Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2646 All bald! no one left

Is there any mistake, in such a difficult situation just now, how did you break the situation and return safely with all the base planets and race beacons?

Ye Yuanwei thought Jiangnan had turned into a black hole, but she didn't expect to come back faster than them!

Du Lingyu looked indifferent:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "Calm down! Why are you so excited? Isn't this a normal thing? He's Nanshen~"

"It's a pity that you didn't see the remote control walking ball just now. It's really a great pity in life. He is absolutely perfect!"

Ye Jinser grinds her teeth, let's lick it! Just lick it!

Bah~ scheming girl!

Senben Sakura was sweating profusely on her forehead, it would be better if she didn't see it, right?

Otherwise, Nanshen's tall and mighty image would easily collapse, wouldn't she?

Although the process was a bit bumpy, the Carbon Alliance has completed the great convergence!

All the base planets and race beacons of the Carbon Alliance members are put into the moat for unified storage!

Now on the map of the sand table battle, there are more than 2,000 racial beacons gathered in the human defense zone, which is called a colorful cluster!

As for the outer ring of the human defense zone, it is crowded with defensive positions of various companies, and it is a bit hard to let it go!

It's hot!

The number of legions of each family was already terrifying, but now more than 2,000 races are mixed together, and the huge starry sky is immediately crowded!

The swarm of the Zerg family alone is a bit overwhelming!

Seeing such a lively scene, even Yang Jian was numb!

Not enough manpower?

This problem should not exist, right?

Who is not numb to meet?

Even if there is no moat, with such a strong strength, other races can't attack it even if they are exhausted?

At this moment, the million-dollar triumphant group army led by Xiao Zhen was squeezed into the allied forces of various ethnic groups, and it was almost squeezed out!

They covered their faces one by one, secretly feeling sad!

We also want to show off and play a good role, but why are we not given a chance at all?

Looking at the past, they are all allies, hey!

Not only the carbon alliance has completed the big convergence! Not only the carbon alliance has completed the big convergence!

Even the Quality League took advantage of the transfer of the carbon alliance to complete the integration of the base!

And it's not just as simple as fusion, there's even silicon-based arming!

No more acting!

So now the sea of ​​ashes is initially divided into four forces!

Bose, silicon-based, quality alliance, carbon alliance, and some races that have not found a backer account for about half of the ten thousand races in the starry sky!

They also spontaneously organized racial alliances, often dozens or hundreds of races joined forces to fight!

But don't worry!

During the transfer of the Carbon Alliance, more than 30% of the base planets were lost!

Most of them have been hacked by Bose, silicon-based, and quality alliances!

And the three of them are fighting on multiple fronts. In the Sea of ​​Embers, you can see the three expeditionary troops everywhere, plundering the base planet!

Sequential offensive and defensive battles are different from world hunting!

At the time of the first ring, each family had only 10,000 people, and their manpower was limited, so they seldom acted separately, and they basically fought alone!

But when it comes to sequential offensive and defensive battles, there is no need to worry about manpower at all. If your legion is large enough and strong enough!

Even if you have 10,000 troops and start a war with thousands of people in the starry sky at the same time, no one cares about you!

Judging from the sand table map of the battle situation, one can find that the red arrows represent the conquering troops of various races!

With the three bases as the center, it spreads out and radiates outward!

The Bose clan ranked fourth at the end of the first ring, but now their provisional points have reached the second position, approaching the number one silicon base!

Silicon-based siege may have to be fought head-on, but the Bose tribe doesn't have to, it's ok to just cross the dimension and grab it!

There are very few means of stopping them!

But the silicon base is not given in vain. Send troops in multiple lines, and never let Bose catch up!

What's more, they still have the quality alliance as a point inventory, and at critical moments, they can deploy base planets from below to suppress the Bose clan!

30% of the carbon alliance's loss, plus the quality alliance has already started to conquer!

Today, among the four forces, the carbon alliance has the lowest total points, and it is even surpassed by the latecomers of the quality alliance!

However, Jiangnan didn't seem to panic at all, watching more than 2,000 ethnic legions crowded in the human defense zone!

The mouth girl is almost grinning behind her ears! The mouth girl is almost grinning behind her ears!

When did I fight such a rich battle?

But Jiangnan is not in a hurry, but these ethnic legions are in a hurry!

Although the base planets are now safe, some have been robbed of many base planets, and there are even only a single beacon left!

A wave of transfers is already a waste of time, if there is no further action!

The easy bones have been gnawed, and the rest are all hard bones!

I saw Jiangnan grinning:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "I know everyone is impatient, but I can't eat hot tofu!"

"Everyone is here to fight, and as long as there is a war, people will die. Everyone is raised by their fathers and mothers. No one wants to die on this battlefield. Who wants to die if they can live?"

"After all, no one wants to be cannon fodder, right? You are contributing to your own race, and you are also contributing to the Carbon Alliance. That is my Jiangnan people!"

"I can't guarantee that each of you will survive, but I can guarantee that you will survive on the battlefield to the greatest extent possible!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the people from all the legions lit up, and Jiangnan seemed to have entered their hearts!

After all, some races that joined the Carbon Alliance are not so powerful, so they inevitably worry about being used as cannon fodder!

I saw Jiangnan said: "Maybe there are always some things in this world that are worth fighting for, but it is definitely not in this bullshit sequence of offensive and defensive battles!"

"Saving your life is the first priority. As for the base planet or something, life is important, understand? If you have to give up, give up, if someone snatches it away, I will get it back for you and it will be over!"

"For this reason, our human race has specially prepared a war gift package for you. Although it is impossible to equip all race troops, the number is quite a lot!"

"It can be regarded as a little kindness of my Jiangnan. Since I dare to risk my life to fight with me, then I can't treat you badly! Love sauce~ put on equipment!"

After speaking, Jiang Nan clapped his little hands~

Huge silver arsenals of cubes were shipped out!

Now the legions of all ethnic groups are not calm!

what's the situation? Is Devil Jiang sick? You haven't started fighting yet, but you have distributed equipment to all races?

conspiracy! It must be a conspiracy!

Even Olivia and Ye Jinse looked at Jiangnan in disbelief!

The corner of Qingtian's mouth twitched, he couldn't help raising his hand and said:

?(??v﹏v??:) "Question! This... these equipments... don't cost money, right? Should you give us credit first, and then..."

Jiangnan rolled his eyes: Jiangnan rolled his eyes:

(??д??*) "Damn! It's a war! They're all on their own, and they want money? Go ahead and use it! Are you kidding me about life-saving things?"

"Don't pay me back! It's quite expensive!"

Everyone's eyes became brighter, and there were even sparkles in their eye sockets!


Can you get equipment from Devil Jiang to wear? Will the penny-pinching Jiangnan be willing to bleed? Isn't this really a dream?

Even Qianben Sakura looked disbelieving and pressed her forehead against Jiangnan's!

(???.???)???? "It's strange~ it's not very hot? How come..."

However, Jiangnan gave Qianbenying a hammer to the head, covering his head and jumping!

I saw Jiangnan's little mouth curled up, and said angrily:

(?~′?) "When did I ever treat my own people badly? What should be spent is naturally spent!"

However, the little abacus in the goose's heart is crackling!

All these equipments were rushed out by the weapon manufacturing factory in the past six months!

Although it cost a lot of money, it was originally intended to be used in sequence wars!

Human beings don't have any soldiers, so send them to other races!

Anyway, the carbon alliance is strong, and human beings will benefit accordingly, and it can also minimize the casualties of the carbon alliance!

The reason why it is free is to win people's hearts, mainly because of these equipments. If the members of the Carbon Alliance use them well, they must still want them?

Wouldn't it be enough to sell them again at that time, so wouldn't the market be opened up?

Think of it as an advertisement for human beings, the better days are yet to come!

After everyone received the equipment and put on their bodies, they were completely amazed by the functions of various equipment!

It is the kind equipped by the Triumph Legion, what kind of blood god armor, jump belt, return button and so on!

He even wears a dimensional arbitrary door bracelet!

Attack, defense, battery life, running, mobility and other attributes are all full!

Especially when it comes to life-saving, it's hard to die!

Everyone was shocked, where did human beings get so many good things?

Put on your best outfit! Hey! Put on your best outfit! Hey!

Some things are not even sold in the top silicon-based manufacturing!

This, this, this...

Du Lingyu and the Ye family sisters also became excited. Could it be that this is part of the big bargaining chip that Jiangnan said?

Joining the carbon alliance, not only the base camp is safe, but also life-saving equipment?

This treatment is so good that it explodes?

Is mixing with Nanshen so fragrant?

Now, the Carbon Alliance United Corps has more confidence in the future operations!

But at this moment, Chong Lao Liu was a little embarrassed, although he was unwilling to face Jiangnan!

But now that they are allies, what should be faced will be faced sooner or later!

I saw Chong Lao Liu picking his fingers and coming over with a face full of embarrassment!

(??,﹏?) "Nan...Nanshin...before, I'm sorry, na... nai, do you still have this equipment?"

"Can you send us some more? The ones you sent out just now are not enough for even one of my elite insect squads..."

"I want to equip our troops more, at least equip an elite division, so that..."

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, and he tilted his head to look at the dense array of Zerg soldiers, covering the starlight...

Σ(°△°|||) "Even if you sell me, you still can't afford to assemble it for you? Just making these equipments has already made me poor in ripped pants!"

"What do you think I am? A rich man?"

Chong Lao Liu was stunned: (??, ~?) "It's hard... Isn't it baa?"

A bright smile like a flower suddenly bloomed on Jiangnan's face:

(??????) "Goose Box ~ I'll listen to you again?"

The corner of Chong Lao Liu's mouth twitched:

(??, д?) "There people?"

Jiang Nan suddenly roared:

(︶口︶〃)? "Don't worry! How can I, Jiang Youqian, treat my brothers and sisters who were born and died with me, and went to the battlefield to kill the enemy!"

"Brother Chacha! Drain the river of strength for me. I want the carbon-based coalition forces to count as one! All of them are bald! No one will be left behind!"

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