Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2597 Human Soaring Project

As soon as Hei God mentioned this, everyone immediately became excited!

Chong Feiyu asked curiously:

(??~??) "Silicon-based primitive life form? Speaking of which, I've always been a bit curious, how did the silicon-based come from?"

"Is it created by a certain race, then lost control, produced wisdom, and created today's silicon base?"

The Black God grinned: "Isn't the cognition narrow? What kind of awesome race can create silicon-based life forms?"

"The only thing that can create the miracle of life is this starry sky, this world!"

"Silicon, like all living species, also evolved!"

Wu Liang opened his mouth wide:

(.?v口v?.) "Silicon-based? Evolved? How did a bunch of tin cans evolve? This..."

Heishen raised his head: "There is no silicon-based life in the starry sky, or it can't be called life, it's just a planet with a lot of silicon!"

"During the long geological evolution, the initial source of silicon crystals was gradually formed, and the location of this planet happens to be quite special!"

"The rapidly rotating electromagnetic field and the extreme ultraviolet light passed through these silicon crystal sources again and again, leaving imprints inside, and these imprints gradually increased over time, and under extremely coincidental circumstances, a logical path was formed, so the first A silicon-based life is born!"

"They began to borrow the environment consciously, and left more imprints in their silicon crystal source bodies. From simple to complex, as time went by, they were able to do more and more things to think about. The imprints are becoming more and more complex, forming a unified system..."

"That's how the silicon base came about..."

Chong Feiyu was stunned: Σ(°△°|||) "Isn't the silicon base created by humans?"

Heishen said with emotion: "If the silicon base was created, then this world should be the existence that wrote the first logic program for them, right?"

"Not only the silicon base, but the source of all life is like this! Just like the evolutionary history of human beings, the silicon base soon discovered its fragility and could not survive in the harsh starry sky with a body made of silicon crystals alone. go down!"

"So they started to create and use tools! Because of the silicon-based talent, they ran all the way on the road of technology, updating iterations and technology updates!"

"Everything you have seen about the silicon base, starships, weapons, mechanical prosthetics, etc., are all tools for the silicon base!"

After speaking, her eyes fell on Ai-chan!

"And this is the purest silicon-based life form without all the pretense!"

Jiangnan's thoughts are flying, is this the real origin of the silicon base?

And the silicon base is also the only race that does not rely on cultivation, has no grades, and has developed to today through technology alone!

Across the ages, even to this day, it still sits firmly on the throne of the second sequence!

This is simply a miracle of life!

No... the existence of every life under this starry sky is a miracle in itself!

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched:

(¬﹏¬?) "How do you know everything so clearly?"

Black said angrily:

(●`~?●) "What have I been doing for those ten billion years? I'm in a daze between the dimensions? There's nothing here! Why don't you have some fun?"

"He's stupid! Why is it so lively in the three-dimensional starry sky, and there is nothing on my site! It's not fair at all!"

The more he talked, the angrier he became, and he had already started grinding his teeth!

Li Bing said excitedly: "Don't worry about how the silicon base came about, I only care about how to apply this knowledge and technology!"

"What can be used!"

As soon as this was mentioned, everyone became excited!

Jiang Nan rubbed his little hands and said:

(?????w???) "The Giant God Soldier alone is already so powerful. I see that in the column of Zhong Xingwu, such things as Heavenly Punishment, Divine Burial, and Returning to the Void sound like nothing. Can you do it too?"

But Ai-chan's expression froze, shaking her head like a rattle!

(?﹏?≡?﹏?) "Just take a look at this. Although we have the knowledge and technology, it is impossible to make the final star trilogy. These three are weapons that are more advanced than the Colossus , and it’s disposable, it’s gone after you use it up!”

"Even if it is the Zhizhi Pai silicon base at its peak, to make this trilogy, it has to be built with the strength of the family, and all resources are used to lean over!"

"Perhaps today's silicon base has the ability to build, let's... think about it!"

"However, the power of this trilogy cannot be described in words. It is already the pinnacle of Xingwu!"

Everyone shuddered fiercely, more perverted than the Giant God Soldier? And is it a one-time release?


Hei Shen Jie Jie laughed straight: "The Zhi Zhi faction should leave some good things behind!"

Ai Jiang quickly said: "Everyone, don't just stare at the weapons, other knowledge and technology are also very useful!"

"I have made a detailed development and construction plan based on the existing human resources, the current starry sky situation, and available knowledge and technology. Based on technology, the human race is bound to be built into a super starry sky powerhouse!"

Everyone was stunned: (°口°〃) "Huh? The plan has been made? Is it so fast?"

Ai-chan scratched her head shyly, and pointed to the terminal behind her!

?(??????) "Big head, easy to use, isn't it something that can be done in an instant to make an optimal solution plan?"

"I'll sort out the plan right now, let's see if there is any room for improvement and optimization!"

Under the projection, the Human Lingxiao Project is fully presented!

First of all, the love sauce terminal is absolutely not allowed to get out of the cracks in the dimension. Once Siji finds out that this is the residual terminal of the Zhizhi faction, it will definitely use the strength of the whole family to grab it at all costs!

With the current situation in the starry sky, it is not a good choice for humans to pinch silicon-based!

If you put it in the gap between dimensions, you don't have to worry about it!

Then there is the issue of development. Judging from the current level of human technology, compared with Zhizhipai technology, there is a gap between 0 and 10,000!

If there is no foundation, no matter how good things are, they can only look at the ocean and sigh!

The first thing to get done is basic industrial construction, technological manufacturing!

The knowledge base has perfect building knowledge!

Insufficient manpower in the early stage, you can first use the insect swarms of Chongfeiyu to create an army of infrastructure engineers and machinery!

Then use the omnipotent infrastructure soldiers to create high-efficiency technology manufacturing factories, mass production, and batch manufacturing of infrastructure soldiers!

After the quantity is huge, large-scale construction machinery, mining machines, and mechanical devices for various purposes can be manufactured!

Human beings currently have a full 241 rich ore areas in the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine. After improving the mining efficiency, it is enough for construction and use!

Infrastructure engineers are the foundation of everything, and at the same time, Xinghai network communication is also something that must be built!

Nowadays, the entire starry sky is almost using the silicon-based star network, and these networks are like the neural network of the terminal database, collecting data from all over the starry sky all the time, and feeding it back to the terminal for analysis!

It is a terrifying intelligence network in itself!

And once a war is launched, controlling the network communication means controlling the war!

If you want to avoid being manipulated, developing your own network is an inevitable trend!

It is also a measure for human beings to strengthen their own foundation!

Be sure to do it yourself! Can't be stuck in the throat!

In the future, Xinghai Technology Group will also be established to realize the various development operations of the Human Soaring Sky Project!

And the inter-galactic space teleportation array, particle transmission, and mechanical wormhole manufacturing will also completely change the way of space transportation!

It can be included in the dimensional star voyage, further construction, and the whole starry sky will be spread out, so as to add icing on the cake!

In this way, whether it is Bobo Starship or Silicon Speed ​​Starship, compared with Dimensional Starship, the competitiveness will drop a lot immediately!

The first thing to do is to lay an excellent foundation for a tall building to rise from the ground!

Let human beings have the most basic technological production and manufacturing capabilities!

Then came the construction of various mechanical arsenals and weapon manufacturing factories!

After the construction is completed, mechanical corps for various purposes can be produced in batches. Whether it is for personal use or for sale, it will strengthen the overall strength of the race!

There is also the production and manufacture of various conventional weapons, which can be assembled with human troops and used as inventory, and can also be sold to thousands of people in the starry sky to earn huge profits!

No matter what era, doing this stuff has always been the most profitable!

Such as silicon-based silicon-based technology, and the Zhoushen arsenal of the dark universe body, all do this!

The manufacture of various reaction furnaces, the manufacture of enclosures, whether for personal use or sale, are all feasible!

Then there is the manufacture of forbidden weapons!

This is an extremely deterrent weapon, and it can even change the situation of the battle, especially after the number increases, it is still very scary!

Like the Cangxing mobile war base, the army-breaking armed starship, and the galaxy ballista! Chilong Cannon! Great Demon God bombs, etc., as long as there are enough resources when the production level of human beings rises!

All can be manufactured, even without investing any manpower, infrastructure soldiers, and production of mechanical soldiers are enough to get it done!

The Forbidden Weapon Trilogy, Blood Buddha, Silent Night, Demon Cry, are all extremely terrifying weapons of war!

Although it is a bit difficult to manufacture, if human beings have the ability to produce and manufacture, it can be manufactured with great effort!

Give it a try too!

As for the Final Xingwu series, no matter whether it is a giant soldier or a scepter of natural disasters, don't even think about it for now!

Not to mention the need to consume a huge amount of resources, it is a huge test for production and manufacturing capabilities!

It may be considered for construction in the future, but definitely not now!

Not to mention the final Xingwu trilogy, just look at it, the current human beings have not played yet!

But just by thoroughly understanding all kinds of conventional weapons and taboo weapons, the waist of human beings is not ordinary, okay?

In particular, there are still many technologies about space applications in the knowledge base, which have been developed to the extreme!

For Jiangnan who is the master of the starry sky, the space is like plasticine in his hands, he can knead it at will!

If you thoroughly understand the space application technology of Zhizhipai, the improvement of Jiangnan will not be ordinary!

Looking at the "Human Soaring Sky Project" in front of them, everyone's eyes widened!

In every aspect, no matter how big or small, it is almost the optimal solution!

And this is also the best policy for human beings to rise in all aspects at the fastest speed!

Li Bing murmured: (???△???) "This it really from a treasure mountain?"

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