Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2565 Base planet? Racial beacon?

In the conference room on the main island of the Jiuxiao Islands, all high-level human beings gathered together!

Including the members of the Human Spirit Martial Arts Alliance, Yao Hong and the others are all here too!

After all, serial offensive and defensive warfare is a part of testing the overall combat capability of the race. The entire human race must move like a precision instrument, cooperate in all directions, and switch to a war form, just like a war machine!

Only then will it be possible to fight this battle beautifully!

And this meeting is mainly to establish the general policy of action during the preparation period!

The meeting room is full of people, there are familiar faces, but there are also unfamiliar ones. The human booth is getting bigger and bigger, and the manpower needed will naturally be more and more!

I saw Freya sitting on the stool stretched out, her hair was messed up like a bird's nest!

He kept beating himself on the head, gasping for air, obviously the cause of a hangover!

The corner of Batty's mouth twitched: (¬﹏¬?) "Big sister, after all, it's a high-level meeting of human beings, and you didn't dress up? Don't you want to lose face?"

Freya took it for granted:

?(?′~?`#)? "Face? What kind of face? Didn't all face be lost during the world hunt?"

(#??~??)???? "Do you have face? Ah? Do you have face?"

With such a question, Xiao Chuihuo, Odin and the others all turned black!


Just having fun and forgetting about it, why did you bring it up again?

Indeed, no matter how bad the image is, it's still worse than the side effects of the strong man's medicine erupting!

Freya was startled: =????(?ー??????) "What are you talking about, big sister?"

Batty was stunned: (??w???) "Did you forget? After we finished drinking that day, we were all begging for help? You enjoy the blessing, and we will take care of it!"

"Really? Three, four, five brothers?"

Odin Martin Zhao Dezhu's face is even darker...


What's the matter with riding a horse?

Freya rubbed her head:

?(???~??)???? "Is there such a thing?"

Cooper grinds his teeth, more than that? If you don't stop you from ordering, you will have to go to worship with others after you finish worshiping!

And at this moment, Jiang Nan with a graffiti face suddenly appeared in the meeting room, strangled Xia Yao's neck fiercely, and used his chin to drill hard on her celestial cap!

(●┏依┓??〃) "Tell me! Is it you, a bad boy?"

"When the lady in the cafeteria made me a meal, she laughed so hard that all her dentures sprayed on my plate!"

Xia Yao's stomach cramped from laughing, she covered her head and kept begging for mercy:

?(?ヮ?.)? "Don't dare, dare not! Yaoyao dare not, don't drill you, or you will be drilled out of your mind later?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw Jiangnan's graffiti on his face, and the laughter echoed endlessly in the conference room!

All the senior leaders of the Lingwu Alliance covered their faces as they watched this scene. Does the majestic master of the era have no airs at all?

But maybe this is Nan Shen?

Getting along with him is more like communicating with friends, without any pressure!

Yang Jian also smiled, he has been full of energy in the past few days, and he is recovering well!

After cleaning his face with the eraser mode of the cow-horse brush, Jiang Nan looked at Yang Jian excitedly:

(?????) "How is it? The rules have come out? How to grab points from other races?"

Mentioning this, a sad look appeared on Yang Jian's face!

"The rules have indeed come down. The changes are not so big. It's a little unfriendly to us humans, isn't it?"

Speaking of which, the holographic projection was turned on, showing the specific rules of the sequential offensive and defensive battle issued by the Holy Law Society!

A long and eloquent article made everyone's scalps go numb!

Jiang Nan's eyes widened: ∑(°口°?) "Damn! Is it so complicated?"

Yang Jian pinched the Qingming point: "It's not very complicated, it's just that there are more rules!"

"First of all, the preparation period is 180 days. The offensive and defensive battles will last for a month in total, and the points will be settled after the battle is over!"

"The existence of swallowing stars is still not allowed to fight, this is similar to the hunting of the universe!"

Everyone nodded. This is not surprising. After all, once Tunxing enters the arena, a random big move can wipe out the Sea of ​​Embers. What's the point?

The battle situation will collapse immediately, and it will be impossible to proceed!

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Since Tun Xing is not allowed to enter the arena, what about Fei Yu's insect swarm?"

Yang Jian spread his hands: "It is also written in the detailed rules that the swarms of the star-swallowing insect king are not allowed to enter the battle, because the swarm is part of the power of the star-swallowing insect king..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces immediately pulled down!

The human population base is too small. In this level of race war, even if all human combat troops are deployed, it may not be as many people as a small reconnaissance unit!

Originally, the insect swarm of Chongfeiyu could make up for the shortage of human manpower, but it was restricted at that time!

Chongfeiyu shook the little jiojio:

(°~°〃) "This has always been the case, otherwise the Zerg could let the Zerg Swarm of the Star Devouring Zerg King go to war, wouldn't it be crushing?"

Jiang Nan raised his head and shook his chair:

(??~??) "Hmm~ Is shortage of manpower a problem?"

"What about points? How are points calculated?"

Yang Jian's expression froze: "The points obtained by Hunyu Dahun will be exchanged into base planets and distributed to each family! A base planet is worth 1,000 points!"

"That is to say, the more than 10 million points we humans have will be distributed to us more than 10,000 base planets!"

"These base planets are equivalent to what we earned in the Great Hunt! In addition, 10 base planets will be distributed in each sequence as the initial points of the second ring, which is 10,000 points!"

"So in the second ring! The point pool will become more than 200 million!"

The corner of Odin’s mouth twitched: (?? Mouth???) “Hiss~ did you do this? The lead in the world hunt will become the advantage point in the sequential offensive and defensive battle? More than 10,000 planets at the beginning?”

"These planets can all be robbed, right?"

Yang Jian nodded: "Yes! Points are no longer dead! They can be circulated! An advantage is indeed an advantage, but you have to hold on to it to be considered an advantage!"

"The more initial points, the bigger the territory allocated, and the harder it is to defend. If you are not careful, you may even lose all the advantages you earned from Huanyu Dahun!"

"Base planets can not only be obtained by robbing, but can even be traded. The Holy Law will not govern. In other words, the number of base planets you have is the number of chips in your hand!"

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth curled up:

(*???) "Oh ho ho? In this way, the flexibility is very high!"

Chong Feiyu added: "There is one more thing worth noting! Not only the base planet, but also the race beacon!"

"This is equivalent to the race flag, and it exists like a base camp! And the race beacon must be placed on the base planet to take effect! You can't run around with it!"

"The serial offensive and defensive battle is on. After the racial beacon is lit, it cannot be extinguished! Once the racial beacon is extinguished, destroy it! It means that this race has been wiped out, and it is completely disqualified from participating in the serial offensive and defensive war. Forget about replenishing troops!"

Badr smacked his lips, is this really simulating the real Star Wars?

The design of race beacons directly increases the difficulty of sequential offensive and defensive battles!

Not only to be able to fight, but also to be able to defend!

Both offense and defense are the embodiment of the overall conquest of a race!

Jiang Nan tilted his head: (??~???) "We don't have to worry too much about guarding the house, right? The base planet and the race beacons have moved into the cracks in the dimension as a whole?"

"Is it okay to be born invincible?"

Yang Jian pointed to the regular projection!

"The Holy Law Society has also thought about it, and made corresponding countermeasures!"

"The base planet and race beacons are not allowed to leave the range of the Sea of ​​Embers. Once they leave, it means that they lose their qualifications!"

"Among them, the fourth dimension and the fifth dimension between the dimensions do not belong to the category of the sea of ​​ashes, and cannot be moved in!"

"Even if we move in and all races enter the cracks of the dimension to attack, if the Black God intervenes, it will violate the rules of swallowing stars and above that do not allow meddling, and it still won't work!"

Jiang Nan's face was full of black lines: "Is this really aimed at us?"

The Sacred Law Society was afraid that Jiangnan would play tricks and mess up the entire series of offensive and defensive battles, so they formulated a lot more rules than previous ones!

A lot of them are rules that are bad for humans!

There are only so few human beings, and the manpower of Feiyu's swarm is useless, and the geographical advantage in the gap between dimensions has also been cut off!

With more than 10,000 base planets in hand, how do we defend them? Isn't this special meow dragging a cart of golden chickens into the bandit's den?

Yang Jian continued: "Although the base planet and race beacons cannot be moved into the gap between dimensions, the use of the gap between dimensions is unlimited!"

Momo's eyes lit up: (??????)? "Then we can summon the army of dimensional creatures as reinforcements?"

Hei Shen spread his hands: "I have a bitter tea seed, but human beings have so much spiritual power, can they summon a billion-level dimensional biological army?"

Dimensional creatures need to consume a lot of spiritual power to stay in the three-dimensional starry sky. The larger the body size and the higher the level, the greater the consumption!

The small number of summons is enough, but if you want to fight a large-scale war, your spiritual power is simply not enough!

On the other side of the extremely dark star, the reason why the dimensional war has been fought for hundreds of millions of years is precisely because there is the intersection of three-dimensional and five-dimensional!

There is no restriction on the appearance of dimensional creatures there, but they cannot break out of the extremely dark star dome!

At this moment, everyone started to scratch their heads, their hips stretched all over their faces!

Humans do have a great advantage, but if they can't hold on, it's a waste of money, right?

Yang Jian said: "There is another trick. Currently, there are only three companies that have mastered the star path, human beings, Bose and silicon base!"

"After the war, it is also a way to block the star road and restrict access. In history, the Bose and Silicon have also done this..."

But Xiao Chuihuo shook his head: "It doesn't make much sense, the reputation of Dimensional Star Airlines has just been established, and the relationship of trust has just been formed!"

"Once the war is blocked, the relationship of trust that has been established with great difficulty among the starry sky will be destroyed, which is not conducive to the subsequent development of Dimensional Star Airlines!"

Yao Hong nodded: "And once we seal the road, it is useless if Bose and Silicon are not sealed. Instead, they will push the source of tourists to them, and each family has transport starships, which can be transported at warp speed. Although it takes time, but Works too!"

Difficulties are everywhere, but Jiangnan is shaking his chair and humming, with a relaxed expression on his face, not worried at all!

I don't even know what I think of, and I still sing goose box and box music from time to time!

Nanshen, what kind of fire trick did you think of?

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