At this moment, Noah's and the others' hearts were cold, and the one thrown by Jiangnan could already be regarded as the shocking king!

With the terminal in hand, he already has the capital to fight against the mighty power of the ceiling, and the Nether tribe's knife is held in Jiangnan's hands, and there is something that can make Bose and Siji fearful on the whole!

Today's human beings have gathered all the conditions to compete in the starry sky!

The future must be a chaotic scene of three clans fighting for hegemony!

And for such a situation, the dark universe body and the others can't do anything!

The greedy terminal can't get it, and the knife of the Nether tribe can't hold it. Nothing in the status quo can be changed!

Now, on the sea of ​​stars, there are only three ships that are enough to be called giant ships!

The Bose tribe has been the overlord of the starry sky for more than two billion years, and it has brought only oppression. The existence of that old monster is a sharp knife hanging over the heads of all races!

It is impossible to cooperate with them, they will only be suppressed more and more weakly, and completely lose the right to speak! The Bose are too strong!

As for the silicon base, their absolutely rational way of thinking makes them unable to cooperate, because they can help their allies stand up for their interests today, and they may betray their allies without hesitation because of their interests tomorrow!

Profit is absolutely paramount, and the human beings who were sold off at the beginning are examples!

Their only choice is human beings!

Jiangnan's purpose is very clear, no matter what the future holds, the old king must be killed first before a new king can be established!

If Noah and the others don't board the giant ship of human beings, when the sea of ​​stars surges in the future, the three parties will fight for hegemony, and these lonely boats will have to resign themselves to their fate and go with the waves!

Only the wrecked boat is left after the storm, or it may be directly killed by the huge wave!

As for humans? Even without the addition of these allies, they can still sail across the stars, and they can still do what they need to do!

Because they are backed by the cracks in the dimension, this escape route is never possible to lose the chain!

It's just that the journey will be more difficult!

If you board the giant ship of human beings, at least your safety is guaranteed, and you can even enjoy the bonus of the terminal. In the midst of the storm, you have a foundation for your life and the qualifications to live!

And the only unstable factor is to see how benevolent Jiangnan can be!

Noah took a deep breath: "Can we trust you?"

Jiang Nan smiled: "You have already asked this question when I first entered the starry sky, and I have answered you with practical actions!"

Noah was taken aback, remembering the thousand-star catastrophe back then!

Jiang Nan did not live up to his expectations, and repaid the favor of the dark universe body on top of Huanyu Dahun. No matter how happy Jiang Nan was, he never put the dark universe body on the opposite side!

All because of the helping hand at the beginning!

Thinking of this, Noah felt a little bit emotional, the little rookie who was not even worth looking at in the palace back then, has grown to this level now?

"It's a pity that my dark universe body failed to qualify as the leader in this round of competition!"

"The last question, can you guarantee that humans will not become the next Bose race?" "The last question, can you guarantee that humans will not become the next Bose race?"

"The dragon-slaying boy...will he turn into a new dragon? Suppress the entire era..."

At this moment, Jiangnan was silent, and Manti and Ben Nimei also looked at Jiangnan, wanting to hear what he had to say!

Jiang Nan smiled slightly: "Sorry! I can't make any guarantees. Regarding this era, I can't give a correct answer at present, and there is no answer that is absolutely correct!"

"But the only thing I know is that if one day the dragon is really slain and the human race reaches the peak, I will definitely bring changes to this era, good changes!"

"It's because of dissatisfaction that you want to raise your sword to slay the dragon! Isn't it?"

Anyone can say beautiful words, but in this matter, Jiangnan doesn't want to make a big deal...

Noah smiled: "Change? Well, it's clear..."

After finishing speaking, he wrote a paragraph on his hand, and the rest of Tun Xing also made their choices one after another!

Black God also hid the existence of the terminal again!

Jiangnan's eyes are full of excitement:

(????)? "So now it's time to draw big B pockets, right? Hurry up, come and line up, I will treat you very gently!"

At this moment, the resentment value ushered in another crazy refresh!

Noah and their faces are all black!

It's outrageous, it's nothing more than risking your life to come to a meeting in the cracks of the dimension, and you will be slapped!

Question or willing?

Really? Go up to catch up with his face and let others beat him!

Even if you don't want to, you still line up, otherwise what else can you do? This is the territory of the Black God!

Don't you want to do it?

Noah was the first one, and even the Ye family sisters who lined up behind became nervous!

Jiang Nan was full of excitement:

?(?′)? "Draw 5, get ready!"

Noah's eyes widened sharply:

∑ (°口°?) "Huh? Why did you draw 5? When did you say that? You just want to make more mouths, don't you?"

Jiangnan Little Hands:

?(?′??`)? "One B was forgotten for a minute, and it looked like four or five minutes just now, so it was five!"

"I've been urging you to hurry up? However, Manti and Benny May must ask me to talk more, so I can only refrain from doing it!"

"Aiya~ I didn't expect you to go out like this for the sake of race and to make yourself feel at ease!" "Oh~ I didn't expect you to go out so much for the sake of race and to make yourself feel at ease!"

"My little brother admires it! I really admire it!"

At this moment, Noah's face turned green, and he glared fiercely at Manty and Benny!


You two have two arms!

The two of them are also dark-faced, shit! If you had said it earlier, I would have stopped asking!

Noah was heartbroken:

(︶优︶〃) "Let's fight, let's fight ~ I will forget it anyway!"

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of excitement, and he was about to make a move!

However, Noah raised his hand fiercely:

(︶口︶〃)? "Wait! Wait!"

"What's the matter, you? Don't you know that girls don't like old men's gossiping?"

Noah gritted his teeth:

(¬?br/\u003e¬?) "Bi... After all, I am also a star-swallowing body, and I can't bear to let you slap me in the mouth, which is not yet a star-swallowing star, and I have lost my dignity! Or..."

Hei Shen's eyes were shining, he immediately raised his hand, and roared angrily:

??"I come!"

"In the gap between the dimensions, resisting the black god five times without dying, this going out is enough to make you brag for a lifetime, right?"

"How about it? Let me do it! If I hit you, you'll be more respectable!"

Noah was stunned: =???? (?△??) "This is okay?"

Jiang Nan teased:

(?????) "Are you sure? If you let the Black God fight, you can indeed save your face! But you won't be able to save your life, right?"

"My cauldron is strong enough to slap it down. Is your small body able to handle it? The batch of my dishes is just the strongest under Tun Xing, but it is still far away from Tun Xing. Hitting the B pocket doesn't hurt at all!"

"You can think about it!"

Noah swallowed his saliva, and suddenly became excited, and almost believed in the evil of the Black God!

Black God's spitting out, he had to lose his head?

"That's still..."

However, the Black God rushed forward and pulled Jiangnan aside!

"I'll fight! I'll fight you for face!"

"I'll fight! I'll fight you for face!"

"Go and go, I'll call, I propose!"

The two started pinching each other on the spot, and started to punch each other, stuck their nostrils, and stumbled!

Noah was dumbfounded, let me say a word, let two men fight for me?

Yang Jian and Freya put their hands on their foreheads one after another, and they almost lost sight of it. Is it okay to snatch it because someone slapped their mouths?

After some choices, Noah finally made up his mind!

(︶优︶〃)? "It's decided! Let Jiangnan come and fight! You two don't fight anymore!"

The Black God looked angry:

(●~′●) "Bah! I don't know good people, hehe~ Can't you just let me hit one? Just one!"

Jiang Nan laughed loudly: "No! It's all mine!"

Said that he rushed to Noah in a hurry: "Six, get ready!"

Noah stared:

Σ(@ロ@?) "Why is there only six? Wasn't it five just now? Why is there a price increase? You..."

Jiang Nan looked innocent:

('???) "Because another minute just passed? Why don't you ask a few more questions and let's make up an integer?"

Benny May and Mandy are in a hurry!

(?′? Yi?) "Hurry up! Hit you?"

Wait a little longer, won't those who are behind them get more slaps?

Noah also hurriedly said: "Hit! Right now!"


Jiang Nan grinned, raised his hand, poohed on his palm, and rubbed his hands together!

However, Noah stared:

(?Yi?|||) "Hey? Wait..."

But before the words were finished, Jiangnan's big mouth of warp speed had already swung it up!

Noah is already cursing in his heart, hit him as soon as you hit him, and the saliva that spits out yarn will increase the friction force!

However, after the six big mouths slapped each other, Noah forgot about it!

He was directly thrown back into the conference room by the Black God!

Jiangnan is called one who is satisfied ~ Jiangnan is called one who is satisfied~

Then it was the turn of the Ye family sisters!

Seeing that Ye Yuanwei and Ye Jinse had merged into Ye Huang's form at this moment, they said pitifully:

(???~?) "I...we are alone, can we only play six?"

Jiang Nan took it for granted:

(?°???°)? "Of course!"


"Crack!" x6!

Then Jiangnan hit 12!

hum? Still want to cheat? No way!

The two were also sent to quarantine after the fight, and then it was Manti's turn!

Just as Jiang Nan was about to make a move, Olivia quickly raised her hand!

(???)? "Nan... Nanshin! I have a proposal!"

Mandy:! ! !

Just stop interrupting? It became seven in a while!

It's scary to flash like this, isn't it?

Jiang Nan was stunned: (???~??)???? "What's your suggestion?"

Olivia said excitedly:

(??????)? "Nanshin! Can you let me fight Mandy? I feel that I am qualified for this job!"

Mandy:? ? ?

(??? Mouth???) "Huh? You're crazy! You dare to hit me? Are you..."

But Olivia was dissatisfied:

(??v~v?) "What's wrong? I just want to fight! You wanted to take me away before, and you didn't even apologize!"

"What's the matter if I hit it to vent my anger? Anyway, you will forget it afterwards. I'm not afraid at all! After the fight, it's over!"

"Nan Shen! Let me fight, and I will be your warning girl for the rest of my life!"

Jiangnan's eyes brightened:

(?°???°) "Good job! As expected of my warning girl, she is really a blast!"

"Mistress Manti? Look at this..." "Mistress Manti? Look at this..."

Manti's face was dark, so this girl has always had this knot in her heart?

(???Y????)? "Tsk~ Just hit her up and vent your anger. Anyway, I will forget about it in the future! It's not a loss!"

Olivia was so excited that she quickly took over the fiery little gloves!

Wenger is also excited at this moment, is it so exciting?

(′?▽?) "Olivia? Can... can you give me a try too? I..."

Mandy:? ? ?

(′? Yi?) σ "Wenger! Are you crazy? I didn't mess with you?"

Wenger shrank his neck and said weakly:

(????′??br/\u003e?) "I... I have been scolded by you a lot on weekdays, and I don't remember anyway, so... just try it out!"

Manti's teeth are almost gnawed, this is really against the sky!

Olivia was generous, and immediately gave Wenger the right to speak!

Olivia went up and slapped Manti five times, and Wenger also slapped one!

The one who was so excited was blushing. After the fight, they were willingly slapped by Jiang Nan and sent back!

Black God scratched his head:

"I have a question. After you beat Olivia and Wenger, don't they forget about the slap in the mouth of Manti? Wouldn't it be the same as not hitting?"

Jiangnan: (??w???) Ah this...

"At... at least it was fun at the time!"

Then it was Benny May's turn! At this moment, Benny Lou and Walter both lowered their heads, obviously they had been educated beforehand, so they would save the day!

o (? ≥ benefit ≤) o "Come! Hit!"

(??????) "The inner one...has risen to seven~"

Benny May: ~%?…;#*’☆\u0026c$…

[Resentment value from Benny May +1008! ]

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