Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2467 Unsolvable Infinite Loop

Under such circumstances, there will be no good fruit to eat with the Bose family and the silicon base!

Not to mention that both of them have come prepared, if they want to keep the third place!

The only way is to break the Gumbutz energy matrix and escape!

This is the strategy with the least loss!

Ye Yuanwei clenched her white teeth tightly, staring at innocent!

"Turse, take someone to stop the mechanical army, I will try my best to hold back the Bose clan! Use that trick!"

Ye Jinse's little face was full of seriousness, and she nodded heavily!

Between the sisters, needless to say, she naturally knows what her sister thinks!

The next moment, behind Ye Jinse and Ye Yuanwei, a flower of emptiness and shadow bloomed!

It seems to be rooted in the shadow world that ordinary people can't touch!

Countless dark energies all over the battlefield began to frantically gather towards the Shadow Flowers!

Even if it is blocked by the Gumbutz energy matrix, this sealed space is still filled with a huge amount of dark energy!

3% of total mass energy is no joke!

Wuzui sneered: "It seems that you still have some meaningless fantasies? Are you still unwilling to use cosmic techniques? Why? Can't bear to part with the life source of your dark cosmic body?"

"Hold me? This may be the most courageous sentence you have ever said in your life!"

"Trying to block me without Zhou Shu? I will force you to use it!"

While talking innocently holding the knife, he disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Ye Yuanwei!

The ten-colored long swords slashed down violently!

Night Iris:! ! !

Dark Energy Force Field!

It tried to repel this slash with a force field!

However, Wuzui grinned grimly: "The ball of dimension? Annihilation!"

The huge gate of dimension is distorted into a spherical shape, connecting the four-dimensional world, the gate is aimed at Ye Iris and suddenly shrinks!

Everything is decomposed by dimension ascending!

At the same time, the knife that innocently slashed came out from the gate of dimension, and slashed directly at Ye Yuanwei's face!

Ye Iris bit her lower lip tightly, tricky guy!

Dark Energy Transmission!

Her body disappeared into the ball in an instant, and as soon as her front feet disappeared, the dimension ball shrank to a point of origin!

However, the moment she just appeared, the innocent big hand was aimed at Ye Yuanwei's direction!

"Gaowei is coming!"

A wide range of space is directly upgraded as a whole!


Ye Yuanwei spat out a mouthful of dark energy fiercely, and her body dimmed a little, but her body was completely transformed into the form of dark energy, and she was able to survive the ranged dimension increase!

Although dark energy is also being decomposed by dimension ascending, the speed is very slow!

Anyway, the Dark Cosmic Body is also an energy-type life, and it can temporarily carry the high-dimensional arrival!

But if you want to move freely in four dimensions like the Bose family, there is absolutely no way!

Ye Iris can only transmit dark energy again to escape the range of dimension ascension!

But Hirao Xu came to kill him, holding a ten-colored epee, swirling fiercely, beheading the sky with a burst of violence!

The sword light is attached to the ten-color world-destroying particles, and even the dark energy can be wiped out, so Ye Yuanwei dare not pick it up!

You can only fight and retreat!

Obviously, whether it is Hiiragi or Innocence, they are all psychics, and they are contracted to have the existence of creation beasts!

Naturally, it can also borrow the power of the creation beast!

During this process, the Shadow Flower behind Ye Yuanwei became more and more solid!

At the same time, Ye Jinse also led people to launch an attack on the star anti-mechanical army!

Ye Jinse's body was filled with black mist, and she directly pulled out two black crystal short knives from her chest!

The body appeared in front of Yingshi in an instant, one knife directly took Yingshi's neck, and the other aimed at his core power furnace!

"Dark Absolute Shadow Thorn!"

The two knives are surrounded by extremely rich dark matter!

However, the Shadow Warrior moved in an instant, and the mechanical eyes locked onto Ye Jinse's movements!

The arm deformed for a while, turning into a short blade, and the energy circuits on the body converged towards the short blade!

On the short blade, there was a bright white daylight, which was obviously enchanted with day matter!

"Against? Anjue Shadow Thorn!"


The two metal crisp sounds are superimposed, and the moment the dark matter and the day matter collide, the two phases are annihilated!

Ye Jinse's eyes were full of astonishment!

The next moment, a huge amount of energy was released at the moment when the two phases were annihilated!


The wild energy release swallowed up the figures of the two of them almost instantly!

However, Shadow Warrior turned on the energy recovery system, and the hexagonal scales on his body absorbed energy crazily!

But Ye Jinse is also not afraid of this kind of energy release, as long as she transforms into the form of dark energy, the released energy will pass through her body directly!

Dark energy hardly reacts with any form of energy!

Of course, except for the man-made day energy that does not exist in the starry sky world!

"Day can kill the coffin!"

Twelve small white Relo triangles suddenly shot out from the shadow warrior's chest, spreading all over Ye Jinse's body in an instant!

The day energy wrapped in the force field was released from it, forming a huge energy coffin!

The next moment, the package force field disappeared immediately!

An extremely dangerous feeling came to my heart, it was a kind of energy that Ye Jinse hated very much!

Essential disgust, disgust!

Once touched, the dark energy that makes up one's body will surely disappear along with the day energy, right?

damn it!


The moment of contact, a more blazing energy burst out than before, and the brilliance even lit up the entire battlefield!

Ye Jinse inside was annihilated into nothingness!

But the next moment, Ye Jinse appeared directly behind Yingshi!

As long as there is dark energy, the dark cosmic body will not be killed so easily!

Ye Jinse's pretty face was full of anger!

"Field unfolding? Instant Fanghua!"

In an instant, a huge field unfolded, covering dozens of star anti-mechanical prosthetic bodies!

At the foot of each mechanical prosthetic body, there is a Viola flower made of dark energy blooming!

"Wither away! Stinky tin jars!"

Under the burst of powerful dark energy, those mechanical prosthetic bodies were directly disassembled into shredded parts!

Some are even directly compressed into scrap iron balls. No matter how strong the mechanical prosthetic body is, it cannot withstand such a dismantling method!

However, this does not mean the end for the silicon base!

"The prosthetic body is damaged, unable to continue fighting, and the core power furnace self-destruct program is activated!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The mechanical prosthetic bodies exploded directly, releasing a huge amount of energy. If that's all, it's fine, these mechanical prosthetic bodies are self-destructing at the same time!

Release the remaining solar matter and solar energy in the body together, and eject it out!

Without the restraint of the force field, the annihilation reaction between the day matter and day energy and the dark matter and dark energy everywhere is almost instantaneous!

Explode again, releasing energy!

You know, in Ye Jinse's domain, the concentration of dark matter and dark energy is not so high!

It's like a dozen sparks falling into a powder keg!

"Boom boom boom!"

Ye Jinse's domain was torn apart almost instantly by dozens of mechanical prosthetic bodies self-destructing!

The whole person is a little embarrassed and condenses out of a void!

He scratched his hair in annoyance and stomped his feet!

(???Dish??)? "Ahh! I'm so mad, I'm so mad!"

The silicon-based anti-dark cosmic body combat mode is simply disgusting!

First, use the Gumbutz energy matrix to seal off the almost endless energy source of the Dark Cosmic Body!

The combat effectiveness was immediately reduced!

Immediately, the Star Anti-Mechanical Prosthesis beat the Dark Cosmic Body with disgusting things like day matter and day energy!

If you can't beat it, you will blow yourself up, and you will be disgusted before you die!

No matter how many mechanical soldiers you kill, you won't get a single point!

The millions of star anti-mechanical prosthetic bodies sent by the silicon base are just "weapons"!

The combat power originally belonging to the Dark Cosmic Body can't be used in this environment at all!

The silicon-based anti-dark cosmic body mode is absolutely overwhelmed!

Si-based play is simple, create an environment that favors me and weakens your advantage!

Then start from your weakness and attack the enemy with weakness!

As long as it is a living body, it must have flaws. There is no perfect living body in this world!

Find a way to restrain, you can always take it down!

This method, which is applicable in most cases, has brought countless victories to Silicon!

And what Ye Jinse killed just now was just a carrier of the Shadow Warrior's will program!

But there are millions of mechanical soldiers sent by Siji this time!

Ye Jinse slapped her cheek hard!

"Don't get close to them, be careful not to be touched by day matter and day energy! Reduce the number of enemies as much as possible!"

"Use the shadow body to confuse the enemy and make them unable to find their target!"

The dark cosmic body legion is also not built, using dark energy and dark matter to aggregate into shadow bodies one by one!

Launch an attack on the star anti-mechanical army!

Their bodies can be freely transformed among multiple shadow bodies. As long as there is still available dark energy, new bodies can be continuously derived!

At this moment, the mechanical legion has already arranged a dense battle formation, and began to suppress the elusive dark space bodies with self-targeting firepower!

Cannonballs, catching nets, phalanx barrages, energy shocks, all kinds of weapons can be said to be in battle in turn!

Destroy a large number of shadow bodies, and the moment the two annihilate each other, a huge energy will be released!

The entire battlefield is filled with terrifying energy ripples!

And with the suppression of the silicon-based firepower, under the annihilation of the dark day, the total amount of dark matter and dark energy in the Gombots energy matrix is ​​also constantly decreasing!

If the fight continues like this, the energy source of the dark cosmic body in the formation will be exhausted sooner or later!

At that time, the dark universe body will really be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

From the very beginning, Siji wanted to lock the dark body in the energy matrix and consume it to death!

Obviously, before the war, Silicon has already done countless calculations!

Even if the dark cosmic bodies continue to reduce the number of mechanical legions, the day matter and day energy thrown out when the mechanical prosthesis explodes will intensify the consumption of dark energy in the formation!

This is simply caught in an endless loop!

What makes people even more desperate is that the Herrscher troops of the Bose tribe have also joined the ranks of besieging and killing other dark cosmic bodies!

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