Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2634 All response! tide rises

The problem is that the round of vaccinations given by Jiangnan before was too disgusting!

Judging from the rules, it is completely reasonable and legal for Jiangnan to use Styx as a moat!

If you refute him, you will be untenable, and everyone will break the rules!

Once double standards, can Jiangnan let go of this opportunity?

I can't beat you to death?

But if Jiang Nan was really allowed to do this, how would he fight?

What's the matter with riding a horse?

The serial offensive and defensive battle has not yet started, once the moat is released, humans have already won!

As long as the ten thousand races in the starry sky enter the range of the Styx, they are all side dishes, and the sky can restrain the energy body. If the emperor's reward enters, I am afraid that even Qin Shou can't beat it!

Simply can't touch the human base planet!

What's even more disgusting is that within the range of the Styx, except for the Nether, none of them can use their abilities! remember URL

Even if you encounter the base planet, how can you drag more than 10,000 planets to a distance of tens of light years?

One month, let you take it out, can you take it out?

Still have to be hammered to death by the Nether Legion?

Before the fight started, Jiangnan directly posed an unsolvable problem to the thousands of people in the starry sky!

At this moment, the emperor's reward was completely blown out, and he felt that a donkey's head had been placed on his neck!

(? °? Yi °??) "You Ming! What are you doing? How did you get mixed up with Jiangnan? Before Jiangnan escaped from prison..."

You Ming raised his head:

(????≠) "I put water!"

"The Nether Legion failed in the capture operation..."

Shanchacha raised his hand: (?°???°)? "What the hell!"

"Then Jiangnan caught your favorite daughter?"

Jiulan:? ? ?

(?°??°) "I don't regret being a hostage!"

Emperor Fu almost fainted on the spot, what are you guys saying to me here, you guys?

(??Yi?)σ "The Xingluo and Karl who were imprisoned in the Styx Death Prison..."

Jiangnan spread his hands: ?(??~?`)? "I broke my leg~ I became fat like a ghost~"

"I'm not lying, I'm really fat~ I've gained more than ten laps!"

Emperor's Remuneration:! ! !

(|||??3??) "Puff~"

He squirted out old jelly in one bite!

" are stepping on horses, are you trying to turn against Tiangang? You guys are rebellious? The Nether tribe actually has an affair with humans?!"

The Bose tribe was completely shocked!

They didn't expect this at all, and they didn't investigate any news about the Nether Race at all!

You know, although the Nether clan is one of the core members of the Carbon Alliance, they also mentioned their plans during the meeting!

But only a part of the core members know that all the speakers of all races are kept strictly confidential!

They also know what it means to leak this matter during the preparation period, and the matter of the Nether Race is also the core weapon of the Carbon Alliance, which is related to the interests of their own race!

Therefore, the discussion about the plan of the Nether Race begins in the cracks of the dimensions, and will end in the cracks of the dimensions!

All members of the Carbon Alliance kept silent, and Jiangnan even stipulated that if someone wants to speak badly and leak the news, they will be directly kicked out of the Carbon Alliance, and they will be sanctioned in the sequence of offensive and defensive battles!

Under such conditions, it would be strange for Carbon Alliance members to dare to leak information!

Therefore, the Bose tribe and even the silicon base did not know that humans had an affair with the Nether tribe until the moment Jiangnan pulled Styx out!

With the addition of the Nether Race, the nature of the Carbon Alliance has changed all of a sudden!

Yu Gen squinted his eyes: (? Yi??) "You Ming! You don't have a long memory, do you? If you stand in the wrong team, you will die! What do you think the existence of the Nether Race depends on!"

"Now that you are waiting to come out privately, do you really think that the myriad races in the starry sky have not destroyed your ability in the Styx star field?"

Hearing this, You Ming also laughed: "Heh ~ you also know that it's a prison?"

" born to be free! Every life has the right to pursue freedom. The starry sky is bright. Why should we, the Nether Race, be imprisoned in the Styx star field for generations? Be your dog?"

"Fawning and licking feet for the sake of a few bones? I'm quitting!"

"Destroy my Styx Starfield? You come? All of you go together! As long as you dare to come in, I will hit you eight with one little finger!"

"In the Styx star field! I am invincible!"

After speaking, he rolled his eyes at the little carp with a guilty conscience!

(¬﹏≠?) "Probably..."

You Ming is completely willing to go all out, come to this point, what the hell is going on?


Cut Li narrowed his eyes: "You Ming! Don't play dead, it's not that you You Ming have never fought for freedom in history, but they all ended in failure!"

"It will be the same this time. Every time you fight, you Nether clan will be beheaded! Because history is always surprisingly similar!"

"Looking at history as a guide, we can know the ups and downs. Have you really thought about it? Some people are born...not worthy of freedom!"

After hearing this, You Ming laughed, and there seemed to be anger burning in his eyes!

"Really? Indeed, we always lose, but if we don't do it, we will never know the result. Maybe we can win once in a while!"

"And victory, as long as it is ushered in once, is enough!"

"Maybe it's this time?"

After finishing speaking, You Ming's eyes couldn't help falling on Jiang Nan!

At this moment, Gu Li's eyes were extremely gloomy!

"You have no chance..."

Jiangnan must not be allowed to succeed, otherwise there will be no way to fight, and the original plan to completely crush the Carbon Alliance in serial offensive and defensive battles will also be hindered!

What's even more disgusting is that once the Nether tribe is released, the Bose tribe's position as the overlord of the starry sky will be fundamentally shaken!

Gu Li took a deep breath: "Even if it is a human being, it does not violate the rules of sequential offensive and defensive warfare! But the problem is not here!"

"It's from the Nether tribe! The Star Law Styx Agreement stipulates that without the permission of the Holy Law Society, the Nether tribe can't step out of the Styx star field without permission. Once violated, they will be subject to the most severe racial sanctions! "

"If it's the execution of those who violated the rules, or if it's genocide, don't think that the Holy Law will not have this kind of power! Have you all forgotten the battle of Boji?"

"You Ming, take your people now and go back to your kennel, there is still room for negotiation, otherwise..."

You Ming narrowed his eyes: "I just won't leave, what can you do?"

Jiang Nan clapped his little hands with a look of beating:

(?°??°?) "As expected of the ruler of the Bose tribe, what a beautiful counterattack. Once things don't suit your mind, you can threaten them with the power of the ceiling, right?"

"The Nether people are not allowed to step out of the Styx star field? Then let me ask you, where did the Nether people step out?"

"They are in the Styx star field now? Where the Styx River flows, they are all the Styx star field. Is there a problem?"

Cutting:? ? ?

(艹书?) "You..."

"You glib little brat, don't play word games with me here, you know that's not what I mean!"

"Don't force me to shoot!"

Jiang Nan had a frightened expression on his face:

(???????) "Yo Yo~ I'm going to hit someone if I can't say it~ Well, if you want to be reasonable, then I will reason with you!"

"The law of the starry sky stipulates that any race that wins the Star Ruins War, or has sufficient strength, is eligible to join the starry sky sequence!"

"The Nether tribe has never experienced the Star Ruins War, but with the racial strength of the Nether tribe, they are absolutely qualified to join the star sequence!"

"Then why don't the Nether race even have a sequence qualification now? What kind of nonsense Styx agreement? I haven't heard of it! Oh~ I know, it must be the same as the agreement of ten thousand races that bound my human beings back then? Unequal agreement? "

When this was mentioned, Gu Li's complexion became even uglier!

It has to be said that the Agreement of Ten Thousand Clans of Humanity, and all the decisions about human beings at the beginning, are the biggest failure of the Bose Clan!

Jiang Nan said loudly: "Everyone~ what era is it? Is there any need to follow this old shit agreement?"

"The times are changing! The rules should be changing too! The Styx star field is rich in products, and the Nether people are extremely accomplished in physical training. Letting them join the star sequence, exchange culture, and products is to benefit all the people in the star sky!"

"Why stop it? I think it's time to rewrite the rules of this era and bring forth the new!"

When Gu Li heard this, he laughed angrily!

"Rewrite the rules of the times? Who do you think you are? Which onion are you? When will this era be up to you?"

"This era is the era of all the people in the starry sky, otherwise it wouldn't be named Qianxing!"

"The existence of the Styx agreement protects the racial safety of all the people in the starry sky. The abilities of the Nether people are a taboo. Letting them out is a threat to everyone in the starry sky!"

"I, the Bose Clan, care about the world. I am the first to disagree. Ask, who will agree to the Nether Clan joining the Star Sequence?"

At this moment, the audience in Sea of ​​Embers was silent!

You Ming's heart is in his throat!

Success or failure depends on this one!

However, Jiang Nan looked at the sea of ​​ashes indifferently, with the corners of his mouth raised!

Noah took a deep breath, the time has come!

I saw him immediately said loudly:

(??v_v?) "Dark Cosmic Body! With the power of the clan, we agree to tear up the Styx agreement, and let the Nether clan join the starry sky sequence, for the benefit of the starry sky!"

The voice echoed over the sea of ​​stars and embers for a long time!

Gu Li was stunned for a moment, and the dark universe body agreed? How is it possible, even if they belong to the Carbon Alliance, it is impossible to relax their control over the Nether Race, they...

But then, Manti spoke:

(〃? ー?)? "I, the Apocalypse Clan, with the power of the clan, agree that the Nether Clan will join the Starry Sky Sequence!"

Benny gritted his teeth, don't care, come on!

"My Gamma clan agrees with all the power of the clan!"

Chong Qianjin narrowed his eyes: "I, the Zerg, agree..."

Seeing that the core members of the Carbon Alliance expressed their opinions one after another, the rest of the Carbon Alliance members followed suit, and it was over with the big brother!

"My Hidden Spirit Race agrees!"

"My parasite agrees!"

"I, Meizu/Xinggengzu/Jingzu...agree!"


More and more races have begun to express their views, standing in line for the Nether Race, agreeing to join the Nether Race in the star sequence, and launching a petition!

Voices of agreement echoed over the Sea of ​​Embers!

More and more, even into one piece!

Three hundred, five hundred, one thousand, two thousand!

Nearly 3,000 races have issued a consent petition!

Why all the responses? I'm afraid that's it?

Guli looked at this scene in astonishment, are they all crazy? That's the Nether Race!

Even if it's an alliance, it's impossible...

Jiangnan looked at the moat lightly, his eyes were calm and deep!

"Didn't you ask which onion I am? Who am I?"

"The identity of the leader of the Carbon-based Alliance... Is it heavy enough? Today! The rules of the era will be rewritten by me!"

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