Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2524 I'm afraid I'll fall in love with you accidentally

Of course, it is impossible for Void Appearance to film Wu Zui's actions!

What is displayed on the screen is only what the Sacred Law Society wants the starry sky to see!

The Chuangjie Great Ruins are all owned by the Bose family. If you play a little trick, build plank roads openly, and store warehouses in secret, wouldn't it be possible to fix it with just a little water?

at the same time…

Inside the Silicon-Based Divine Machine Battalion, the various defensive force fields here can be described as stacked to explode!

Even the Void Imagery couldn't detect the internal situation of the Shenji Battalion!

Countless mechanical prosthetic bodies, forbidden weapons, and war fortresses guarding the Shenji Battalion have made this place as solid as gold!

The huge temporary war terminal database is guarded in the center like a delicate stamen!

At this moment, Gang Xiu, Yingshi, and Tao are holding a battle meeting in the Shenji Camp!

Shadow Warrior reported: "Most of the troops who suppressed the Shenji Battalion have been pulled out to harvest points! The defense mechanism has been reduced to the minimum!"

"During the harvest period, they will continue to harass the Qima Legion and carry out provocative actions!"

Tao couldn't help nodding: "Analyzing Jiangnan's character, he will not be able to swallow this bad breath. After all, his revenge never stays overnight, and his strength has greatly increased!"

"The probability of coming to attack the Shenji Camp is above 98%!"

Gangxiu narrowed his eyes and said: "Okay! This is not a waste of the gift I have prepared for him!"

"In the specific environment of the Chuangjie Great Ruins, it is an excellent opportunity to kill Jiangnan. Once he returns to the starry sky, it will be even more difficult to take his life. Don't miss this opportunity!"

However, just hearing the sound of "clang", Zhang San, who was riding on Gang Xiu's neck, raised his hand and gave Gang Xiu's head an iron fist empowerment!

"Hey, Lai Lai, Siji is really holding back her fart, and a bunch of robots are still playing tricks here!"

"If you hadn't conspired loudly in front of this outlaw lunatic, Nanshen might have really followed your way?"


A mouthful of sticky stuff was spit into Gang Xiu's oil filler port!

Li Siqi shivered on the neck of the shadow warrior beside him, his face turned pale, and he said timidly:

"Sangege~ It's better not to be so arrogant~ We are the base camp of Sijiji~"

"If they find out and offend me~ I will lose my life here~ Don't worry about it..."

I saw Zhang San slapped fiercely, and looked at Li Si with an unbearable expression on his face!

"You've been with me for so long, you have to keep up with your mental quality? I want to have a chance, but it's a pity that they are useless?"

"And...fourth brother! You'd better stop talking to me like this!"

Li Si raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter~ Sangege doesn't like it? Didn't I take the medicine for the strong man for the second time~ The side effects haven't passed yet~"

"Stinky Sansan! I know I hate babies~ I don't know how to care about them~ Humph~ I'm really mad~"

Zhang San shuddered fiercely, closed his eyes and listened carefully!

He said affectionately:

"No...I'm afraid that I might accidentally fall in love with you~"

If you don't open your eyes and just listen to the sound, then it's a soft, sweet and delicate girl chatting with you and acting like a baby?

For Zhang San who is as lonely as snow, this is simply a gift from God, okay?

The more I think about Zhang San, the more excited I get!

Li Si swallowed his saliva:

"San... Sangege? Are you serious? So are you in love with me! Or are you in love with me? Sentences are very important, you have to make it clear, you?"

I saw Zhang San swallowed his saliva, and his expression was more enjoyable!

However, when he opened his eyes and looked at Li Si, that beard, that hair that was about to come out!


Unable to accept this kind of anti-cuteness, Zhang San vomited at the time, and directly showered Gang Xiu with a wave of love, and even saw the undigested face dregs!

Oka Xiu: ...

Zhang San wiped his mouth and looked at Li Si with regret!

Can't help looking up to the sky and sighing:

"Hey~ Why aren't you a girl? Then we can make do with each other!"

Li Si tremblingly said: "Sangege~ Don't scare the baby~ I'm a serious cute boy~"

Zhang San sighed again:

"Lonely~ By the way, did you tell Nanshen? The dangerous thing about Shenji Camp?"

"Hmm~ I have conveyed it well!"

Zhang San laughed, that's fine, as long as Nanshen doesn't come, even if you dig a huge hole here, you won't be able to get to Nanshen!

And at this moment, Tao's mechanical eyes suddenly lit up!

Tao opened his mouth and said, "Master Gangxiu! Yingbai has responded! The Bose tribe is no longer acting alone, but has separated a thousand Bose bodies and acted independently from the team!"

Gang Xiu's mechanical eyes froze:

"Where's the Bose team?"

The shadow warrior reported: "The star survey shows that the Bose Army is fighting against the Haitian Army, harvesting points!"

"Innocence and they are also present, and there is no shortage of people in the Bose Clan Legion!"

Gang Xiu analyzed: "Is it a puppet remotely controlled by the boson particle avatar technique? In fact, innocent people have already led people to act secretly?"

"Catch up! No matter what the Bose clan is planning, be sure to destroy the Bose clan plan!"

"Activate the Shenyin Mechanical Legion, track the traces of Yingbai, first figure out the plan of the Bose tribe, and then determine the next course of action!"


In the Shenji Battalion, another mechanical prosthetic legion came out!

Different from other Star Rebellion series, these Shenyin mechanical prosthetic bodies have a slender body and are wrapped in a layer of radiant gelatin!

Weakened the combat attribute, and focused on hiding the latent ability!

It is a special model specially developed by the silicon base for the Bose family, which can shield all the detection methods of the Bose family!

Zhang San immediately rubbed his hands excitedly!

"Have they finally acted innocence? Meibai waited until now? Fourth brother! Let's go~ We've changed mounts!"

"Catch up with the Shenyin Mechanical Troops, I want to see what the seeding plan is!"

I saw Zhang San pulling Li Si and riding on the neck of the leader of the Shenyin Army!

With Zhang San's means, he can't catch up with the dimension leap of the Bose family. The only way is to mix with the silicon base!

Silicon Ji and the gang are not covered by it. They cooperated with the Bose clan to take down the dark universe body before, in order to sprinkle firefly bait!

After some small operations, the innocent side just took action, and this side received the news!

Zhang San just needs to follow Silicone!

Li Si said nervously:

"Sangege? Do you really need to inform Aunt Nan? Just relying on the words of the two of us..."

Zhang San rolled his eyes: "It's said that it is the second row of ten thousand people. Why tell Nan Shen? Why let him worry about such useless thoughts?"

"Just let Nanshen lead everyone to earn points, and it's not easy to operate when there are too many people!"

"I've been here for a long time, and I'm almost finished playing. I don't even count a single point. I have to make some contributions, right? Can't you come in for nothing?"

"Like this kind of dirty work in the dark, I'll just help Nanshen get it done!"

Li Si swallowed his saliva, as if there was some reason~

The Shenyin Mechanical Legion immediately activated the Shenyin mode, and disappeared under the starry sky as a whole!

This makes Zhang San and Li Si look like they are riding the air and floating in the starry sky, which looks weird!

Zhang San was speechless: "This group of sixths! The lurkers are not professional? Can this work?"

"If there is something unique about innocence, and you are found, the plan will be ruined?"

"Hey~ It's heartbreaking to follow you guys!"

While speaking, the big hand pointed directly at Li Si!

"Erasure of secondary existence!"

Then it pointed to the Shenyin Mechanical Legion!

"Existence erased! Wiped out~"

After a frantic wipe, the existence of the entire Shenyin Mechanical Legion completely disappeared, and was even forgotten!

And the Shenyin Mechanical Legion can still see each other!

But I still can't see Zhang San and Li Si!

Because Li Si is one level higher than the erasure of existence hung by the Shenyin Mechanical Legion!

If you want to notice Li Si, unless they are also wiped out by a second-level existence!

Now, even if the gods came, they would not be able to find the trace of the Shenyin Legion!

Li Si excitedly said:

"San Gege is awesome~"

Zhang San looked at Li Si with a difficult expression!

"Actually... It's not bad for a man, it's just a matter of course!"

"Nan Shen said that if the relationship between two people lasts for a long time! How can it be between the father and mother?"

Li Si:? ? ?

"Sangege! Calm down~ Calm down, you?"


At this moment, Wu Zui is on his way with a thousand Bose bodies!

It was silent all the way, and the Bose Clan Herrscher who was in charge of the investigation was always investigating the surrounding situation to ensure that there were no life forms in the nearby star area!

Hiiragi asked curiously, "Where are we going? Brother innocent? Do you understand?"

She just knew that a secret seeding plan was going to be carried out, but she didn't know the details of the plan!

After all, this is related to the 2.2 billion-year plan of the Bose family, and few people know the details!

A secret is a secret only if it is not known by others!

Even Hiiragi is not qualified!

Wuzui said with a blank expression: "Go to the Jiexin space of the Great Ruins of Chuangjie!"

Hiiragi was very excited: "Boundary heart space? What does it look like? Has the Great Master Qingzi ever appeared before?"

Innocence rolled his eyes: "How do I know? It's my first time to go too!"

The species will be harvested every hundred years of the world hunt, and the sequence war will only be held every ten thousand years!

It's been a million years since the last seeding!

How could innocence be born? In the Bose family, he is still young!

On the innocent side, the old Bose body with a hunched figure, wrinkled face, and half of the top corner of his head was broken, and said with a smile:

"Just like what this girl said, Master Qingzi did indeed live in Jiexin! And there, that's where he became enlightened!"

"You guys can also open your eyes this time~"

Now, even Innocence became excited!

Is it the land of enlightenment for the Great Lord Qingzi?

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