Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2442 She can do it! me too

Seeing that Jiangnan could still scream, Qingke's scalp was numb. Being restricted to such a level, she was blasted by so many devil explosion peppers just because of her physical fitness!

Can it still be so lively?

I saw Qing Ke's expression froze: "Jiangnan's life card is broken!"

As she speaks, golden speech bubbles are generated again!

But this time, the speech bubble did not turn into golden light and shatter, but turned into black and exploded!

Qing Ke's pretty face suddenly turned pale, and she took two steps back abruptly, obviously being bitten by the backlash!

"Isn't that right?"

The great divine speech technique is not omnipotent, it can only turn some possible things into certain things according to the current situation!

Coupled with the help of my own luck against the weather, it made the divine word technique extremely powerful!

But once you utter the divine words that cannot be realized, you will suffer fatal backlash from bad luck!

However, abnormality is abnormality in that Qing Ke is the child of luck, even if he suffers the backlash of bad luck from the great divine words, he will not show it immediately!

Instead, it was covered up by the overwhelming luck, and the bad luck was pushed back, but this does not mean that the bad luck will not come!

But no power comes for nothing!

When you gain something, you will lose something!

Perhaps in the eyes of others, the son of luck is infinitely beautiful, favored by the world, and envied by countless people!

But only Qing Ke knows the real situation, everyone's luck has a limit! Total!

The same is true for the children of luck, but there will be more than others, but the total amount is there!

Others just distribute their luck evenly throughout their lives, and they will run out of luck!

But the son of luck is different, all of Qing Ke's luck is concentrated and piled up in the first half of life!

So she is extremely lucky, it has been like this since she was born, even when she was disobedient when she was a child, if her mother yelled at her, her mother would become unlucky and hurt...

Qing Ke can't control this!

She can feel where the limit of her total luck is, and she can even feel the passing of luck!

One day, Qing Ke's good luck will be completely exhausted, and she will no longer be favored by the world!

Become plagued by bad luck, become a broom star that everyone hates, and the bad luck of the great magic word will also explode when Qingke's luck is exhausted!

She will spend the rest of her life with such bad luck, maybe she will die sometime...

Qing Ke can't control all of these.

So she has no pursuits, no struggles, and the mind of being famous in the stars, her ending is doomed to be tragic, and she will not die!

She just wants to plant the fields, watch the life she created thrive, and pass it on. She just wants to make her race and homeland better during the days when she is lucky and not unlucky...

The child of luck is a kind of luck, but it is also a curse.

Qing Ke has no complaints in her heart, as much honor and admiration as she has to bear, she has to bear as much disgust and resentment!

At least I have lived a life that others cannot envy. As for what will happen to me after my luck is exhausted, it doesn't matter, because that day will eventually come...

However, since facing Jiangnan, Qing Ke can feel that her luck is being crazily consumed!

The total amount can't help but decrease!

Is it necessary to consume so much luck just to keep oneself from dying?

How strong is Jiangnan?

The longer you entangle with Jiangnan, the sooner your luck will run out!

He must be defeated as fast as possible!

Under close combat, I have no chance at all, but fortunately I am not alone!

"Big-mouthed piranha! Uncle Qingtian! Send the crazy people over!"

I saw Qing Ke kept throwing the devil explosive pepper to prevent Jiang Nan from approaching!

On the other hand, he took out a large handful of seeds from the seed bag and threw them out!

The seeds soared and turned into giant swinging piranhas!

On the other side, Qingtian roared angrily: "Wait! Here we come!"

While speaking, he pulled out his waist directly, and suddenly pulled out a long-handled slingshot made of blue branches, similar to the one used by Usopp!

With a sharp pull, the bow is like a full moon!

"Target locked? Crazy race! Must kill? Twin piranhas!"

While speaking, the piranha seeds shot out directly, drew a beautiful arc in the starry sky, and automatically navigated to the area where the mad race was located!

The piranha seed opened its bloody mouth wide, swallowed the entire Berserk battle group, swallowed it fiercely, and then withered!

At the same time, in Qing Ke's domain, the piranha vomited directly!

Spit out 10,000 berserk warriors, and even teleported them directly!

Qing Ke hurriedly said: "Come on, Jiangnan can only fight with his body now, without the ability to release spiritual power, you will definitely be able to do it, remember not to leave my lucky day field!"

Ren Xingye, the leader of the mad clan, let out a smirk!

"Can't use skills? Haha! What's the difference between the fifth natural disaster and a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out?"

"Berserk warriors, don't weaken the reputation of our berserkers! Collective berserk!"

"Boom boom boom!"

A streak of red light lit up on the berserk warriors, everyone was inflicting berserk, and the superposition of the group, the bonus was extremely terrifying!

"Strengthen your body, increase your movement speed, and increase your defense! Charge me!"

At this moment, ten thousand berserkers turned into a torrent and rushed straight to the south of the Yangtze River!

If there were no Nether Clan around, the Crazy Clan might be able to get the strongest body under the stars!

In the endless flames, Jiang Nan's body rushed out like a bloody cannonball. In order to prevent the pepper noodles from confusing his eyes, Jiang Nan closed his eyes and tied a piece of cloth over his eyes like Bai Kou!

Without vision, Jiangnan still has terrifying spiritual power!

This is unlimited!

Ren Xingye rushed over in the first place!

"Let me see and see, how capable is the fifth natural disaster?"

"Galaxy Fist!"

Its huge fist was covered with a thick layer of starlight, and it went straight to Jiangnan's head!

However, Jiang Nan didn't dodge or dodge, and even bumped up against Ren Xingye's fist!

Ren Xingye's pupils shrank suddenly, did he look down on people? Are you going to compare your physical fitness with my Mad Clan?

At this moment, I saw Jiangnan stepping forward and punching!

"Shunpo! 108 nail fists in one? Nail gun!"


There was a bang, and the ripples of power spread fiercely, accompanied by the crisp sound of bones breaking!

I saw that Ren Xingye's fist was smashed like a vulnerable dough, and under the force of 108 punches, his entire arm was blown to pieces!

Ren Xingye's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief!

This is impossible!

However, Jiangnan stepped forward!

"Elbow Cannon? City Charge Cannon!"


Ren Xingye's chest sank directly, and then a blood hole the size of a millstone exploded, and his whole body was blown away like a bloody meteor!

It even blasted away a lot of mad warriors, and flew past Qing Ke's side with a whoosh sound!

She was so scared that she ran away quickly!

Jiang Nan shook his numb arm, tilted his head and took a sip!

"On this level? Beat me? Daydreaming?"

At this moment, the berserk warriors collectively lost their voices, and all of them looked at Jiangnan in horror!

Is there any mistake, Ren Xingye's physical fitness is already extremely top-notch among the Mad Clan, otherwise he wouldn't be the leader!

But was directly broken by Jiangnan's physical attack?

As a space system, but with physical fitness, rubbing against the ground the crazy people who are famous for their physical strength in the starry sky?

It was outrageous, they even felt humiliated!

The humiliation of being instantly defeated in the field of expertise!

Ren Xingye's eyes are full of despair, does Jiangnan have no weaknesses? How could his physical fitness be so perverted?

"Go! Come on with me!"

At this moment, the berserkers directly launched a siege to Jiangnan!

However, Jiangnan moved crazily with Shunbu, combined with the Nether Eight Forms, violently beat up the berserk warriors, and just retreated head-on and sent them flying!

Each of the berserk warriors was like a piece of dirt that had been blown away, and they couldn't help flying backwards after being hammered!

Qing Ke's pretty face was pale, and Jiang Nan couldn't be overwhelmed by the madness?

How can a person be powerful in all directions without dead ends?

She can only sit on the sidelines and use the great divine words to crazily think about it!

(???﹏??)? "Jiangnan's hands cramped, Jiangnan's legs were mixed, Jiangnan was beaten..."

Under Qing Ke's broken thoughts, Jiang Nan took a lot of punches, but at the level of a madman, he couldn't break his own defense at all!

However, Jiangnan, who was constantly being talked about, was still full of anger, and the mad people immediately became the target of venting, and they were hammered everywhere!

Wanting to stop Jiangnan with madmen is nothing but a dream!

Seeing that Jiangnan is about to break through the defense line of the mad clan!

Qing Ke was so anxious that she couldn't help saying hastily:

(??????)? "Jiangnan breaks the defense, breaks the defense, breaks the defense!"

Under the continuous chanting, the words spirit played a role again!

When the golden light exploded, the source quality starlight armor that had withstood many attacks was finally overwhelmed, and the armguard was smoking, unable to maintain its original shape!

I saw Jiangnan's clothes suddenly turned into source metal and scattered, completely scrapped!

Jiangnan, who was in the middle of the battle, felt a chill all over his body, and his expression froze immediately!


At this moment, Jiangnan directly met each other frankly!

When the wind blows cool, it is cold, social death!

You know, Jiangnan's clothes are all transformed from the source quality armor!

The battle armor was scrapped, and the clothes naturally disappeared as well!

All the berserk warriors stared wide-eyed, gasped and lit up, and their wills were hit by tons of critical blows again!

∑(?口?#) This, this, this...

Jiangnan is ridiculously strong in every aspect! Hey!

Qing Ke's eyes widened suddenly, and then she quickly covered her cheeks!

(?)﹏(ヾ) "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

Break the defense! It's not about breaking the defense! Hey! How did you lose your clothes?

Jiangnan:! ! !

Lai Lai, this is an all-star live broadcast. Hey, I don't want to lose face, do I?

on purpose! You did it on purpose, right?

Fortunately, Jiangnan reacted quickly, and directly used evil energy to solidify his armor, covering his whole body!

"You're the only one who would say yes? My company is dead, and you want to live in vain!"

How can Jiangnan care so much at this moment?

He took out a piece of Yanling chewing gum and stuffed it into his mouth!

(???Yi??)? "You fart! Make it louder! Qingke pulls his pants pocket!"

Jiang Nan, who ate Yanling gum, tried to make Qing Ke die with him, and die together!

However, Jiangnan still underestimated Qing Ke's luck protection!

Yanling chewing gum is always ineffective. Qing Ke is so lucky, wouldn't it be more difficult for her to be tricked than to go to heaven?

On the other hand, Qing Ke slapped fiercely, and Shente pulled his trouser pocket!

What a vicious curse is this!

Compared to trouser pockets, chili noodles seem a bit childish if you confuse your eyes?

Jiangnan, who doesn't believe in evil, crazily exports dirty things!

(?°? Mouth°?) "Qing Ke is so vicious! Qing Ke sneezes and blows out big snot bubbles, or sprays out crystal pendants!"

However, Qing Ke still didn't respond!

Jiang Nan was furious, if I don't come back for revenge, I will be blue and thin!

Fight! If you don't take this revenge, you won't be a human being!

While speaking, he directly took out a lucky little cherry and stuffed it into his mouth to eat!

You are lucky, right?

Let me show you what luck is!

Although Baby System has warned, Yan Ling chewing gum cannot be taken with Lucky Cherry!

But Qing Ke can be lucky and talk smart at the same time!

Why can't I?

She can? I can do it too!

[(¬﹏¬????) Don’t stop baby talking, I’m suffering in front of my eyes~噫~]

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