Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2627 You can suffocate me

But at this moment, Xiao Zhen, Qin Shou and the others were in a panic, completely uncertain!

Looking around, all horses are soldiers, and they can't see the edge at all. It is difficult to find a broken star in other people's legion!

Looking at myself, there is no comparison at all!

Although they were already mentally prepared in their hearts, when they actually saw the scale of Star Wars, they were still quite shocked!

Only by really visiting the scene in person can you feel the depressing and restless atmosphere in the field!

Looking at the Zerg again, Qin Shou almost lost their eyes on the spot!

The number of people here is not as many as a detachment of marching insects used by the Zerg to pull the nest!

During the great hunt in the universe, the number of insect soldiers produced by the Zerg in half a month was already exaggerated!

But compared with the size of the Zerg army in the sequential offensive and defensive battle, it can be said that there is a gap between Doumi and the sea!

Zerg has never been afraid of big wars!

The corner of Ye Xinghe's mouth twitched, and he whispered:

(?)¬﹏¬) "Is there any mistake, do you want so many? Nanshin still said it was light, hey!"

"This number is too scary. If there is a roster, you can't read it until you die, and you can't finish it until the 18th generation great-great-grandson? When will this be cut?"

Qin rolled his eyes: (??Y??*) "Tsk~ Calm down, that's an ally! Fuck you!"

Ye Xinghe was startled, then his face turned black!

(????????????)? "Oh~ that's all right..."

Looking at Xiao Chuihuo and the others, each with their little hands behind their backs, their faces were indifferent, as if they were not surprised by such a scene!

The Mechanical Empire battleship drove all the way to the front, and got mixed up with the camps of the top ten sequences!

At this moment, everyone is in the mood to observe everything around. After all, the project of Sea of ​​Embers is all outsourced by human beings, and they have hardly been here!

At this moment, huge starry sky boundary markers have been erected around the sea of ​​ashes!

The boundary markers are connected to each other by energy barriers, stretching out endlessly and turning into star lines!

Surrounding the entire sea of ​​ashes, once the sequence of offensive and defensive battles starts, the star line will become a battlefield!

No matter how fierce the two families are fighting inside, they cannot fight outside the range of the star boundary!

As far as the eye can see, the sea of ​​ashes is now extremely prosperous created by thousands of people in the starry sky!

I can vaguely see the distinct defense areas of each family, the erected star chain defense walls, and various war fortresses, all of which have built their own star areas to be as solid as gold!

The most conspicuous of them may be the extremely eye-catching Star Ember Tower in the center of the Sea of ​​Embers!

Standing tall, straight into the depths of the starry sky, the surface of the tower is covered with a layer of starlight, and I don't know what it is for!

It's just that there is no racial defense zone around the Star Ember Tower, so it looks a little empty!

And the hoarding area in the Sea of ​​Embers is also lively!

In order to prevent accidents from happening, almost all ethnic groups have set up special replenishment points and material points in the Sea of ​​Star Embers!

Make sure you are always available to support Sea of ​​Embers!

In the past, Bobo Starship and Silicon Speed ​​Starship were used for troop transport, material transfer, etc.!

The serial offensive and defensive battle is not a real star war, and the two giants will not make such an extreme move as closing the star road!

But if there is a fight, no one will care about that kind of thing!

Although all families in the starry sky can borrow the Starway, in the past, the two Starlines would increase their prices significantly, in order to ruthlessly kill each family!

But not this year, because a human dimensional star has disrupted the situation!

If the prices of the two companies increase, of course all the companies will go to Dimensional Star Airlines, and they will have no money to make!

Such a situation, on the contrary, saved a lot of money for all ethnic groups!

And with the arrival of human beings, it can be said that some of these big clans in the front are happy and some are worried!

Noah and Manti are a little worried, what about the Jiangnan people? Why didn't you come over?

Could it be that they were sneaked by those big families?

Or is there something wrong with the Nether Race?

If such an invincible bug like him is missing in the serial offensive and defensive battle, the gold content of the Carbon Alliance will be greatly reduced, right?

Noah couldn't hold back after all, tilted his head and said:

(??д??) "Where's Jiangnan? Why haven't I seen him? Suddenly I can't hear his arrogant provocative voice, and I still feel a little uncomfortable!"

They couldn't help but look at Noah with dark faces!

I bother! Aren't you mean?

Just as Yang Jiang was about to respond, he saw the space on the Mechanical Empire battleship suddenly split open!

The figures of Jiang Nan and Wang Youzhi stepped out from inside!

I saw Jiangnan looking at Noah with a smile in his eyes:

(??w?) "What's wrong? Brother Noah? You miss me that much? How can Jiangnan be missing from such a big show?"

Familiar words sounded, and many Tunxing tilted their heads and spit, their eyes full of bad luck!

As for the Carbon Alliance, they breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt like a big stone fell to the ground, and they felt at ease!

After all, the importance of Jiangnan to the Carbon Alliance goes without saying!

I saw Jiangnan looking around with his small hands behind his back, his eyes full of excitement:

(*???) "Oh oh oh~ what a big scene? The construction is so brilliant? Isn't this a prodigal? The thought of destroying the starry sky with my own hands will take a lot of effort. The sea of ​​ashes that was built~"

"Just thinking about it is already exciting!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the commanders of each family turned darker, and the resentment value refreshed again!

Even Sheng Lu Xing started to move to the side, as far away from Jiangnan as possible!

All eyes fell on Jiangnan's body and looked at him non-stop, but the more he looked at Wanzu, the colder his heart became!

Sequential offensive and defensive battles are not allowed to take part in Star Swallowing, and Jiangnan, which is recognized by All Stars as invincible under Swallowing Stars, is undoubtedly the most worthy of attention!

His strength will directly affect the action strategies of each team!

But the more you look at it, the more chilling you become!

This riding horse is too strong, right? It's only half a year's work!

Are all human beings cultivating so fast?

At the end of the Huge Hunt, Jiangnan was only extraordinary six, and now he is tenth extraordinary!

And judging from the hidden aura, the improvement is far more than just the level!

And it's already ten episodes, haven't swallowed stars yet? The normal star-breaking has achieved such a level of energy accumulation, it should have devoured the star long ago, right?

In the sixth issue, Invincible Under the Swallowing Stars was already invincible, and in the tenth issue, Jiangnan...

Everyone couldn't help shaking violently!

Not only are everyone watching Jiangnan, but Jiangnan is also looking at his opponents!

On the side of the Bose tribe, Yu Gen messed things up last time, but this time Chuli led the team directly!

I'm afraid that no one will dare to do it wrong, after all, he has the ability to smash the entire sea of ​​ashes with one sword!

There are four Bose swallowing stars, Guli, Liuren, Yu Gen, and Difu!

And there will be more people entering the venue!

Tiffany from Chuguang, Naraku from Chuangjie, and the newly appointed Holy Star Master Rum who took over Xingluo's position!

These are all familiar faces in Jiangnan!

The only thing worth noting is the leader of the Herrscher!

He doesn't look young, but middle-aged, with a long and narrow ruler slung around his waist, his expression is cold, and his eyes are unscrupulously looking at Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan grinned, and then raised his hand to say hello:

(???)? "Yo~ Is it a fresh face that I haven't beaten before? What's the origin?"

[Resentment value from Tianli +1009! ]

[From Naraku...]

Not only did Tianli brush up his grievance points, but even Tiffany and Naraku had their teeth grounded!

God Meow has never been beaten, so we have already been beaten?

Tianli narrowed his eyes: (? Yi?) "I...

Jiang Nan spread his hands and said: ╮(??w??)╭ "Ah~ it doesn't matter, I'm not interested in your origin, anyway, no matter what your origin is, if you enter the sea of ​​stars, you will be beaten by me!"

"It doesn't make any difference, I only care about whether you feel good~"

"It's the first time I've seen a fight with a ruler. Can you use such a long ruler? Don't measure strange places when you are free. I'm afraid you will feel inferior. For you, one grid is enough Bar?"

Tianli:! ! !

God stepped on a ruler, this is a rule ruler for me!

What's the only one? At least three grids, who do you look down on, you?

[Resentment value from Tianli +1010! ]

But he still suppressed the anger in his chest, and sneered: "Just wait, I will destroy everything about you, why should the gods care about the provocation of mere ants?"

Jiang Nan couldn't help nodding: (??????????) "Yeah, it's just that your ruthless words are not ruthless at all, and I don't even bother to refute them, or I'll give you another ruthless word." Opportunity?"

"You think about the lines again?"

[Resentment value from Tianli +1010! ]

[From Tianli...]

Cut Li cast Jiangnan a cold look, killing intent appeared in his eyes!

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (¬~¬) "Okay~ Let's go home, let's go home~"

After finishing speaking, we aimed at the silicon base!

Yang Jian and the others put their hands on their foreheads. Jiangnan is here again?

The map cannon started to provoke again!

In the past six months, in order to take into account the development of the Carbon Alliance, you can't make trouble at will, but can you suffocate him?

Is it finally ready now?

However, all the members of the silicon-based star imitation series mechanical legion are staring at Jiangnan, starting the self-learning mode!

Add new content to Gangnam voice pack!

Silicon base is still the old lineup, Gang Xiu, Yingshi, Tao and others, but this time the silicon master is here in person!

The mechanical prosthetic body without a logo is extremely conspicuous!

Just listen to Si Master: [┐¬_¬┌] "If you can say it, just say a few more words, we are eager to learn~"

Jiang Nan is full of bad luck, is he so blatant?

"You still owe me money, ah yes, don't forget the gambling agreement between you and the Bose clan, if you lose, you will lose your wife and lose your army!"

The silicon master said lightly: "I won't bother you to worry about it, you'd better worry about yourself!"

Jiang Nan grinned and said, "I'm more curious, which one is more aggressive, fake or genuine?"

However, Si Ji stopped talking, and even the grievance value was not refreshed!

Jiang Nan, who couldn't take advantage of it at all, looked directly at Noah:

(¬?¬) "Ah la la~ Isn't this brother Noah? You..."

Noah's face was black: (????????????)? "Damn! How many people are you spraying and look at the camp, you?"

My own people also spray?

Jiang Nan was taken aback, and scratched his head in embarrassment:

(⌒?⌒;)? "I'm sorry~ I'm going to let you go, I'll switch to another one~"

ps: One chapter to make up for debts in the evening, three chapters in the evening

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