Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2445 As long as I am perverted enough! won't be hurt by the world

Just now, Qingke was pulling Jiangnan, and he was touched by the fairy spirit of the son of luck. After trying all means, he failed to win Jiangnan and their teammates!

Even if it is to win one!

The Immortal Kingdom of the Six Realms is too hard, and acrylic is even more powerful!

After suffering a loss in Qing Ke's hands, he thought that he was not strong, and that was the case, undoubtedly the biggest illusion!

It was just influenced by luck!

Now the son of good luck, Qing Ke, who had never been injured since childhood, was hammered into a pig's head, put in a sack, and Baba was beaten out!

(#??)?(??#) Woo~

The Triumph Army has lost its strongest means, what else can it use as a weapon against Jiangnan?

I saw Jiangnan holding the struggling sack in his arms, and divided the front and back according to his body shape!

He took a big step forward and placed the sack of Ke sideways on his lap!

At this moment, Jiang Nan's fierce face was revealed, and a big hand was raised high!


In an instant, the expressions of the Triumph Group Army all froze!


Could it be that he wants to...

Jiang Nan stared and said:

?(?°?д°?) "If you say eight petals, you will be beaten into eight petals! I, Jiangnan, will do what I say! This is the end of going against my Jiang Tianchao!"

While speaking, his big hand slapped Ke crazily on the sack!

Qing Tian said urgently: (??? Mouth??)? "Stop! Stop quickly, you?"

Qing Ke in the sack was also in a hurry, and couldn't care less about the smell, struggling frantically!

(#≥)?(≤#) "Can't take pictures! Please don't take pictures? I was wrong! I was wrong, hey!"

It can be said that it is a mess inside now, if it is photographed again, what will it be like?

And being beaten by Pipi in public? Will your own life be marked with shame?

However, Jiangnan didn't care about it at all, I will take revenge for being cool and cool!

?(?`口′)? "Ansai Waist Drum: Warp Speed ​​Dapipi ~ Ola Ola Ola!"

At this moment, Jiangnan's hands were all shooting phantoms, tens of thousands of times in a second! The crisp sound is like a 30,000-ring woodpecker that finishes playing in a second!

Qing Ke:! ! !

_(?口?#」∠)_"Ahh! Jiangnan! Wait for me! Wait, you~"

[The resentment value from Qingke +1010! ]

[From Qing Ke...]

Qing Tian was in a hurry: "Jiangnan! Stop it! If you have something to say, say it well, as long as you can return the saint to us, my Xinggeng clan will promise you anything? You can just withdraw from the competition!"

The existence of Qing Ke is too important to the Xinggeng Clan. The reason why they dare to put Qing Ke in the arena is because she is the child of luck, so there is no need to worry about her safety at all!

Even if you can't beat Jiangnan, you can get away smoothly!

Who knows that facing Jiangnan, even Qingke's good luck is useless?

Was caught?

This is really a big loss!

However, Jiangnan didn't stop holding his hands, and said with a sneer, "If it's in my hands, it's mine. How to deal with it, kill or not! I'm so confused!"

"Since you have chosen to trouble me, you should be mentally prepared for the worst. It's just a winner and a loser!"

"I'm sorry to tell you that your big hunting trip is over!"

At this moment, the hearts of everyone in the Triumph Army sank to the bottom, their bodies and minds were cold!

It's really unlucky, but even if he chooses to face the Bose body directly, it will only have the same result, because he is the overlord of the starry sky, and if he wears small shoes, the loss will only be greater!

In other words, from the moment He Ye came to the door with Hiiragi, has the fate of the Triumph Army come to an end?

As for cooperating with humans, it's even more impossible, because humans don't need to form an alliance with the group army at all, it's just a burden, and it will slow down the efficiency of humans obtaining high points!

Jiangnan secretly transmitted the voice: "I still have 21 minutes of lucky time, and I will be unlucky afterwards. During this time, I will win the Triumph Army!"

"Minimize external influence, time is running out, hurry up!"

Everyone's heart tightened, Xiao Nan ate the little cherry, and even chewed Yanling chewing gum, no one knew what would happen!

It's better to win the Triumph Army as soon as possible!

So after they all drank a bottle of green sticks, the harvesting began!

On the other hand, Jiang Nan played with his hands. Didn't expect that he still has a good percussion talent?

Wait...Qing Ke was beaten by herself and her aunt came, right?

Then this wave of Ansai waist drums didn't his luck turn bad?

Thinking of this, Jiang Nan shuddered fiercely. It's all right, so to speak, there are layers of sacks!

Even if Qing Ke has evolved into Jin Kela now, he still can't bury himself?

And Qing Ke in the sack has gone through several stages of cycles of anger, anger, despair, begging for mercy, anger, struggle, begging for mercy, etc., and has been completely numb!

_(?????#」∠)_"Woo~ Don’t hit me anymore, it’s really eight petals, and the garlic doesn’t have as many petals as I have. You can hit me too, please don’t hit me. The clansman strikes!"

"I brought them here. It's all my idea. It has nothing to do with them?"

While Qing Ke was being beaten, she kept talking non-stop, but it was a pity that the voice could not be heard in the dumb sack!

Qing Tian and the others can only judge that Qing Ke is still alive by relying on the still wriggling sack!

Wang Youzhi smirked: (〃???) "You really dare to do it? This is the son of luck. Your good luck is only temporary. When your good luck passes, other people's luck will still be there!"

"Aren't you afraid that after you attack someone, you will be killed when your luck passes?"

When the son of luck is online, luck is still quite tricky!

There was a gloomy smile on Jiang Nan's face:

(?????) "Afraid of a fart? As long as the fate of the child of luck is still in my hands, she will die if I die! Only if I live her!"

"Her luck will naturally protect me in order to keep her alive! As long as I am perverted enough, I won't be hurt by the world!"

Wang Youzhi: =????(?口?????)…

Sounds so reasonable? I couldn't refute it for a while!

I saw Jiangnan roaring, and rushed straight to the Kaixuan Group Army. The Void Chain in his hand stretched out and tied it to the mouth of the sack!

Facing the overwhelming torrent of skills, Jiang Nan threw out the chain sack in his hand from the phantom!


"Take a trick from me! Meteor hammer, son of luck!"

Qingtian:! ! !

(??口?)? "No! Don't wow! My saint! You can't..."

However, at the moment when the sack meteor hammer hit the past, under the protection of luck, those skills suddenly went into chaos and began to influence each other!

It moved the whole body with a single hair, and before it hit it, it exploded into a gorgeous flame in the starry sky!

None of them came back!

Jiang Nan's eyes are bright, the luck weapon is really awesome, okay?

I am still in the lucky time, this can't be wasted!

?(?°?д°?)? "At this level, you still dare to hit me? You bunch of hot chicks!"

As soon as these words came out, all the men in the Triumph Army uttered miserable screams like screaming chickens, bowed their cat waists collectively, shivered, and their faces turned pale!

(???????(???????(???????(???????) Yo Ho Ho ~

Is Jiang Devil really a devil?

What cruel and inhuman curses did he say with his words? He?

So spicy!

Jiangnan laughed loudly:

(??????)? "Just you bunch of bastards, who gave you the courage to fight against me? Are you looking for death?"

The words spirit came into play again, and the Triumph Army suddenly went into a mess, and they really started to get involved with each other, didn't they?

Grabbing each other's tricks, they looked hideous!

(???|||) "Yo ho ho ho ho ~ what are you doing to me? Let go! Let me go, you?"

(|||? Yi?)? "I... I can't control myself? Didn't you also talk about me?"

"Give it up! Let it go! It's a shame!"

"Let go first, at worst, we will die together!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and if there was no one around, they could only talk about themselves!

Under the double attack of spicy chicken and bullshit, how can the triumphant army have any fighting power?

Not to mention there are still courting death!

(??'Yi?')? "Ahhh~ Where is the death! Where is the death?"

The red-eyed group army rushed towards the acrylic uncontrollably!

Acrylic: ? ? ?

Are you looking for death on me? Then I can only reluctantly send you to die!

At this moment, Jiangnan is holding a meteor hammer, the son of luck, and the exit is dirty. The two-dimensional plane above his head receives the punishment from heaven, and expands wildly in the Triumph Army!

And the triumphant group army with a large number of people left, because of the pressure from Jiangnan and all kinds of vicious words, collapsed on the spot, and began to attack people around them, and finally harvested a wave of points for the race!

Jiangnan's total personal points started to skyrocket again!

At this moment, Jiangnan's gaze fell on Qingtian, his gaze was intense!

Qingtian:! ! !

"Withdraw! Retire all for me, crush your life cards and withdraw!"

"Ah? Let's withdraw now? Although the saint has been arrested, it is impossible for us to beat Jiangnan, but we are ready to sacrifice, so let's earn another wave of points for the race!"

"Yeah? If you can still kill a wave of teammates, even if you die here, I'm willing!"

Qingtian gritted his teeth tightly: "It's useless to stay, and the saint can't be saved. How long can you and I live in the chaos? We will be targeted by Jiangnan, and how many points can you kill?"

"The big hunter is behind, and it's time to catch up in the sequence of offensive and defensive battles, but if the saint can't be rescued, it's all over!"

"If you can't get through here in Jiangnan, then go negotiate with the human race! Let's go..."

The Xinggeng clan is decisive, they leave as soon as they say, without any nostalgia!

Jiang Nan just squinted his eyes, watching Qingtian and the others teleport away, he didn't have to leave them there! With the blood of the Xinggeng clan on your hands, it's hard to talk about it!

It is impossible to get back the Son of Luck without bleeding, and the initiative is in my own hands!

Outside Julang City, on the Sequential Throne, St. York, Chong Qianjin and Chenmu all looked ugly!

Depend on! Did even the Son of Luck fall into Jiangnan's hands?

The son of luck couldn't just pass Jiangnan in his peak period?

Who else can cure him?

According to this situation, the Triumph Group Army will be eaten by Jiangnan in a short time, and then Jiangnan will have the opportunity to support other human teams!

Damn, can they hurry up?

If it is not possible to shave three teams, it is also possible to shave two teams?

hurry up! Hurry up!

On the other hand, the face of the Xinggeng clan is extremely ugly. It's over, and the saints are all in the hands of Jiangnan. How can this be good?

No matter what, you can't just let Qingke fall into Jiangnan's hands like this, or it will be over!

After Qingtian and the others came back, they joined the support group of the Xinggeng clan and headed straight for the human mechanical empire battleship!

Lost on the field, now they can only negotiate outside the field! Chapter error, click here to submit (registration free),

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