Jiang Nan, who was bounced away again, leaned over with a stern face, circled around Zhong Yingxue, and even moved his own face towards Zhong Yingxue!

(????) "Nah~ na na na~ that bobo pinch with the strawberry print you mentioned just now? I made it through, did you say there will be rewards?"

"You can't say that you don't count!"

Two blushes could not help flying up on Zhong Yingxue's cheeks, there are so many people here, why are they popping?

These dark cosmic bodies are all watching from the sidelines?

(??°?br/\u003e?°) "Go, go, go, go be your murderer, I won't boo!"

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and tilted his head, trying to get away with it!

The smile on Jiangnan's face gradually deformed, with a teasing look on his face:

(?????) "Are you jealous? Is Xuexue jealous? Otherwise, to be fair, I'll be a murderer on your side too!"

"I'm really good at this!"

[Resentment value from Zhong Yingxue +666! ]

Good guy, let you take all the cheap, right?

Seeing that Jiangnan and the others had a happy atmosphere, they didn't take the matter of innocence just now to heart!

Jiang Nan also became a murderer. He must have acted like this just to change the subject, clear up his guilt, and give himself a step down, right?

I didn't expect Devil Jiang to have such a gentle side!

Having said that, it is also true that it brings trouble to humans!

Ye Yuanwei took a deep breath, bowed her head towards Jiangnan and the others!

"Sorry! I've caused you trouble. We didn't think about misfortune. We might have thought about it at first, but we didn't think we'd really do it!"

"Who knew that I ran into it after talking about it... I'm sorry!"

This is forcing innocence to retreat, everyone is happy, if not forced to retreat, it will be human beings who will suffer!

Xia Yao's forehead was sweating profusely: (??w???) "Actually...it can't be all your fault, Xiao Nan is mainly responsible!"

Everyone has seen the unlucky look just now, and it is estimated that it is the opposite language spirit showing off its power again and attracting innocent people, right?

Jiang Nan put a fork on his waist: (?v~v?) "Huh? What does it have to do with me? It's their fault. How dangerous was it just now? Just thank me gratefully!"

"I don't need to say thank you or anything, just transfer me a million and eight hundred billion after I go out!"

Ye Jinse was stunned: (???~??)???? "Eh? Is it all right? It's okay!"

Jiangnan: ∑(°口°?)?

ha? so happy? I want less?

Could it be that these two are from the little rich woman?

As everyone knows, the third sequence of the dark universe body has industries all over the starry sky. For the leaders of the race like the Ye family sisters, the resources are enough!

Eight hundred billion star points are really nothing!

But Zhong Yingxue changed the subject: "What happened in the end? No matter how you say it, your Dark Cosmic Body is the third sequence, and your strength is not weak. Even if you can't beat the Bose Clan, you can escape, right?"

"Why are there so few people left?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions became serious, and the third sequence was almost cleared, and it was severely damaged like this?

It's really not something that can be done by ordinary means!

Ye Jinse gritted her teeth: (???????)? "The Bose clan and Siji teamed up and severely injured our warriors. We were almost left behind. Innocence is too strong!"

She roughly recounted the incident of being besieged, and the only few hundred remaining Dark Cosmic Body fighters clenched their fists, their eyes dimmed with humiliation!

Jiang Nan was taken aback when he heard that, did the Bose clan team up with Siji?

This is really strange. I thought that the silicon base would be more ambitious and unite with the subordinates to deal with the Bose family, but who knew that it would do the opposite?

Is it the theory of 0 and 1 again? I really don't know what these iron heads are thinking!

Jiang Nan smacked his lips: "You were besieged by the First and Second Alliance, thanks to the fact that you were able to escape!"

Ye Yuanwei was stunned: "Speaking of this, things are still a bit strange. Originally, we were destined to be wiped out in the formation, but for some reason, a big hole was suddenly broken in the tightly guarded energy matrix!"

"We just took the opportunity to escape. According to Silicon-based's style of work, there is absolutely no possibility of technical mistakes!"

Ye Jin could not stop nodding:

(*???????) "That's right! Also, when we counterattacked in the formation, those Bose bodies and mechanical soldiers seemed to be blind, and they couldn't feel our existence at all!"

"It also allowed us to launch a wave of counterattacks and kill hundreds of Bose bodies. If it weren't for this, my sister and I would have been killed without guilt!"

The rest of the dark universe bodies also quickly started talking!

"Really, I have this feeling too, suddenly they can't see me, it's so strange!"

"It's not just as simple as not being able to see, it's like not being able to feel our existence!"

Ye Yuanwei looked serious: (#?????????) "It must be someone behind the scenes who is secretly helping us, but he doesn't want to reveal his identity?"

"It was he who saved our lives. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be able to escape, and we wouldn't be able to meet you!"

Jiangnan was full of heads, and his face was full of bewildered criticism:

Σ(°Д°;) "Huh? A star giant hiding behind the scenes? Even your sisters and Wuzui can't detect it? Helping you secretly?"

"Who is it?"

Among the players in the Great Ruins of Genesis, is there such an existence?

Wang Youzhi put his hands in his pockets, with a natural expression on his face:

?(?′??`)? "Who is it? Is it a human being? Your own people? Have you forgotten?"

At this moment, not only Zhong Yingxue Jiangnan and the others were stunned, but the Ye family sisters were also shocked!

∑(°口°?) "What? You said that the behind-the-scenes giant who hides his identity and refuses to show up is a human?"

Jiang Nan swallowed:

Σ(°△°|||) "Why didn't I know that there were such awesome people in the team?"

Wang Youzhi rolled his eyes:

(??~???) "I said it all! There is a non-existent person in the human team, and there are 398 human players in total!"

"When I first entered the arena, there were only 397 people in the spiritual group chat. Isn't that obvious? The reason why Ye Yuanwei and the others were able to escape was because of his help!"

"Hey~ Forget it, you won't remember it anyway! You just need to know that you still have a teammate who doesn't exist! The legendary behind-the-scenes giant!"

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of criticism, he remembered that Hei Shen said that there was a teammate who didn't exist!

Is this one so fierce? Directly break the joint siege of the Bose family and the silicon base?

And still yourself?

Ye Yuanli looked excited:

(????br/\u003e??)? "Nan Shen! Please let me meet this behind-the-scenes giant afterwards. I want to thank this existence in person!"

"If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be able to survive so many people!"

Jiang Nan scratched his head: ?(????br/\u003e??) "There...if there is a chance, I'll help you find it!"

I don't know who it is, how can I see you!

Wang Youzhi chuckled, you can count on what you see!

Seeing Jiangnan looking at the dark universe team, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows:

(??~??) "What are you going to do next? The fierce battle period has reached the middle and late stages, and the major sequences collide, reducing each other's staff, and scrambling for food!"

"In your state, this last piece of cake, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it?"

Ye Yuanwei took a deep breath, and bowed to Jiangnan again, please!

"Please, can we cooperate with humans? I know that if humans want to score high, they will not choose to form alliances. Any allies are just a burden to share points!"

"But even if we are reduced to this point, there is still residual value. We can help humans fight against other sequences, against silicon-based, and even be innocent!"

"I can also guarantee that in the follow-up series of offensive and defensive battles, the dark universe body will be the most loyal ally of mankind, and can also provide resource support for mankind!"

"Please help us, we won't lose too many points, just... just don't fall too badly, in that case, our sisters will be sinners of the race!"

Although Dark Universe is still ranked third in terms of points, it has widened a gap with other sequences!

But they have already lost the capital to compete, and they can't get a lot of points efficiently. The world hunt is far from over!

It is foreseeable that the score of the dark universe body will catch up sooner or later. If it falls below the fifth place, this is something that the dark universe body cannot accept no matter what!

And at present, she can only be cheeky and pull humans to form an alliance!

But even if Jiang Nan disagrees, she will not complain, human beings have their own considerations!

It's not the time to look at favors between races!

Ye Jinse also patted her chest!

(????????)? "I...we are very useful. My sister and I teamed up, and our strength is close to that of swallowing stars, and we also know the methods of innocence. Zhou Shu is also capable of dealing with other sequence leaders!"

"If you form an alliance, it will definitely help!"

After finishing speaking, the two sisters looked forward to Jiangnan!

And everyone's eyes are also focused on Jiangnan!

How to decide exactly, but Jiangnan has to do it!

To be honest, Jiangnan really didn't intend to form an alliance at the beginning. The efficiency of human beings in obtaining points was not high compared to other races!

If you form an alliance and share the points, you will be able to rush to a high position!

But until now, Jiangnan has gradually changed his mind!

With the strength of more than 300 human beings alone, can they really withstand the joint siege of the big clans?

The dark cosmic body has been beaten like this by the Bose family and the silicon base!

Moreover, in this wave, humans fought in groups and indeed gained a lot of points, but there were also many people who were eliminated because of this!

After this wave of fights, there are only 300 people left in the field, and they have to collide with the various clans to grab the last cake!

And at this stage, the major clans no longer care about the name of the fifth natural disaster!

After all, it's time to start fighting, and you'll have to mess with it if you want to!

Once it is jointly targeted by the various clans, the manpower of human beings is really enough!

Even if they can bear it, they will have to be cleared a lot, and when they eat the last cake, they will still lose their competitiveness!

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Nan already knew what to do next!

Can't help smiling and looking at Ye Yuanwei: "You're right. From a human point of view, you really don't need allies, but judging from the current situation, it's very difficult to fight alone and still remain competitive in the end!"

"To be honest, if we really want to cooperate, the disabled Dark Universe is not a good choice. The Apocalypse Clan and Gamma Clan's killing Qima Legion will be more powerful helpers!"

Ye Yuanwei's eyes dimmed: "Is this... so?"

Jiangnan changed the subject: "But... Humans can cooperate with you to form an alliance! It will help you maintain your competitiveness in subsequent disputes!"

"And will also give points to the dark universe, try to help you keep the third position without affecting human beings!"

As soon as these words came out, Xia Yao and the others stared wide-eyed, even Ye Yuanwei was dumbfounded!

Σ(っ°?°;)っ"You...you're not kidding me, are you? Really...really?"

Not only form an alliance with the dark universe body, but also divide points, and help the dark universe body keep the top three as much as possible?

Jiang Nan spread his hands and smiled: ╮(??w??)╭ "Do you think I'm joking? To be honest, I didn't want to let humans go too high at first, I just wanted a top ten sequence Seat, have the right to speak in the starry sky, and enter the center of power!"

"I know exactly how much human beings currently have. It's not a good thing to rank too high. I don't want to compete for the top three positions. Humans are not ready yet!"

"If the foundation is not stable, then the building will inevitably collapse. Of course, within the acceptable range, the higher the better~"

"It's agreed in advance that I'm going to secure the No. 1 position on the Star Hunting Ranking, and I won't be able to compete with me!"

Ye Yuanwei swallowed: "This...is this the reason why you helped us?"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "Of course not, I'm not a bad person?"

"Back then, when humans won the Star Ruins War, before entering the sequence, they were betrayed by the silicon base, spurned by all the people in the starry sky, and called uncivilized wild monkeys by everyone..."

"Looking up, there are all existences who want to step my human being into the abyss, but only Noah extended a helping hand to me!"

"Although he also has his own considerations, calculations, and wants to use me to help him disrupt the situation, it is true that he helped me! Because of this life-saving straw, there was a thousand-star catastrophe, and human beings were able to enter the star sequence. With humans today!"

"I will remember this favor forever! I will let Noah know! He... didn't choose the wrong person! He didn't see the wrong person either!"

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