And in the pure white body of the empress, the streamer of power is surging, turning into a streamer of seven colors!

It circulates endlessly in the body of the goddess, as if the rainbow has been integrated into the body!

Luo Tianqing on the other side is also not to be outdone, no matter what, she is also a god of war!

I saw a stream of clear power gushing out from Luo Tianqing's body, turning into an armored empress!

This kind of power is fierce and hot, fierce and direct, just like the bright sun on a sunny day, it seems to melt the earth, full of enthusiasm and restlessness!

Obviously, the two sisters are not limited to the simple manifestation of power, but are undergoing qualitative changes in completely different directions!

Seen from a distance, the two armored female emperors are heroic and majestic!

One person is rainbow color, one person is sunny color!

It's really a sunny day and a rainbow!

With a burst of power, the two armored empresses rushed straight to their mirror body!

Shan Mao didn't say anything, just threw his fist and smashed it!

"Vector force? Rush to the stars!"

As she punched out, a rainbow of power followed, turned into a horse, and went straight to her mirror body!

Shanmao's mirror body also used the rushing star, trying to blow Luo Tianqing away!

However, Empress Tianqing unceremoniously threw out a punch!

"It's sunny!"

A torrent of sunny power burst out, annihilating everything, turning into a sky, crushing the stars!

However, Shan Mao's mirror body was hit by the vector force, and his body flew backwards like a cannonball!

Even though he tried his best to resist, Vector Chongxing and Wanli Tianqing still sent her flying far away!

Empress Tianhong took this opportunity to grab Luo Tianhong's mirror body fiercely with her big hands!

"Vector Force? Summoning Stars! Rainbow Lock!"

Tianhong mirror body was pulled by an invisible force, went straight to the two sisters and pulled them over!

A rainbow-colored streamer emerged around her body, binding it firmly!

No matter how she burst out with strength, she couldn't break free!

So directly faced a one-on-two situation!

I saw Shanmao and Luo Tianqing each clenched their fists, the veins on their foreheads were throbbing violently, without saying a word, they punched and smashed!

"God and Demon Suppressing Prison Fist! Ah Da Da Da~"

"Broken Star Cannon? Unlimited bursts! Power storage? Thirty-six-leaf Overlord Flower!"

"Eight Nether Forms! Nail the fist, nail the fist, nail the fist!"

At this moment, the two sisters used their strength to explain what it means to drop punches like rain, that is a slamming hammer, and they directly circled, kicked and beat up!

And if you're lucky, you can hit a hundred times critical strike!

Perhaps the Void Mirror can reproduce the basic ability of the strong man medicine, but because of the randomness of the 100 times critical strike triggered, it is not so easy to be reproduced!

Even if it is reproduced on the spot, it is rarely possible to make it in time!

The poor Tianqing Jingshen was beaten to death by the two sisters' fists, and collapsed into Jingguang!

When the body of the bobcat that was smashed flew back, the two sisters who had just played with each other set their sights on her again!

"'s your turn!"

Lynx mirror body: (??┏w┓???)…

The black crow, Liu Mang, and the others were all trembling after watching this scene, these two tyrannosaurs looked like humanoid punching machines!

Is the empress really like this?

Just these two sisters, I didn't brag and punched me, I made them kneel down and beg me not to die!

However, the etching group army will not sit still!

Jue Jing anxiously said: (? °? Yi °?) "Zhiyan, have you saved up? It's not an option to continue like this, we don't have much time!"

I saw the antiplasmic body Zhiyan opened his eyes, staring at the sky above the battlefield!

"Let the explosion be more violent! All antiplasmids, attack with me!"

At this moment, 10,000 antiplasmids rushed straight to the battlefield, and the large amount of antimatter accumulated on their bodies for a long time was wrapped in a force field!

Obviously there is going to be a big wave!

Cooper's eyes were fixed: "Be careful! The antiplasmid's attack is extremely violent, don't rush in!"

You know, one gram of antimatter and positive matter annihilates each other, and the energy released is equivalent to the energy released by the explosion of 30,000 tons of TNT!

Perhaps it is not uncommon for a human being of an extraordinary level to carry a nuclear bomb hard, and it is common for a nuclear bomb to be received with the face, just like a breeze blowing on the face!

But antiplasmids don’t play tricks with you!

The amount of antimatter they release at one time is at the level of satellites and planets!

Zhiyan let out a roar, and a huge amount of antimatter in his body was released, expanding wildly, turning into a ball of antimatter hundreds of kilometers, thousands of kilometers wide, wrapped in a special force field!

Not only Zhiyan, but tens of thousands of antiplasmids are released!

Mi Ye:! ! !

"Tut~ back!"

However, at this moment, I saw the leader of the sage tribe, the sage, and the whole tribe directly made a big move!

"Erasure of fighting spirit! No fighting spirit! The sage mode is activated!"

"Everyone is a sage, roar~"

Accompanied by the battle roar of the sage clan, infinite golden light sprinkled on the battlefield, directly falling on the heads of the human players!

At this moment, the expressions on the faces of the people who were still high-spirited suddenly became neither happy nor sad. They relaxed, and even a holy light glowed on their bodies!

Mi Ye let out a long sigh, watching the antiplasmid attack:

(???) "Hey~ Fighting or something, it's really boring~"

Grandma Bai Kou had a kind face, as if she could see through the world of mortals:

(???┏?┓???) "I've lived long enough, and it's meaningless to live any longer. Since ancient times, no one has died in life. If you die sooner or later, you will die~"

Uncle Freya lay limp on the tree, looking calmly at the battlefield:

∠(?」∠)_“Hmm~ It’s fine if it’s just like this, no need to pay back, goose box~”

At this moment, all human beings seem to have entered the sage mode, immersed in the state of wanting nothing and being unable to extricate themselves!

Watching the antiplasmid attack indifferently!

Zhiyan's eyes are full of excitement, opportunity! Opportunity here!

Liu Mang looked at the battlefield with his hands behind his back, his expression was full of loneliness!

? "Sure enough~ After the excitement, it's boring? What else is there to miss in this life? It's just a shivering thing... eh~"

However, at this moment, a young lady in a bikini swimsuit suddenly appeared behind Liu Mang with tens of thousands of bodies exploding!

All of them seem to be wives who came out of the second dimension, so beautiful!

And such a beautiful wife, Liu Mang has more than 10,000 casually!

(???﹏???) "Mangmang~ Wake up? You can't die here? Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth? You haven't practiced it yet, how do you know?"

Liu Mang shook his head with his hands behind his back:

(?v~v?) "How to practice? It's over, I'm as black as a ghost, where is the little girl willing to test the truth with me?"

"Nowadays, little girls are afraid of being in the dark. Once the lights are turned off, they won't be able to find out where I am!"

However, Huayi sauce was in a hurry:

(???﹏??)? "Who said you can't find it? In the Black Soul Clan, aren't there many little girls who wink at you?"

"The opportunity is in your own hands. Can't your old Liu family be ruined in your hands?"

"Think about the countless lonely nights we spent with you! Mangmang~ We can't live without you?"

Countless young ladies surrounded Liu Mang, pushing and shoving, frantically shouting for his will!

Surrounded by Yingyingyanyan, Liu Mang's consciousness gradually became clear, and he found himself!

(▼皮▼●) "What's so boring about riding a horse? How do I know if I haven't tried it? The sages misled me!"

At this moment, the anxious Liu Mang hurriedly looked towards the battlefield, and saw that everyone looked like a sage!

(?v口v?●) "Hey! Wake up! Everyone wake up? Get out of the way! If you don't hide, you will die? If you die, you will lose everything, hey!"

However, everyone was still full of sages, no one answered Liu Mang's call at all!

Seeing that the antiplasma is about to explode!

I saw Liu Mang's eyes turned hard, only desire is the driving force of human beings, right?

If you want to break the model of sages, you have to do something ruthless, Nan Shen! Sorry!

(●??Yi??●) "Spiritual bluetooth link? Screen transmission! Learning materials compression package!"

Liu Mang, who was in a hurry, couldn't care less, all the women present sent Nanshen's cool photos to their minds xN!

As a good brother of Nanshen, what big scene has Liu Mang never seen?

As for the young and old? Just send them the learning materials that I have treasured in my mind for many years and I am reluctant to delete them!

Liu Mang, who is a top student, doesn't have any question types in his mind? That's pretty comprehensive, okay?

A @全员 will be sent directly to everyone!

The next moment, all the human players present widened their eyes!

Shanmao Luo Tianqing, Weiwei'an, Meimo, Tie Niu, Blood Platelet and the others, their faces were all red and bleeding, and they couldn't help being shocked for a moment... their eyes were opened!

Tieniu almost died on the spot, Brother Mang! What did you show me? Hey! I'm a married man?

Momo immediately covered her face, white smoke was coming out of her forehead, it's a sin! sin!

Hart vomits blood, don't send some weird pictures in my wife's mind!

On the other hand, Bai Kou spurted out two streams of nosebleeds violently, her breathing became short of breath, and the nosebleeds froze into icicles hanging on her lips!

This, this, this... This is simply a good thing!

Mi Ye immediately woke up, her eyes brightened and she started to turn the pages in her mind!

Goose Box~Xiao Lanlan, there are so many things I haven't understood?

It's an eye-opener today, let's take care of Liu Mang later!

And all the human gentlemen on the battlefield bowed down to Liu Mang, gave a thumbs up, and didn't get up for a long time!

Not because of anything else, but because Liu Mang deserves the title of his dream master?

The breadth of this knowledge is simply breathtaking!

The sage mode of the sage family was directly broken by the compressed package transmitted by Liu Mang using Bluetooth!

But Liu Wei was in a hurry: "Look back and enjoy it! Hey, you are riding a horse, but running? They are going to zoom in!"

Just heard Zhiyan roar!

"The annihilation of antimatter? The collapse of the starry sky!"


The entire battlefield was lit up in an instant!

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