Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2579 Looks like a loss! Real loss

Qing Ke washed herself thoroughly!

It was washed from front to back, from inside to outside, without leaving any corners and corners, and even shed several layers of skin, almost rubbing out sparks!

Washed the harvest lake to smell, and also ate durian pulp!

After smelling it several times, I confirmed that there is no strange smell on my body, and it still exudes the fragrance of a girl!

This is back to Qingyu Terrace!

However, the truth is far from being as simple as Qing Ke imagined!

I saw Qingnong Qingtian Qingcong with a pale face beside the long table, sitting a hundred or so meters away from Qingke!

With two scallions stuck in his nose, he looked at Qing Ke in horror!

Qing Ke scratched her head: "Grandpa Qingnong~you... what are you doing? I washed it all, and it doesn't smell anymore, why are you still..."

Qingtian:! ! !

"You, you, you... don't come here, just sit there, aha~ ahaha..."

No smell? I bah!

At this moment, Qing Ke's body still exudes an unbearable stench!

Even the originally blue hair turned pale yellow, and the fair skin also turned slightly yellow!

Jiang Nan opened two space wormholes in his nostrils, leaning on his chin with a face of thought:

"Is this marinated for a long time, can it still be marinated? Yes, yes~"

Even eating durian pulp can't completely remove the taste?

With tears in her eyes, Qing Ke looked at Jiangnan with an aggrieved face!

Who do you think it's because of?

Jiang Nan stared, huh? Still dare to look at me?

Seeing Jiangnan's small hand raised, Qing Ke hurriedly hugged her head and knelt down on the ground, trembling...

"Don't hit me! Qing Ke is wrong! Wrong woo~ woo~"

Qingnong and the others frequently looked sideways, good guy, have you formed an instinctive reaction yet?

I saw Jiangnan standing up and stretching his waist: "The alliance has been made, the promise has been made, and the saint has also paid back. The matter here is also considered to be settled, and I should withdraw!"

"Later on, you should contact Brother Jian and Freya. Now that you have joined the Carbon-based Alliance, everyone is an ally. As an ally, it is right to help each other?"

"During the serial offensive and defensive battle, the star farming clan provided food and grass for the members of the carbon-based alliance, isn't it too much?"

The corner of Qingnong's mouth twitched: "You... what you said is that this is what our Xinggeng people should do, small things~ are small things!"

Jiang Nan grinned:

"It just so happens that the more than 10,000 base planets issued by the Law Society have also arrived, and they are placed in the Sea of ​​Embers!"

"It's not too much for the Xinggeng clan to help the human base planet to build and do greening, right?"

Qingnong almost didn't come up in one breath, and suffocated on the spot. The construction of more than 10,000 planets? That's called by the way?

But he still said: "Ahaha~ It should be! Shouldn't I help me among allies! My Xinggeng clan will do our best!"

Jiang Nan smiled and nodded: "Then..."

Qingnong:! ! !

"Ahem~ Master Nanshen, it's getting late. Didn't you say that you have something urgent to go to the Styx Starfield? I won't let you eat here, so as not to delay important things, I wish you Bon Voyage!"

If you don't want to leave, maybe there is something else to get in!

Jiang Nan waved his hand:

"Okay, okay~ I'm leaving now, ah, yes, the journey is long, and I'm an enemy in the south of the Yangtze River, so there might be some danger along the way!"

"What if there is any danger, what should I do? In this way, the promise to Qing'er will not be fulfilled!"

"So I think it is necessary to invite Jin Ke to go with me. Under the blessing of the son of luck, the journey will be smoother. You don't mind?"

After speaking, Jiangnan looked at Qingnong with a smile on his face!

Qingnong froze directly, not because of Jiangnan's proposal, but because the moment he heard the proposal, he really wanted to throw Qingke to Jiangnan!

In this way, you don't have to endure her nurturing!

Qing Ke was stunned and pointed at her own nose?

I? Jin Ke is calling me?

My surname is Qing, hello! Don't just change other people's surnames casually?

Qingnong looked embarrassed:

"This... This mainly depends on Qing Ke's own wishes, she..."

Qing Ke:! ! !

"Ah! No! I'm not going! I want to go home! I want to farm, and I will never see Jiang Devil again in my life!"

After finally escaping from birth and returning to the race, Qing Ke originally wanted to retreat to the countryside and never cared about the disputes in the world!

Who knew that the ass would return to the hands of the devil before it was warmed up!

Qing Ke turned around and was about to run away!

But Qing Tian hugged Qing Ke by the waist:

"Don't panic, don't panic? We are allies with humans now, and Lord Nanshen won't hurt you anymore, it's just walking together! Good boy, Qingke, think about it! Ugh~wow~"

Qingnong looked serious: "For race! Ugh~"

Qing Ke struggled frantically and ran in place:

"I don't care, don't don't, woo woo woo~ I won't go even if I die, you guys kill me! I don't want to live anymore!"

Seeing Qingke's reaction so fiercely, Qingtian and Qingnong were embarrassed!

What exactly did she experience in Jiang Nan's hands? Left such a serious psychological shadow, mental trauma?

Are you playing so hard?

However, at this moment, Qing Er opened his mouth and said:

"He...can't ga! He ga...Qinger ga...obedient...protect him...he...protect me!"

Qing Ke was taken aback, then fell to the ground, howling, eyes full of despair, tears sprayed out two or three meters like a water gun!

"Wow~ I'll go! I can't go~ woo..."

Heh~ Is my life over?

Jiang Nan grinned: "If I said it earlier, it would be over~"

"Then I'm leaving~ Bye, see you later!"

As he said that, he threw out a void chain and wrapped it around Qing Ke's waist!

Tear open the space, and drag Qing Ke, who is full of despair, into the cracks of the dimension under the watchful eyes of everyone!

Qing Er is still vigorously waving goodbye to Jiang Nan!

"Become stronger... Protect Qing'er!"

Jiang Nan made an o98k gesture and left without looking back!

Qingtian and Qingnong also let out a sigh of relief, but they were gone, and they finally dared to take a breath!

Qingtian said with emotion: "The work was not in vain, after all, the saint has been redeemed! The goal has been achieved! It's not a loss!"

However, Qingnong's face was dark: "It's not a loss? What about the saint?"

Qingtian tilted his head: "You left with Jiangnan? Didn't they go to the Styx Starfield together? Qingke, she..."

As he spoke, Qingtian's face also turned dark!

Qingnong gritted his teeth: "No loss! The saint is still in Jiangnan's hands? It's just a different form!"

"However, we joined the Carbon-based Alliance, openly sided with human beings, and had to help get food and grass, and build base planets. Lord Shengteng also gave Jiangnan the seeds of life inheritance, and gave him a four-level upgrade!"

"We also gave 20 food stars! That's empty-handed! Damn! Jiangnan is absolutely perfect, he, empty-handed white wolf!"

Originally, Qingtian felt quite satisfied, at least his goal was achieved!

But when Qingnong said this, Qingtian suddenly felt that he had gone to his grandma's house!

"Then... how lucky to be like this grandson, and make a fart alliance? Let's..."

Qingnong took a deep breath: "This is a long-term investment. It seems to be a group of losers. The risk is high, but the return is also scary!"

"Because Lord Shengteng knows his fate, we have no choice! We can only board the big ship of human beings and embark on this dangerous road!"

"The carbon-based alliance may really not be empty talk. Once formed, it will be a terrorist alliance that can compete with the rules of the times!"

"I can see that Jiangnan has great ambitions. He is destined not to be that kind of unknown person. There are only two endings for him. One is to climb to the top of the mountain, suppress the starry sky, and live forever! On the road to the summit, blood spilled on the starry sky, leaving an indelible imprint on the era..."

"No matter which one, we are beyond our reach, and all we can do is follow behind Jiangnan. The height he finally reaches determines our height! It depends on how far Jiangnan can go!"

Hope joining the Carbon Based Alliance this time is not a wrong choice!

Qingtian's scalp was numb, and his face was full of sighs, did he disturb the center of the starry sky?

And at this moment, a gap suddenly opened in the space!

Jiang Nan poked his head out of it suddenly:

"Oh, by the way, don't forget to give the trillion star points, just send them to the Human Spirit Martial Alliance!"

"Huh? Why are your faces so pale? Didn't you secretly speak ill of me behind your back?"

Qingnong was shocked: "Send it! Send it right away! Can you miss your work? Hurry up and do the work! Let the wind and the wind~"

Jiang Nan's head just disappeared...

Qingnong's face turned darker, you don't let this go, do you? Can it be pulled like this?

It seems to be a loss! In fact, it is really a loss!


In the gap between the dimensions, Jiangnan wraps everyone in a warp speed bubble and travels quickly through the dimensional wind tunnel!

Jiangnan is distributing its own grass seeds to everyone one by one, which is a small insurance policy!

But Qing Ke stood far away, secretly looking at Jiangnan, not daring to speak, alone!

She didn't dare to stand too close, she was afraid of influencing Jiangnan and the others, and she was also afraid that something unexpected would happen to Jiangnan's teammates, and she would be punished again!

Leng Buding is no longer in the sack, she is still a little uncomfortable, very insecure!

I saw Jiangnan directly leaning over and reaching out to Qing Ke!

Qing Ke was shocked, and quickly closed her eyes and squatted on the ground:

"Don't hit me, I didn't do anything, just stand, I'll just kneel down, I was wrong! Or you'd better put me in a sack and return it when you're done..."

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Hey~ My grass seeds, keep a few for insurance! What kind of sack are you putting them in? Don't you have legs yourself? Go by yourself!"

"How old are you, do you still have to be hugged?"

Qing Ke said timidly, and silently accepted the grass seeds, then raised her hand:



"You...what are you doing with me? I...I'm useless? With your strength, you can't do anything to swallow a star siege, let alone encounter fatal danger..."

"Or...what do you want me to do? I'll do as you say, no...otherwise I'm afraid of doing something wrong and getting beaten. Sometimes I can't control myself, and it's easy to accidentally hurt others..."

After finishing speaking, she gave Zhong Yingxue Mira and the others a weak look. Even Qing Cong, who is very close to Qing Ke, would not dare to make trouble with Qing Ke on weekdays!

Because of the protection of luck, it doesn't matter who you are, as long as it is unfavorable to Qing Ke, it will basically be unlucky!

Even Qingke's parents are no exception! The only one who was eaten to death by Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan shook his head: "You don't need to do anything, just follow us, don't leave me 300 meters away, if you leave, I will hit you!"

"Oh~ ok... ok..."

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