Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2529 Who took the seed of the universe?

Not only did Innocence discover the Shenyin Mechanical Legion, but even Hiirao, Hua Hong, and all the Bose bodies present all noticed Oka and the others!

All the Bose bodies were sweating profusely on their foreheads. They had clearly investigated carefully before, and did not miss every corner!

Acting is also extremely secretive!

But Siji followed all the way, didn't even notice when he was so close?

Huahong was also dumbfounded!

How did the silicon base appear here?

Hiiragi excitedly said: (??????)? "Look! I said that Brother Wuzui didn't take the seed of the universe, and everything was done by silicon base!"

"Brother innocent is innocent!"

The expressions of the rest of the Bose bodies also became embarrassed, scratching their heads, a little afraid to look innocent!

Li Si doesn't see the situation right? I stopped riding a mount, and trot all the way to Zhang San's side!

(??┏~┓??) "Sangege? What's going on here?"

Zhang San wiped the blood on his face, Jie Jie laughed straight:

(??????) "Just wait and watch the show!"

Gang Xiu and Tao are also confused, what's going on?

Innocent detected our whereabouts? It was well hidden before!

Shenyin technology failed? No?

And why was he able to contact the Shenji Camp all of a sudden?

[┐? Benefit? ┌] "The traces are exposed, all members are ready for battle! Notify the Shenji Battalion to start the Bengyu plan! Be sure to get the Bose tribe..."

However, before Gangxiu could finish his words, Innocence erupted!

The grievance and anger of being wronged completely flooded my heart at this moment!

Silicon base! The horses are all silicon-based!

The innocent eyes are scarlet like blood:

(????)? "You guys did it, right? Give me the seed of the universe! Don't even try to run away today!"

"Dimensional cage!"

The huge dimensional door took shape, opened into it, formed a cube, and then shrunk wildly!

Locked all the Shenyin mechanical legions inside!

And Wuzui rushed in across a dimension, holding a long knife, and the rich ten-color world-destroying particles gathered, and violently slashed down at the Shenyin Group Army!

"Die! Die for me!"

Huahong's eyes were also focused: "All Bose bodies, give me one, don't let any one go! The seed of the universe is very likely to be on them!"

All of a sudden, thousands of boson bodies rushed up like tigers and wolves, encircling and suppressing the Shenyin Mechanical Legion!

The Shenyin mechanical legion are all special models, in order to better hide, the combat attributes have been greatly weakened!

It is impossible to be the opponent of Bose, only to be beaten!

But even if the combat model is changed, it is estimated that the result will be the same!

Innocent combat power is no joke!

Being in the Shenyin Army is like chopping melons and vegetables, cursing while chopping!

"Say! Where did you hide the Seed of the Universe? The wrath of Bose is not something you can bear!"

"You are courting death!"

Gang Xiu is even more confused now!

"What kind of universe? I have never heard of such a vocabulary!"

Siji only concluded that the Bose clan will conduct a secret operation every hundred years through long-term intelligence analysis!

For the content of the action, the specific details of the plan are completely unknown!

So the Seed of the Universe is what the Bose Clan seeks?

Did they think we took it?

Innocence is even more angry: (? 艹义) "Sophistry! You still quibble, right? If you didn't take it, who else could it be? You gang of old bastards who plan everything in the dark!"

"How did you keep up with our whereabouts? Ah~ I know! It must be! You must have done something to us during the siege of the Dark Cosmic Body, right?"

"Wow, you guys! You're really scheming? You have ulterior motives in joining forces with my Bose clan!"

Gangxiu can't argue, because it's true!

But we haven't stepped on the horse yet? Didn't it go in?

Just trying to sabotage, haven't started to act yet?

Why does it depend on us to take away the Seed of the Universe?

"Our scouting team just happened to scout here, and after finding your tracks, they hid themselves and collected information!"

"As for the seed of the universe, I have never heard of it!"

Innocence furious: "Stop telling such low-level lies, okay? Do you think I will believe it?"

"Chuangjie Daxu is so big, can it be so coincidental? You are worthy of being silicon-based, and the mouth made of iron is hard!"

"Tell me! How did you break through our defenses, enter the world center space without a sound, and take away the seed of the universe?"

"That thing! Where did you hide it? It's not something your silicon base can take! You can't afford the consequences!"

In an instant, the Shenyin Mechanical Legion had been dismantled to pieces!

The Bose tribe searched for traces of the Seed of the Universe inch by inch in the parts!

But Gangxiu, Tao, Yingshi and the others were controlled, their hands and feet were dismantled!

Under the bondage of the world-killing particle, even moving is an extravagant hope!

Innocent put the knife directly on Gang Xiu's core power furnace, with killing intent in his eyes!

"Say! Where's the thing?"

Gang Xiu's ktv is almost smoking at the moment, and he is frantically analyzing the situation in the field!

Silicon-based does have the intention to destroy the Bose family plan, but it hasn't done it yet! Looking at the reaction of the Bose family, the plan was destroyed?

What seed of the universe is lost?

It wasn't made by Silicon, it was done by other parties without the knowledge of both parties!

And then dumped the blame on Siji?

Or is it that the seed of the universe is not lost? The Bose family just wanted to give themselves a reason to do something with the silicon base in this way?

Gang Xiu stared and said: [┐?_?┌] "Silicon never lies! We didn't take it or we didn't take it! Just now we were chasing a figure! The figure disappeared and we found your trace!"

"It is conceivable that we were lured here on purpose! The reason is to make us take the blame!"

"It's someone else who actually did it! Both the Bose family and the silicon group have been tricked! After a little analysis, we will know! The silicon group and the Bose group are fighting! Who is the beneficiary?"

"It will only be the human side, and the beneficiary is the biggest suspect! This round! It is very likely that Jiangnan did it!"

Never mind! Let the disaster lead to the east first, anyway, no matter what happens, Lai Jiangnan will be over!

This is the best wording Siji can make under this situation!

Zhang San turned his head and spat blood!

You just said that you don't lie, and you're blind at the next sentence? Want to pin the shit pot on Nan Shen?

Silicon base is smart enough, but it's a pity that people can believe it!

What is the truth? It can't just be based on the mouth of the silicon base!

Wuzui stared: "You fart! Jiangnan and the others are harvesting the group army! Where do you have time to make trouble here? Do you think I don't know?"

"Take the seed of the universe and refuse to admit it, and still want to pour dirty water on others?"

"Did you take it or not? Otherwise, I will destroy your magic machine camp, and the silicon-based hunting trip will end!"

Gang Xiu's mechanical eyes flickered, huh?

In any case, it seems that the plan of the Bose family has indeed been destroyed!

[┐?_?┌] "If we didn't take it, we didn't take it! We were just forced to take the blame, and the figure who was chasing just now was..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he killed Gang Xiu with a single knife without guilt, and the rest of the Shenyin Mechanical Legion did not escape this fate!

This level of threat has no effect on silicon bases!

"The mouth is hard enough! They must have done it!"

At this moment, the anger in Wuzui's chest was burning fiercely, why did such a thing have to happen in this session when Lao Tzu was in charge?

I saw innocent eyes tearing apart:

(?◣优◢?) "I'm going to overthrow the Shenji camp! If they don't threaten their terminals, Silicon will not give in!"

"The terminal also has all the data records of the silicon base, and we will definitely find the seed of the universe!"

After talking about a dimension crossing, it disappeared. Huahong didn't stop it, and no one could stop it. Innocence!

But at this moment, above Julang City, Yu Gen was still sitting on the sequence throne, waiting for innocent people to give him a receipt!

Calculate the time, the window period has passed, right? The seed of the universe should be in hand!

So Yu Gen started to communicate with each other!

(??v?v?) "How is the seeding plan going? Have you got the seed of the universe?"

Huahong's face turned pale, how can he explain this to himself?

(〒﹏〒;) "Report to Mr. Yu Gen! The seed of the universe... is lost!"

The smile on Yu Gen's face froze immediately, and his face turned pale!

lost? How can the rider lose it?

That is the accumulation of millions of years, and Xun Zu has been waiting for this thing!

Don't say that Huahong is innocent and can't explain, even Yu Gen can't explain to Xunzu!

(?`Yi?) "What the hell is going on! Where is the seed of the universe? What else can you idiots do? What are you doing without guilt? Eating shit?"

After the painting trembled, he could only explain what happened!

"Outside of the Jiexin space, a hidden silicon-based army was discovered. The silicon-based army is very suspicious!"

"But I can't guarantee that innocence is really innocence! Because I really can't figure out what method Siji used to pass through the void spell circle and enter the space of the world center, taking away the power of the universe without anyone noticing. The species has yet to be discovered!"

"There is still suspicion of innocence. It cannot be ruled out that he took the seed of the universe, and then used the figure to lure Si Ji over, and wanted Si Ji to use the back of the pot as a shield, so that he could clear himself of suspicion!"

"It's also possible that Wuzui and Siji had a cooperative relationship in the first place. After taking the Huanyu Seed, they wanted to use Siji as their own backing to resist the pursuit of the Bose tribe. After all, under the huge temptation of Huanyu Seed, what would they do? It's not surprising!"

"Furthermore, Wuzui also went to the Shenji Camp alone to discuss the matter of jointly dealing with the Dark Cosmic Body. Maybe it was at that time... But what Si Ji said is partly possible, they..."

Yu Gen:! ! !

(???????)? "On a horse! So now the seed of the universe may be in anyone's hands! But it's not in our hands?"

"Who on earth took the Seed of the Universe? Damn you bunch of trash!"

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