Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2594 the struggle for the stick of power

Obviously, Aijiang is the most suitable terminal database with the highest wisdom!

She was originally an intelligent program ai of a starship, but was greatly transformed by Jiangnan Yitong, and her personality was reset, everything!

It can be said that Jiangnan created Ai-chan and gave her the ability to write herself, which means that Ai-chan is not a static and cold program!

Instead, it has the function of evolution!

She accompanied Jiangnan all the way from the blue star to the starry sky, and she has come to today. She doesn't know how much she has learned and evolved!

Even today, most of the technological systems of human beings, interstellar cities, are linked to Ai-chan's data network!

With the rapid development of human beings, the size is getting bigger and bigger, even Aijiang can't afford it, and the computing power is simply not enough!

But it cannot be open source, otherwise the silicon-based star network will permeate all over!

Now there is a great opportunity in front of us, let Aijiang settle in the terminal and become the highest intelligence, so as to control the technology tree and lay the foundation for the future of mankind!

This is undoubtedly the best choice!

And there is no need to worry about Ai Jiang's betrayal or anything, this was created by Jiang Nan, which is equivalent to a daughter-like existence!

After making a decision, Aijiang Fairy was directly pulled over. After learning that everyone let her enter the terminal and receive all the information inside, she was stunned!

?6?3?1?8?7?5?2?6?2?8?6?4 "Master lord lord...master, this...isn't it right? Ai-chan was originally from a boat, where can I do it? Supreme Wisdom?"

"It's better for you to come. With the current level of technology, it is not impossible to copy consciousness into a logic program. In this case..."

However, Jiangnan gave a fierce shock:

(?1?7?1?1v﹏v?1?1?1?7) "No, no, no... I wouldn't do it if I was killed, wouldn't that be another me? I'm locked in this terminal all day thinking ? I'm going crazy!"

"Besides, the copied program consciousness also has the ability to program evolution. The things experienced are different, and the direction of evolution is also different. After n years, there will be two people. Is it still me?"

"If you are asked to come, you will come! This is a great thing ~ I don't want to be the most intelligent starship, it's not love-chan!"

Ai Jiang's face was touched, she never thought that her own standard starship would one day be the most intelligent?

As long as you have a dream, everything is possible, right?

?6?3?1?8?7?5?2?8?6?4 "Well~ I listen to the master, then I will eat this pie love sauce..."

For Ai Jiang, isn't this a big pie that fell from the sky?

Staying well at home, the master suddenly set up a terminal and made himself the highest wisdom?

Once it is successfully controlled, it will directly change the shotgun to the cannon, and it will soar into the sky?

Jiang Nan excitedly said: (?2?5?5?0?0?8?5?3?5?0?0?8)?2?5 "It's a whole lot, I said I want to eat it, but how do I do it? With your computing power, you can't compete with the highest wisdom of the Zhizhi Sect, can you? Let alone take its position!"

Ai Jiang rubbed her little hands and her mechanical eyes lit up: "It's really impossible under normal circumstances, it's harder than reaching the sky! But it's not like there's no chance now!"

"Generally speaking, the terminal database will never fall into a dormant state. Once all the terminals are offline, it means the extinction of the race, but now, this terminal is in a dormant state!"

"Even if its computing power is against the sky, without energy drive, it is just a lump of iron. We can arrange it in advance, invade it, and start the terminal after taking all measures!"

"Even the highest wisdom needs to give orders. As long as the channel of orders is blocked, isolated, and the stick of power of the highest wisdom, the key of orders, is held in hand, this terminal will completely belong to us!"

Li Bing excitedly said: (? 6? 5? 7? 9? 2? 7? 5? 3? 7? 9? 2? 7) "It's not impossible. If he is sick and kills him, he can get it from the hole in the terminal. The quantum silicon crystal source began to invade, and the bite marks were deep, which saved a lot of trouble!"

"As long as the current terminal is not activated, it is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, a piece of cloth with skin! If you can't handle this, you don't have to live!"

"Maybe their highest intelligence has been completely destroyed, so it will be easier, I will help!"

As he said that, he rushed straight to the hole in the terminal!

Jiangnan's eyes were full of excitement: (?0?3°?0?8?0?5?0?3°)?7?7 "Although I don't understand what you are talking about, what I have to do is sneak into a dead group The backbone is dead, kick out all the administrators, and turn the group into our own group?"

The corners of Ai Jiang's mouth twitched: (?7?1˙﹏˙?7?1) "Big... that's probably what happened, right?"

Master, what kind of weird metaphor is this, hello!

"However, the process of layout requires huge computing power to maintain, and the various devices at home may be..."

Jiang Nan waved his hand: "It's over, the Dajin Mountain is right in front of you, what more dirt do you need?"

Qing Ke: =?0?0?0?1?0?1?0?0(?6?7?4?0?6?7?2?8?6?4?0?1?0?3? 0? 3)? ? ?

I changed my name again?

Once Jiang Nan said that, Ai Jiang dared to do it!

Everyone immediately got busy at the hole in the terminal, and all the Aijiang mechanical prosthetic bodies that could be transferred were transferred, connected to the silicon crystal source with optical signals, and began to write logic programs frantically!

Li Bing's Fujiwara operated a phantom, and while writing the program, Goose Hehe laughed and panted heavily!

Even Jiangnan joined the camp of helping!

At the same time, on the human side, all major interstellar city servers, intelligent brains, starships, floating vehicles, etc., as long as they are objects with computing power, computing power will be deployed towards this side, leaving only A part of it is kept in normal operation!

Many people are stunned, they don't know what's going on, they are so hot that they can fry eggs and bake bacon!

Even students who read the study materials are seeing key question types, knowledge points, and compulsory exam questions! Then start loading and turning around, and it won’t load after turning for a long time!

That was not moving at all, I was so angry that my mind fell off!

After doing this, where is there any interest in learning?

Even Yang Jian realized that something was wrong, and contacted Jiangnan immediately, asking him if he was up to something again!

However, after learning everything, Yang Jian did a 720° somersault on the spot, and asked Jiangnan if his computing power was enough. If not, he would spend money to buy it!

But it is not necessary, the current one is enough, it is just written into the terminal, and there is no need for too much computing power!

In the subsequent battle for power, Ai Jiang borrowed the computing power of the terminal itself!

During their operation in Jiangnan, the terminal has been trying to accumulate energy and start automatically!

However, Hei Shen insisted that he not allow it to turn on!

Once people get serious, they will forget the passage of time!

After some operations, all the preliminary preparations are done, and there is only so much that can be done without turning on the machine!

I saw Li Bing and Jiang Nan lying side by side in nothingness, with sunken cheeks and dark eye sockets, as if he had exhausted all his energy!

(?6?9?6?7?0?8i_?6?7?0?8?6?8) "The human resources are exhausted, the next step is to listen to the destiny!"

Jiang Nan stood up with difficulty:

(?6?9?0?7w`?6?8) "Even if the seizure of power fails, Ai-chan will not disappear, but things will be a little more difficult after that!"

"But no matter how bad it is, there is still the Black God in the back. The insurance is covered, and the blind box can be opened!"

I saw Aijiang Fairy flying to the Black God with a serious face!

?6?3?1?8(?7?1˙▽˙?7?1)?2?8?6?4 "Handsome, invincible, wise, elegant, colorful and colorful Mr. Heishen, Ai-chan is ready and can be charged It's on!"

When Hei Shen heard it, he was so excited ~ his mouth was almost grinning!

Immediately wave your hand:

●"Let go and do it, your black god will keep you safe!"

Immediately after speaking, the restraint was lifted, and everyone's eyes were focused on the terminal database, both nervous and looking forward to it!

Sure enough, when the energy isolation disappeared, the terminal began to absorb energy by itself!

The energy of any situation is all gathered towards the terminal, and its surface is shining with stars!

Heishen frowned fiercely: "Everyone, stay away!"

No need for Black God to remind him, Jiangnan's knowledge of fate has already made him blow up, and he quickly took people to teleport, hiding in the distance to watch the fun!

The next moment, I saw a bright ring of stars suddenly blooming in the center of the terminal, spreading out in all directions!

Everything encountered along the way is broken down into energy and absorbed by the terminal!

What surprised Jiangnan even more is that this thing can even absorb and transform the violent space energy in the gap between dimensions!

The huge energy-gathering ring blooms and increases the absorption rate, but this is not enough for the minimum power consumption of the terminal startup!

Hei Shen seemed to think it was too slow, so he snapped his fingers!

Piles of broken planets and starship wreckage were moved over and kept thrown into the energy-concentrating ring!

As soon as it is thrown in, the matter will fuse and release energy directly, and it will be absorbed by the terminal before it blooms!

Li Bing's eyes were full of light, and he couldn't help exclaiming, just by researching the principle of this energy-gathering ring, he's already making a lot of money, okay?

The terminal that has absorbed an unknown amount of energy finally regenerates and changes, and the starlight on the surface blooms with bright starlight, and they are connected together to form an extremely complicated energy circuit!

At a glance, it seems to be looking at the bright starry sky!

Heishen narrowed his eyes: "Back again! It's time to start!"

Everyone could only back away again, their hearts were raised in their throats!

The next moment, the terminal database suddenly started up, dazzling starlight bloomed on its surface, and then burst open!

The rhomboid crystal was decomposed into eight modules on the spot, still maintaining the rhombus shape, but in the center of the eight modules, a faint blue ball was wrapped!

Covered by strong energy, I can't see the main body clearly!

It turns out that the previous form is just the form when the terminal is sleeping, not the regular form after it is turned on! Fun Court

But this form only lasted for a moment, and then, an extremely violent spatial fluctuation came!

It was so intense that even Jiangnan felt his scalp go numb!

The space around the terminal began to be squeezed and deformed crazily, twisting, just like twisting twists!

A perfect Mobius ring is formed with space, and the same Mobius ring forms a full ten!

Wrap the entire terminal tightly, rotate it endlessly, and become untouchable!

And still absorbing a lot of energy!

Jiang Nan's expression was shocked: ∑(°口°? 2? 9) "Good guy? Is this the form after the terminal is turned on? These ten Mobius rings are its own defense?"

"How about Ai-chan? What's the situation?"

Ai Jiang's tone was dignified: "It's started! Its highest wisdom still has consciousness left!"

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