Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2588 This is really lucky

Even Jiang Nan was shocked by the scene in front of him!

I saw that the end of the funnel was blocked by an extremely huge diamond-shaped object, shaped like a date stone!

It is not a whole piece of structure, but formed by splicing and combining eight diamond-shaped structures!

The surface is flat and smooth, I don't know what material it is, and there are little stars on it. At a glance, it seems to be looking at the entire starry sky!

Even if I don't know how long it has been washed by the dark sea in the belly of the fish, there is no mottled trace, it looks very impressive!

Jiang Nan thought that the remnant body of the Giant God Soldier was already huge enough!

But the unknown Xinghui Lingjing in front of him is not as big as this thing even if ten Giant God Soldiers are put together!

Compared with them, Jiangnan and the others are like dust microbes!

And this Starlight Lingjing is also not perfect, there is a row of giant tooth marks on the surface, and some places have even been bitten through!

There are also many places with imprints and ravines on the surface. Looking in through the gaps, the stars inside are shining and beautiful!

At this moment, this incomparably huge star-bright diamond crystal was firmly blocked at the mouth of the funnel, deeply stuck inside!

Half of it is soaked in the sea of ​​darkness!

Jiang Nan said in amazement: (*? Mouth?)!! "What is this stepping horse? Is it a jujube pit? Is there such a big jujube in the starry sky? Is it the jujube made by Qinger?"

"Is the recipe for the colorful crucian melon seeds so complicated?"

However, Wang Youzhi was completely excited!

(??????)? "What the hell? It's gone! It's really gone! It's absolutely amazing! Has this thing been here all this time? It's really a big mess!"

Jiangnan is confused: (???~??)???? "Sent it? This thing is awesome? Is it even better than the wreckage of the Giant God Soldier?"

Wang Youzhi rushed over there at top speed:

?(???;)? "I'm not sure yet! Just take a closer look!"

Now even Jiangnan is excited, what can make Dazhi excited like this?

What kind of baby is that?

?(?﹃??) "Goose Box~Goose Box~"

While smiling, he rushed over!

And when You Ming, who was wearing a tattered suit, saw the giant rhombic crystal, he sat down in the sea!

?━=????(?△≠????) "This... so big? How can I move this horse?"


At this moment, Qing Ke is hanging on the topmost point of the rhomboid crystal!

A corner of the sack was hanging on it, while Qing Ke was wrapped in the sack, looking at the darkness around her, she couldn't stop crying, choking for a while...

(???????﹏????????) "Woo~ What should I do? The second time I messed up what Jiang Devil gave me, I lost in rock-paper-scissors I ate the fish... woo~"

"If Devil Jiang found out, he would definitely beat me into a fat ball, right? Then he would throw me into the Styx Death Prison to fend for myself, just like those two fat jellies! Woo..."

(????) "No... I don't have a chance to go out at all, and Devil Jiang won't come to rescue me, hey? Don't need to be beaten?"

Thinking of this, Qing Ke was a little happy!

Then I suddenly realized that I was going to die here, it would be better to be beaten, so I cried even louder!


Being swallowed by the Styx koi, Qing Ke could only hide in the sack and drift with the flow!

Then I came here in a daze, and when I got out of the sack, it was already hanging on it!

Because she didn't know the surrounding environment, Qing Ke didn't dare to move, only the sound of waves and crying echoed around her!

But at this moment, Qing Ke seemed to see a faint light flickering in the distance!

How can there be light in the belly of a fish? Is he hallucinating?

However, the next moment, the small dot in the distance approached crazily, and it magnified infinitely in Qing Ke's eyes!

Jiang Nan looked solemn and shouted from a distance:

?(???????) "Baby! Here I come! You are mine! No one can take you away from me!"

"I'm here to take you away!"

Qing Ke was stunned for a moment, his eyes twinkling with stars!


Is it Jiang Devil? He came to rescue me? This is the belly of a fish?

He, he, he... Regardless of his own safety, he resolutely rushed into such a dangerous Jedi to save me...

Not only call me baby? Want to take me away?

In an instant, Qing Ke's nose was slightly sour, and her eyes were foggy!

Devil Jiang isn't completely a bad guy, is he? He said he didn't care, but he still came to save me?

In your most difficult moments, there is nothing more reassuring than seeing a familiar person, even if this person is the existence you fear most!

Qing Ke's soft heart was ruthlessly pierced!

Can't help but open his arms towards Jiangnan, his pretty face is blushing,

?(???????~????????)? "Hmm~ I..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw Jiangnan Feng crossing over Qingke, laying on the diamond-shaped crystal, lovingly stroking its star-brilliant surface!

∠(?????」∠)_"Good boy! Don't be afraid! Brother will take you home now~"

Qing Ke was petrified in the sack on the spot, her outstretched hand froze in the air!

Jiang Nan turned his head and frowned and said:

∠(??~???」∠)_"What are you doing with that pile? Cos the scarecrow or imitate Ruth?"

After speaking, he patted the surface of the diamond-shaped crystal under his body, with a satisfied expression on his face:

∠(?????」∠)_"Goose box ~ this big baby is really good, it hasn't broken after soaking here for so long!"

I saw Qing Ke's face suddenly turned red into a big apple, smoking crazily, stretched his outstretched arms "naturally", scratched his head and said with a dry smile:

?(?′???`)? "No... I didn't do anything, I just stretched when I was tired, aha... ahaha~"

After speaking, he covered his mouth and tilted his head, his face turned even redder!

Ahhh, I've been dreaming up some unrealistic fantasies, is that Jiang Devil? Is he calling rhomboid baby?

I thought…

[Resentment value from Qingke +1! ]

[From Qing Ke...]

At this time, everyone followed and landed on the crystal, as if they were standing on a sloping star continent!

Even Qing Ke crawled out of the sack, looking at the rhomboid crystal in bewilderment...

Chong Feiyu stretched out his hand and tapped:

(??~?)? "What is this? Is it a material I've never seen before? It doesn't look like energy fluctuations!"

But at this moment, Wang Youzhi ran to the hole where the teeth marks were bitten out of the diamond-shaped crystal and looked inside!

Jiang Nan couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart:

(??????)? "Dazhi, what kind of treasure is this? What do you mean?"

Wang Youzhi stood up and said, "The structure inside is indeed a quantum silicon crystal source! That's right! This thing is a silicon-based terminal database!"

After saying a word, everyone present was stunned, their eyes popped out, and their chins smashed to the ground!

Chong Feiyu stared: (?i口i?) "Huh? Silicon-based terminal database? Isn't their terminal placed in the lithography star field? Then this is..."

Wang Youzhi rolled his eyes:

(??~??*) "It's not the current silicon base, it's the previous! The silicon base of the eternal era before!"

"At the end of the Eternal Era, the silicon base hadn't completed the racial unification, and evolved into two factions, the Zhizhi faction and the standard silicon faction! Call each other heresy!"

"The Regulatory School advocates the supremacy of rules, stick to the rules, insurmountable orders, and hierarchical control. Only the highest wisdom has the authority to self-program! The lower consciousness is fixed!"

"What I advocate is the short-term victory method, accumulating the immediate victories little by little, and taking a steady flow!"

Jiang Nan smacked his lips: "I really have a deep understanding of the silicon-based short-term victory method!"

"But Zhizhi School? What else is there?"

Wang Youzhi said airily: (?v?v?) "You don't know that, do you? The Zhizhi faction is more interesting. They advocate the pursuit of change first! The self-programming authority has been delegated! All the silicon-based life of the Zhizhi faction, All self-programmable!"

"Each conscious individual is unique. Ask for a word change. Although it is still controlled by the hierarchy, it is extremely flexible and the individual authority is also great!"

"Compared to today's silicon base, Zhizhipai's silicon base is more human~ It's just that such a policy creates a lot of trouble..."

"Zhizhi faction advocates radical reform, the pursuit of long-term victory, a radical style of acting, not being bound by rules, and even sacrificing self-interest in exchange for long-term benefits! It is completely different from today's silicon base!"

You Ming swallowed a mouthful of saliva:

(?△≠?) "So... today's silicon base is the silicon gauge faction in the eternal age? They won the final victory?"

Wang Youzhi nodded: "The Silicon Foundation of the Thousand Stars Era was indeed evolved from the remnants of the Standard Silicon Sect of the Eternal Era! They took advantage of the opportunity of the Universal War to eliminate the Zhizhi Sect and complete the unification!"

"At the same time as the civil war, there is also an external conquest, and the fight is called a fight!"

But Jiang Nan's eyes were as bright as light bulbs!

"So the jujube stone under your feet is the terminal database of Zhizhipai that was wiped out?"

Wang Youzhi grinned and said:

(????) "Otherwise? Silicon-based has been looking for this thing! Although the terminal database of Silicon-based is inherited from the Eternal Age, the war in the universe is too fierce, and the terminal database of the Silicon-based school is also Was compromised, lost quite a bit of data!"

"So I've been looking for Zhizhipai's terminal database. No wonder they haven't been able to find it. Have they been eaten by the Styx koi? If they can find it, it will be hell!"

"I just don't know how much data about the Eternal Era is still left in this terminal database that has been buried for 2.2 billion years and has been damaged in war like this!"

"Brother! Do you know what this means?"

Jiang Nan swallowed: "(?△?*) "I know...but not much..."

Wang Youzhi patted the diamond-shaped crystal, and grinned: "The thing in front of me is not only as simple as the terminal database of Zhizhipai, but also a treasure left over from the eternal era!"

"You know the nature of the silicon base. Their terminal database stores all the knowledge about the starry sky, technology, cultivation methods of various races, secret methods, manufacturing techniques, history, secrets, everything!"

"The thing in front of you contains all the accumulation of more than five billion years in the Eternal Era. All the lives, the brilliance created by countless generations, are all here!"

"The silicon-based terminal database contains an era and records everything! Even if you get one ten-thousandth, one hundred-thousandth, it's enough to benefit you forever!"

Jiang Nan licked his dry lips: "This is really crazy! It's just luck!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes were involuntarily focused on Qing Ke!

Qing Ke tilted her head, scratched her head in confusion, and said a little embarrassedly:

?(???~??)???? "I... I got something weird on my face?"

Everyone chanted in unison in their hearts!

This guy... is indeed the son of luck favored by God!

Genuine goods!

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