Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2519 Armor of the Universe! endless

Jiang Nan's momentum has indeed changed, giving people a feeling of being everywhere!

But he is really standing in front of you, it is even hard to take your eyes off him!

At this moment, it seems that Jiangnan is the master of the entire space!

The dark channel was a little confused: "Heh...hehe~ Don't be joking here, I think you are putting on airs here, are you at the end of your wits?"

"Return to the third realm? I don't feel like I'm in the realm at all!"

Jiang Nan raised his head, with a playful look in his eyes!

"Really? Then at this moment, what is carrying you?"

"Are you so used to it that you forget the fact that you are in space all the time?"

The dark canal was shocked, the blood corpse Zongzu didn't care about so many, 18 blood knives slashed towards Jiangnan like a storm!

Jiang Nan raised his hand slightly: "Sure!"

A final word echoed across the starry sky like a military order, and the space frantically responded to Jiangnan, becoming stronger than gold and stone in just an instant!

And desperately squeezed towards the blood corpse Zongzu!

Its slashing movement was instantly stopped, and the squeezed space made it impossible for the blood corpse worm ancestor to move!

The bloody blade was firmly fixed on Jiangnan's forehead, and it couldn't be stored in the slightest!

I saw the Blood Corpse Zongzu roaring, burning his dead soul again, in exchange for strength, the movement of slashing twisted the space!

An Qu was shocked, what happened? what happened?

Could it be that this is really the third domain of Jiangnan?

It didn't take long before and after, how could Jiangnan become so much stronger?

"Ahhh! Gravitational repulsion field, open it!"

The ferocious gravitational force burst out, directly pushing away the squeezed space!

In the next moment, the blood corpse Zongzu suddenly exploded into dirty blood, and appeared from behind Jiangnan!

The blood knife slashed down violently, and the curse of death filled the air!

However, Jiang Nan didn't even turn his head back. He held the knife in one hand, turned around and drew the knife, and slashed down at a high speed!

You don't even need to look at it, the space will naturally tell Jiangnan all the changes that happened in it!

With one slash, the space above the blade was extremely distorted!

The gravity armor protecting the blood corpse Zongzu was cut open by Jiangnan with a single knife, just like a hot knife cutting butter, it was as easy and freehand, without any resistance at all!

The Blood Corpse Zongzu was cut in half on the spot, split into two!

He looked at his cut body in astonishment!

An Qu and Yao Gen were also dumbfounded!

The gravitational armor was cut open? how is this possible! It was obviously difficult for him to break open before!

The twisted space above the blade?

Is... is it a gravitational slash? Has Jiangnan mastered gravity?

However, Jiang Nan will not give them time to think!

The god-killing knife in his hand cut out tens of thousands of knives in a very short period of time, and instantly chopped up the two halves of the blood corpse Zongzu, annihilating everything in a burst of knife light!

The heavy gravitational armor is useless, and it can no longer cause the slightest obstacle to Jiangnan!

Under the splatter of dirty blood, the Blood Corpse Zongzu reappeared from it again, tens of thousands less of the hundreds of millions of dead souls!

Yao Gen was full of disbelief: "Gravity! It's gravitational cutting! You have a very strong gravitational repulsion field attached to your blade, which expels the gravitational armor?"

Chong Yulu's pupils shrank sharply: "Impossible! Jiangnan is clearly a space system! Even if he is in the third domain, how can he master the abilities of your Stardust Clan?"

Jiangnan half-opened his eyes and turned towards the blood corpse Zongzu!

"Since it's a fight, it must be fair, right? Nothing is impossible! I can create black holes, why not gravity?"

"The real duel! From this moment on, it has just begun!"

While speaking, Jiang Nan couldn't help spreading his arms!

The space is completely mobilized by Jiangnan's ideas, and crazy twisted combinations begin!

Jiang Nan couldn't help thinking about it, the black hole created the feeling of the event horizon!

Because Jiangnan is the maker himself, his experience is even more detailed than Martin's!

Under the domination of the starry sky, the distorted space created an extremely powerful gravitational field for Jiangnan!

And the origin of this gravitational field was applied to him by Jiangnan!

With Jiangnan's current physical strength, he can completely withstand such gravitational oppression!

Gradually, the light began to twist and bend, forming a misty golden halo around Jiangnan's body!

Like the cloak of the ruler of the starry sky, the emperor's robe is added to the body, extremely gorgeous!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Star Master? Time Dilation Effect! Armor of the Universe!"

The universe is space, and the universe is time!

Surrounding Jiangnan is a circle of time expansion, similar to the event horizon!

But with the strength of the gravitational field created by Jiangnan, it can't achieve the effect of making time expand to a standstill like the event horizon!

Once you enter this layer of Jinhui District, the closer you are to Jiangnan, the slower the flow of time will be!

And around Jiangnan, the time will even be 100 times slower than normal!

Jiangnan is completely unaffected!

This forms an extremely perverted time moat!

Jiangnan called it "Armor of the Universe"!

And this level of time dilation is already the limit of Jiangnan. There is only one way to create a real event horizon, and that is to become a black hole!

But Jiangnan doesn't need it at all, this level of cosmic armor has almost made Jiangnan invincible!

An Qu completely panicked!

Time dilation effect? Jiang Nan also hung up on himself?

This is the housekeeping skill of the Stardust Clan, let alone Martin, his ability is at least in the gravitational system!

But you are a space system?

How to fight this?

However, what makes them even more desperate is that the space they are in is being forcibly flattened by Jiangnan!

The space is smoothed, and the effect of gravity is naturally erased, and the time dilation effect of the Blood Corpse Zongzu is disappearing little by little!

Yaogen is already a little desperate at this moment!

Does Jiangnan not even give us the right to use gravity?

Space... Is it so scary?

At this moment, the situation in the field has completely reversed!

Jiangnan has mastered a powerful gravitational field, and even put on the armor of the universe!

The Blood Corpse Zongzu lost all support instead!

However, the obsession has not been fulfilled, how could the blood corpse Zongzu retreat!

He roared and launched an attack towards Jiangnan!

But after rushing into the space armor area, the movement slowed down!

Maybe it is still fast in the eyes of others, but for Jiangnan at this moment, there is no threat anymore!

"It's my turn!"

"Unlimited punishment!"

At this moment, Jiangnan moved violently, without the influence of time expansion, Jiangnan, whose warp speed has been increased to the maximum, is not known how many times faster than before!

The sword light cut the Blood Corpse Zongzu in two in an instant!

The Blood Corpse Zongzu was not willing to be reconciled, so he activated the Death Soul Hegemony on the spot, trying to slash against Jiangnan while maintaining his body structure!

But this time, he has no chance at all!

Even if he burned his soul, he still couldn't keep up with Jiangnan's speed in Armor of the Universe!

In the starry sky, six wormholes unfolded around the blood corpse Zongzu, forming an execution ground!

The figure of Jiangnan slashing violently with a knife shuttled endlessly in the execution ground, slashing through the body of the blood corpse Zongzu time and time again!

There are blooming Sen Han Dao lights everywhere, and every cut will take away a dead soul!

No one knows how many knives Jiangnan cut in one second!

The roar of the Blood Corpse Zongzu echoed endlessly!

The execution continues!

But in Jinxiu Jiangshan, everyone felt shuddering when they saw the extremely flickering knife light!

There is no such a chopping method for chopping dumpling stuffing, right?

Martin's face flushed red with excitement: "Is it the armor of the universe? This is my original idea? Once such a method is used, under the moat of time, few people will be Nanshen's opponents!"

But at this moment, Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao were all stunned!

I can't help but think of the phantom of Didifu's human-shaped black hole when he lied to his innocence before, which put the event horizon on his body!

Perhaps Xiao Nan's armor of the universe is not a coincidence?

The corner of Odin's mouth twitched: "In the area covered by the Cosmic Armor, the flow of time is a hundred times slower? After that, who can get close to the big brother? And who dares to get close to him?"

"Brother, did you come up with something incredible?"

Although there is no abnormal event horizon, that thing is uncontrollable at all, but this armor of the universe is controllable?

Daily battles are much more practical than black holes swallowing stars!

Badr and the magician covered their faces one after another!

A group of people who were stupid just now, why did they suddenly start playing with such advanced things? Damn!

If this is an idiot, how can everyone live?

Wang Youzhi was so excited:

(???┏?┓??)? "Damn! Isn't this here? You said you don't know martial arts? Did you secretly name yourself?"

At this moment, the Blood Corpse Zongzu is facing the third realm, and Jiangnan, who has become the master of the starry sky, has no advantage at all!

Chong Yu's teeth are almost gnawed to pieces, she has already fought like this, is she still unable to defeat Jiangnan?

Will this southerner not be defeated?

She couldn't even imagine Jiangnan being defeated!

Hunyuan and Dihuang are already ashamed, it's over!

Xuan Se said weakly:

?????????????? "Look? I told you to surrender at the beginning, but no one listened to me. Now..."

Hunyuan and Dihuang's faces turned even darker!

Can you die if you shut up?

Only Gang Xiu's mechanical eyes flickered, as if he was not surprised by this result...

In the starry sky, the execution is still going on, counting those who were beheaded by Jiangnan and burned by his own blood corpse Zongzu himself, more than half of the hundreds of millions of dead souls have disappeared!

The strength of the Blood Corpse Zongzu also weakened!

Knowing that he was invincible, he tried not to get entangled with Jiang Nan, but no matter how he ran, how he escaped!

Under the whisper of the gods, all his actions are invisible!

This is the punishment he cannot escape! nightmare!

The Blood Corpse Zongzu knew very well that if he continued like this, he would only be greeted with destruction!

It's better to fight!

At this moment, the Blood Corpse Zongzu no longer evaded, but let Jiangnan cut through his body!

At the same time, the death curse all over his body climbed up, and the remaining souls began to roar in pain together!

His body burst out with thick blood, and the flowing dirty blood turned into muscles, and his body couldn't stop growing!

It was obvious that he was going to use some kind of trick, and he would fight to the death!

However, at this moment, he was swinging his sword wildly, and Jiang Nan, who has been executed so far, has entered a mysterious and mysterious state!

Jiangnan did not know how many times he repeated the same action, swinging a knife and slashing!

Maybe he hasn't swung as many knives in his life as he did today!

Gradually, Jiang Nan no longer thinks about other things in his mind, and only one goal remains in his eyes!

That is the Blood Corpse Zongzu!

Every time he slashed, the killing intent in Jiangnan's heart became stronger, and he was even more eager to slash the blood corpse Zongzu under the knife!

This desire became more and more intense with the passage of time, and finally reached the level of being uncontrollable!

At this moment, Jiangnan held a knife in both hands, and his blood eyes glared!

It was obvious that he had swung the knife countless times, but this knife seemed extremely special!

Even a little jerky, like a baby taking the most critical first step!

The obsession in my heart to kill the Blood Corpse Zongzu here is extremely strong!

Just this knife! Kill him completely!

finally! This obsession exploded at this moment!

Just listening to Jiangnan roaring, his eyes were more enthusiastic than ever!

"Billions of swords! Slash endlessly!"

"This knife! Kill everything!"

With a strong obsession, he swung the knife fiercely. Suddenly, Jiang Nan felt that his will seemed to be no longer in his body!

Instead, he rushed into the knife and merged into the blade!

It seems that at this moment, I have become a knife...

I saw an extremely dazzling layer of will brilliance covering the God Killing Knife, and it was fiercely slashed out!

At this moment, the Blood Corpse Zongzu is about to finish accumulating energy, and is about to perform his ultimate move, fighting to the death!

However, a golden saber light flashed across his body in an instant!

Draw an extremely bright golden line in the starry sky and spread it out!

Wherever the light of the knife passes, there is nothing that cannot be cut, and the cut is endless!

On the battlefield, those broken planets, giant worms, and silicon-based sky cannons were all split in two with this knife!

The entire starry sky fell silent because of this knife!

I saw that the body of the Blood Corpse Zongzu was divided into two, and he should have died in the place of death!

However, all the remaining souls in his body are shattering and dissipating crazily!

The body made of dirty blood kept annihilated, the blood corpse Zongzu roared wildly, and a pair of blood claws kept grabbing, but it was still to no avail!

The chaotic core in the chest is shattered!

And Yao Gen, who was attached to the Blood Corpse Zong Zu, also screamed in horror!

Their gravitational bodies could not stop disintegrating and disappearing, even the will could not be maintained, because the will is also dissipating!

"No! Don't! How is it possible! How is this possible! How on earth are you..."

Before he finished speaking, Yao Gen, the dark canal had completely dissipated into the starry sky, leaving no trace of its existence!

I saw Jiangnan slowly retracting the knife, straightening up, his eyes were full of exhaustion, his spirit seemed to be drained, he was more tired than fighting for three days and three nights!

But he still looked at the Blood Corpse Zongzu with contempt, condescendingly, like the ruler of the starry sky, without the slightest pity in his eyes, looking at the unwillingness and resentment in his blood-colored eyes!

"This was indeed a hearty battle! It's a pity you couldn't change the result!"

" can go to hell!"

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