Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2590 I will never go down the road in Jiangnan

A group of people quickly hid in the hole in the terminal database, surrounded by stars, as if they got into an amethyst cave!

But I don't have time to enjoy the beautiful scenery at this time, hey!

I saw the huge waves of the sea of ​​darkness that continued to reach the sky and rushed towards everyone!

You Ming stared and roared angrily: "Fudo God? Guardian!"

The fierce Styx energy rushed out of his body, turning into a shield to block the terminal hole!

next moment!


There was an extremely violent roar, and the huge waves of the dark sea slapped fiercely on the terminal database!

The sound of metal deformation came from my ears, the earth shook and the mountains shook, everything was trembling endlessly!

You Ming got a mouthful of old blood on the spot, but at least he withstood the impact of the huge waves of the Styx River!

I thought I would be able to slow down after the first wave, but who knew that the pressure at the hole was getting bigger and bigger!

It shows no signs of slowing down!

The entire funnel space has been completely submerged by the sea of ​​darkness, as if the pressure of the entire sea of ​​darkness is concentrated on this point!

Not only that, the endless wall of flesh and blood also began to shrink and squeeze, and the pressure was even greater!

Nether's protective shield is even cracking, but the pressure continues to rise!

I saw blue veins on You Ming's forehead throbbing violently:

(??Y≠?) "It won't work if this continues, let alone take away this Zhizhi faction terminal, it will take a lot of effort to survive!"

"It was fine just now, why did it suddenly change like this?"

Jiang Nan said anxiously: (??????)? "After all, this is in the stomach of the seven-colored crucian carp melon seeds. It is quite normal to have some physiological activities!"

"As the saying goes, you have to pull if you eat it! Is it okay if the light can't get in? According to the terrain here, this is very likely to be the mouth of the stomach of the Styx koi?"

"This terminal database should have blocked the bottom path of Styx koi, so..."

Wang Youzhi was stunned: Σ(°△°|||) "Good guy? No wonder the Styx koi looked sick and unspirited before. Is it because the terminal database blocked the exit? Can't you get in the water?"

So Jiangnan made a nest of more than 100 million, and then hooked up the Styx koi, because it couldn't eat anymore?

But Jiangnan gave too much, so I couldn't help but build it!

Now the drain in its belly is blocked, it will be strange if it doesn't push it away!

You Ming's face turned black: "Don't analyze it, hey, I can't stand it anymore!"

Jiang Nan hurriedly said: (??????)? "You Ming! You go and pull out the terminal database from the drain, unblock it, and let the colorful crucian carp melon seeds release the pressure, and the crisis will naturally be resolved!"

"It's all going to be taken anyway, so let's do it together!"

You Ming gritted his teeth: "It doesn't matter! I'll try it!"

After finishing speaking, he strengthened his protective shield, and rushed into the sea of ​​darkness with astonishing pressure!

He came directly to the lower end of the terminal database, stretched out his hand to hold it, and took a solid horse stance!

"Pluto Burning Star? Poor divine power! Give it to me!"

At this moment, You Ming not only used all his strength, but even used the blessing of the secret method, his whole body lit up with dazzling stars!

Otherwise, you really can't move a huge monster like a terminal!

Let's break out, my little universe!

However, You Ming almost used up all his efforts to give birth, and the data terminal still didn't move at all!

You must know that You Ming has drunk a lot of energy. With such a terrifying bonus, plus the strongest body under the stars!

I was stunned to pull out the data terminal stuck in the water outlet!

(っ≥ benefit ≠;) っ "No way! I can't do it!"

Youming is going crazy, I am a dignified star-eating body, the talker of the Nether clan, and it’s fine to accompany Jiangnan Jinyu to pick up the rags in the belly, why did I contract the job of dredging the sewers!

Seeing that the protective shield was about to break, Wang Youzhi was in a hurry!

(??? Mouth??)? "Don't squeeze it, you push it? If you squeeze it, you have to resist the pressure from Minghai, isn't that doing useless work? Push it! Push this thing in!"

"Don't you have such a little knowledge of physics?"

You Ming gritted his teeth, then push!

However, Jiang Nan was in a hurry: (????? mouth?)? "Hey! Can't push it! If you push it, don't you just push it down? Let's just go down the road?"

"Still pushing? You want to go down the road and be gilded, you? Even if I, Jiangnan, die, I will definitely not be lucky if I jump from here!"

As soon as this was mentioned, everyone shook their heads fiercely, shaking their heads like rattles!

(?﹏???≡??﹏?) "Yes, yes! You still have to squeeze! You can't go down the road!"

You Ming also trembled a bit, he has experienced the imminent death before, but he doesn't want to experience it again?

Wang Youzhi stared: (??~?) "Squeeze? Can you squeeze it out? You have to follow the trend! Push!"

Jiang Nan shook his head frantically: (¬﹏¬?) "No, no, no! Squeeze! If you go down the road, there will be no turning back at all? The terminal is stinky, why do you want it?"


"This is a must!"

"Still pushing..."

You Ming vomits blood, whether it's meowing or pulling, why are you two still in command here?

How on earth! Give me a good word?

And You Ming doesn't care anymore, he doesn't want to go down the road, so let's squeeze it!

So Nether began to go out of the terminal with all his strength!

At the same time, in an unknown section of the Styx River, the boss of a seven-colored big crucian carp with a bulging belly turned a dead fish's eyes, and the fish's face was full of lovelessness!


Hey~ I shouldn't be greedy, I'm even more supportive...

It even began to miss the smooth feeling when eating soybeans!

It's a pity that since that time, I have never experienced that silky feeling again!

It can’t even remember how long it’s been since it’s gone, eh~

No, can't give up! Once you give up, you really can't let go, right?

"Hmm~" z°?)))彡

At this moment, the fish face of the Styx koi gradually turned hideous, and the fish scales on its body were blown off!

Obviously working hard!

So the Styx koi held back here, and You Ming squeezed it hard inside!

Seeing that the protective shield was about to break, You Ming tried various methods, even attacking the Wall of Flesh, but they couldn't loosen the terminal database at all!

Jiang Nan said anxiously: "Come back! Brother, I will give you some exciting news! Incarnation of a peerless hunk! Isn't it just a matter of minutes to get a terminal database?"

You Ming has no choice but to listen to Jiangnan!

I saw that Jiangnan didn't say a word, what kind of green sticks, horse biscuits, strong man medicine, nuclear bomb milk were directly poured into You Ming's throat!

At this moment, the Nether with various buffs completely exploded!

The beard is wild and the chest hair is thick! The whole body is burning, feeling the mighty power in the body, You Ming is so excited that he trembles!

Isn't this a bit too violent?

He now feels that he can break the Styx River by farting!

?(???┏?┓≠)?? "Ahahaha~ that's how it feels! Look at me, I will break down all obstacles and make the road ahead unimpeded!"

Jiang Nan gave You Ming a blank look, is it just to clear the sewer? Do you want to be so passionate?

I saw You Ming hugging the huge data terminal and exerting all his strength. The nuclear bomb milk did not explode. Under the suppression of the energy of the Styx, it transformed into an extremely powerful force, giving You Ming another bonus!

"Whoah ~ open it for me!"

There was a roar, and there was only a "boo", like the sound of red wine being corked!

The terminal database that has been blocked in the drain has been scooped out by You Ming!

But the danger is far from over, the moment it was pulled out, Ming Hai who had been hoarding here seemed to have found a vent!

Go straight to the boundless darkness at the end of the funnel!

The Nether's face was deformed by the fierce huge waves!

I saw You Ming roared, and carried the terminal database to a space transfer, incarnated as the King of the River Styx!

Hold the wall of flesh and blood with one hand, and carry the terminal database with the other!

But the impact of the pouring out of the sea of ​​​​underworld is too strong, not to mention that Nether still carries such a large terminal database?

God knows how long this Styx will continue to pour?

(?┏益┓≠|||) "No, no,'s too bad! I can't hold it anymore! How about we go down the road?"

"Now I have the confidence to expand the export and let the terminal database pass through safely. Let's take advantage of the trend!"

"Going against the current, I... I really can't do it!"

At this moment, Nether's facial features are ferocious, and there is a sense of sight of the US team pulling a helicopter!

Jiang Nan stared and scolded angrily:

(?°?口°?)? "Bah! You're a worthless fool! You can't handle it anymore?"

"As a real man! Pure man! How can you give up lightly! Believe in yourself, you can do it! As long as the water in the dark sea is almost released, we can go back the same way!"

"Could it be that you still want to wear a golden armor all over your body! Do you want to become a pickle like Jin Ke?"

Qing Ke: =????(?ー???????)? ? ?

Jiang Nan roared: (??? Mouth??)? "Think about your people, your subordinates! They are all waiting for you to go out clean and come home clean?"

I, Jiangnan, will never go down the road!

This is my bottom line!

Everyone looked at Jiangnan and covered their faces one after another. He also gave his life for his innocence?

He is so hot! So passionate~

Nether gritted his teeth, I worked hard~

This is the beginning of a rally that will never end!

But at the moment, the Styx koi is at ease!

The fish face is full of comfort!


I finally farted~ Fortunately, I didn't give up~

This silky and smooth feeling, except for the time when I ate soybeans, it has never been there again...

I saw the Styx koi frantically flicking its tail, releasing the pressure in its stomach to its heart's content!

I saw that the entire section of the Styx River turned into a golden color, reflecting the stars all over the sky, and the twinkling stars looked like a flowing golden river!

And its stomach also became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Under You Ming's all-out efforts, everyone was able to avoid the embarrassing situation of going down the road!

When Ming Hai was almost released, You Ming was carrying an extremely huge terminal database and a lot of junk, borrowing space nodes!

Rush towards the throat of the Styx koi!

Since the dark sea bottomed out, a lot of rags hidden in the bottom of the sea were also exposed, and a lot of rags were picked up on the road!

certainly! Still carrying the ghost...

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