So He Ye didn't give any face, and put the great sword of judgment on Ziyuan's neck again

It seems that someone is strangling the neck of fate, and Ziyuan, who did not sleep comfortably, is awake!

He stretched out his hand and rubbed his sleepy eyes, and stretched hard!

(??????) "Hmmm~ What's wrong with it? Are you done fighting?"

The sleepy-eyed Zi Yuan was completely in a dazed state, looking around blankly!

Wasn't I on the tree before? where is this

Am I sleepwalking again?

With so many of you, no one is looking at me?

Mi Ye couldn't help stroking his forehead with his hands:

(?-﹏-`(ヾ) "No... not finished, but you are finished!"

At this moment, Ziyuan's consciousness gradually became clear, and she lowered her head to look at the big sword lying on her neck!

Then he looked at the faces of the group of angels around him, all the villains!

Ziyuan: =????(???????)! ! !

Why is this girl falling into the enemy pile as soon as she wakes up? Hey!

What about protecting me from harm?

I saw that Ziyuan immediately started the fascia gun mode, and the whole person was shaking like a sieve!

(⌒﹏⌒;) "Aha... ahaha, are you dreaming? This must be a nightmare, right? Hey~ It’s true, you will have nightmares if you don’t eat enough and sleep~"

After speaking, he reached out and grabbed a handful of feathers on He Ye's golden wings!

Then squeeze it hard!

He Ye shivered violently, his wings fluttered, and his eyelids jumped to look at Zi Yuan!

She scooped up a lot of feathers from the left wing!

Zi Yuan widened her eyes in horror:

∑(°口°?) "Will it hurt? No... isn't it a dream?"

He Ye:! ! !

If you want to experiment, just squeeze yourself? Why are you pulling my feathers?

?(?°?优°?)?? "Be honest with me!"

While speaking, the judging light burst out, directly sealing Zi Yuan's skills, and also used six sticks of light to imprison Zi Yuan directly!

Ziyuan was completely anxious: ?(???????)? "Help! Help everyone! Help me! Help me xN!"

At this moment, Zi Yuan seemed to poke out the phantom of the call button on the keyboard, frantically repeating Ji!

Facing the existence of He Ye's level, Zi Yuan's five scumbags simply don't have the strength to resist!

At this moment, the mighty battle formation was expanded to the maximum, all the angels activated the highest combat form, and the angels suppressed the void!

Prevent all space system rescue possibilities!

The big sword in He Ye's hand lay across Zi Yuan's neck!

??(*?????)?? "All human beings present! Stop me, if you dare to kill us again, don't blame me for having no eyes!"

"At that time, what you will receive will only be a corpse, ah yes! I will not leave the corpse for you either!"

"Don't try to compare your hand speed with me, it only takes me a split second to kill her!"

At this moment, no matter whether it is the cycle of life and death, oriental mythology, or western gods, all of them stopped moving!

He looked at He Ye with a gloomy expression!

Even Ziyuan was too scared to speak by the cold sword!

However, no matter it is Xiao Chuihuo or Mi Ye, even though they are taken hostage, they are a little upset!

But there was no panic in their eyes at all. Before the start of the game, everyone used many means to save their lives!

Especially war scum like Ziyuan is the key object of protection!

Not to mention Zi Yuan still has a little cherry in her mouth!

The occurrence of the Shirley incident made everyone raise their vigilance to the extreme!

Mi Ye sneered and looked at He Ye with contempt!

(???~??) "Do you dare?"

He Ye narrowed his eyes, and there was a real killing intent in his eyes!

"Do you think I dare not?"

After finishing speaking, the big sword in his hand had to use force, cut a gash on Ziyuan's neck, bleed, threatened or something!

This is a routine operation for taking hostages, and the normal process still needs to be followed!

However, Atiya directly blew her hair, rushed forward and grabbed He Ye's arm, and said quietly!

??(?)¬﹏¬)?? "Fuck! He Ye, the great priest! Are you crazy? Don't fuck her? What should I do if I'm bleeding? Don't make things worse!"

"We just want Jiangnan to stop, stop attacking our angel clan, and let us finish the game smoothly!"

"If there is something wrong with the five scum of the war, it will be over. God knows what Jiangnan will do?"

Ujieer also hurriedly transmitted voice:

??(?)?vyiv?)?? "How did Edius and Sachel die, have you forgotten? Take it easy, you?"

He Ye slapped fiercely, it's also ha...

You can't be too ruthless, you have to grasp the strength, you can force humans to let go of the angels, but you can't make Jiangnan anxious and maliciously retaliate!

Thinking of the angel's execution before, whether to say it or not, He Ye's hand holding the sword trembled a little!

Ziyuan said in shock: (*?????) "Hey, hold your sword steady, why are you trembling? You? Then you hit me? Are you Parkinson? Parkinson, stop pointing at people with your sword. Ah hello!"

He Ye took a deep breath, and couldn't help saying coldly: "Don't test our bottom line! If the Angel Race is forced to die! Then the five scum of this war will die!"

Ziyuan:! ! !

(??? Dish??)? "Who is the five scumbags? Tell me clearly, you? I have already upgraded to a scumbag! Don't mess with me, let me tell you! I'm bah! Bah, bah, bah..."

Zi Yuan, who couldn't hit He Ye, started spitting at him!

The veins on He Ye's forehead were throbbing violently, but he still used his wings to block the saliva and did not fight back!

However, Jue Jing at the side couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help saying angrily:

(?°?д°?)? "You scumbag! How do you talk to the great priest? Have you figured out the current situation? You are a hostage!"

"And being a hostage! You must have the awareness to be a hostage! It seems that if you don't teach you a lesson, you really don't know who is the master!"

While speaking, the arm changed for a while, turned into a mirror knife and went straight to Zi Yuan to chop it off. Zi Yuan closed her eyes in fright and hid!

However, Wu Jieer, who was at the side, was in a hurry, and rushed up with a lunge, and when he came up to face the desperate situation, he kicked with a lunge!

With a bang, Jue Jing kicked him far away, half of his body was crushed!

Ujieer said angrily:

??(?¬必¬)?? "Be honest with me, how can you speak here?"

If your horse is broken by a hostage, Jiangnan will be angry, and it will be the Angel Clan who will suffer!

Jue Jing covered her cheeks with eyes full of bewildered criticism!


Why... why did you hit me? I'm a hero?

Why is the treatment not as good as a hostage?

Seeing that she hadn't been beaten, Zi Yuan snarled and made faces at Jue Jing!

I'm so angry with Jue Jing, it's the first time I've seen such an arrogant hostage!

I saw He Ye said: "Listen! What we want is Jiangnan, and humans will no longer trouble the angel race! Before the big hunting is over, we don't want to see any human faces!"

"You withdraw from my sight now, and we can live in peace, and the well water will not interfere with the river water!"

"Of course I won't touch a single hair of this war scum. After the big hunting is over, I will return this war scum to you humans!"

"There is no need to worry that she will suffer with us, we will raise her fat and fat! How about it?"

After all, in the eyes of He Ye and the others, Ziyuan is like a gold medal for avoiding death!

As long as they hold the hostages and hold their lives in their hands, Jiangnan and the others naturally dare not act rashly against the angel clan again!

This is also the only way for the Angel Race to survive to the end!

Otherwise, Jiangnan will definitely clear the field for the Angel Clan!

Mi Ye still sneered: "It's still the same sentence! Do you dare? Kill one and show me?"

Ziyuan: =????(?ー?????)? ? ?

Hey Hey hey! What does it mean to kill one for you to see?

This thing also has a performance?

I'll be gone after a show!

Don't you treat hostages like this? How much to save me! Did you agree to cover me?

Cooper narrowed his eyes and said: "History is always surprisingly similar! You should still remember how Shirley died! Don't you all forget what happened to those who did it?"

"Angels really don't have a long memory!"

Freya's eyes were full of ferocious eyes: "I can tell you for sure! If Ziyuan suffers any damage, even if it's a small piece of skin, Nanshen will kill you all!"

"The fifth natural disaster will come to the Holy Kingdom again, and this time, it's not as simple as destroying some planets!"

"Today! If you dare to fall with this sword! It will be the beginning of the demise of the angel clan! You are not only killing Zi Yuan! You are also the survival of your angel clan!"

Xiao Chuihuo gave He Ye a contemptuous look!

(???┏д┓???) "Cubs? Who said you're going to stop? Keep hitting the baby! Defeat all these little bastards~"

"Raging Red Lotus!"

At this moment, there is no one who has taken the hostage Angel Clan and the others!

The Yanlong God Emperor led the oriental mythology to slaughter all directions on the battlefield, killing wildly!

As for the Western Gods, Odin also cooperated with Martin and the others to release the Red Orange Dusk!

Shoot and slash wantonly on the battlefield like a blazing lightsaber!

Mi Ye and the others didn't give up too much, the cycle of life and death was like a black ball rolling on the billiard table, crushing it crazily!

Kill the etching group army in large numbers!

Completely ignoring He Ye's threat, he planned to get the group army points before him first!

They bet that He Ye would not dare to kill Zi Yuan! Unless the Angel Race has the courage to bear the soaring anger from Jiangnan!

Only if the brain is wattless, will they have the courage to kill humans after the angel's execution, right?

Even if He Ye was confused for a while and really dared to kill Zi Yuan, he would still be able to kill Zi Yuan!

So many life-saving measures for nothing?

Just a lucky little cherry is not something He Ye and the others can kill!

If the Angel Race still wants to continue to hang around in the starry sky, Ziyuan must not be killed!

He Ye knew it, Xiao Chuihuo and the others knew it better!

After all, the Great Hunting of the Universe is only the first ring, and there is more to come!

Do the Angel Clan really dare to bear the consequences of making Jiangnan anxious?

So Zi Yuan was taken as a hostage, and the human beings had no fear at all. Instead, they killed the etching group army in front of the group army to earn points!

At this moment, the etching group army is in a hurry!

(??Yi?)? "Hey, hey, you can't kill us! Didn't they tell you not to move? Why do you still do it?"

(?)??3??) "You guys are holding hostages in the hands of the Angel Race, aren't you afraid of them tearing up your votes? Puff~"

"Bastard! Inhumane! He Ye! Do you want to do it? What are the hostages for? Are you using it?"

The desperate situation is also urgent: (?)?vyiv?) "My lord priest! What are you waiting for? Threatening them with hostages? Do a hard job!"

"Otherwise, our army group will die soon and there will be no one left!"

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