Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2453 Use me as red fire! burn up the heavens

I saw the Yanlong God Emperor raised his big hand high, and he held a huge incandescent ball in the palm of his hand!

Incomparable shine!

The white ball of Xiao Chui's fire pipe is called a thermonucleus!

In the field of oriental mythology, everyone's energy was drawn by Xiao Chuihuo and flowed to the thermonucleus!

Even Qinglong Thunder Dragon Ssangyong opened its bloody mouth wide open, continuously pouring energy into it!

It was also this blow that gave Xiao Chuihuo the feeling of being able to hit a hundred times critical strike!

With the injection of energy, the thermonucleus does not become larger, but becomes smaller and smaller!

Even the radiant light is getting dimmer!

However, the atmosphere of the thermonuclear became extremely bad, and the surrounding space began to disintegrate, and disillusionment came and went!

It seems that the Great Creation Ruins cannot carry this heat core at all!

In order to store power for the thermonuclear, even the Great Yan Emperor's figure began to shrink!

Their expressions suddenly changed!

"What the hell? Damn it! Damn it! He must not be allowed to fully charge, I have an extremely bad premonition!"

"Everyone, go together and interrupt them!"

Although I don't know what the hell Xiao Chuihuo is doing, but the moves that need to consume such a huge amount of energy to release are definitely not good things!

The army of gods and gods fully exerted their strength and attacked the Yanlong God Emperor recklessly!

Try to interrupt the spellcasting!

However, the sea of ​​blood came rushing towards the eight-armed demon god, and Wang Zong, who turned into a red-haired monster, was completely mad!

On the other side, Liu Qiutian also controlled the torrent of swords, lights, swords, and shadows, slashing at the muscular monsters to buy time for Xiao Chuihuo!

The ten-star beast rushed forward, biting desperately, but the Yanlong God Emperor split into two arms again to block the ten-star beast!

As time went by, the thermonuclear became smaller and smaller, shrinking to ten kilometers in diameter!

There is no light at all, and it doesn't even emit any temperature!

But the breath became more and more terrifying, the space creaked and rattled, Xiao Chuhuo's body began to tremble!

With a difficult look, but with enthusiasm in his eyes, he looked up at the hot core!

Give it to me!

The demand for energy skyrocketed again, and everyone in the oriental mythology was almost taken out. Freya even suspended the supply of others, and fully supplied it to Xiao Chuihuo!

Although I don't know what they are doing, but the tits are over!

At this moment, outside Julang City, countless people's eyes were focused on that hot core, and they were a little confused!

What did Xiao Chuihuo do?

However, Yu Gen straightened his body, his eyes were solemn, Noah squinted his eyes, and remained silent!

Even Hei Shen, who was standing in the gap between the dimensions watching the excitement, was surprisingly quiet, looking at the hot core with a serious expression!

"This old man... so ambitious, how dare he think about it? If it can be done..."

Chong Feiyu tilted her head to look at Heishen, what do you mean? That thermonuclear is very powerful?

Didn't really notice it?

At this moment, Acrylic, who came to support from Jiangnan, didn't stop all the way, and he was rushed here!

From a distance, he saw the Yanlong God Emperor and the Eight-armed Demon God on the battlefield!

(??vyiv??:) "Hiss~ What is this fight? Fortunately, the battle has not yet collapsed, so there is still time!"

"Hold on! I'm coming!"

Acrylic accelerated again and rushed straight to the battlefield!

And at this moment, the white thermonucleus seemed to complete a transformation again, its diameter suddenly shrunk from ten kilometers to 10 centimeters!

It's about the size of a mooncake!

I saw that Xiao Chuihuo finally stopped holding the heat core high, but pressed it to his chest, still trying to compress it!

The huge body of the Yanlong God Emperor kept cracking, as if it was about to collapse!

Even Zhao Dezhu and Ye Zhenguo were startled. After experiencing it at close range, they can feel the horror of this thing even more!

What the hell did Lao Xiao come up with?

I just heard Xiao Chuihuo say with difficulty: "Wait for everyone to turn on the virtualization, I can't control this thing now, and I will make no distinction between the enemy and the enemy!"

Everyone shuddered fiercely, Master Xiao couldn't control it?


At this moment, the thermonucleus has become colorless, suspended in the starry sky so quietly, it seems that there is no space to hold it...

Xiao Chuihuo, who was still trying to compress, was shocked violently, and the Yanlong God Emperor began to collapse and lose control!

And the eight-armed demon god and the muscular giant have tore through the human blockade and killed them in!

Raise the Eternal Excalibur, and slash towards the hot core!

A look of helplessness appeared in Xiao Chuihuo's eyes, is this already the limit?

But...enough is enough!

I saw Xiao Chuihuo completely let go of the shackles on the thermonucleus, and his solemn words exploded in the starry sky!

"Thermonuclear Creation? Great Annihilation!"

The thermonuclear disturbed by a slight energy suddenly broke its own balance!

It exploded!

The starry sky was instantly lit up with extremely hot white light, and the void appeared to be glowing white!

At this moment, the thermal core of the explosion became the most shining existence in the entire Genesis Great Ruins!

Even outside the Grand Ruins of Genesis, you can notice the bright white light spot!


The nearest Yanlong God Emperor was torn into nothingness in an instant, and the temperature in the place shrouded in hot white light approached the Planck temperature limit in an instant!

It is infinitely close, not achieved!

The Planck temperature is the highest temperature in the universe reached in the first unit of Planck time of the Big Bang!

After the birth of the universe, the Planck temperature can no longer be reached, because no one can create another universe in this universe!

Even the halo of annihilation acquired by Zhong Yingxue absorbing the heart of Chiyang is only close to the Planck temperature!

Going beyond the Planck temperature is completely impossible!

The rules of the universe do not allow it!

And Xiao Chuihuo's thermonuclear creation is not just as simple as an energy explosion!

He is simulating the process of the Big Bang to create the highest temperature in the universe!

The constantly compressing hot core is exactly the singularity that Xiao Chuihuo is trying to create!

This is the only way Xiao Chuihuo can think of to reach the pinnacle!

So he went to the thermonuclear star field, that ancient star field, since the beginning of the universe, it hasn't cooled down much!

Go there and spy on the secrets of the birth of the universe!

However, with Xiao Chuihuo's current strength, it is completely impossible to create a singularity and create an unprecedented big bang!

But he also found a way to simulate this process in his own unique way!

Although it is still very rough, although it is not like that at all, fortunately, he did it!

The thermonuclear explosion is a hot and high temperature that has never been seen since the creation of the Grand Ruins!

The nearest eight-armed demon god was almost powerless to resist, and was instantly turned into nothingness by the high temperature, and the eternal artifacts were all disintegrated!

The ten-star beast melted in the blazing white light!

Under such a temperature, matter and energy will become meaningless, even if it is only for a moment, that is enough!

The huge muscular giant was instantly carbonized into carbon residue, but immediately, even the carbon residue was burned into nothingness!

No matter how strong the regenerative ability is, it can't withstand a superheated nuclear explosion!

The space expands, annihilates, and collapses. It seems that everything becomes meaningless. It is a process from being to nothing, and from nothing to being!

I don't know how many Sequence players' existences were wiped out by that instant of high temperature, and I don't know how they died!

Even the realm of oriental mythology was directly evaporated into nothingness!

Fortunately, all human beings have turned on the virtualization, otherwise we can only die with them!

The thermonuclear explosion spreads in all directions at super-light speed, radiation!

Acrylic, who was rushing to the battlefield, hadn't arrived at the place when he saw a burst of white light on the battlefield, and he couldn't see anything for a moment!

He couldn't help but quickly blocked the light with his hands, but he felt an unparalleled pain coming from his whole body, as if he was being burned!

This kind of temperature is no longer what acrylic can absorb today!

"Fuck! What's going on? Blur!"

Even though it was so far away, he still felt the terrifying power of thermonuclear!

The white light dissipated, and there was nothingness on the battlefield. The blue sky was like washing, and all substances were turned into nothingness by the terrifying high temperature in an instant!

There is silence in the starry sky, it really is a great silence!

The Divine Spirit Group Army was almost wiped out, and almost wiped out of existence as a whole!

Nothing can survive the thermonuclear explosion, all the eight-armed demon gods and muscular monsters are all gone!

Perhaps Xiao Chuihuo's move originally didn't have such a great power and such a large radiation range!

But Naihe's move triggers the hundred times crit of the fierce man's medicine, plus the bonus of the green stick!

The power of the thermonuclear explosion was pushed to the extreme peak!

Even after the big bang, the starry sky is still filled with unimaginably high temperatures, and it radiates to the surroundings, slowly cooling down!

Outside the range of the explosion, the shattered stars were all melted into a molten state by high temperature, surrounding them in a circle!

There is no sign of life in the circle anymore!

And this is the picture taken by the void image after the thermonuclear explosion!

At this moment, there are less than 100,000 serial players left in the Divine Spirit Group Army, all of whom are seriously injured!

They survived because they were on the edge of the battlefield during the thermonuclear explosion and outside the range of the explosion!

However, the strong temperature radiation still caused them to be seriously injured and dying, and they had already tried their best just to survive!

In the void, the illusory Xiao Chuihuo, Zhao Dezhu and the others emerged one by one!

Everyone looked at the clean battlefield in astonishment, feeling the undissipated heat in the starry sky!

Zhao Dezhu said blankly: Σ(°┏△┓°|||) " this really the previous battlefield? Where are the people? Where is the group army?"

Wang Dalei's scalp is numb:

(??v┏﹏┓v??) "What happened at that moment?"

I saw Xiao Chuihuo panting violently while leaning on his knees, looking at the damage he caused, he was also very shocked. Under a hundred times critical strike, could he actually increase the power of the thermonuclear explosion to such a terrifying level?

At this moment, Xiao Chuihuo's eyes were full of exhaustion:

"People? It's all turned into points, and there are still some small shrimps left, you go and clean them up, I'll take it easy, I can't move anymore!"

While talking, Xiao Chuihuo shook the fate card on his wrist!

The corners of Wang Zong's mouth twitched, is this what you mean by the final word?

This hammer is too ruthless, right? I killed you from the beginning to the end, but it can't match your collapse?

"Go! Go clean up the battlefield, it's not over yet, come on!"

Humans organized an attack again, and killed the only remaining fruit of the gods' army!

I saw Xiao Chuihuo leaning on his chin, lost in thought while watching the battlefield after the thermonuclear explosion!

There was a little dissatisfaction in his eyes, and he kept mumbling: "Isn't it right? It shouldn't be like this... Why is the light dying? There should be other things, what kind of world was created? The light is dying..."

"Is there something I didn't understand? Or did I go in the wrong direction?"

Xiao Chuihuo just stood in place and fell into deep thought. Although the blow just now had a significant effect, Xiao Chuihuo was not very satisfied because it didn't achieve the effect he expected!

And the acrylic who came back from the blur was completely stunned when he saw that humans had started to clean up the battlefield one after another!

"Didn't it mean that the situation is urgent? This horse really needs support?"

All of them collapsed in one move?

At this moment, outside Julang City, everyone looked at the screen and fell into absolute silence...

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