumulate more points, but they will be able to gnaw it down in the future, saving myself the trouble, running around to collect scattered base planets!

Don't delay them from harvesting other houses!

But the Carbon Alliance still cares about your business?

Now that you have met it, take it!

That's it!

I saw the vast and bald army of the Carbon Alliance, like a huge wave on the sea, fiercely pressing towards the cover of the Starlight Alliance!

Now the commanders of the Star Alliance panicked!

Immediately there are soldiers rushing!

?1?4(?1?9 mouth?1?9;)?1?1 "Report! It's not good! The army of the Carbon-based Alliance is coming~"

Wuxiang, the commander of the golem tribe, had a dark face:

(?0?9?7?2?0?9yi?7?2?0?9?0?9?6?5)?0?0 "I need you to report? I saw it! Don't be blind !"

The starlight reflected by the bald army was reflected from an unknown distance!

The singing of the song and dance troupe is also coming!

Before the army arrives, the battle song arrives first!

The holy spirit clan panicked:

(?6?4?0?1?0?3?0?3?0?4?0?8﹏?0?4?0?8?6?4?0?1?0?3?0?3 ) "Damn! What should we do here? So many small clans don't fight, why come up and stare at us?"

"With our strength, there is no chance of winning against the Carbon Alliance? Let alone that Jiangnan, it's over, it's over, it's over!"

The corpse clan poet squints:

(? 6? 7 Yi? 6? 7? 6? 5) "Fuck it, don't say such depressing words, it's not like there is no chance until the last moment!"

"Big clever, what do you think?"

Ruozhi squinted his eyes:

(? 6? 2? 6? 7? 6? 8? 6? 5) "The Carbon Alliance is of a special nature, stealing homes is useless to them, and they will not let them back for help!"

"The only way is to divert the trouble to the east, run! Block the Bald Legion with the Starlight Legion and delay the time!"

"Let's move our position, run towards the Quality League, or the Siji side, and lure them to attack!"

"In this way, we still have the possibility of surviving in the cracks, and we may pay a little price, but at least we can survive, and we are not the ones who are slaughtered!"

Several commanders looked at each other, yes, let's do this, Ruozhi is right!

Seeing the carbon alliance army overwhelmed!

I saw black and yellow energy bursting out from the bodies of countless giants, and each of them became incomparably huge!

The kind that can stuff a planet in its nostrils!

Then the giants directly picked up the Hundred Clans base, turned their heads and ran wildly!

At the same time, the astonishingly large Xinghui army stayed behind, facing the oncoming Carbon Alliance army without fear!

Phaseless roared:

(?6?5?0?0yi?0?0)?1?6 "Little ones! Don't be intimidated by the Carbon Alliance, we are not weak, as long as you delay them for a while, there is still a chance !"

"Golem? 6? 1 Green Ghost! Open!"

At this moment, all the golem warriors turned on their own golems, and the huge energy golems condensed in the sky above their heads, which looked extremely bluffing!

Shiyu even sneered:

(¬_¬) "Don't be afraid of death! Death is just another beginning. Even if you die here, your corpse will fight until the last moment!"

"As long as we cause enough casualties to the opponent, the corpse is also our strength!"

"Come out! Undead Emperor!"

Infinite death energy condensed in the starry sky, turning into an extremely huge skeleton emperor!

There is a sea of ​​bones under his command, all of which are undead legions!

The sequence race that can survive in the cruel starry sky environment, who doesn't have a little work?

All the super-body races transformed one by one, turned on the super combat form, and ignited golden flames of energy all over their bodies!

And there are huge swords of gods condensed on the top of the head, which are completely composed of thoughts!

The giants turned into superstar giants one by one, and the black energy on their bodies turned into golden heavy armor, full of fighting spirit!

And the holy spirit clan also played a supporting role, adding state recovery to the whole army, and condensing a series of holy light cannons, which may be fired at any time!

In terms of momentum, it is not weaker than the carbon alliance!

When Jiangnan saw the situation, he immediately became excited!

Holding the war horn, there will be a wave of output!

Bring a wave of reverse buffs to the Xinghui army!

However, Wang Youzhi rushed up like crazy, grabbed Jiangnan, and tightly covered his mouth!

(*? 6? 2? 0? 1? 0? 8 mouth? 6? 2? 0? 1? 0? 8) "Master! The disciple's skill has been increasing day by day, and it is enough to deal with such a situation. Let me act on your behalf." How about going out to battle, honing your skills, old man, just sitting here and resting?"

After speaking, he looked expectantly at Jiangnan!

I used two war horns in exchange for human grass, but I haven't yelled out yet, I'm blue and thin!

Jiangnan: (?6?1?0?7w?6?1?0?6?1?1)

"Then... are you coming?"

If Dazhi can't be scolded, he should go out of the mountain again!

Wang Youzhi immediately nodded excitedly, took out the war horn and came to the Starlight Stage!

Turn on the war horn mode, select the star army on the opposite side, and turn the volume to the maximum!

Wang Youzhi, who couldn't hold back the throbbing in his heart for a long time, immediately took a deep breath, opened his mouth and roared violently!

Σ(((\u003e(?2?0?5?3?2?0?2?9) "The one opposite! I* your ancestor!"

The rolling sound waves spread, and rushed directly to the formation of the Xinghui army!

Ruozhi and the others almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Didn't start the fight yet, did you scold him first?

Come up *my ancestor?

The anger in his chest suddenly ignited!

The original blessing of anger is more helpful to the morale of the army, making it more brave in battle, which is a good thing!

However, it doesn't matter if they are angry, a halo of anger suddenly lights up above their heads!

The attack power suddenly plummeted, and the golem suddenly shrunk three times!

Even the golden giants have shrunk in size!

The whole army immediately withered!

Wu Xiang was shocked, what kind of attack method is this stepping on a horse?

It couldn't be beaten in the first place, how could it be weakened?

So I was even more angry!

But as the anger value rises, the anger halo on the top of the head will become brighter, and the attack power will be reduced even more!

Then he became even more angry, and fell into an endless loop with no solution on the spot!

(? 6? 5? 2? 3 Yi? 2? 3? 6? 5) "He's so lazy! What's going on? What's going on here! Holy Spirit! What are you doing? Hurry up and get rid of negative status?"

At this moment, Tianguang of the Holy Spirit Clan used up all his breastfeeding strength!

A beam of purification light hit the army formation, but it was useless at all!

The halo of anger above his head is still strong!

The aura of anger comes from their own anger. As long as they are still angry in their hearts, this aura of anger will never be cleared away!

And the attack of the Carbon Alliance army has come from afar!

The Zerg Artillery Battalion fired a volley of wave energy cannons on the spot, and the overwhelming artillery fire turned into a torrent of artillery fire that covered the sky and the sun, violently bombarding the Xinghui army!

Wuxiang's eyes were about to split open: "Block it! Block it for me!"

"Many golems!"

I saw the strength of the golem tribe warriors gathered to form a super giant golem in the starry sky!

An incomparably vast energy shield was formed between waving hands, trying to block the artillery bombardment of the Carbon Alliance army!

However, at the moment when the golem just took shape!

The dark universe body Tianyuan Demon Dragon took shape, more than three times bigger than before!

A dragon claw grabbed it violently and tore the golem to pieces!

Then a dark source dragon's breath spewed out, causing a large area of ​​dark matter to explode, and directly exploded in the center of the army formation!

What followed was the artillery attack of the Zerg, and more flowers bloomed in the opposing army formation!

The Apocalypse family turned on the atomic state mode, rushed into the army formation, and frantically performed atomic decomposition and atomic explosion!

Destroy everything around you that you can see!

The Gamma Rage of the Gamma Clan was used by the All Carbon-based Alliance, and the death radiation irradiated the Chaoxinghui Clan formation in patches!

The parasites directly parasitized among the insect soldiers, providing them with powerful combat power, and the hidden spirits blasted into the army array with a burst of light cannons!

The Eye Clan kept scanning the battlefield with their sights locked and fixed on the opposite side!

The Nether tribe is even more coquettish, one by one directly activates the Styx force field, uses the leap belt to rush into the army formation, and restricts the opponent's ability!

And the carbon alliance's covering attack can just hit it directly, don't be afraid to kill the Nether people together, their physical fitness is not so easy to die!

Wang Youzhi's sentence: You pioneered the way first, coupled with the full-scale artillery bombardment of the Carbon Alliance army, the output is crazy!

The Xinghui army was smashed into formation almost at the moment of contact!

I was shocked and angry in my heart, and I couldn't show my strength at all!

The more angry they are, the more they will die, one by one, beating their chests to the sky and roaring!

(?2?5?5?0?0?8pan?5?0?0?8)?2?5 "What the hell is going on!"

Jiang Nan's eyes lit up, can he be ambitious? Does this sentence work well?

Wang Youzhi immediately became happier, and continued to shout with the war horn:

Σ(((\u003e(?1?1v?5?3v?1?1?1?7:) "The one opposite! Salen, give up resistance!"

"You have been surrounded by us, this is only the strength of one of our scout battalions, surround you for scouting!"

"The roster of the new barracks, there are billions of people named Zhang Wei! In our army, if you have nothing to do with connections, you won't be able to assign an enemy!"

"To fight an ambush, a hundred of your positions are not enough for us to lie down! Half a galaxy can be eaten with one breakfast!"

"Hundreds of planets a month, what kind of life are you playing with?"

At this moment, the Xinghui army collectively rolled their eyes!

(? 6? 7? 2? 7? 2? 8? 6? 7? 2? 7*) Puff~ You call this a reconnaissance camp? A halo of inferiority suddenly lit up on each of their heads, and their defenses were lowered, so they were beaten even worse...

Wang Youzhi continued to bombard: "Why are you still insisting on this? Jiangnan hasn't made a move yet!"

"He alone is enough to beat all of you. The reason why he brought the legion here now is that he has nothing to do after breakfast and has nothing to do!"

"Even if you make it through, how can you stop Jiangnan? Can you beat him?"

This time, the Xinghui army completely collapsed, and the halo of despair and fear once again lit up above their heads!

The physical strength plummeted, the fighting spirit plummeted, and the state fell to the bottom!

Wuxiang covered his face, this... I can't fight this horse?

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