Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2517 Jiangnan actually came from a fool?


The Sword of Blood was poured into Jiangnan's body with unparalleled power!

That was the power that was berserk to the limit, every cell in the body was tingled and activated!

Starting from the smallest unit of life, strengthen it layer by layer!

You know, the red gamma rage of Benny Lu alone is already abnormal!

Not to mention what Odin did, he transformed all the energy of the Gamma family into Red Gamma, plus his own, gathered together, and blessed Jiangnan with it all!

The moment this force rushed into the body, a feeling of extreme rage began to spread!

The cells in the body even shattered and disintegrated because they exceeded the limit they could bear!

But under the supply of evil qi, new ones were regenerated in an instant, as if entering an infinite cycle!

Until all the red gamma energy is injected into Jiangnan's body!

At this moment, Jiangnan felt as if his body was filled with endless power, and the feeling of exhilaration on reaching the top cannot be described in words!

The will was not swallowed by the rage, but became more sober!

Under the berserk blessing of Red Gamma, Jiangnan's body shape has not changed in the slightest, but his strength has been raised to the extreme, and his own existence has already distorted the space of Chuangjie Daxu!

A misty red mist was emitted from his body, streams of hot air were steaming out, the sound of his heartbeat was like a howling magic, and the blood flowing extremely fast made a loud noise like rivers and rivers!

Yehuang was already numb from the scalding at this moment!

How hot-blooded is Nan Shen? Isn't Nan Hai too hot-blooded?

He is really burning buns, is he?

At this moment, I saw Jiangnan wrapped in black armor, his body was covered with red light and mist, and the steam was steaming, which lasted for a long time!

Holding a knife in both hands, standing on the chest!

Finally...can you increase the warp drive to the maximum without having to worry about your body?

And the blood-pipe Zongzu doesn't care about you so much, the 18 blood knife slashes towards Jiangnan like a storm!

I saw the corners of Jiangnan's mouth raised wildly, revealing his bloody white teeth, and the violent power in his body made him restless!

"Maximum warp drive? The blade's edge!"

"Let's dance! Don't live up to your life!"

In just an instant, Jiangnan disappeared in front of the Blood Corpse Zongzu, and the glazed glow of the god-killing knife in his hand flickered, pulling out an extreme sharp edge in the space, passing by in an instant!

Even the Blood Corpse Zongzu couldn't keep up with Jiangnan's speed!

Jiang Nan slashed down with a single knife, three handles of the blood knife were cut off, and one-third of the gravity armor was broken!

However... this is only the beginning!

I saw the light of the blade bend extremely quickly in the void, and then slashed down, once again slashing through the body of the blood corpse Zongzu!

Three times, five times! Thousand times! Ten thousand times! It seems like it never stops!

The light of the knife intertwined in the starry sky, if every slash would draw a straight line in the sky!

Then the location of the Blood Corpse Zongzu is the intersection of the straight lines!

Like a feast of dancing blades!

The blood corpse Zongzu couldn't keep up with Jiangnan's speed at all, and even 18 blood knives couldn't prevent Jiangnan's ultra-high-speed slash!

He can only burn dead soul further, in exchange for strength, trying to keep up with Jiangnan's speed!

The defense of the gravitational armor also has a limit, and it is constantly in the process of being cut and repaired!

And every time Jiangnan's blade cuts across the body of the Blood Corpse Zongzu, it will kill a dead soul!

The most extreme slash happened at this moment!

At this moment, even Musashi felt his scalp tingling. Jiang Nan's speed was so fast that it made people wonder if he was human!

You must know that this is still under the slow space of 360 times!

Odin gritted his teeth: "Damn! After being hacked like this, isn't the Blood Corpse Zongzu still dead? What kind of monster is this? How can we kill it?"

Musashi squinted his eyes: "Since he is using Death Soul to replace death, when Death Soul dies, it will be the time when he dies!"

"So it's not difficult to kill this monster!"

Qianben Ying's pretty face turned pale: "It's not difficult? God knows how many insect soldiers this guy sacrificed in exchange for it? That's hundreds of millions of dead souls?"

When will this kill?

Musashi's eyes were deep: "Is it difficult? As long as you keep cutting down, you will always be killed! The easiest way to solve the problem is right in front of you, why detour?"

"Maybe Nanshen thinks so too?"

Badr's face was full of shock, huh? Is it easy for you perverted?

Nanshen really intends to keep chopping down like this, chopping up the blood corpse Zongzu to death?

In fact, Jiang Nan really thought so!

Since you can die for me, then I will kill you until you die!

Hundreds of millions of souls? Then swing the knife billions of times!

There is no undead existence in this world!

The Bose body who claims to be a god can be killed, so why are there so many blood corpses and Zongzu ancestors?

At this moment, Jiang Nan's eyes were full of determination!

Cut a knife! Let me cut it again!

How could Yehuang and Du Lingyu not understand Jiangnan's thoughts?

The question is, can Jiangnan's current state really last that long?

The body has become precarious due to overloading, if it is not repaired by evil energy, it will have collapsed long ago!

It's hard to imagine what kind of willpower it takes to keep fighting in this state!

If there is no time expansion effect and gravitational armor, maybe it can be done!

But in the current situation...

The Blood Corpse Zongzu couldn't handle Jiangnan's cutting method at all!

It exploded again to shift the position of the dirty blood, but Jiangnan's speed was too fast!

Under the whisper of the gods, he clearly knew where the Blood Corpse Zongzu would appear!

The moment he appeared, Jiangnan had already arrived ahead of time, and he had already slashed out with a single blow!

The blood corpse Zongzu was also in trouble again, but Jiangnan's body gradually collapsed due to overload, and the speed of repair was gradually not as fast as the speed of destruction!

He vomited blood, and blood flowed out from the black armor, but Jiang Nan was still speeding up his movements. Du Lingyu could only perform atomic repair on Jiang Nan, so that he could continue to hold on!

But this also gave Yaogen the confidence in the dark channel!

Jiangnan is also human! It will bleed too! Also has its own limit!

"As long as he can carry it until he can't hold it anymore, we will win!"

"This battle! Bet on the dignity of the Stardust Clan! Jiangnan will be beaten to death, and he will pay the price!"

The two began to burn their life sources on the spot, thickening the gravitational armor regardless of the consequences!

Both sides started desperately!

The thicker the gravitational armor, the more difficult it is for Jiangnan's blade to touch the blood corpse Zongzu's body!

Jiang Nangang gritted his teeth tightly, this won't work, the efficiency is still too low!

I will be the one who can't hold on first!

The time dilation effect and the problem of gravitational force must be overcome here, otherwise you will lose!

space! gravitational!

Then try it!

At this moment, the red light in Jiangnan's eyes soared, and a bright glass-colored glow radiated from his body, covering the space!

Forcibly violent distorted space, recalling the feeling of black holes swallowing everything, digging out a hole in the cloth of space!

Gravity was indeed born because of the distorted space, and it was extremely powerful, disturbing the gravitational field that caused the time-expansion effect in an instant!

But this strong gravitational force was completely uncontrollable, and it violently acted on Jiangnan himself!

The sound of muscles being torn and bones being squeezed to pieces continued to be heard in my ears!

Jiangnan staggered, hot blood burst out from the gap in the battle armor, and evaporated into a blood mist!

But this momentary mistake allowed the Blood Corpse Zongzu to seize the opportunity and slash down!

Jiang Nan was almost chopped up on the spot, but under the burst of Ye Huang's dark energy, he managed to save Jiang Nan's life!

Relieved, Jiangnan turned around and attacked the blood corpse Zongzu again, not daring to let himself stop!

Damn, what went wrong?

However, both Yaogen and Anqu were stunned. Just now, did a strong gravitational force burst out from Jiangnan's body?

The intensity is so great that it even distorts the time-expansion gravitational field. Isn't it a space system? how come…

Hiss~ Could it be that he wants to open a black hole to swallow stars?

Even Yehuang and Du Lingyu were stunned for a moment, and also felt the strong gravitational field that suddenly appeared for a moment!

Is it an illusion?

However, in the splendid country, Martin, who fought with Xiao Chuihuo, noticed this scene!

His eyes are bright, is Nanshen finally ready to take this step?

Can't help but anxiously said: "Nan Shen! Don't worry about who comes first in gravity and space, and who affects whom!"

"You just need to know that they are connected to each other! Black holes generate strong gravitational force by distorting space! And this powerful gravitational field deforms space again, forming a time dilation effect!"

"I'm not a space system supernatural power, but I can affect the space structure through the gravitational force emitted! You can do the opposite! Naturally, you can also create a gravitational field by changing the space structure!"

"Thinking about your Void Black Hole Spiritual Skill, it's almost that feeling?"

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth, frowned, thinking while attacking!

Don't you have to worry about it? Both exist, and the relationship can influence each other! Gravity can warp space! vice versa! Through the way of space distortion, nature can also create and master gravity!

everything! It's all the way to the end, all the way to the same goal!

But the question is how to distort a large area of ​​space?

I have tried it myself! Can't do it?

Under normal circumstances, you can use domains to distort large areas of space and make them into the shape you want!

But Jiang Nan doesn't have this kind of ability, his black hole swallowing star domain, once released, it will all be over?

The domineering one can't control it at all!

Just now, Jiangnan tried to radiate the space in an absolutely spiritual way, control the space, and let the space distort and deform according to his wishes!

But it obviously failed, and almost died!

At this moment, the magician remembered Jiangnan's operation just now, and his eyes lit up!

"Nan Shen! Don't try to control the space! Instead, blend into the space? It's like my magic space field!"

Bader nodded uncontrollably: "Manpower is limited. Those who try to control the space will eventually get backlash, and the space will also resist. They have to blend in and borrow strength. The same is true for my boundless forbidden zone!"

Qianben Sakura chick nodded as if pecking at rice: "Bad Jiang, it's the same when you think about my falling cherry blossoms, the feeling is so mysterious! Oops~ I can't explain it!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, and only then realized a problem!

Blend into the space! It seems that I have never done this before!

Uncle Li had already warned himself about this problem a long time ago!

Back then when he was sealed by the Angel of Strength on the Vientiane Star, Jiang Nan felt the rhythm of space and thought he understood the essence of it!

So there was the birth of the black hole swallowing stars!

But now it seems that this is not the case!

A magician's body can be turned into space, and he can do whatever he wants. Senbon Sakura can also turn into cherry blossoms, flying freely. Even Baldr's boundless forbidden area is close to the world, and he can manipulate it freely!

They all merged into space, and their own black holes devoured stars!

It is complete control, plundering, devouring space, destroying everything, it is completely another extreme!

Jiang Nan suddenly remembered what Uncle Li said!

Never try to dominate the space, blend into the space! Space carries everything in the world, and water can carry a boat and capsize it!

Those who try to control the space will only be destroyed by the space!

That's why black holes swallow stars...

Jiangnan's body and mind are cold, did he understand wrong? Going astray? But he also accidentally mastered the field of black hole swallowing stars, in exchange for extremely powerful power!

But there are side effects that are beyond the acceptable range, and I am being destroyed by space...

Until today, have I still not been able to integrate into the space that Uncle Li said?

But there is no right way in this world, all ways are ways!

Jiangnan does not regret embarking on a road that no one has ever traveled before!

But the question is, how to integrate into the space?

Badr, a magician, and even Radouying can do it, why can't I?

At this moment, Qianbenzakura and the three looked at Jiangnan expectantly!

With Nanshen's savvy and monstrous aptitude, he must be able to instantly understand the meaning of blending into space, right?

However, I saw Jiangnan groaning for a long time, his face flushed!

"How do I fit into the space? I don't know how! I just grab things!"

Qianbenzakura: (?≥┏3┓≤) "噗~"

Is there anything in this world that Nan Shen can't handle? Can’t do such a simple thing as blending into the space?

"Nan Shen looks very smart, so could it be that he is actually a big idiot?"

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