Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2456 Ah will die together

The red gold armor-piercing cone even has the function of tracking hits, and they all shot towards the Great Cathedral in a swarm!

At this moment, the glazed radiance on Baldr, Pierce, and the magician was incomparably thick, and the spatial prism that constituted the Great Sanctuary began to rotate endlessly!

Baldr said lightly: (??vдv?) "Heh~ there's even an armor-piercing cone, it's really primitive! Great Church? Total reflection of space!"


An extremely strong spatial oscillation spread out!

I saw those red-gold armor-piercing cones suddenly turned around the moment they approached the Great Church!

Turn your head and shoot straight at the Iron and Steel Army!

It's not the kind of attack transfer similar to space wormholes, but a more direct space reversal!

The space holding the red gold armor-piercing cone is reversed, and it will naturally return to the original path!

Then an extremely weird scene happened, none of the armor-piercing cones successfully pierced into the cathedral!

They all turned around and flew back in place!

Ulu's eyes were full of bad luck: "Tsk~ It's like this again! Iron wall!"

The crazy combination of those thick hexagonal tungsten gold shields formed a huge semi-arc shield, which protected the steel army like an eggshell!

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge armor-piercing cone exploded the moment it hit the iron wall, bursting out fiery energy ripples, but they were all stopped!

The energy impact and physical impact were all absorbed by Wuka Xianjin, leaving only shallow craters on it!

Jingming stared: "Explosion!"

Inside those armor-piercing cones, there are spars with huge energy hidden. They exploded at the moment they were reversed by the space and before they were shot back!

Try to blow up the cathedral!

However, Batty stood in front of the Great Church early and prepared!

Facing the rippling torrent of energy, Batty waved his hand!

"Atom annihilation? Moat!"

Those energy shock waves didn't wait to get close to the Great Cathedral, as if they had hit an invisible thick barrier!

Annihilated directly into nothingness, without a trace of penetration!

Obviously, Batty has already expected it!

(? ▽▽▽) "Hey! Don't use these tricks that even a three-year-old can't fool? Since they are here to surround and kill us, why don't you come up with something real?"

"This level of wanting to clear us out? Daydreams are not so presumptuous, right?"

Eugene and the others looked as ugly as if they had eaten stinky socks!

Wulu sneered: "How dare you come in? Can you break our defense?"

Mentioning this, Odin and the others also had a look of helplessness on their faces, they used all the tricks they could!

The Iron and Steel Group Army is like a living war fortress, a batch of meat, if you are not careful, you may get yourself inside!

Under normal conditions, there is really no good way to crack the defense!

Badr's eyes were full of hostility:


"Fuck! I'm going to go in now. With my ability, they can't keep me. As long as I kill those difficult races, the iron wall will be broken by itself!"

Say it and rush in!

However, Odin pressed Badr's shoulders and grinned: "You assassin type player, what kind of enemy camp are you rushing to? Don't underestimate the heroes of the world, these sequences have their own life-saving methods!"

"And most of them are material life, not carbon-based. If they are not completely wiped out, it will be difficult to kill them. They have set up their formations and are waiting for us to rush in!"

"Isn't it stupid to bite the bullet and jump into a fire pit in front of you?"

Pierce nodded: (??v_v?)? "That's right! Wait a little longer~"

The magician looked at Pierce speechlessly, you've got love written all over your face?

Can you be more confident in yourself?

Badr gritted his teeth and said, "Assassins who don't rush to the enemy camp are not good space systems. If we continue to scrape like this, when will we have to scrape? I still want to rank in the Star Hunting Ranking!"

Bombardier rubbed his head straight: "Master Xiao and the others didn't go up, so we can't go up first? Otherwise, wouldn't it be showing their cards?"

Everyone on Odin's side is waiting for Xiao Chuihuo's side to explode!

Odin frowned and looked at the Iron and Steel Army, smacking his lips: "This bastard is really hard to deal with if you don't hang it up?"

He is looking forward to showing off under the whole starry sky after being hanged up, advertising for his Sun God Sect, recruiting new ones, and increasing his followers!

Even the lines are thought out in advance!

I saw Odin cough twice:

-`(??v?v??)?-"Hey, hey, what do you mean let us kill you? Are you here to kill us? Be dedicated, okay?"

"Did you put up your defensive position just after the fight? Could it be that your brains are all full of iron lumps?"

"Aren't you going to clear us out? Are you fighting?"

Hei Si stared, his eyes full of murderous intent: "Then it will be as you wish!"

At this moment, I saw those 3 million insect soldier cannon fodder opening their bloody mouths one by one!

The carbon filaments connected to them began to conduct energy, and all the energy gushed out from the crystal group's energy-gathering ring array was fired through the cannon fodder of three million insect soldiers, and went straight to the Great Cathedral to bombard it!

The Great Church is not hard-wired, but uses space transformation to wander around outside the formation of the Iron Army!

Waiting! Wait for Xiao Chuihuo to explode!

Youjin said in a hurry: (¬志¬///) "Damn it! Jingming, what are you talking about over there? Can you get better? Wait a little longer, Jiangnan is coming!"

On the energy-gathering ring array, all Crystal Clan warriors exude terrifying energy fluctuations, and the space is distorted by it!

Each of them is like a small sun, the energy accumulated in the body has reached the limit that the crystal clan can bear!

Jingming finally opened his eyes, and a divine light gushed out of them!

"The energy circuit is completed, enough!"

While talking, he and Hei Si looked at each other, and both of them nodded!

On the other side, Barty was taken aback, then tilted his head to look at Odin:

(?????)???? "Do you want to hide? This wave is not easy to catch? Hiss~ These grandsons are ruthless enough, intending to hurt the enemy a thousand and hurt themselves eight hundred?"

Odin frowned, just about to speak!

Batty was stunned again: (*???) "Wait a minute! Master Xiao and the others hang up, we will notify you in the group chat later, and then we will use it too!"

Odin's face was black: -`(????????????)??-"Since you have the script in your hand...can you stop panting when you speak? Can you finish it in one breath?"

Batty rolled his eyes: "Then don't I have to look back slowly?"

I saw Bader grinning: "There's no need to hide, since they want to get the big one, we just borrowed their strength!"

Everyone looked at each other, with sinister smiles on their faces!

"Everyone! Get ready to hang up, don't be polite, show off to death and it's over!"

Badr licked his lips, and drew out his Huanyu Jingyuan dagger!

"Odin! If you are below me in the Star Hunting Ranking this time, don't blame me for slapping you in the face!"

Odin curled his lips: -`(????)?-"Just you? Forget it! You can eat farts under me! I am the first human being to break through to the Transcendent Realm, and the name of the realm is all named after me. of!"

"It's not like someone, cowardly~ I don't dare to take the creation particle for you~ Don't blind your eyes later!"

Badr: (?°?Y°?) Tsk~

The old almanac was two hundred years ago, can you stop turning it inside out?

If it weren't for the fact that you won't get any points for cutting off teammates, I would have cut you off right now!

What are you showing off?

Martin's expression froze: "Here we come!"

Hei Si roared angrily: "Deep space dark net? Bind!"

In an instant, the carbon tennis ball covering the steel army exploded, and countless carbon filaments shot out like magic snakes, extending into the starry sky!

Expand the coverage of the carbon mesh tenfold!

And the countless carbon filaments are like layers of entwined spider webs, firmly binding the territory of the Great Cathedral in place!

Crazy absorbing the energy of the Great Cathedral, at the same time, the metal force field and the universal magnetic field expanded by more than three times!

Cover the Cathedral within the control range!

They have been able to drive so big a long time ago, they just kept holding back!

In an instant, Odin and the others felt a turbulent force acting on them, as if they were about to crush their bodies!

And the flesh and blood body can't help being metalized at this moment!

Martin sneered: "Magnetic field? Heh~ Who plays with such low-level things? Do you look down on people?"

Under the action of universal gravitation, the force of the magnetic field is canceled out, and it is directly pushed out!

At the same time, Bombardier's law also played a role, trying to turn everyone into a straight man of steel? Have you asked me, Boss Pang?

The metallic color on everyone's bodies faded, and they were not affected by the two major fields at all!

And at this moment, Jingming roared angrily!

"Energy conduction! Sky crystal extinction? Crystal coffin!"

In an instant, the energy burst out from the energy-gathering ring array instantly lit up all the carbon filaments intertwined in the starry sky!

The carbon filament becomes brighter than the filament in a light bulb!

The entire deep space dark web seems to have turned into a big light bulb that is lit!

As for the carbon filaments around the Great Cathedral, all the energy gathered there and condensed into energy crystals!

However, in the blink of an eye, the Great Holy Hall has been completely sealed in it by a huge energy crystal!

Like a crystal coffin!

Jingming grinned grimly: "Aren't you going to hide? If you're too confident, that's conceited!"

"Crystal coffin? Explosion!"


In an instant, the huge energy crystal coffin surrounding the Great Holy Hall exploded!

All the energy burst out at the same moment!

Badr's eyes were cold: "Boundless restricted area? So far away!"

At this moment, Badr directly compressed the space around the Great Cathedral. The seemingly short distance was actually infinitely far away!

Even if it is a short-distance energy impact, it will take a certain amount of time to cross such a long distance and rush to the main body of the Great Cathedral!

And this long-planned explosion came too violently!

Not only is it aimed at the Cathedral, but even the Iron and Steel Group Army is shrouded in it!

The mighty energy explosion even enveloped the entire battlefield, as well as the large starry sky outside the battlefield!

It was an unparalleled explosion!

Wulu, the tungsten-armor tribe, roared angrily, and derived countless tungsten-card fairy gold shields, which were combined into spherical shields to resist the explosion!

However, even so, the tungsten card fairy gold protection was still reddened by the explosion on the face, as if it would collapse at any time!

The Iron and Steel Army is betting that the Great Sept is not able to carry it by itself!

Even if it is a way of injuring one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-inflicted injuries!

Take them down too!

Jingming didn't believe that they could withstand such a powerful energy explosion!

And at this moment, the only thing Odin and the others do is show off!

Because just got the news, Xiao Chuihuo and the others have already hung up and started fighting, and here, finally, they don't have to hide anymore!

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