Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2609 Draw an edible cake

However, Jiangnan's voice suddenly appeared in the alien space!

"Nothing is welcome or unwelcome. All comers are guests. All who can come here today is to give me Jiangnan face!"

"It's even a friend!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiangnan had already appeared in the void starry sky with a rain of insects!

Sitting on the main seat opposite the Black God, he was dragged by Li Bing for two days, although there was Bo Bo as a reward!

But it was a serious crime. If it weren't for today's Dimensional Summit, Li Bing would not have left Jiangnan with him!

And the rain of insects is coldly skimming to the insects!

Chung Qianjin was a little embarrassed, so she couldn't help turning her head away, not daring to look at her!

Insect Yuyu snorted coldly, tilted his head and stopped talking!

Seeing Jiangnan's presence, the expressions of each swallowing star are all solemn!

Jiang Nan, on the other hand, looked down at his wrist:

(?°~?°) "The time is up, if this time has passed, don't come again!"

"Just us people, let's drive first, I thought that the Chaos people would come, doesn't it seem like they didn't give me this face?"

If the Chaos Swallowing Star wants to come, he can come over with a body of a royal god, and he doesn't have to worry about being completely caught in the cracks of the dimension!

I haven't even seen a single person now, obviously they don't want to mix with Jiangnan, or they have found a better choice...

But Benny May's mouth twitched, and you don't have a watch on your wrist, what are you looking at? Shouldn't it just start right away?

Noah glanced at Qingnong and took the lead in saying:

(??v?v?) "I was thinking of inviting you to visit my Dark Universe Star Territory. Thank you very much for your righteous action in the universe hunt!"

"But you didn't come? Instead, it took so much effort to call everyone to a meeting between the dimensions? What kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd?"

"My family doesn't allow me to come here. I spent a lot of words to force it. After all, you have to give Jiangnan's face, whatever I say!"

Ye Jinse in the back couldn't listen anymore. It was clear that the swallowing stars in the clan didn't want to come, because Lord Noah was forced to come voluntarily because he lost the lot.

Manti's eyes looked around: "In such a big battle, even Zong Qianjin called, shouldn't it be a trivial matter?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "I called everyone here today because of what you are worried about!"

Benedict narrowed his eyes, his heart tightened: "Oh? How do you know... Why do I worry in my heart?"

Jiang Nan smiled: "Because the worries in your hearts are also in my heart!"

"Everyone is a racial speaker, and you are qualified to make decisions for your own race!"

"Then I'll get straight to the point. I would like to invite you to join the Carbon-based Alliance and work together to build a place of our own in this turbulent starry sky!"

"What do you guys think?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several swallowing stars were all condensed, is it really for the alliance?

Carbon-based alliance?

What a great handwriting!

However, after hearing this, Chong Qianjin looked ugly and got up straight away!

(?Benefit??) "Let's talk, I'll hang up first!"

After speaking, he raised his hand and pinched his neck!

Ally? The relationship between the Zerg and humans, as well as the rain of insects, is there, forming a fart alliance?

Even if they form an alliance, they only use the Zerg as cannon fodder, right?

Chong Qianjin is not stupid, and there is no need to stay there anymore!

However, before she could hang up, she found that her body could not move, and the black god looked at this side lightly, his eyes were deep!

Jiang Nan smiled: (??????) "It's all here, don't rush to hang up? Besides, you can't hang up, I said, how the future depends on choice!"

"If you still want to go after listening, I won't stop you, don't block your way with your own hands!"

"Today you represent not only yourself, but also the Zerg! As the Zerg Emperor, you are responsible for your own race, aren't you?"

Chong Qianjin's face is ugly, and with the Black God, she can't die if she wants to die now!

Just sit down and listen!

Noah said lightly: "It's not very unexpected, but the alliance is not a trivial matter, it depends on what kind of alliance you want!"

"If we form an alliance, what can I get?"

Manti also said: "As you said, I am here today on behalf of our respective races, not individuals, and all decisions we make need to be responsible to the hundreds of millions of people in the race, and we must not make hasty decisions!"

"Carbon-based alliance? Jiangnan... What are you going to do? Tell me what you think..."

Jiang Nan smiled: "The idea of ​​building a carbon-based alliance has been in my mind for a long time, but now the time is right!"

"What I want is an extremely deep alliance, not a plastic ally like Apocalypse and Gamma! It's an alliance relationship where all are on the same boat, one is prosperous, and one is lost!"

"Carbon-based alliance will continue to exist in the starry sky as a community with a shared future, and the sea of ​​stars will sail away!"

Mandy and Bennie Mae both have a dark face, so there's no need to give an example, okay?

They are plastic allies, but the fact is that they are allies only when they need each other!

The reason for forming an alliance is just to stabilize the status of each race!

Benedict said: "You haven't said what we can get after joining the Carbon-based Alliance!"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "More in-depth business cooperation, exchanges, helping hands in difficult times, full cooperation in sequential offensive and defensive battles, and an unparalleled tough backstage!"

"The strength and confidence that is not afraid of any challenge, and the right to speak in the starry sky that is not lost to the Holy Law!"

And hearing this, not only Jiangnan laughed, but Noah Manti Benny also laughed!

Noah couldn't help laughing and said: "Jiangnan ~ I should say or not, you are the second in the starry sky, and no one dares to be the first!"

"Don't be afraid of any challenges? How are you not afraid? The Black God is indeed an extremely tough backstage, but it is only useful in the interdimensional cracks!"

"And in the starry sky, the black gods are out of reach, and the foundations of each family can all be in the starry sky!"

"It's impossible to move all into the dimensional gap, and the old monster of the Bose tribe, the silicon-based final star, how to stop it?"

Manti's eyes are serious: "Now, Bose Silicone has not yet attacked us, that's because they feel that I don't threaten their strength, and they are still obedient!"

"Once the carbon-based alliance is established, do you think Bose and the silicon-based will let us become bigger and stronger? If we form an alliance, we will immediately usher in the targeting of the two races!"

"Standing directly on the opposite side of them, either of the two clans has the capital to severely injure and crush us!"

"This kind of alliance, not only will not go further, but will usher in disaster!"

Yang Jian scratched his head, it really didn't go so well?

When the big clans form an alliance, there are too many things to consider. The interests of the major races are entangled, and the forces are swaying, and the whole body is affected!

Just thinking about it kills brain cells!

Jiangnan sneered: (??????) "It seems that the previous Bokeh war really scared you all?"

The fig leaf was torn apart, and the faces of several swallowing stars were not good-looking!

Chong Qianjin gritted his teeth: "The human base is in the cracks of the dimension, and there is a black god protecting it. Of course, it doesn't hurt to stand and talk?"

However, Jiangnan did not refute, but continued: "What? If you don't form an alliance, you will not be targeted? Life and death really depends on the faces of the Bose and Siji?"

"The fate of the family is in your hands, let me give you a piece of advice!"

"Never pin your hopes on the kindness of others, it is irresponsible to yourself!"

However, Benny May smiled bitterly: "We think? This thing can't be solved by swallowing stars!"

"Zhongxingwu, the old monsters of the previous era, are all powerful beyond swallowing stars. I'm not afraid to reveal the bottom. My Gamma clan has no strength to fight against that kind of ceiling power!"

"Not only we don't, but the starry sky, who has it?"

Manti shook her head with a wry smile: "Apocalypse can't compete with that kind of power. If there is no powerful force at the same level, it's all empty talk, and the gap can't be made up!"

"I'm like an unarmed person. Facing a strong man with a giant axe, I may be hacked to death at any time. Even if they are tied together, they will still be hacked to death!"

Noah's face was gloomy: "The gap is a fact that has to be admitted. It can't be tied in a short time. Millions of years, ten million years, under such a gap, it doesn't seem long!"

Jiang Nan looked at Noah with interest, but he did not respond positively. Could it be that the Dark Universe has some unknown cards?

But it doesn't matter, what matters is that Noah is here today!

This already shows that he is not confident enough!

I saw Jiangnan smiling: "That's why the carbon-based alliance was established. I can bring you the power that can compete with bosons and even silicon-based!"

"Let my Carbon-Based Alliance have the right to speak, and not be afraid of the threat of the ceiling!"

"I'm really good at drawing cakes! But what if the cakes I draw are really edible?"

As soon as these words came out, Noah Manti Benny Mei, and even Chong Qianjin's expressions were condensed, and their eyes shot like electricity!

Even Qingnong was stunned, what would he do to counter it? Don't say you are the son of luck!

Noah swallowed: Σ(°△°|||) "What method? It is to make a peak body, so that the power of the Black God can be poured into it, so that this puppet can get rid of the dimensional gap, enter the starry sky, and become the ultimate Weapons against Bose and Silicon?"

Jiangnan: (??w???)…

"Huh? Still... can it still be like this?"

The little finger of the black god pointed to Noah:

(??°???°)? "This man has a good idea, I think it's completely feasible, why don't you lend me your body? I'll see how powerful you can burst out before your body will Break down because you can't bear it?"

Noah's face turned white:

('?﹏?`?) " body is okay? I've been weak since I was a child, how can I bear your strength?"

Depend on! After all, you still want to use me as a figure?

Black God rolled his eyes:

(??~???) "I think so, but don't make things too simple. There is no body that can carry me to that level of power in the three-dimensional starry sky!"

"Besides, swallowing the star is already another level, it's not that simple!"

Mandy also breathed a sigh of relief, not a manual method!

"Then what method are you talking about?"

Gangnam laughed...

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