Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2616 Alliance Completion

Noah Manti and the others represent not only individuals, but also the race behind them!

Now that these big devouring stars appear in the meeting room at the same time, they are sending an extremely strong signal to them!

They are united!

All the race talkers present stared wide-eyed, unable to utter a word in shock, their hairs standing on end!

You know, there are only four of the first ten sequences present, and three of them are extremely huge monsters, plus the human beings who are sure!

Half of the members of the Holy Law Society in the future are here!

Those who can come here for the meeting today are all talented people, so they naturally know what it means!

The third behemoth in the starry sky was born!

Lingmiao, the speaker of the Yinling tribe, swallowed her saliva:

Σ(°△°|||) "Nan Shen? are..."

Jiang Nan said bluntly: "I think you are also very curious, why my Jiangnan is so motivating and mobilizing everyone to come here to discuss the matter!"

"This move is for no other reason than to announce the establishment of the Carbon-based Alliance and to hold the first joining meeting for the alliance!"

Now no one in the venue could sit still, everyone's scalps were numb!

Carbon-Based Alliance?

With Jiangnan taking the lead and pulling four top ten race platforms, how strong is the Carbon-based Alliance?

Only now did they notice that the races present were indeed almost all carbon-based!

Yang Jian added: "The core members of the Carbon-based Alliance are tentatively determined to be human, dark universe, Tianqi, Gamma, Zerg, Xinggeng, and Nether clan!"

"The members of the alliance will work together to face any difficulties and obstacles that may arise in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the venue immediately exploded!

God child widened his eyes:

(?2?9?0?7?0?1kou?0?7?0?1?2?9) "Huh? You... The Nether tribe is also a core member of the Carbon-based Alliance? They also joined?"

Lingmiao's expression suddenly changed: "Aren't the Nether tribe in the Styx star field? Are they going to be released? But the Nether tribe's ability is too dangerous, right?"

"Lord Noah? What's going on here?"

Noah crossed his arms and glanced at Jiangnan!

(¬?6?8¬?7?8) "Ask him ~ he is the leader!"

Lai Lai Di, the Jiangnan side has been prepared a long time ago. Were the venues on both sides set up at the same time?

Jiangnan is so confident that he will be able to convince us to form a carbon-based alliance?

In an instant, Noah felt a helpless feeling of being eaten!

Jiangnan... is really scary!

Everyone's eyes were once again focused on Jiang Nan, leader?

Really? So many strong clans are united, but the leader of the alliance is Jiangnan?


The speaker of the Jing clan, Sheng Oath, couldn't help saying:

(?2?9?6?3﹏?6?5) "About the Nether Race..."

Jiang Nan said lightly: "About this, I have nothing to say. The Nether Race will indeed be released, and will become the main force of my carbon-based alliance against the oppression of Bose and silicon-based!"

"I don't want to say the same words a second time. Noah and the others didn't say anything and agreed to this move. Do you need to worry? They think more than you!"

"I know why everyone is here today. The Bogey War is ahead, and the situation in the starry sky is turbulent. No one family has the ability to survive alone, and they are worried that they will be torn apart by this upcoming storm!"

"That's why I came here because I wanted to find a thigh and a place that could protect my race from wind and rain, didn't I?"

After speaking, Jiangnan looked around the audience, all the speakers of all races smiled wryly, that's exactly what happened!

Jiang Nan said loudly: "You are not the only ones who are afraid! I am also afraid! But as the weak, we have no right to survive in the face of the sharp knife hanging above our heads?"

"Should the weak deserve to die? Even the strong will change from weak to strong step by step! In the face of threats, all we can do is hold together for warmth and move forward hand in hand!"

"So the Carbon-Based Alliance is established, and the Nether Race will also become a sharp blade and the most solid shield in the hands of the Alliance!"

"No one can stop us from continuing to exist! To live! It is the inherent instinct of every life! Right!"

Every word was resounding, and at this moment, the eyes of all the racial speakers present lit up!

Even the Dark Universe Body and the others have joined the group, and they have agreed to the Nether Clan's affairs. The sky is falling, and there is a tall man standing on it. It is indeed not what everyone is worried about!

They are really looking for thighs today!

It's just that the thigh I found seems to be too thick!

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes: "Carbon-based life has always been the most despised existence in the starry sky, but are we really weak? I never think that human beings are inferior to bosons!"

"In the starry sky sequence, the carbon base has always been a backward and oppressed existence. Anyone can reach out and pinch us, why?"

"Join the Carbon-based Alliance! The alliance will become the most powerful backer for everyone! The threat of the Bose and silicon-based? Let's carry it together! Racial crisis? Let's work together!"

"The starry sky has never been a world where we fight alone. One person may not be able to go far! But we join hands, support each other, support each other, and we will reach the other side we have never reached before!"

"The fate of carbon-based! It's time to be completely rewritten, no backer? Then we will become our own backer!"

At this moment, whether it is the Son of God or Ling Miao Sheng's oath, they are all excited!

Really sleepy!

Everyone is feeling uneasy and powerless because of the horror of the bogey war. Has the carbon-based alliance appeared?

If it is really like what Jiangnan said, joining the Carbon-based Alliance will have great benefits!

At least there is something you can rely on!

Sheng oath couldn't help but worry a little:

(¬﹏¬?1?1) "The establishment of the Carbon-based Alliance is indeed a good thing for everyone, but Bose and Silicon-based will never tolerate such an incident!"

"Will the establishment of the alliance be killed in the cradle?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "There are indeed risks, but they are acceptable. If you are united, you will form a tower, and don't underestimate yourself!

"Once the alliance is established, it can advance, attack, retreat, or defend! The Nether tribe is the sword, and the gap between the dimensions is the backplane. No matter what, we all have a way to go!"

"I know what you are afraid of. You are afraid of joining the alliance, making Bose and Silicone unhappy, single-point revenge, and being killed as an example?"

"I can tell you this, if any member of the Carbon-based Alliance is attacked by a foreign race, the members of the alliance will do their best to protect their safety, counterattack, and advance and retreat together!"

"If you don't even know how to protect the calf, what kind of alliance is there? We are just one hand, who dares to cut a hole in my hand! I will punch him ten times in the face! Understand?"

"You know! How far can I protect the calf in the south of the Yangtze River!"

This must be done, the safety of the members of the alliance must be guaranteed, this is the basis of the alliance!

Sheng oath couldn't help clenching his fists, his heart was surging!

Joining the Carbon-based Alliance, once attacked, will the protection of the entire alliance race and a collective counterattack be ushered in?

You know, the core member families in the alliance are not ordinary powerful!

Coupled with Jiang Nan, the notorious ruthless stubble, this is a ruthless person who ran to the angel family and beat the angel for half an hour in front of Tun Xing!

Jiang Jiang continued: "And this serial offensive and defensive battle is an opportunity! Serial war will no longer be a game for big clans!"

"What I want is not the concentrated flow of points to the upper echelons, but the overall improvement of all member families of the Carbon-based Alliance, so that the strength of the alliance can be further strengthened, and my right to speak in the starry sky will be enhanced!"

"Let me just leave my words here! Sequential offensive and defensive battles! I'm not going to burn resources! I'm riding a horse to earn money and get in the position!"

"All member families will be sheltered by the Carbon-based Alliance, join forces, advance and retreat together, and let this starry sky see how hard the Carbon-based Alliance's fist is!"

"I'll ask you, this carbon-based alliance, do you want to join or not! Give me a quick word!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a complete explosion in the venue!

The speakers of all races scrambled to stand up, crowding their heads and roaring angrily!

?1?5(?2?9?6?1?0?6yi?6?1?0?7?2?9)?1?6 "Add! Add now! Who won't let me add, I will follow Who is in a hurry!"

(? 2? 5? 5? 0? 0? 8 pan? 5? 0? 0? 8)? 2? 5 "A horse rider! I have been in the starry sky for so many years, and I have never encountered such a thick thigh. I hug It's settled!"

"The rise of the carbon base is today, and I am the first to charge!"

The scene was extremely lively for a while, and the crowd was excited!

They are not stupid, they can naturally see the benefits of joining the Carbon-based Alliance!

Just the sequence of offensive and defensive battles can get bonuses, and the safety of the race is also guaranteed as it should be!

Everyone knows the difference between one chopstick and ten chopsticks, it's very simple!

But in fact, it is still very difficult to truly unite and form an alliance to advance and retreat together!

But Jiangnan Leng is trying to matchmaking, dealing with the various clans, relying on the existing bargaining chips and a mouth!

Leng is contributed to the current situation!

I saw Jiang Nan sitting down with a thirsty mouth, and quickly drank a mouthful of tea!

(?1?7?1?1v?6?1v?1?1?1?7:) "Phew, I'm exhausted!"

Noah and Manti on the side couldn't help but look sideways at Jiangnan...

The most powerful thing about Jiangnan may not really be his strength, temperament, foresight, structure, planning, everything, this is the real shining point!

There are many people in the starry sky who are stronger than Jiangnan!

But like him, planning the layout with his own strength, he built the carbon-based alliance from scratch, and maybe there is only one in Jiangnan!

Yang Jian was blown away by the applications from various ethnic groups at that time!

(?6?1?0?7w?6?1?0?6?1?1) "Don't worry, don't worry! Everyone has a share! Hey, hey, don't fight! What are you grabbing?"

Immediately, someone asked: "There is no quota, first come, first served, right? Are there any conditions for joining the Carbon-based Alliance?"

Yang Jian explained with a smile: "This is just the first joining meeting of the alliance, and there will be more in the future, but the sooner you join, the sooner you can enjoy the bonus!"

"The core member family will not be expanded for the time being, but it can be appropriately expanded later depending on the contribution and role of the member family in the alliance!"

"As for the conditions for joining, all of you who are here today have undergone strict inspections and are naturally qualified to join. As long as you are Carbon-based and have the same heart with the alliance, you can join the Carbon-based alliance after inspection!"

We are not afraid of the size of the stall, but we are afraid that the stall is not big enough!

Only when the carbon-based alliance is large enough can it become more and more unshakable!

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