If you stay outside, your life may be in danger at any time, right?

And they were surprised to find that the phantoms mixed in the eternal gale seemed to be chasing and hacking the members of the Dark Eternal Heaven Qi Gamma clan!

What happened to Noah Manti and the others can only go back to defense and help them resist the blowing from the eternal gale!

What's more terrible is that Wenger and the others blew themselves up in that mess. The chaos was already enough, and they are still adding to the chaos!

This is really bad luck!

When Yang Jian saw this scene, how could he miss such an excellent opportunity to perform?

So he coughed twice: (?°??°)? "Ahem~ Everyone, if you don't mind, you can come and hide in the gap between our dimensions. The eternal gale cannot blow in. Use this place as a temporary shelter! "

"As a guest of the Dimensional Star Airlines, you are always welcome in the gap between the Dimensions!"

At this moment, in the eyes of thousands of people in the starry sky, Yang Jian exudes the brilliance of a saint, okay?

Can't help feeling moved, there are good people in human beings too?

(????????????????) "Really... really okay?"

Yang Jian waved his hand:

(?~??)? "As a member of the myriad clans in the starry sky, shouldn't we face difficulties and obstacles together in times of crisis? Human lives are at stake!"

"Really? Lord Black God?"

The corners of Hei Shen's mouth twitched, God Meow, human life is at stake, that's not what you said when you bombed the City of Thousand Stars!

(●?~??) "It's not impossible to let them come in and hide, it's just a rare opportunity. We really don't want to take advantage of the fire and charge an entrance fee or something?"

Yang Jian almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, you also know that this is taking advantage of the fire? When are you still collecting tickets?

Stayed with Jiangnan for a long time and got infected, right?

really! Near Zhu Zhechi! Those who are close to ink are black! Those near the south? Nah!

Yang Jian winked wildly, this is the time for humans to show something? Check the favorability, and when the time comes to sit in the top ten sequence, there is nothing to say about the starry sky, isn't it?

Hei Shen coughed twice:

(●?v?v?) "A... life cannot be measured by value. Even I, the Black God, have a heart of compassion for all living beings. Come in and hide!"

The support team of the Ten Thousand Races Sequence was overjoyed, so why do they care about the power of the Black God? Life-saving is important, the starry sky world is too dangerous?

-=????=?????(*??﹏??)? "Thank you so much!"

So one by one, they rushed into the cracks in the dimension!

The corners of Yang Jian's eyes twitched, god special meow pity all living beings, you? A dimensional war started because of boredom, and it has been fought for hundreds of millions of years. I don’t know how many billions of lives have been killed in a year. Do you have mercy on all living beings?

They are not good people, are they?

The Ten Thousand Races sequence support group hid in the cracks of the dimension, and Walter was moved!

(#)??┏3┓??) "Woo~ It's you guys! Humans can deal with it! Hurry up! Let us go in and hide together!"

However, Yang Jian's complexion suddenly changed, as if seeing a plague god:

?(?口??) "Hey! Stop! Don't come any closer! Your people can come in to hide from disaster, but you can't!"

"Going forward, we will bombard you with cannonballs!"

While speaking, the guns of the Mechanical Empire warships were opened!

Two or three hundred plague gods at home are enough, if another ten or twenty thousand come in, God knows what will happen?

Walter's face turned green:

(Green??┏mouth┓??) "We are here as comrades-in-arms anyway, so why not? You can't do nothing, dear?"

Yang Jian stared: "After saving you, we should die! Go to your family to swallow the stars? Hurry up and stay away! Go, go, oh Shih Shih~"

The Black God raised his eyebrows and said: (●?~??) "It's okay to let them in, right? I'm a dignified Black God, and I'm afraid of 10,000 to 20,000 unlucky people?"

Wenger kept nodding while blew himself up:


Yang Jian swallowed his saliva: "Are you sure? This is unlucky at the beginning, and the star disaster has been brought in, and there are more than two hours left!"

"If the Lost Kingdom explodes, don't blame me for not reminding you?"

As soon as the Black God heard it, he quit immediately, so it's still okay?

So he stared and said: ?(?Yi?●) "Get out of here! Don't come into my territory to hide from disaster! Bad luck! Believe it or not, this black god will make specimens for you all? Oh Shih Shih~"

Walter's face turned greener, God Meow Shih! Are you chasing big geese?

Nanshen's little cherry is too powerful, isn't it? If I knew this earlier, I wouldn’t eat it even if I was beaten to death?

I can only ask my own Star Swallowing for help!

However, Noah's and Manti's faces are as dark as the bottom of the pot at the moment, we understand it!

The reason why things became like this is because of these unlucky bastards?

Unlucky enough to attract the eternal gale, is there no one left?

So they looked at Walter Wenger and their eyes with disgust, but they couldn't let them die far away!

After all, it is the hero of the clan? I can only curse in my heart while carrying the eternal gale!

It was lively outside, but in the gap between dimensions, it was not much better either!

As soon as Zhao Dezhu, Bombardier, Mi Yebaikou and the others came out, they were arranged by Yang Jian in the exclusive unlucky area!

And spread them out one by one, so as not to form a force field of bad luck, and there are professional medical teams guarding outside the area!

Nothing happened at the beginning, and everyone lived in peace. Among the previous human players, the unlucky ones who were eliminated miserably survived in this way!

After all, in the gap between dimensions, under the influence of the Black God, most of the external unlucky factors have been ruled out!

Ziyuan, who was bored, even fell asleep directly!

But is it possible for the unlucky time to pass so plainly? Not at all!

I heard that Zhao Dezhu and the others have returned from victory and are resting in the gap between dimensions!

Where can the human support group headed by the three beast brothers wait?

I can't wait to pay my respects to the heroic demeanor of the heroes, and give them good news!

So he brought people to the outside of the unlucky area, to clean up Zhao Dezhu and the others!

Professor Qin waved excitedly:

(o???ж??‵)? "Grandpa Zhu! Liu Lailai! Let's come to Kang... Puff~"

As soon as he saw Liu Lailai with his chest hair exposed and his bald beard and muscular muscles, Qin Shou turned his head and sprayed out!

A real person is more visually impactful than looking at an image in the void?

Zhao Dezhu glared: (?◣┏依┓◢) "You are such a leggy Professor Qin! Are you still laughing? Believe it or not, grandpa will beat your ass to 88 later? Hurry up and fuck me~"

Ye Xinghe smiled: (???ヮ???) "Grandpa Zhu doesn't have to suppress his cute nature, he's all his own, there's nothing to hide!"

"After all, everyone's ghost and animal videos have been played over 100 million times, and the students are all discussing that grandparents seem to be different from "Summary of the Resurrection Era"!"

Qin Shou roared up to the sky, beat his chest and stamped his feet:

(??? Mouth??)? "I have been bearing the name of the ancestor of ghosts and animals for so many years, and today, I finally changed hands!"

∠(`w?*) "Grandpa Zhao Ghost! Thank you for your kindness! Please accept my respect!"

Zhao Dezhu almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, god special meow Zhao ghost beast!

I saw Ye Ye wearing an energy spacesuit, looking at Ye Zhenguo with excitement!

(???? Mouth???) "Grandpa Ye! Look at Ye Ye's trick! The evil dragon roars! Aww~ow~"

Ye Zhenguo clutched his heart, and almost died on the spot, my majestic image of Qinglong God of War!

(??┏ヮ┓?) "Ye Ye~ Listen to Grandpa's explanation! They didn't mean to be like this~ It's because of the medicine of the strong man~"

Ye Ye: (????) σ hahahaha~

I saw Ye Ye covering his stomach and rolling wildly on the spot, Ye Xingxuan covering his face, his face was so red that he was smoking!


I don't know this old man! Don't know him?

At this moment, Zhao Dezhu, Wang Zong, and the others began to look out of focus, and they were too preoccupied with the fight. They all forgot, everyone's brave and cute images have spread all over the starry sky!

It must be a fatal blow to those children who learn the history of Reiki recovery, and the world view will collapse, right?

Are there other universes? We want to change our life in the universe!

Ye Zhenguo and the others can do it!

I saw that Zi Yuan, who had been sound asleep as soon as she came back at this moment, seemed to be in a daze at the moment, twisting and turning in the void, her face was pale, and she was sweating profusely!

?(#)?皮?(#)? "Puff! Puff...It hurts! Don't hit me! Woooooo~ Yuanyuan made a mistake, Yuanyuan is scum, don't hit me, my money is all gone For you guys!"

"With so many of you hitting Yuanyuan, the baby will die!"

While talking, he also marked himself!

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, this...is this a nightmare?

After a while, Zi Yuan beat herself up swollen!

(#)?△?(#) "You...you don't want to come here anymore?"

(???﹃?) "Aren't twisted melons sweet? What? It's really not sweet? But it quenches your thirst? I hate it~"

"Hey hey~ It's better to struggle a little bit, otherwise it seems that I am very casual? There is no way to struggle, after all, I am such a scumbag?"

Then I saw Ziyuan frantically pushing and kicking, struggling for a while!

Shan Mao and the others couldn't help covering their faces, what exactly is Zi Yuan going through in her dream now? Where have we reached?

Why do you still speak your mind?

I saw Zi Yuan screaming miserably:

?(#?﹃?#)? "Nan God help me!"

"Huh? Aunt Nan? Why are you here? Goose box? Is there such a good thing?"

Shanmao couldn't stand it anymore, if Ziyuan's dream continued, she would be ashamed and thrown at grandma's house, wouldn't she?

So regardless of his own danger, he stepped forward and hugged Ziyuan!

(???﹏??) "Sister Ziyuan? Wake up! Wake up, you? If you don't wake up, something will happen to you?"

Zi Yuan was still screaming and laughing, looking like a madman, hugging the bobcat like a koala!

??*(ˊ????ˋ?)*?? "Ah~"

Lynx: (?_??)…

It's okay... body temperature will always dry it, I'm used to it... well, I'm used to it!

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