The driver master drifted and stopped on the side of the road!

It happens to be the Shengping Barn!

Lynx got out of the car quickly, her pretty face flushed!

Bai Qianxun and the others also got out of the car!

Only Jiang Nan was still frozen in the car and dared not move!

Bai Qianxun asked suspiciously, "Nan Shen? Why didn't you get out of the car?"

Jiang Nan looked solemn: "It's not that I want to move now, I can move if I want to!"

"It needs an opportune moment!"

Depend on!

How does this get me off the bus?

Can't calm down? m.9biquge.\\ncom

I don't want to be ashamed!

Lynx blushed: "Bah!"

Immediately, he asked in amazement, "Where are Wang Zhengyang and the others?"

Jiang Nan was stunned for a moment, then looked back!

The dilapidated streets are empty, and there are no cars at all!

You can move now! Get out of the car quickly!

Not even a ghost shadow!

"Master! Where's the car behind you?"

The driver master pushed his glasses and smiled evilly!

"Don't worry! It has been thrown away! You are safe!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?


Did you get rid of the horse?

Depend on!

I just said that we are together!

When did I say let you off?

Does every taxi master have a secret agent dream in his heart?

"not me……"

The driver master grinned: "No thanks! Old driver!"

Speaking of drifting in place, he turned around and walked away from the dust, hiding his merit and fame!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

I thank you?

I'm thankful! You are too handsome!

Dump it, okay?

I'm afraid it wasn't a mercenary sent to deliberately mess with me!

Between the smoke and dust!

The five black people froze in place, their faces seemed to be even darker!

The atmosphere was very suffocating!

After a full ten minutes, Jiangnan couldn't hold back any longer, so he was going to look for it!

As a result, a taxi slowly entered the line of sight, it was Wang Zhengyang and the others!

The driver got out of the car in a hurry!

"Don't you say they're together? Why are you driving so fast?"

"I'm slamming it! Give the horn! The lights don't stop! Have the ghosts slammed it?"

Jiangnan:  …

Where did the ghost drive him? It was you who drove you away!


Although there was a small mistake, the tunnel entrance was successfully found!

The group entered the abandoned barn, and they found a tunnel entrance sealed with heavy steel plates on the ground!

Wang Zhengyang: "Do you want to correct the password?"

Jiang Nan sneered: "What password? Let's not say whether the password is true or false!"

"Just say that Mark is missing! We are here to fight the secret code, aren't we self-inflicted?"

Bai Qianxun frowned, "Then what should we do?"

I saw Jiangnan draw out the Tang Dao: "Wait!"

The next moment, the body suddenly disappeared in place!

At the same time, there were bursts of roars and screams from behind the steel plate door!

Tang poetry Wang Zhengyang glanced at each other with a look of astonishment on their faces!

Is this a direct teleport to kill?

Should it be so simple and direct?

Three minutes later!

With the starting sound of the hydraulic press, the thick steel plate door was pushed open!

Jiang Nan wiped the ketchup on his face and raised his eyebrows!

A group of people enter the tunnel!

It was found that the guards were all pierced through the head by Jiangnan with steel thorns, but they were not pulled out!

Obviously! All these people are undead!

Wei Hua's face turned pale, while Fang Liu vomited on the spot!

Where did they experience this?

And Jiangnan has no time to take into account their feelings!

I found an eight-wheeled heavy truck on the side!

Wang Zhengyang is driving!

Everyone sat in the cargo box and headed for Dracula's base!

The tunnel is deep!

Well built! Even the walls of the holes made of concrete are supported by steel beams!

Jiang Nan, who was sitting in the cargo box, checked the system with all his heart!

After some tossing, the resentment value has reached a terrifying giant of 2.75 million!

Most of them are provided by Mark and Roffe!

Jiang Nan held it back for a long time, ready to slap it hard! ! ! ! !

[The lucky ten consecutive lottery draw begins! ]

[Thank you for your patronage! Consolation Prize: A golden durian! ]

[Congratulations on winning! Reward: a Dudu pacifier! ]

[Thank you for your patronage...]

A total of 1.7 million was done!

8 pacifiers out! The rest are all golden durians!

I guess it will fill the truck!

Jiang Nan's face turned even darker!

The truck was driving in a quiet tunnel, and no one had spoken!

As a result, Bai Qianxun suddenly said: "Nan Shen! Who is the father of the gourd baby?"

Jiangnan's eyes are empty! I lost 500,000 grievance points again, in exchange for 50 large durians!

The angry Jiangnan rolls in place and hits the railing frantically!

Bai Qianxun was horrified: "No! It's not so! If you can't answer it, forget it!"

"There's no need to force yourself so hard!"

Seeing that Jiangnan is rolling and hitting the wall again!

Bai Qianxun didn't dare to ask random questions!

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth with hatred!

Don't do it again and again! Directly smashed the last 500,000!

[Congratulations on winning! Prize: A piece of Bling Pudding! ]

[Thank you for your patronage! Consolation Prize: A golden durian! ]

[Thank you for your patronage...]

Jiang Nan's eyes were bright, and a carp stood up straight from the cargo box!


New prizes?

And it's a legitimate prize?

3 out of 500,000 resentment points?

Jiang Nan instantly felt that his whole person was transparent!

Bai Qianxun said in surprise, "How is it? Do you remember who it is?"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Who is what?"

"Huluwa's father!"

"You'll know if you ask the gourd baby to go! Ask me for what?"

Saying that, I can't wait to squat to the side to check the effect of Bling Pudding!

Bai Qianxun: ? ? ?

She felt like she was being ignored!

Jiangnan wasn't thinking about the problem just now?

At the moment, the system store!

[Bring Pudding! ]

Function: The user can change the body shape at will! shrink! Stretch! It can be long or short! Female and male! The effect lasts for 30 minutes!

Bling pudding is top quack!

The rest of your life depends on it!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

What the hell is this pudding?

Why does it sound like a rubber devil fruit?

What the fuck?

I'm going to be Wang Luffy?

Can it be long or short? oh ho ho?

That alone is great!

Nice girl! Nice girl! Nice girl!

Say important things three times!

Jiangnan's eyes are full of excitement!

I can't help but want to try it out!

His eyes couldn't help but fall on Tang Shi, Lynx, and Bai Qianxun!



Jiang Nan, who was squatting in the carriage, burst into laughter!

Who will be better? It's so hard to choose!

Jiang Nan raised his hand and gave himself a mouth!

Disappointing guy!

What to choose! Only children make choices!

Bai Qianxun: (???)

"Is this person helpless..."

Lynx: (¬?¬)

Tang Shi: "Let's stay away from him! Maybe mental retardation is really contagious!"

And right now!

Bai Qianxun was stunned for a moment, then turned back to look at the gate she just walked through!

Lynx: "What's wrong?"

Bai Qianxun's face was full of doubts: "I just felt an electromagnetic screen sweeping over us!"

"I don't know if it's an illusion!"

Because it is a lightning-type ability! Very sensitive to this kind of stuff!

"Ah! There is another one!"

Jiangnan's brows furrowed, and he used his sensing ability to check!

It turned out that there was something similar to a biological scanner hidden behind the gate!

Going to take a closer look!

As a result, the lights on the tunnel flickered for a while!

From the depths, there is a voice of "Boom! Boom! Boom!"!

Like footsteps, very subtle at first!

And then from far to near, getting bigger and bigger!

Wang Zhengyang frowned: "What sound?"

Jiangnan was shocked! Pupils shrank: "Li Mietu! Hold on..."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It's not over yet! A series of huge explosions have covered all the movement!

The explosion happened in the tunnel roof! Extend all the way!

Huge fire and shock waves spread violently!

Jiangnan only had time to use the space to punch the hole on his head to withstand the impact of the explosion!

The tunnel collapsed because of the explosion!

And the top of their heads in Jiangnan!

It is hundreds of millions of cubic meters of yellow sand, madly pressed down!

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