Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2482 In the name of Jiangnan! kill you all

But acrylic doesn't care so much. If you didn't catch up with the last game, then this one will be a good one!

"Field unfolding? Forty-nine heavens! Great world!"

At this moment, the acrylic rushed straight to the battlefield like a bloody meteor, unfolding all its fields without hesitation!

Merging into a magnificent river and mountain, the center of the world, the acrylic sacred tree like a building tree is tall and straight!

Although the momentum is not as earth-shattering as the reincarnation of life and death, the integration of acrylic in all fields is also not far behind!

The mirror-body fusion field that could not resist the crushing of the cycle of life and death!

He was directly crushed into nothingness by the pincer attack of the two sides!

Mi Ye and everyone's eyes brightened, good guy, has the support finally arrived?

Even if only one came, a great world was released at the beginning, isn't it generally strong?

Acrylic grinned and looked at Freya and the others!

Σ(*口*|||) "It's not too late...Ahh~ eyes! My eyes!"

As soon as he looked towards the reincarnation of life and death, he was shocked by Freya Tie Niu and the others' bearded looks!

Rao is well-informed about acrylic, and he almost lost his eyes when he saw such a picture!

Isn't this visual impact too strong?

Freya laughed boldly:

(?°┏?┓?°) "Ahahaha~ just in time! Let's go all out and take down these little bastards!"

"By the way, what's wrong with your eyes? Are your eyes blinded by the wind and sand? Would you like me to give you a blow?"

While speaking, Freya pursed her lips and made a "huhu~" movement!

(???┏3┓?) Huh~huh~

The flaming red lips and the full beard...

Acrylic slapped violently, blowing your sister? Didn't you know the number of batches when you got hot by someone?

Jiangnan's strong man medicine is really strong!

At this moment, the Etching Army is completely in a hurry, and human support has arrived one after another!

It's still such a strong hand!

If you don't create an opportunity, it will be completely useless!

"Keep going! Holy string!"

I saw that the holy light on Sheng Xian became more and more intense!

"The Philosopher's Stone? Energy transmission!"

On the battlefield of the sages, a golden gem phantom gradually condensed, and a terrifying energy waterfall rushed out of the gem, and poured fiercely into the void mirror!

The void mirror with energy blessing is fully powered to manufacture the mirror body!

In an instant, the three realms of life and death rushed out of the mirror space!

It even condenses the acrylic of the mirror body and its forty-nine heavenly domain!

But it's still an old problem. The acrylic body of the mirror can't integrate the Forty-Nine Heavens into the Great Thousand World.

If the quality is not enough, then the quantity wins!

The two mirror body life and death realms directly attack the reincarnation of life and death!

Immediately, a life-and-death environment was separated, combined with the 49 heavens with acrylic mirror bodies, and went straight to the great world!

However, even in the face of a one-on-two situation, counterfeit goods are still counterfeit goods!

The cycle of life and death is still crushing!

Even in the face of pincer attacks, the great world of acrylic still bears it down, picks up the sacred tree, and sweeps away at the mirror body!

"I don't know what it is, so it's the Xingjing clan's gang of bastards? Don't come out as a fake!"

"There is only one acrylic in this world, no one can be me!"

The acrylic mirror body can be said to be defeated steadily!

Although the Void Mirror can withstand the offensive for the time being, if it is piled up in quantity, the demand for energy has seriously exceeded the standard!

It won't last long if this goes on!

(? °? Yi °?) "Juejing! You fucking think of a way?"

Jue Jing's eyes turned hard, since she can't win in strength, she can only work hard in psychological warfare!

After all, the goal of the army group is no longer to wipe out human players, but to create opportunities and find loopholes!

"Members of the All-Star Mirror Clan listen to the order and unite their mind mirrors!"

"Mirror that reflects the heart? Demons are born!"

With Jue Jing and the others exerting their strength, at this moment, all the mirror bodies derived from the void mirrors on the scene have all changed!

The mirror body at this moment is not only a reflection of their figures, but also can reflect the deepest darkness in everyone's heart, and make it real!

There is a dark side in everyone's heart, there is a place that you don't want to touch, and you will wrap it layer by layer with a solid shell, put it in the darkest corner of your heart, and never touch it!

That is the weakness and the demon!

And the mirror of reflecting the heart is to reflect the darkest corners, to defeat the human players mentally, and let them show their flaws!

At this moment, the acrylic is about to be smashed down by Kazuki, smashing his own mirror body!

But the moment he was about to smash it down, Acrylic froze!

I saw that the appearance of the mirror in front of me changed, and it turned into the acrylic of my childhood, with a slender figure, wearing a blood-stained lab coat, and various tubes inserted into my body!

Just standing there quietly, looking at Acrylic with a calm expression, a childish voice came out of his mouth!

"The vows you made, the promises you made to yourself...have you fulfilled them all?"

Acrylic's expression froze, his eyes darkened, even if he knew that this was the manifestation of his own mind, he couldn't do anything!

I saw that young Acrylic's eyes gradually became irritable and ferocious: "Didn't you do it? Did you fail to avenge your companions? You wanted to grow up so fast and become stronger! Isn't that why? "

"You've grown up and become so strong! Why haven't you been able to do it! What's the difference between you and the weak and useless self you used to be?"

At this moment, I saw immature faces constantly appearing beside the young Acrylic, all familiar faces of Acrylic!

They were either mutilated, or placed in petri dishes, lying on the operating table, and the robotic arm was dismantling them bit by bit!

At this moment, their expressions are gradually turning ferocious, and they let out shrill screams, screams of pain!

"You said it! You said you wanted to avenge us! You wanted to save us! Why didn't you come! We waited in the laboratory until the day we died, but we didn't see you!"

"7431! 4521! 3679! Have you forgotten?"

"Brother~ I'm in so much pain! Help me! Brother..."

The acrylic steel teeth clenched tightly, and the eyes became more and more dangerous!

"Stop talking, you are already dead!"

The young Acrylic sneered: "Yeah? Stop talking, he couldn't do anything, he betrayed us!"

"Because you couldn't compete with Siji, you abandoned us! Because you couldn't change the fate of the Jiyue Clan, you killed the Jiyue Clan with your own hands!"

"Because you can't resist the rules of the times and the slavery system, you kill innocent people indiscriminately and try to destroy everything. Look at you~ What have you done all these years? Acrylic? Tree of Hope? Do you deserve the name your mother gave you? ?”

Acrylic forehead veins jumping violently!

"I told you to stop talking!"

Acrylic's eyes were full of ferocious eyes when he was young: "You are still that weak person who can't do anything. After all these years, you have not changed at all, and you are still standing still!"

"You shouldn't be alive, you shouldn't be born in this world. If you didn't have a successful experiment like you, your mother wouldn't have endured endless childbirth experiments and was tortured to death!"

"If you hadn't killed all the Jiyue Clan, maybe they could still be saved. You personally ruined their last hope! Acrylic? The Tree of Hope? You brought their despair!"

"Damn you! A person with blood on his hands, a person who can't even save himself, what do you use to save the slaves in the world? Ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

Acrylic lowered his head and remained silent, but strange laughter came from his throat!

Young Acrylic frowned: "What are you laughing at?"

Acrylic smiled, and slowly raised his head, the vigorous killing intent bloomed at this moment!

"Indeed, you're right, maybe I've just wasted my time all these years, I haven't changed anything, and I've done a lot of wrong things!"

"But there is no regret medicine in the world that I can take. What happened has already happened! It can't be changed!"

"Maybe a year ago, I was still standing still, but until I met that person, he gave me direction! Taught me how to realize my own value!"

"A sinful person like me deserves to die! But I am worth more alive than dead! In order to bring that dream world into reality, I am willing to give my life for it! Everything!"

While talking, I saw Acrylic slowly looking at his hand, a blood crystal knife condensed out, and the killing intent on his body became even wilder!

"I don't like thinking very much, I only kill people! How can I change this era?"

"That's why I am willing to be the knife in his hand! Cut off all the thorns and obstacles in his path! Send him to the top and create the starry world of his dreams!"

"Perhaps in my limited life, most of the time I am sorry for my mother and my name!"

"But now, I dare say that my mother will be proud of me, and I can also be named Acrylic, because this name has become the hope of many slaves!"

"In the future... it will become the hope of more people!"

While speaking, Acrylic's blood crystal knife pointed directly at the young Acrylic and those companions who once shared weal and woe together!

There was a rare tenderness in his eyes!

"Thank you... for letting me see them again, and for making up for the regrets in my heart!"

"It's time to say goodbye to my past self. You... are all dead, and you will be free after death... You have come to this world for a while, but you have suffered... If you come again next time, I will give you a better starry sky world!"

" the name of Jiangnan, I will kill you all!"

Mirror body:! ! !


The blood-red knife light flashed and disappeared, extending an extremely long distance in the starry sky!

The acrylic has come behind the mirror body, the mirror body, the illusion...the 49 heavenly realms, have been cut in two by this knife!

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