Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2601 God's presence

After beating Jiangnan Yemei to death, she thought that eating melons was good, so why did she eat her own body?

Is it okay to imitate the Jiangnan model? This wave of silicon-based is absolutely amazing!

Join if you can't beat it?

Apparently, Silicon has completely given up on this idea after trying countless times to develop the anti-Jiangnan model!

It's impossible to reverse it at all!

Since it can't be done, you can only join in, and the silicon base itself has extremely detailed research on Jiangnan's abilities!

It's even easier to imitate!

Moreover, Jiangnan's combat system is really suitable for fighting the Bose body!

I want to ask what weapon under this starry sky is against the Bose body, and it has played a brilliant record, and has withstood the test!

There is no doubt that it is Jiangnan Bennan!

So the imitation Jiangnan model was born...

Jiangnan jumped straight to his feet:

(?2?5?5?0?0?8pan?5?0?0?8)?2?5 "Lei Lai, what a leg! They can imitate my combat system, but they can't imitate my soul at all !"

"Be careful, I will sue you for copyright infringement, hello!"

Black God's eyes are full of ridicule:

(●? 2? 7? 7? 8? 2? 7) "No~ their imitation is quite comprehensive, it is already very essence, at least 99% of their combat power is imitation, even if you don't look at their faces, they are all Are you calling green?"

Chong Feiyu also rubbed his forehead with his hand, I don't know how to say it, to be able to beat the silicon base until he lost his temper, and started to imitate it, to a certain extent, it is also an honor!

On the lithography star field battlefield, the faces of the others were really scolded green!

There are so many imitation Jiangnan mechanical soldiers, and none of the words they swear is the same. He has never heard so many language essences in his life!

The anger came up all of a sudden!

And the only characteristic of these imitation Jiangnan mechanical soldiers is that they are annoying!

The warp drive is not easy to grasp, the movement speed is explosive, and the cosmic armor cooperates with the space Tianya armor, which can well delay the arrival time of the attack and give them a chance to dodge with warp speed!

And wrapped in fermion armor, they are not even afraid of the coming of high dimensions!

Whether it is the Huanyu Crystal Source Knife or the Bengyu Knife, it is a threat to the Bose Body!

These mechanical soldiers even imitated space wormholes with mechanical wormholes!

There are mechanical soldiers flying and harassing everywhere, beating and cursing at the same time, more annoying than flies!

Tesho's eyes were red with anger:

(?6?5°?5?4?0?8°?5?5?6?5) "Ahhh! You scold me again? I don't mind Jiangnan Qi on weekdays, and you guys imitate even broken tin cans He is mad at me?"

"I'm going to kill you guys, Dimensional Ball!"

I saw the emperor's reward turned into a giant dimensional ball, moving super fast on the battlefield at an extremely terrifying speed!

Decompose all the matter it encounters into energy!

The rest of Tun Xing's faces were also not good-looking, and they threw big moves on their heads one after another!

Cut Li's complexion was also extremely ugly: "What else can you do besides using these little tricks?"

"Silicon base is silicon base! Your starting point is doomed not to reach the top!"

"My Bose family devours stars, you are not able to compete!"

The silicon master said indifferently: "Really? Are you looking down on technology?"

If it was just a simple imitation of the Jiangnan model, he wouldn't be able to use it to deal with the Bose tribe swallowing stars!

At this moment, countless imitation Jiangnan mechanical soldiers rushed towards them without fear of death, and the power furnace in their bodies was overloaded, pushing all means to the extreme!

The moment they got close to Emperor Pay and the others, they exploded!

He blew himself up and cursed at the same time!

?1?5[?6?5°?5?4д°?5?5?6?5]?1?6 "I am invincible under Star Devourer, and if you change one on Star Devourer, you are a piece of cake! Cannot be recycled rubbish~”

"Supercritical state? 6? 1 quantum bomb!"


These mechanical soldiers are not just self-detonation, the quantum final bullet built in their body is one of the most terrifying god-killing weapons!

It is a level that can cause damage to swallowing stars!

Infinite quantum brilliance burst out, the incandescent light lit up the starry sky, and the range of the explosion even extended several light-years away!

Its power is no less than the colorful small cupping pots in Jiangnan!

And this is a quantum bomb developed for the Bose family!

At the moment when the quantum brilliance touches the Bose energy, the Bose particles melt away in large swaths!

The problem is, there is not only one quantum final bomb! Almost half of the imitation Jiangnan mechanical soldiers have loads in their bodies!

In just a split second, countless mechanical soldiers charged up and exploded!

Just imagine, if Jiangnan turned into a self-destruct soldier without fear of death, without any consideration of the consequences, and rushed forward to self-destruct, what would be the effect?

Originally, the power of the Quantum Ultimate Bullet was not too threatening to the Emperor Reward them!

But under the superposition of numbers, the power has grown to an unimaginable level!

The explosion was also mixed with broken fragments of universe crystal source, fermion energy flow!

Not only that, those mechanical soldiers even jointly cast the armor of the universe, turning it into a domain of the universe, expanding the time regionally, slowing down the movements of the devourers!

And under the superposition of multiple parties, the bonus is extremely terrifying!

Perhaps the combat power of a single unit is indeed not high, but the accumulation of the number is enough to cause a qualitative change!


At this moment, the entire lithography star field was lit up by the explosion of countless quantum bombs!

In the lost country, everyone watched this scene in shock!

Jiang Nan's scalp is numb: Σ(°△°|||) "Hiss~ Such a terrifying power to kill the gods, how much did you put in this wave? How much money do you have to burn?"

Chong Feiyu also smacked his lips:

(¬﹏¬?1?1) "There is no way, the Bose tribe swallowing stars is too incomprehensible, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve results!"

Has the silicon base also started to work?

Outside the explosion range of the final quantum bullet, Yu Gen, Di Zhao and the others stepped out of the void in a little embarrassment!

Jingkun lost an arm, Qingcang's calf melted away, and the emperor paid the worst, being shot like a sieve!

However, such an injury, to Tun Xing, is nothing more than sprinkling water, just like a broken skin, it has no effect at all!

But each of them looked extremely ugly!

Silicon Master looked at the few people faintly:

[┐¬?6?8¬┌] "Oh? It can still be hurt? The Bose family's swallowing star is not unsolvable..."

"As long as there is a solution, I, Si Ji, will explain it to you!"

In the next moment, the silicon master's mechanical prosthetic body was chopped to pieces on the spot by Gao Wei's slash, and Yu Gen just released the knife!

(¬得¬?6?5) "Shut your mouth!"

However, the voice of the silicon master in the starry sky echoed endlessly: "Oh~ childish! Your instant slash is meaningless..."

But at this moment, a loud roar came from the very center of the explosion of the quantum bomb!

"Silicon Master! You've angered me!"

The next moment, I saw a continuous high-dimensional slash suddenly slashed down with an irresistible posture!

A sword cut through the explosion area of ​​the Quantum Final Bomb, and extended outward infinitely!

It even passed through the fermion wall of the lithographic star field, and all the galaxies along the way were cut open on the spot!

"God is coming!"

I saw Qili leaning on the sword with both hands, and slamming the pestle towards the starry sky under his feet!


Infinite Bose particles burst out, and behind it, a giant dimension door opened!

And a huge four-dimensional figure in armor stepped out from the gate of dimension!

Its size is appalling, and the large galaxy is as small as a jade plate beside him!

This four-dimensional figure, like a giant in the starry sky, also leaned on a sword with both hands, imitating the movements of Guli!

I saw Bose mad flames ignited on Qianli's body, and his hunched body slowly stood up straight, covered with a layer of four-dimensional armor!

Holding the sword in one hand, he slammed it sideways!


A pleasant sword sound resounded through the starry sky!

And the four-dimensional god shadow moved like a moat, and the giant sword in his hand slashed out sideways!

With a single strike, the three large galaxies disintegrated abruptly, thousands of stars withered away, leaving the black holes in the solitary galaxies floating in place...

At this moment, there seemed to be anger burning in Gu Li's eyes!

"Let's experience the wrath of the gods!"

"The photolithographic star field will bury all the glory, dreams, and ambitions of the silicon base!"

"This battle! I will not give up until I reach my goal!"

While speaking, his body moved directly, and the long sword in his hand slashed wildly!

And the four-dimensional divine shadow behind him also moves along with the gap, and everything it passes through is destroyed, and everything returns to nothingness!

Just like the gods who bring the end, they are brilliant and mighty, unshakable!

To him, the Guangshi Starfield at this moment is like a field of wheat and grass, which can be destroyed wantonly with the sword in his hand without hindrance!

At this moment, everyone in the Lost Kingdom looked in shock at the four-dimensional figures raging in the lithographic star field!

This is different from the innocent four-dimensional body, the gap is clearly still here, but how did the shadow come from? A variant of Descent of Dimensions?

The size is too scary!

Large galaxies are like a plate in front of this thing!

Jiang Nan licked his dry lips:

(?0?5?0?4?0?8﹏?0?4?0?8?0?5) "Is this the strength of the ceiling of the Bose clan's combat power? Today is an eye-opener!"

Any means will be pale and powerless under this level of power!

I can destroy you, and all you can do is watch...

Chong Feiyu said with a pale face, "Silicon must be desperate at the moment, right? Faced with such an attack, how can we fight back to be effective?"

"Could it be that the Bose clan used only six people to dismantle the photolithographic star field?"

However, there was always a smile on the corner of Black God's mouth!

"You underestimate the silicon base too~"

Jiang Nan frowned: "It's not right! It stands to reason that there should be many powerful and destructive weapons on the silicon base. Among other things, the large neutron star collider alone can create black holes!"

"This thing is not generally good against bosons, and it can also be effective against swallowing stars. Why not use silicon base?"

"Besides, Siji also came from the Eternal Age. Although it has gone through the cosmic war and was disabled and lost a lot of data, there are so many terrifying final star weapons left in the lost Zhizhi faction terminal. Is there no foundation?"

"And they have developed for more than two billion years in the era of thousands of stars? The combat power displayed now is very wrong!"

Ai Jiang also nodded: "It stands to reason! The knowledge base reserve in the silicon-based terminal is to surpass that of the Zhizhipai terminal, but judging from the performance of the silicon-based terminal..."

Black God smiled: "No one wants to turn their own star field into a battlefield, right? Will you create black holes in the Milky Way star field and throw them everywhere?"

"After this thing is made, it can't be done..."

Jiang Nan was taken aback suddenly, could it be...

In the lithographic star field, Emperor Hui's eyes were full of ferociousness, and he laughed wildly:

(#?0?4?0?8?5?3?0?4?0?8#) "Master Guli's divine presence, how do you stop it? What about the star-like mechanical prosthetic body? How about killing the gods? Why don't you Take it out?"

"Under such power, everything is vain! Trying to fight against the Bose clan! There is only one dead end!"

However, the silicon master looked at the raging raging in the lithographic star field, and his tone was still calm!

"Do I need to stop it?"

At the same time, extremely violent spatial fluctuations came from the Bose clan's own star field, and outside the Bose star field, distorted to the extreme!

Many bosons frowned and looked in the direction outside the star field, a little confused!

The next moment! 12 gigantic giant soldiers suddenly appeared outside the Bose star field!

It's a full circle!

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