Jiang Nan knew in his heart that if he fought against the bastard army, the Galaxy Army would definitely intervene!

Otherwise, after the bastard army is wiped out, they will be the next target!

And if the Star River Legion wants to take the top position, it must kill the Qima Legion!

So once the war started, how could the Starship Legion miss this great opportunity?

When Jiangnan chose to attack, he was extremely sure that he would be besieged!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have hired the Killing Horse Legion as a helper!

At this moment, Du Lingyu, Xiaohong and Xiaolu's complexions all became ugly!

Things started to become troublesome, and there were some chances of winning, but once Silicon came forward, the situation was very different!

The whispers of the gods were banned, and the combat power of the Apocalypse clan was greatly reduced!

At this moment, the dense silicon-based star anti-mechanical fighters are neatly arrayed, and they can't see the edge at a glance!

The leaders are Gang Xiu, Yingshi, and Tao!

On the side of the mechanical legion, the comets, black dwarfs, supergiant stars, and dark canals of the Galaxy Legion are all listed here!

The Renqima Legion was immediately surrounded by the Mechanical Legion and the sea of ​​insects!

But at this moment, Chong Lao Liu and Hunyuan Dihuang were all excited!

Starship Legion really moved the silicon base to help?

???????????? "Is this wrong? It can clear three, four, five, and humans in one go! Didn't it be in vain until now?"

Not only that, but with the presence of the Stardust Clan, Jiangnan's dimensionality reduction attack was finally restrained!

"Xuanse, it's a good thing I didn't listen to your surrender, this ass Xiang? It's obviously a favorable situation, okay?"

Xuan Se trembled:

????﹏???? "Where is the wind? I think it's too late to surrender now? Did you not panic without seeing Nan Shen? He's not afraid at all!"

"Even if we win, do you think Siji can let us out? Don't forget! We are all in the formation at the moment, and it's not impossible for Siji to kill donkeys!"

Once the Human Qima Legion is cleared, the disabled Galaxy Bastard Legion may be the next target of the silicon base?

People's silicon base wants to eat everything!

"I think we should surrender and cooperate with Nanshen against Siji, so it's still..."


Before he finished speaking, Hun Yuan punched him flying!


Can you ride a horse with a little ambition? Where is there anyone who initiates surrender at the beginning? How about Xuan Se's whole head?

But what he said is not unreasonable, it is necessary to be careful that Siji kills the Ren Qima Legion before killing them!

But under the current situation, uniting to deal with Jiangnan and the others is the most important thing to consider!

I can only do it!

I saw Gang Xiu said:

[┐?_?┌] "You don't seem to be very surprised by this result!"

Jiang Nan grinned: (??????) "Accident! Who said it wasn't an accident? I knew I would be besieged, but I didn't expect Si Ji to end up too!"

"Tsk tsk tsk~ It's like what your silicon base can do, but it's just a little troublesome for me, and the result won't make any substantial changes!"

Oka Xiu said lightly:

[┐¬_¬┌] "You are very confident, then do you know that under the Zhenxu Tower, the space is suppressed, and the mobility of the space system is almost abolished. This is a more direct method than empty rubber bombs!"

"The whispers of the gods of the Apocalypse clan are blocked, the dark universe body is also cut off from the energy source, the gamma body cannot break through the energy barrier, and your thunder and punishment cannot enter the formation, the energy will only be transformed and absorbed to recharge the surrounding formation !"

"Even your dimensionality reduction blow cannot break through the encirclement. The inside of the encirclement is wrapped in a thick gravitational repulsion field. Even if it is two-dimensional expansion, it cannot break through and touch the wall of the formation!"

"But we can use 100% of our combat power. The Star Anti-sequence series is equipped with a full anti-sequence mode, which is developed for your weaknesses! You are already a turtle in the urn!"

I have to admit that what Gangxiu said is the truth, the dimension reduction strike is not invincible, it will be restricted by the force field!

Obviously, this gravitational repulsion field is the masterpiece of the Stardust Clan!

Tianhuixing grinned grimly and said:

??: "At the beginning of the game, I still remember being chased by you!"

"Now it's time to settle the score. I said that we are not afraid of you, but we just don't want to be entangled by you at the beginning!"

"Now that the situation is reversed, what else do you want to say? I look forward to seeing the expression of despair on your face!"

Jiangnan smiled: (¬?¬) "Really? I can be sure that you will only follow in the footsteps of the angel clan, and are you sure that after we are taken down, Siji will not attack you?"

"After all, backstabbing is their unique skill! For Siji, we are all prey!"

Tian Huixing's expression froze, then he sneered and said, "Don't try to provoke discord! Today is your death day!"

Jiang Nan smacked his lips: "People~ I always want to escape when encountering problems, and subconsciously avoid thinking, but I don't know that you will face it sooner or later!"

"But you are lucky, you will not encounter the situation of being backstabbed by the silicon base, because I will clear you all!"

"Oh, that's right! Be careful that all members of the Silicon-based Mechanical Legion will turn into two arms. They are ancestral skills to collapse teammates!"

Shadowman's mechanical eye flickers:

[┐°ー°┌] "Are you trying to say the Watt virus? I know that the Watt virus has been evolving, but I'm not defenseless!"

"The mechanical prosthetics of the Star Anti series are all made of Qianjiliu silver material, free to deform, modular design, and equipped with the strongest anti-virus program!"

"As long as you dare to release the Watt virus, maybe we will be infected, but just discard the infected module!"

"Once the virus sample is obtained, it is not impossible to develop a restraint program with our computing power!"

Tao said lightly: "We are confident that we will control the loss of the star anti-mechanical prosthesis within 40%, and completely destroy the threat of the Watt virus!"

"On the contrary, I still expect you to use it! Because the hole card used is not a hole card! It will not threaten my silicon-based main terminal database!"

"To be honest, your little bit of computing power is not worth mentioning in my eyes. Solving the threat with the smallest loss is not a loss-making business!"

Jiang Nan's eyes flickered, he didn't know how true or false what Siji said!

But Jiangnan really didn't believe it. With Siji's character, after suffering a loss, he would not take precautions against the Watt virus!

Whether the Watt virus is used here is indeed a question. Once it is used, it means that they have obtained a virus sample!

Even if the record is maximized, it can only destroy their temporary war terminal!

But if you are outside, the threat of the Watt virus is completely different...

The best time to use it is during sequential offensive and defensive battles!

Thinking of this, Jiang Nan couldn't help laughing!

"You guys are thorough enough in your calculations, you know that I never trade at a loss! Have you made up your mind and I am reluctant to use it in this battle?"

Gang Xiu said coldly: "You can also use it. We have calculated all possible situations in this siege, and the victory will eventually belong to the silicon base!"

"Enjoy the feast of death prepared by Silicon Base for you!"

At this moment, the all-star anti-mechanical prosthetic body starts to start the battle mode!

What anti-dark cosmic body mode, anti-apocalypse family, gamma body mode, and silicon base are all extremely well developed!

And it's the human's turn!

[┐◣皮◢┌] "Star anti-combat mode activated! Anti-human combat form? Anti-Jiangnan mode loaded!"

A large number of star anti-mechanical prosthetics began to generate specific anti-Jiangnan patterns!

At the same time, the rest of the star anti-mechanical prosthetics also began to broadcast frantically!

"The anti-Zhong Yingxue mode is activated! The anti-Wu Liang mode is activated! The anti-Xiao Chuihuo mode is activated..."

Because the abilities of human beings are extremely heterogeneous, it is simply impossible to develop a specific anti-human model in a unified way!

The silicon base can only be refined in a targeted manner to develop an anti-single-player mode!

Through the collected data, develop specific restraint methods!

There are a total of 398 humans participating this time, although it is very troublesome to develop restraint modes one by one!

But what Siji is most afraid of is trouble, and the anti-human model will be gradually improved in the future!

One day, all the abilities of human beings will be wiped out, and by then, the anti-humanity model will be completely developed!

This is an incomparably grand project, but Siji will not stop itself, and it is necessary to do so!

And Siji's hand really made Jiangnan a lot of fun!

It's so amazing that counter-modes have been developed for all single players!

Solve the most difficult problems in the most stupid way!

But I have to say, it does work!

At this moment, even Du Lingyu and Ye Yuanwei couldn't help but look sideways!

Good guy, the god special meow anti-human model, there is such an honor in history, probably only the human family!

However, I also became worried in my heart. Under this situation, can I really win?

Once it is wiped out, the world hunting trip will end here, right?

However, Jiang Nan twisted his neck, his eyes were full of wildness!

I don't know if the data obtained by Siji is new enough, and how much redundancy is left!

Turning to look at the human side again, I saw proud expressions on everyone's faces, all Wang Yousheng's proud faces!


It seems that the silicon base has developed a specific restraint mode for itself, but it looks very proud!

The smile on Senbon Sakura's face bloomed like a flower!

(*?????) "Oh~ I didn't expect that I, Sakura-chan, would be developed an anti-Thousand Sakura mode by the silicon base? No way, no way~ Who made me so strong that I couldn't deal with it without developing an anti-Thousand Sakura mode What is the extent of it? 彁 彁 彁~"

At this moment, the human side is discussing happily!

She even took out her smart brain to take pictures, Xia Yao excitedly said:

(?°??°)っ[]? "Hey, hey~ You guys broadcast it again? I want to record it and post it to Moments! Just the anti-Xia Yao mode! Read it a few more times! I love it~"

Turin Jade vomits blood!

Depend on! What is there to be happy about? Hey!

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