Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2534 Life is as lonely as snow

The most terrifying thing is the black hole flare produced after the giant black hole devoured ten small ones!

It directly brought the power of killing to the extreme!

Not to mention anything else, just this series of killer moves carefully arranged by Siji!

If Jiangnan didn't know about it, if the top brat really came to the trick, there is a high probability that he would fold it inside!

You can't escape by conventional means, you can only open a black hole to swallow stars!

And in the state of black holes swallowing stars, God knows what will happen after merging other black holes? It's possible not to come back!

That would be a huge loss...

When the light disappeared, the black hole ended its blazing form, and returned to the quiet and terrifying starry sky behemoth, and the Shenji Battalion had completely disappeared from the Great Ruins of Genesis!

Only less than ten million mechanical prosthetic bodies are still alive, witnessing this god-level murder!

However, at this moment, only under the fluctuation of the void!

A series of boson figures fell out of the four dimensions!

None of them looked like a human being, and all of them had only a small number of mutilated limbs left!

There are a lot of people with only a head left!

You know, black holes can swallow even the fourth dimension. Even if these bosons ascend to the fourth dimension, it is not so easy to escape, and they can only sacrifice their lives to save their lives!

These are only those who survived, and many bosons were directly swallowed by the black hole, without even a chance to ascend to the fourth dimension!

In the end, less than 3,000 Herrscher Bose bodies emerged, slowly reshaping their bodies!

They all use the "Bose supercritical state"!

It is a forbidden method similar to burning life in the Bose family!

Let your own boson particles reach a critical state in exchange for powerful power! It's just that it will consume a lot of vitality and potential, and there is no way to replenish and restore it!

Therefore, relegation is also a common thing, and not all bosons can use it, it requires talent!

But after this wave, many people who knew how to use it died, let alone those who couldn't!

Wang Ting died directly, Huahong was the worst, both horns were gone, and he escaped with only one mouth, it can be said that he survived a catastrophe!

And Hiiragi is fine, but most of his body is missing, and two horns are still there, but the ten-color epee is broken in half, and even twisted!

The eyes of each boson are full of fear, and the memory of the terrible scene just now is still fresh!

Gang Xiu frowned, as if he was not very satisfied with the result!

[┐?_?┌] "It only took one wave to kill less than seven thousand Herrscher bosons? Is that all... After all, he is the overlord of the starry sky!"

Among the Bose tribe, who is eligible to participate in the world hunt, which one is not a ruthless one? There are very few people who can stop them under Star Swallowing!

They were all the best of the Herrschers, but they were killed by Siji over 7,000 people in one wave!

If this is placed on other races, this wave will be wiped out immediately!

The void fluctuates again!

I saw half of the innocent face falling out of the void with a knife in its mouth, and the rest of the body parts were gone!

The ten colored glazed horns on the top of the head have all faded to a normal crystal color, which shows how weak the innocence is at this moment!

Gang Xiu narrowed his eyes!

Such a killing array failed to take innocent life?

Is this the trump card of the Bose family?


Hiiragi's eyes were full of anxiety, and he quickly reached out his hand to help Wu Zui a few times, but when he stretched out his hand, he couldn't find a place to help him!

You can't hold the innocent half of your face, can you? It was quite embarrassing, and I was a little at a loss for a while!

(????br/\u003e??)? "Brother innocent? Are you okay..."

Before he finished speaking, Hiiragi was frightened by the innocent eyes, scarlet like blood, with shocking hatred in his eyes!


Under the urging of the remaining strength, the body slowly recovered and reorganized!

But he looked weak, and the glazed horn on the top of his head was gone, only a stubble remained, and it might take a while for it to grow back!

I saw innocent looking around, there were only more than 2,000 Bose bodies left, and nearly 7,000 people were beheaded!

Innocence's eyes were even redder, his body was trembling, he couldn't help gritting his teeth, his voice seemed to be filled with ice balls!

(??Y??) "Silicon! Base!"

Gang Xiu clapped his hands at this moment, with a slightly mocking expression:

[┐???┌] "Yes, yes! It is worthy of being the trump card of the Bose clan. It can survive the black hole explosion at close range!"

"But the other Herrschers don't seem to have such good luck! It's not in vain for me to plan!"

"At the cost of losing a Shenji Battalion, 6974 Bose bodies were destroyed without injury! And this... is the opportunistic method you despise!"

"Take action on my silicon base! There will be a price to pay!"

Not guilty:! ! !

(??Yi??) "Silicon! Ji! Ahhh! I want you to pay in blood! I swear without guilt! As long as I am alive, I will definitely wipe Siji from this starry sky!"

"Let's start with this world hunt!"

Wu Gui has never suffered such a big loss in his life! The entire Shenji Battalion is actually a bait, and the terminal guarded by them is actually a big killer!

Man-made black holes?

It's fine if you don't get the seed of the universe, but you rushed to the Shenji Battalion and lost 70% of the battle!

This somersault can be described as bloody!

Gang Xiu said lightly: [¬_¬┌] "Just don't make that kind of vow that you can't keep, okay? What else can you do besides screaming, killing, and being incompetent and furious?"

"Even if you kill all the silicon-based races in the Chuangjie Great Ruins, what can you do? Kill my silicon-based race? Your family can't even swallow the stars! Why do you?"

The innocent teeth were almost gnashed: "You say it again?"

Oka Osamu: ?[┐'_'┌]? "I'm just stating the facts!"

"From the moment we knew you were not killed, we knew that the silicon-based hunting trip was over!"

"But you can't do anything except kill us all. My total silicon base points are enough to guarantee the ranking!"

"Such a result is still 1 for Silicon! That's a good deal!"

Yingshi immediately turned on the anti-boson mode, and said lightly:

"So... do you want to do it? If you don't do it! We're about to start fighting!"

Gang Xiu narrowed his eyes: "Full silicon-based warrior! Fight to the last moment of your life, maximize the use of resources! Charge!"

The remaining tens of millions of mechanical warriors draw their swords again! Charge towards the Bose tribe who are not afraid of death!

Innocence's eyes glared, his ears buzzed, and he rushed forward with a knife in his hand, his mentality was about to collapse!

"Die! Give me all to die!"

At the same time, while killing the silicon-based remnant army innocently!

On the other side of the Chuangjie Great Ruins, in the direction extremely far from the original Shenji Camp, the original starry sky scenery is distorted!

The large mirages covering this area have been withdrawn!

The original scene was revealed!

I saw that there is still a lair of silicon base hidden here!

The 10 mechanical prosthesis production factories have been in production since the beginning of the game, and they have not been moved!

And here also accumulated a large number of mechanical legions!

At the same time that the Shenji Battalion was scrapped, the illusion was withdrawn here, and troops began to be dispatched immediately!

A large number of fleets opened mechanical wormholes, and the troops were divided into several groups!

They rushed straight to the positions of several army groups. They knew that Siji would definitely be cleared by the Bose tribe, so they planned to harvest another wave of points at the end!

And the most coquettish thing is that every mechanical fleet is dragging a war terminal database!

You don't know which of these is real and which is the neutron star collider!

Innocence, they were completely tricked!

Siji, the king bomber who endured the last wave before throwing it out!

Let the whole starry sky sequence be stunned!

Outside Julang City, the eyeballs of all the sequence support groups were shocked, shocked by the artificially created black hole of Silicon Foundation!

This stepping horse can already be regarded as a forbidden weapon for swallowing stars, right?

I was even more shocked by the magnificent overall situation laid out by the silicon base with the entire schedule, which made the Bose family feel numb!

In history, this is the first time that the Bose tribe has so many people downsizing, and the innocence was almost hanged!

Is this the real strength of the second in sequence?

Even Yang Jian was shown off by this wave of operations and calculations by Siji!

The Shenji Battalion dug the pit well, and what's even more frightening is that the silicon base can bear it. After accumulating so many troops, it's useless to follow them all the time!

Just wait for the Shenji camp to trap someone, and finally make another wave of power?

At the same time, I'm also glad that Jiangnan didn't have the head iron to go to the Hard Gang Shenji Camp, otherwise it might be human beings who were stumped!

At this moment, Yu Gen's face turned green!

Such a big pit, let the Bose tribe step on it?

(? °? Yi °?) "Muk! You..."

Before Yu Gen could finish speaking, Muke spoke first:

[┐v_v┌] "I know what you want to say! I want to say that my silicon base has a star-swallowing taboo weapon, which violates the rules of the world hunting. Do you want to cancel my silicon base's grades?"

"I advise you to save yourselves! Neutron stars are just regular stars, and the various parts of the collider are manufactured and assembled after my silicon base entered Daxu!"

"I have already studied the rules of the Great Hunting in the Universe. My silicon base is not an illegal operation, and there is no strong star swallowing level! Black holes cannot define levels!"

"From the rules, you can't find a point to target my silicon base, fair competition, reasonable hunting! Winning is beautiful! Losing is also worth losing! Isn't it?"

When Yu Gen's words came to his lips, he was forced to go back, and his face became even darker!

"No matter what! If by the end of the world hunt, things haven't returned to our hands! You silicon-based will wait to bear the wrath of my Bose clan!"

Muke said indifferently: "That's the same sentence! I didn't take the silicon base! It was just used as a shield!"

"If you Bose tribe can't afford it, you are willing to fight! I will accompany you with silicon base! But there is a word to remind you! The Lithographic Star Field is not the Divine Machine Camp! This vast starry sky is not the Great Ruins of Creation!"

"My silicon base has only been built for less than half a month in the Shenji Camp! Lithographic star field! My silicon base has been operating for more than 2.2 billion years in the Qianxing era!"

Noah watched Coke from the sidelines!


Depend on! hard! The silicon base is too hard! That's so cool, this is it?

beat! It's good to fight!

Fighting or something, I like to watch it the most!

But at this moment, Jiangnan, who was killing indiscriminately in the group army, felt lonely for a while!

what's the situation? It's the last wave of Du Temiao, I've already earned enough points, why hasn't anyone come to fuck me yet?

Do I feel lonely?

Could it be that I am not arrogant enough? Has the skill diminished?

No? I'm pretty annoying, huh?

Grandpa Xiao and the others still want to beat me up again!

At this moment, Jiangnan looked at the northern starry sky in astonishment!

(*?┏?┓?) "Oh ho ho? What is so shiny? It's so dazzling~"

That's the direction of the Shenji Camp, right?

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