Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2459 Twilight of the Gods of the Western Gods

Because the entire steel army has turned into a steel giant woven with carbon filaments!

Even Badr and the others couldn't break into the body and kill someone!

And the ever-blooming supernovae and atomic explosions melted and destroyed only the shield armor of the tungsten armor and the cannon fodder Zerg that were left outside as reactive armor!

Those carbon filaments crazily absorb the conduction energy, absorbing the attack energy of Odin Bati and others, and the power is gradually reduced. It is already difficult to completely kill the enemies inside the giant!

And these energies are all flowing towards the most central energy-gathering ring array!

Thousands of metal swords smashed straight into the Great Cathedral, and the energy-gathering ring array became brighter and brighter!

Batty stared: "Odin! No way! If this goes on, I can't stand it anymore. They're going to come and take the big one back to defense!"

Apparently, he saw bad results through the whispers of the gods!

However, Jingming resisted the violent energy, his body was cracked, and he never cared!

"Just this blow! Life and death!"

"Tenth-level crystal ring? Super mighty pillar of destruction!"

The next moment, a huge crystal seal suddenly appeared above the great hall, and ten incomparably dazzling crystal rings suddenly superimposed and emerged, and complicated mantras flowed among them!


Infinite energy suddenly burst out from the crystal seal, smashed down hard, and after ten crystal rings increased their strength layer by layer, they suddenly rushed towards the great hall!

The energy is so thick that it is almost crystallized, and the energy column is so thick that it is abnormal!

Compared with the energy column, the steel giant formed by the group army is like a chopstick!

The Pillar of Destruction is a towering giant tree, extremely conspicuous in the starry sky, like a cannon capable of penetrating galaxies!

Odin and the others stared, stretching the great hall to the maximum, the space circulated, and the golden light shone!

Baldr gritted his teeth tightly: "The world is so close!"

The space around the cathedral was infinitely compressed, at this very moment!


The Pillar of Destruction slammed into the Great Cathedral and completely submerged it. Due to the distance, it did not hit the main body of the Great Cathedral immediately!

Badr's face turned pale: "There's no time, no matter how close we can resist, the energy bombardment will reach here across the distance, I can't hold back much time!"

"This kind of intense attack, the Great Holy Church can't bear it!"

Batty stared: "Badr! Over there!"

At the same time as the pillar of destruction was blasted out, the steel giant condensed a huge sword of Wuka Immortal Gold, which was inlaid with a large piece of energy spar!

Accelerated by the omnidirectional magnetic field and the metal force field, he slashed towards this side recklessly!

The carbon filament gathers the strength of the entire army, making the sword burst out with a huge aura!

"go to hell!"

Badr:! ! !

"Fuck! The Infinite Prison! Be honest with me, you!"

The space is crazily compressed towards the steel giant, and the distance between the two is infinitely stretched!

The steel giant's movements are obviously fast, but it doesn't move when it jumps, as if trapped in a space that can never get out!

But Badr knew that they would always break through the sky prison!

I can't keep them trapped!

Odin gritted his teeth: "Damn it, these little brats are really tenacious. Originally, I wanted to save this trick to deal with the top ten sequences, and show it off in front of my big brother!"

"Now I can only fill the cups in advance, please delay, I need time to gather the light!"

Bader vomited blood: "What the hell? I can't stand it? The knife is on my neck!"

The pillar of destruction light is crossing the distance of the sky, and sooner or later it will cross it!

However, at this moment, Martin stood up and wiped his nose:

(?°??°) "I don't know if I can stand it!"

Everyone looked at Martin in astonishment!

Pierce was stunned: Σ(°△°?) "Old horse? Do you have a trick? Tell me earlier?"

Martin grinned:

(??????) "The grand finale always comes last?"

After speaking, his expression gradually became serious: "Odin, I will buy time for you, don't lose the chain!"


Badr was confused: "Aren't you from the gravitational system? How do you block it?"

Martin smiled: "Gravity, after all, is one of the four fundamental forces in the world, don't underestimate me, you?"


At this moment, a terrifying aura erupted from Martin's body, and the wild flames on his body began to burn blazingly!

Under the action of gravity, the body soared upwards until it reached the roof of the Great Cathedral!

I saw him spread his arms, his eyes glared, and he raised his head to the sky and shouted violently:


Suddenly, Martin himself directly turned into the origin of universal gravitation!

Due to the strong gravitational force, the space around him was distorted, making his figure blurred!

"Origin of gravity? Time dilation effect!"

"Slow space!"

Under the action of strong gravitational force, a wonderful scene happened. I saw that in the area of ​​strong gravitational force, time...slowed down!

The pillar of destruction that kept bombarding the Great Cathedral, the infinite energy suddenly slowed down after blasting into the time expansion effect zone!

You can even clearly see the flow, leap, and crystallization of energy!

And the same is true for those bombarding energies in the distance!

For example, a distance that originally took 30 seconds to cross would take 300 seconds to reach under the influence of Martin's time dilation effect!

At this moment, the flow of time inside and outside the Cathedral is completely different!

Ten seconds passed inside, and only one second passed outside!

Everyone looked at the distorted Martin in horror!

∑(°口°?) "Are there any mistakes? Isn't Martin a gravitational system? He can manipulate time?"

You know, the ability to be related to time is abnormal!

Badr looked serious: "Using strong gravity to distort space, thereby artificially creating a time dilation effect? ​​Martin... hiss~"

At this moment, Martin's body couldn't bear the weight of the origin of gravity, so he couldn't help deforming, and his bones were squeezed, cracked, and shattered!

This is simply not something that carbon-based organisms can play with!

If he hadn't been pushed up by various hooks to improve his physical fitness, he really wouldn't dare to use it. If he was not careful, he would be compressed into a meat ball by the gravitational field!

But Martin still wants to use it, his eyes are burning with wild ambition!

Gravity is the only force that can travel through time, span time, and affect time!

The Black God said that all roads lead to the end!

Nanshen created the event horizon through the black hole swallowing stars, on which there is the most powerful time dilation effect in the starry sky, and it can even stop time!

When Martin saw it for the first time, he thought, if this thing could be turned into a weapon, it would be amazing!

However, I can't become a black hole, let alone a space system. All I have is gravity, but this also gives Martin a possibility!

Even if it is dangerous, Martin wants to try it!

If a person doesn't try, he can't do anything. He doesn't want to be unknown, he doesn't want to be that kind of insignificant role!

He wants to be remembered and recognized! Be respected!

When he was on the moon, he tasted the sweetness of being praised, trusted, and entrusted with important responsibilities!

And this feeling! But it will be addictive!

At this moment, Martin's eyes were full of wildness!

"Remember my name! Star Reacher! Martin!"

He has enhanced the time dilation effect to the extreme. With Martin's current strength, he can probably slow down the flow of time in the area by about ten times!

That's enough!

Pierce opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at Martin!

Depend on! When did this guy sneak out so far?

Pooh looked at Martin who stood up at the critical moment with starry eyes!


Pony is the most handsome!

At this moment, even the steel group army that was attacking the Cathedral was stunned, time dilation effect?

Did you make a mistake, how did this break?

No matter what it is, as long as it enters this area, it will definitely be affected, and nothing can resist the mighty power of time!

On the Sequence Throne, Stardust Clan Chenmu's face also turned dark, there must be another one!

Like this kind of forbidden technique that creates the time dilation effect, the Stardust Clan will also know it, and it is still a housekeeping skill!

Since the Great Hunting of the Universe started, Yaogen and Anqu have not used it yet, they intend to use it as a trump card against other big clans!

As a result, this guy named Martin will do it too?

Even if it is the body of the Stardust Clan, using this move will have a huge load, but because of the special nature of the body, it can withstand it!

Martin dare to use a carbon base? It's really crazy, and I'm not afraid to play myself to death!

How many abilities do humans still have not shown?

Badr said anxiously: "Odin! Are you ready? Brother Ma can't hold on any longer, and he will play himself to death in a while!"

I saw that Odin finally finished gathering the light. The surrounding starlight, the light of the Pillar of Destruction, and all the light in the starry sky gathered on Odin!

Even the starry sky seemed to dim at this moment!

At this moment, Odin's body exuded a soft golden holy light, and his expression was solemn!

"Thank you! Leave the rest to me!"

I saw him walking to the front of the great hall just like that, with the scepter of light in his hand in front of him!

Infinite rays of light burst out from his body, and the Great Sanctuary was nourished by Odin's rays of light, soaring crazily!

Become carved beams and painted buildings, magnificent and radiant!

"Western God Realm!"

At this moment, the steel giant who had just broken through the boundless dungeon was stunned!

The starry sky on the battlefield was suddenly filled with dim yellow light, quiet and silent!

The evening red in the dusk seems to be burning in the twilight!

This is the last afterglow before the light dies, representing despair and destruction! Death and the end!

As the sky fell at dusk, I saw that the giant Wuka Xianjin giant sword that the steel giant had slashed had already melted silently before it could be slashed!

Including the thick armor, carbon filaments, everything disappeared without a sound! It seems to have turned into a bubble!

Twilight falls, death is silent!

Under the dusk is the lament of life, the final chapter of fate!

Above the great hall, the square crystal seal and ten crystal rings were all shattered and melted under the dusk sky!

Everyone looked at the dusk covering the starry sky in horror!

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Odin looked calm, and the light behind him emerged, turning into a god seat!

He just sat in front of the great hall, like the king of light who controls everything in the domain of the gods!

Dusk fell on the Western Divine Realm, casting their shadows very, very long!

Odin leaned on the scepter of light and looked at the steel giant with half-closed eyes. His eyes were full of pity and sorrow!

"When the light disappears, choose not to shine on the starry sky, and when dusk falls, the noise and enthusiasm of the past are like a big dream! Life will also come to an end! Dawn will never come!"

"As I said, light can breed life, and nature can also destroy life. The burning twilight is my last elegy to you!"

"Are you ready for the eternal night in the dark?"

"Gods... Dusk!"

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