Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2559 Say a few words

Blue Star Kyoto Nine Heavens Islands, this is one of the Lingwu Alliance bases floating above Blue Star!

Around the vast main island, there are 99 small islands floating around, revolving around the main island!

And the Nine Heavens Islands has its fixed navigation track, floating in the sky to travel around the world, regularly appearing in various countries and above major cities!

It also played a certain role in inspection and maintenance!

Although the Lingwu Alliance built it into a base, it did not destroy the original ecology of the island!

Green mountains and green waters, flying waterfalls and turbulent flows, green grass, birds singing, and white clouds are around, within reach!

But even though it was used as a base, since the establishment of the Jiuxiao Islands, it has been extremely popular with the people!

I don't know how many people come here especially for sightseeing!

After all, not everyone can board the island in the sky to see the beauty of the world!

Gradually, the Nine Heavens Islands became a tourist destination, and the Lingwu Alliance allowed it to develop, and the money it earned could be used to operate the Nine Heavens Islands!

And the location of the celebration banquet this time was set on the green grass on the main island of Jiuxiao!

The banquet table is full of delicious food, wine and food, and even a lot of alien food!

Xing Cheng had been sitting at the table a long time ago, his eyes were shining, he was staring at the dishes served one after another, and he was holding a chopstick in each hand!

The crystal saliva flows out of the mouth like a waterfall, and flows along the grass into the big lake beside it!

Fishes always feel that today's bath water smells a bit wrong...

Under Cheng Baoer's extremely expectant eyes, Jiangnan and the others appeared on the main island of Jiuxiao in a teleport!

At this moment, the blue star is in the evening, with a little afterglow in the sky, and the atmosphere is just right!

Jiang Nan's eyes brightened: "Oh, what? This island is great? I lost my Sky Island, where did you find it?"

"I haven't seen you for so many years, I didn't expect Sky Island to grow so big? It really is the eighteenth change of the island!"

"I can't even recognize this, haha!"

While talking, he lay on the ground and touched the lawn, with a look of miss:

"Dao Dao? Do you miss your brother? My brother misses you so much!"

Everyone looked at Jiangnan and the corners of their mouths twitched!

God Meow, your Sky Island, that was all eight hundred years ago, right? Can your island grow up?

Just landed on the island, this island is yours now?

I saw Freya's distressed face:

"It can also be yours!"

A carp in the south of the Yangtze River straightened up and stood up from the ground, with bright eyes!

"That's a good deal! And! It can be mine anyway? Is it mine?"

Freya vomits blood, can we show some face?

And at this moment, Xing Cheng, who is looking forward to the stars and the moon, can be regarded as looking forward to everyone!

"Brother Jiangnan! Eat rice! If you don't eat it, it will be cold! It won't taste good if it's cold?"

Jiang Nan was moved, did Cheng Bao understand? You know wait for brother to eat first?

"Haha! Let's start now! Huh? Why do you always feel that something is wrong?"

"Everyone hurry up and have a seat! Let's... um..."

Yang Jian and Xiao Chuihuo both had dark faces, and what they said was very good, don't say it again next time!

At the banquet table, everyone sat down one after another, and everyone's faces were filled with smiles!

After 13 days of hard work and killing nearly ten million people, Jiangnan and the others can finally relax their tense minds and taste the hard-won fruits of victory!

The evening wind blew across the grass, gentle as a girl's caress, and the sunset glow in the sky was as if drunk, with red cheeks, beautiful and picturesque...

Jiang Nan picked up his chopsticks and was about to cook, but Odin hurriedly said:

"Don't, don't, don't! Do it later? It's a rare opportunity, why don't you say a few words or something?"

Bader smiled: "Anyway, it's also from the MVP, let's say a few words!"

Mi Ye played with the broken hair between her fingers, her eyes were like water:

"Not to mention anything else, it's already a miracle that there are zero casualties in the world hunting. After all, he is also the Lord of the Age, so let me just say a few words!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan felt a little shy, and scratched his head a little embarrassed!

"Since everyone's kindness is hard to refuse, I can't refuse!"

I saw Jiangnan pour himself a glass of wine, then got up, the room suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Jiangnan expectantly!

Jiang Nan took a deep breath and looked solemn!

"Two sentences!"

"It's over, we can cook..."

Black God: ~Pfft~

A big mouthful of ice cream was sprayed out by him, like spraying pesticide, spraying evenly!

Everyone is stupid, let's say a few words! If I ask you to say a few words, do you really only say a few words?

How anxious are you to have a meal, you?

I saw pots, pans, plates, paper towels and beverage bottles thrown towards Jiangnan together!

"Go down you! Bah~"

Just look at Jiangnan frantically teleporting and dodging in place, with a cheap expression on his face!

"Eh~ Can't hit it, can't it hit it?"

But seeing Jiangnan's appearance like this, everyone couldn't help laughing, and bursts of laughter echoed over the Jiuxiao Islands!

Jiang Nan also laughed, and couldn't help coughing twice:

"Actually, if you want me to say it, I have nothing to say!"

"So far, every victory we have won is not accidental, we have fought for it with our hands, fists, and our lives!"

"Perhaps others will think that human beings have created miracles again and again! But there are no miracles in this world. Water drips through stones, and sand gathers into towers. Everything we have today is the fruit of rewards after hard work!"

"I once asked myself in the Chuangjie Great Ruins, like I am so out of tune, fishing for three days, drying the net for two days, determined to become the richest man in the starry sky by setting up a street stall, can really do well in the position of the Lord of the Times Is it?"

Everyone laughed and said nothing, do you still remember what your main business is?

Looking back on the past, everyone can't help but laugh!

Jiang Jiang smiled: "I still don't know the answer. If you think I am, then I am! All I know is that I, Jiang Nan, can't do anything, and I can't do it well!"

"On the way to the top of the starry sky, I can't go alone!"

"We have gone through one era after another, and overcome one difficulty after another. Some people may leave, but there is always new blood joining!"

"And what will never change! It is this desire for victory, this uncompromising determination! Pass the torch from generation to generation, human beings will never admit defeat! Always love!"

"The road ahead is still bumpy, and more difficulties and obstacles are waiting for us! But will we be afraid? Will we retreat? We have led mankind into the starry sky stage!"

"The next step! Turn humans into stars! Shine in the starry sky! Illuminate every corner!"

"Human beings! Be brilliant!"

After finishing speaking, Jiangnan raised his wine glass high. At this moment, everyone present also stood up to raise their glasses, and their faces turned red!

"Sparkling starry sky! Brilliant brilliance! Do it!"

Lift your head and drink your glass of wine! One drink and one night today!

That's it!

Jiang Nan had just raised his head to finish his cup, and grabbed his chopsticks to start cooking!

If you are not active in cooking, you have problems with your brain!

However, just as I was about to cook, I found that the table was empty, and everything on the table was clean enough to reflect the sunset in the sky!

Jiangnan opened his mouth wide!

"Where are the seats?"

Chong Feiyu immediately raised his hand to complain:

"Me! I saw it! It's that Bao'er!"

"Just now she grabbed the tablecloth and stuffed it into her mouth, and then sucked it, and ate the tablecloth and all the food on the table! She ate it!"

On the other hand, Chong Feiyu is still a little bit wronged, finally able to enjoy human delicacies?

It's gone before you move your chopsticks!

Everyone's eyes fell on Cheng Bao'er, and Cheng Bao's mouth was pursed, with a piece of tablecloth protruding from the corner of his mouth!

Seeing everyone looking at him, Xing Cheng quickly sucked the tablecloth into his mouth, shaking his head like a rattle!

"'s not Cheng Baoer's time!"

Jiang Nan's eyelids are jumping, the tablecloth is in your mouth, isn't it your fault?

Is Cheng Baoer smart enough to argue now?

Nightingale grinned: "It's enough to save face, at least there are tables, everyone wait for me for a few seconds, I'll serve the food!"

Nightingale disappeared in an instant, and when she reappeared, she had already changed into a butler-like tuxedo with a bow and white gloves!

The movement was almost like an illusion, and within a few seconds, the tablecloth had been re-covered and a table of steaming dishes had been set!

Everyone watching was stunned!

An extraordinary master as a food passer? This is the first time I have enjoyed this treatment, hey!

Jiang Nan grinned: "It's been hard work! Nightingale can eat more later, running so fast, consumes too much energy, and doesn't gain weight! It should be... um~ woo woo woo~"

As soon as Jiangnan opened his mouth, he felt a breeze around him, and seven flower rolls were stuffed in his mouth!

His cheeks were bulging like a little squirrel, and he rolled his eyes so much that he choked!

And Nightingale stood behind Jiang Nan, holding Jiang Nan's neck!

"Eat your food! You can't stop your mouth with dry food, bah!"

After taking a small sip on the flower roll, Nightingale tried to stuff the eighth flower roll into Jiang Nan's mouth too!

Jiangnan was groaning for a while~Hands and feet struggled non-stop!

However, Hei Shen became interested at this moment, and couldn't help rubbing his little hands and looking at Li Si!

"Hey? Where's the baby? It's all on our territory, so there's no need to hide it?"

Yang Jian, Chong Feiyu and the others were all taken aback, what baby?

Li Si laughed straight: Third brother, take it out to open everyone's eyes? "

The Black God's gaze shifted to Zhang San. In the gap between the dimensions, as long as the Black God mobilizes a million bit of power, he can still notice Zhang San!

really! This brother made it!

I saw Zhang San smiled triumphantly, reached into his trouser pocket and took it out, and the Seed of the Universe exuding bursts of light was patted on the table!

And cancel the existence erasure above!

"Hey, here it is!"

Hei Shen's eyes widened, and he stared straight at Zhang San's crowd!

Hidden and mysterious place? ? ?

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on the rhomboid crystal!

Chong Feiyu tilted his head and said: "What is this? It's quite healthy, is it from a baby?"

Jiang Nan spread his hands: "The seed of the universe?"

Yang Jian: "Pfft~"

A mouthful of Laobaigan was sprayed out, sprayed on the candle, and a ball of fire suddenly rose, and it was a unique performance in the midst of it!

ps: I have typed more than a hundred chapters, these few chapters will write about daily life, relax the tense nerves of my friends, and then start the next session~

Mira’s fan art has been drawn~ Qingfeng will post it on Douyin later, search Tomato novelist Yi Qingfeng and you will find it, remember to follow, like, repost and bookmark, ok, I love you~

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