Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2583 The actual situation is completely different from the description

When mentioning this, You Ming shivered. The Styx koi is an existence that he loves and hates at the same time?

I can be regarded as an invincible existence in the Styx star field!

But it is still under a fish, above ten thousand people!

The corner of You Ming's mouth twitched:

(¬益≠?) "Tell me in advance, don't expect me to help, I haven't lived enough yet!"

Jiangnan pouted:

(??????) "Look at your cowardly look, I am a majestic soul pet chef, why do I need help from others? It's a whole lot~"

After finishing speaking, he was about to rush out of the conference room and start his own fishing operation!

However, You Ming trembled in fright, and jumped over to stop Jiang Nan!

?(?-﹏≠o?) "My ancestor~ don't you fish here? The Nether tribe has no family background, if you really catch the Styx koi!"

"This Bi'an bridge must be collapsed by its two tails? And I have tried everything. Using strong force or Styx crystals in other places can't lure the Styx koi out!"

"It will only appear on the Styx Death Prison. It seems that it has become a habit from the previous feeding. Why don't we go to the Styx Death Prison, but can it be done in one place?"

When Jiangnan escaped from prison before, he left a big gift for You Ming, and it was because of the "big gift" that You Ming was able to stabilize the seven-colored crucian carp seeds!

Jiang Nan's expression became teasing:

(????) "Oh shit? Tried everything? You haven't been idle~"

You Ming dodged his eyes and laughed dryly:

(??≠?) "To be a human being is to have the courage to try. I'll take you to the Hell of the Styx..."

Jiang Nan didn't say anything. As the leader of the Nether clan, how could You Ming not want to hold the Styx koi in his hands?

It's just that the attempt failed, and he has given up after realizing the reality!

Wu Liang scratched his head: ?(.?v~v?.) "Did the bridge collapse? Such a vast bridge of starry sky, can crucian melon seeds be collapsed? Bragging?"

Chong Feiyu's eyelids twitched, "You'll know when you see it later!"

"Go back to Styx Death Prison? I just want to go back and have a look~ Reminiscing bitterness and thinking sweet!"

After all, she has lived there for more than 5,000 years, and she has some feelings in it, but not much...

Everyone didn't delay, You Ming led everyone to rush out of the other shore star, borrowed the Styx river, and went straight to the Styx death prison!

And when everyone saw the Styx Death Star half sunk in the Styx, they were all stunned...

I saw that the Styx Death Star had turned into an irregular elliptical star, like a deformed golf ball!

There are pits and holes everywhere, and there are even several giant gaps in the star body, which are filled with thick strong-phase alloy pudding!

Some places are still smoking, and you can vaguely see many prisoners tinkering on the Styx Death Star, sweating profusely!

Obviously, in the voluntary labor of the prisoners, in addition to fishing for crystals in the river, there is also a work of repairing the death prison!

Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao and the others stared at each other!

"(?口?*) "This... is this the Hell of the Styx? Why is it completely different from what you imagined? It's a miracle that the planet hasn't broken yet! "

This is too broken, right? The dilapidated houses in the war zone that have been carpet bombed for a hundred years are better than this, right?

Wu Liang swallowed:

(.?v△v?.) "If I'm not mistaken, most of the materials used to build the Styx Death Star are strong-phase alloys, right? How did it break down like this?"

However, Qianben Sakura took it for granted:

(°~°*) "This is the place where the villain Jiang stayed. It's really normal to be edited like this?"

Everyone looked at Qianben Sakura and nodded in agreement!

(*???????) "Hmm~ makes sense!" xn

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and couldn't help curling his lips and said:

(??~??*) "Brother Nether? You are really picky, you? It's broken like this, and you don't want to change it? You let the brothers live in this kind of open-air cell?"

You Ming's face was dark: "Damn! Who do you think it is because of this broken? Change? Is it very expensive to build another Styx Death Star?"

"It's not that I don't have money, but do I dare to use it? The Holy Law Society won't give me money?"

But at this moment, Wang Youzhi's eyes shine brightly:

(??????????)? "Hey, hey? Brother? Do you still remember the worm?"

Jiang Nan was stunned: (??w?) "Big scorpion? Isn't that your trumpet?"

Wang Youzhi stared: (??vyiv?) "Nonsense! You are talking nonsense! He's just my good roommate! How could it be my trumpet?"

"It's not important! What's important is knocking Luo's card?"

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, presumably the Black God would never admit that Chong Daxun was his trumpet in this life, right?

When a person dies, his mouth is hard!

If Dazhi didn't remind him, Jiangnan would really have forgotten about it!

I saw Jiang Nan and Wang Youzhi looking at each other, and they both burst into smirks!


"Let's go, let's take a look!"

After finishing speaking, he trotted all the way towards the Styx Death Prison!

Zhong Yingxue, Wu Liang, and the others were all puzzled, didn't they mean fishing? Why don't you go fishing? What is it to beat the gong and punch the card?

I saw that Chong Feiyu's expression turned upside down: "Just follow up and you'll know!"

Everyone followed with great curiosity!

As soon as he entered Styx Death Prison, he was stunned by the level of battle damage in front of him!

There are holes everywhere, and all kinds of pain masks are printed on the walls. Some cells don't even have ceilings, and they are connected to the cells upstairs!

Prisoners of all races were busy in the corridors, and some of them ran wildly with their two-dimensional wives in their arms. Judging by that level, they were only 10% new...

In the depths of the death prison, there were even bursts of unbearable voices!

As soon as Jiang Nan came back, some prisoners recognized him. After all, everyone knew the notoriety of Jiang's bully back then!

It has become the legend of Styx's death prison. Even the newcomers will hear the old people's legend about Jiang's bully's prison escape after opening a new one!

The prisoners who recognized Jiangnan stared wide-eyed, slammed their jaws on the ground, turned their heads and ran away, shouting:

?(?口?;)?=3=3=3 "Brothers and sisters! The Jiang bully is back! The bully helped the big brother come back to the Styx prison!"

"All the prisoners! Go to the cafeteria to gather for me, say hello to the eldest brother, and take in those who are doing business and who are not doing human affairs!"

"Brother brought the girls here, don't make their eyes hot, gather! Hurry up~"

For a moment, ghosts and wolves howled in Styx Death Prison, and there was cheering. Those who didn't know thought that Death Prison rioted!

Hearing a roar, Qianbenying watched helplessly as a prisoner knocked down the strong-phase alloy door, and rushed towards the cafeteria with the door in his arms. He really rushed out of the door!

Jiangnan: (??w???)

" don't have to be so welcome, do you? I'm so embarrassed, right?"

Wu Liang, Zhong Yingxue and the others were all dumbfounded! Jiang bully? big brother?

In the cafeteria, all the prisoners of Styx Death Prison headed by Chong Daxun gathered, all men and women came!

The cafeteria couldn't fit in, so the wall was torn down to expand the venue!

And all the prisoners were in unison, directly bowed to Jiangnan ninety degrees, and said in unison:


"All the prisoners of Styx Death Prison! I have met Jiang's bully! Brother, you have worked hard~"

The scene is magnificent and magnificent!

Not only the prisoners gathered, but even the jailers came to gather and salute! Damn!

Is it true that when the Jiang bully comes out, all the death row prisoners come to see him?

Jiang Nan coughed twice: (*?°??°) "Everyone is flat, right? Don't look at the outside like this, I just come back to Kangkang~"

However, all the prisoners looked at Jiangnan with admiration!

(?????????) "One day is our boss! Always be boss! Big brother! How long do you plan to stay here when you come back this time? Return your five-star luxury golden house cell to you Keep it, someone will be sent to clean it every day!"

Jiang Nan's face darkened: (????????)? "What the hell? The devil wants to live here? You think I'm here to visit relatives?"

However, the scene in front of them completely stupefied Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao and the others!

A five-star luxury golden house cell? The big brother of all the prisoners? With this level of respect, he was short of offering up Jiangnan as his own father?

"You... Didn't you say that you lived a miserable life in Styx Death Prison, and you were beaten every day?"

Jiangnan: (??w???) Inside~

Immediately, a prisoner said:

(??????????)? "Big brother is right! People are beaten by him every day! If you don't beat hundreds of people a day, you will feel uncomfortable!"

The corners of Xia Yao's mouth twitched: (¬﹏¬) "Can't you get enough to eat?"

Prisoners: (°ー°〃) "It's true that I can't eat enough! Big brother is full of food! He can eat whatever he wants, and he can also eat ice cream, ha beer and melon seeds, we can pick up some for him to eat leftovers of!"

"Big Brother is really good, you can still think about us after eating leftovers, I have licked the leftover ice cream bucket of Big Brother!"

Wu Liang sweated profusely on his forehead: (.?v?v?.) "Then was tortured to cry in the confinement room?"

The prisoners nodded: (?°??°) "That's true! I have seen Big Brother beat the deputy warden to cry in the confinement room before, and the deputy warden usually cries secretly when there is no one else!"

Jiu Lan's face flushed, her eyes dodged to the side, and she covered her face!


The prisoners said seriously:

∠(#?????????) "Sisters-in-law, don't worry! What else can big brother suffer in Styx death prison? It's a fairy living a small life!"

"I haven't had such a big brother on vacation... Puff~"

I saw Jiangnan rushing forward in a blink of an eye, and hammered the nail fist directly on the prisoner's chest!

=????(?︶优︶)? "Ah~"

With a bang, the prisoner was thrown into the air on the spot, smashed through countless walls, and fell into the Styx River!

The rest of the prisoners were shocked: "Slap him? Okay, brother! Received! Brothers! Come on~"

So the prisoners turned their heads and rushed to the prisoners who were hammered away!

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (????????) "Huh, you're the only one who talks too much! Do you owe me a beating?"

As he spoke, he blew the white smoke from his fist, but he felt a series of resentful eyes coming from behind him!

I saw Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao, Qianbenying and the others all had nuclear smiles on their faces!


Can't get enough to eat? Get beaten every day? Live an unhuman life?

I bah!

The actual situation is completely different from the description, okay? Xiao Nan is completely the bully in prison, hey!

Fortunately, everyone was so worried before, thinking about whether to go to prison, Xia Yao was so worried that she couldn't sleep, she washed her face with sweat every day, and paralyzed herself with heavy training!

Both Mira and Lan were crying with worry!

Good guy! Are you here on vacation?

Come back and lie to everyone to cry and want to hug? Want to pat your head?

Mira: (?`~??) "Brother Jiangnan is a big liar! Hmph~"

Jiangnan: (??w???) "This...isn't it a little bit real in it, the city of a thousand stars was not built in a day, and the bully in prison wasn't trained in a day either~ ahaha~ ahaha~ "

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